the lost princess episode 2 & 3

©Sir Zach


“Geez am sorry” says the voice with the foreign accent, he looked down to see a pair of beautiful eyes staring back at him.

Annabelle was speechless while taking in the stranger in front of her, “so handsome” she thought,he was clad in Toxido suit with black Italian shoe, so official.

Both stand still, staring at each other.
She takes in a de-eper breath and apologize again “Am sorry”

Max only scrowl at her.

“I…….am de-eperly sorry, I didn’t mean to bump at you” she apologized yet again.

Max took a good look at her and yell at her”Are you blind?,huh what kind of clumsy lady is this?”.

“What?” She asked dumbstruck.

“Get the hell out of my way lady”he yelled again.

Ann stood her ground stubbornly.

“What is wrong with you lady, don’t you hear me, I have no time for all these ru-bbish”he yelled

“Just,just, just shut the off ok, haven’t I apologized. And you went on ranting like an idiot”Ann replied staring daggers at him.

“Are you seriously talking to me like that?”he asked bewildered.

“What? I really hate your guts. Who the hell are you?”she yelled.

The whole reception gasped and there was total silence..

“What? You really said that to my face?”.

“Gosh I got no time for losers like you, just off” she walked out on him and went to sit beside another applicant like her.

Max glared at her for what seems like forever before marching into the conference room.

Ann tried to start a conversation with the applicant beside her but the lady stared at her like she had grown two heads.

“Gosh” she muttered angrily”what is wrong with these Nigerian idiots”.

She was later called inside when it was her turn. When she entered she was shocked when she saw Maxwell sitting with the interviewers, but she braced up and compose herself.

“Hi” she greeted, she looked at Max and found him sm-irking evilly at her which she gladly returned with a glare.

“Good morning” she greeted.

“Please have your sit ma’am”.

“Am Annabelle Richard”.

“Please pa-ss the copy of your CV to the lady in front of you”

Ann did as she was told.

“Interesting, your CV says that you graduated with first cla-ss in business administration in Standford University,is that true? ” One of the interviewers asked.

“Yes sir” she replied.

“But why did you come to Nigeria? I mean , you will have a lot of companies abroad seeking for your service” the man asked.

“Yes, it has a personal reason though, but coupled with the fact that am a Nigerian, I will like to exercise my ability into the development of my nation, that’s the economic aspect, I believe that I will be of great help to this country and this company at large”she replied smiling.

“Well you sound convincing”the man elucidated.

“Miss, you said it’s a personal reason”Max asked.

“Yes”she replied.

“So if it’s not a personal reason, you won’t come back to Nigeria, I can’t employ a person who does not have pa-ssion for what they are doing” he said irritatedly.

Ann scoffed and replied”sir am so sorry if this seems so rude to you, but am sure everyone here knows the meaning of personal and there’s nothing strange in what I said and have already justify my self,if I don’t have pa-ssion for this job then what did I have huh? I won’t be here in the first place”.

“Now that’s rude” one of the interviewers commented.

“Pardon my manners ms” she apologized.

“Now let get on to the interview” Max informed “a-ssuming you are on your way in or out of your office and you bumped into a client, though you didn’t know he was your client and the client turned out to be the insultive type, what will you do?”.

The people at the table Shared a look, definitely Max is up to something, one of them tried to protest.

“Mr David, don’t start” he warned Max smi-rked” you lady I got you wrapped in my finger” he thought to himself.

Annabelle took a de-eper breath then she smiled sweetly at him and replied
”Actually sir it’s based on the situation in which I found myself. If it happens that my client is the snobbish type that thought everyone was at his/her bay and call then I will not hesitate to give him a piece of my mind that’s after i have apologized and the client decided to rain insult at me”.

“Well” Mr David said “you don’t cease to amaze me, any way you can take your leave,we will call or send a text to you soon”.

Max was so stunned “wow”he muttered “this girl will surely be a pain in the a-ss and to crown it all she stylishly insulted me but she’s a bit rude,who the hell is she?”.

“You can go miss, we will get back to you” .

“Yes sir”. She walked out of the office

“Mr Anderson, we have come to the end of the interview and it’s time to choose the name of eligible candidates”said Mr David.

“Ok, give me their names so I can sign their letters” Max replied.

“Okay sir these are the names”.

“Tell Becky to send them the messages before midnight and yeah they are to start with immediate effect. That reminds me Adiva has resigned so I need another a-ssistant” .

“Ok sir” he replied.

“Meeting dismissed”he said.

On getting outside,Ann picked up her phone and called her mum.

“Hello sunshine, I dropped my car on my way here remember?, Please send someone to pick me up, ……….ok mom I will wait….. Haa,no mum not not going to run….. alright bye.

