the king and I 2 episode 29 & 30

(He’s a psychopath
But still mine)


Written by: Eunice Nwodu Ifunanya


Sir Blade’s pov⚔
I sat patiently in the car waiting for the @$$@$$in. I kept tapping on the steering wheel as I thought about what I was about to do.

I think it’s not necessary to kill Dawn.

She have saved us from early death and destruction so I’m going to spare her life.

But then…she’ll be on her own after I’m done telling the king about everything.

The car door opened and he entered and surprisingly he was wearing a mask.

“I don’t un-derstand sir…what are you doing in Euphoris. You drove throu-ghout the night?” He asked puzzled.

I smi-rked.

“I’m a warrior. No harm can come upon me at night as long as I still have my hands” I replied.

He nodded and removed his mask.

“So…what are your plans now?”.

I sighed and adjusted on the seat.

“I’ve transfered your pay to your bank account but I want you to spare the princess. I dont want her dead anymore” I revealed and he furrowed his brows.

“Seriously?? Why are you doing this sir?”

“My reasons are best known to me. Now go, I have a court meeting to get to” I chided and he wore back his mask.

He shook my hand before leaving the car.
I made a signal and one of my guards shot him right on his forehead.

He dropped dead on the floor and i scoffed.

He’s so stupid…
I started the car and drove off.

Dawn’s pov?
“There’s something I nee-d to tell you, your majesty” I said nervously.

“Does It have to be now?” He asked taking his phone from the table.

I gulped ru-b-bing my sweaty hands together.
I nodded slowly and he sighed.

“Go on…” He muttered.

I tried to form the right words…
How do I f•••king start??


*your highness! The council is outside already and so are the guards*
A de-ep voice interrupted me.

I glanced at the door as my eyes welled up.
The king looked at it too and turned back at me.

“Continue” He said taking the remaining phones from the table.

I tried to go on but I completely lost my voice. It seemed like it had disappeared into thin air.

It felt like telling someone special you never wanted to disappoint a de-ep secret.
And Lots of things could change immediately you rele-ase the words.

*your highness!*
The voice came again.

I shuddered and clenched onto the nightie I wore. I can’t do this!

“I’m waiting, Anna” He cooed and I shrunk the more.
I folded my li-ps and fixated my eyes to the floor.

*King Lee*
Two voices said at once.

Oh God!
I can’t do it.

“Save it for later” He muttered.

He turned around and walked out of the room. I sat miserably on the floor and began crying.
I couldn’t do it…

King Lee’s pov?
I walked out of the room and met up with the guards.

Arriving outside, i could hear the council murmuring like hungry beggars.

?Good morning, your highness
?Good morning, your Majesty
?You are here, My Lord…

I heard different voices say but I ignored them and headed straight to the opened car.
I sighed and ru-bbed my forehead.
Let’s get this day over with.

Sir Blade’s pov?
I arrived at the court and stepped out of the car.

The council had arrived and I caught sight of the king walking into the court.

The escorts were too much and I couldn’t help but envy him.

He’s so young but is already everything I hoped to achieve now that I’m getting old.

“Sir Blade!” I heard from behind and turned to see an old friend.

“Sir Omini” I besumed as well half hu-gged.

“Long time. What are you doing here, friend?” He asked and I smiled.

“I just wanted to have audience with the king about something…” I explained as we went into the court together.

“Alright brother. We’ll talk more after this is over” He said and we hu-gged again.

I took a seat somewhere secluded watching the whole court from afar.
5 minutes break was given for more cases to be arrive.

The court was filled up with important subjects and journalists too.

The only thing I aimed was to get a chance to talk to King Lee.

I finally had my chance…
He walked out of the restroom accompanied with his guards and I approached him.

“Your highness, I’m Sir Blade from Muzana. The one who escorted the princess to your castle” I introduced with a bow.

He didn’t say a word but just stare at me.

“I don’t want to keep this from you any longer….its about princess Anna—”

He raised his hand signalling me to stop talking and bit my tongue.

“If you want to have this conversation with me, come to my castle” He said and walked out with his guards.

Didn’t he just hear what I said?

(He’s a psychopath
But still mine)


Written by: Eunice Nwodu Ifunanya


Dawn’s pov?
I wasn’t able to sleep tonight. I just sat on the bed waiting for King Lee to come back from the court.

I’m not so sure of how I’m going to face him after what happened in the morning.
And I also hope he’s not mad at me.

I stood by the window watching how lights from near and afar beautified the midnight.

I know mom’s going to be asleep by now. She works so ha-rd everyday.
I’ll go and see her tomorrow cause I’ll confess everything to the King tonight.

He’d probably kick me out of the palace.

I love him so much but I’m also ready to loose him if that’s the price I’ll pay for lying to him.
Besides, he was never meant for me.

Its the real princess that should be here right now – In this night dress and beside this window waiting for her husband to come home.

I can’t keep living someone else’s life.

What about mine? Who’s gonna live my own life???
I snapped out of the dark thoughts when the castle gates opened and different cars dashed into the surrounding.

He’s back.

I stood there watching him come down from the car and enter the house.

I decided to practice how I’d speak…

*King Lee, I never meant to