“Mum I know am not supposed to run but what can I do,I don’t want to be late for the interview” Ann replied her mother who will not stop worrying for her daughter.

“Anna you know you just arrived to the country and I don’t want you to get lost in the street”.

“Mum “she smiled”it’s ok ,am ok you don’t need to be worried,afterall am not lost besides am a big girl”.

“Anna sweetie, you know I don’t like it when you say you are a big girl, you are still my little girl”her mum replied.

She moves towards her mum and hug her”I love you mum”.
How do you feel if the guy or lady you admire was very rude to you, how do handle the situation?

Do we like how Ann handle the situation?

©Sir Zach


She woke up as early as 5am, but she couldn’t meet up with the time on her schedule,she was supposed to be at the office at 7:00am but she was late. she grabbed a bit of her breakfast of bread and tea,then she rushed out.

“Ann take your lunch with you”her mum called after her

“Mum am late already, I will grab one at the restaurant”she yelled.

She suddenly remembered that her car has not been fixed then she rushed back inside.

“Mum I need one of the car keys, my car is not in the garage”she yelled.

“Ok dear am coming with it”she replied.

“Mum what’s up with all the noise in this house” Bella asked.

Bella is Annabelle immediate elder sister,she is twenty six and also a doctor.

“Bella, you know you make more noise than your sister”her mother teased.

“Mum please where is the key am running late” she elucidated.

“Anna good morning, this is my key you can take my car”Bella offered.

“Good morning sis, but are you not on duty?”Annabelle asked.

“Nah, don’t worry,it my day off you can take it don’t be late, grab some pizza for me while coming back” she replied.

“Thanks sis you are the sweetest,I love you,bye mum I love you too”.

Max picked up his Telecom and called his secretary.

“Good morning sir”the secretary greeted.

“Where the hell is my personal a-ssistant?, I thought one was selected to be my a-ssistant, where’s the fu.cking person”he yelled.

“Am sorry sir” the secretary stuttered.

“Connect me to the MD now”he yelled again.

“Ok sir just a minute”the secretary said.

After a minute.

“Sir you are connected with him”she informed.

“Mr David what is the meaning of this shit”he bellowed”I told you I need a personal a-ssistant and you knew Adiva is not here again, who is gonna fix my schedule?huh?”.

“Hmm I actually a-ssign someone with the name Anabelle Richa-rd and she’s supposed to be here this morning”Mr David replied calmly.

“Ok..I …….. Before he could complete his sentence Ann walked in “Mr David I will get back to you later”.

“OMG” she gushed.

“Are you the new personal a-ssistant” Max yelled.

“Yeah am Anabelle, good morning sir”she greeted

Max stood up from his sitting position towards her”well well well see who is here today? coming late at your first day at work when you talked about pa-ssion” He mocked.

“Hmm….” she stuttered at him … “sorry I came late sir”.

“Get me my coffee”he yelled.

“Sorry?”she asked confused.

“Is that not your job, you are my fu.cking PA, get me my coffee”he yelled.

“Hmm”she rolled her eyes at him without moving.

“Miss Richa-rd I just pa-ssed an order across and don’t roll your eyes at me again”he warned.

“Excuse me sir”Ann replied while fighting the urge to roll her eyes”There are just two people in this room and besides am a human being like you and I won’t like it if you adress me like a dog, nobody shout at me, fine am late but am sorry” she resorted calmly.

“What?” Max stared at her in shock.

“Mr Max how do you want your coffee, sugar or no sugar?”she asked sweetly.

“Huh?no sugar”she swallowed.

“Ok sir” she replied walking majestically out of the office.

“Gosh what just happened, how can she talk to me like that I’m her boss for pete sake,I really hate her guts” he fumed

Anabelle walked in holding a cu-p of coffee which she placed on the table “this is the coffee you requested for” she informed.

“Sit” he ordered staring hardly at her. “Ms Richa-rd am a disciplinarian and I don’t take nonsense from my staff ok? I signed your call up letter and I can also sign your termination letter, I paid my workers to be ha-rd working and not the other way around, I won’t tolerate shit from you and mind you, you don’t talk back at me ok? These are my daily schedules, lunch by 2pm, no business trip on Fridays and lastly I love my coffee hot not cold, now you can leave”.

Ann smi-rked as she stood up from the chair she was sitting on “ok sir”she smiled brightly “please where’s my office?”.

“Oh that reminds me, your desk is opposite this room,I have a board meeting this morning by 11am and I expect you to be prepared and mind you you must finish sorting the files on your desk before 11am, you can go.”

“Ok sir” she replied and walk out

“Gosh” she exclaimed on getting out of the office “how can he bombard me with work on my first day at work,he is so annoying”.
Who else felt Max is too rude.

Did Ann thought she came to play on her first day?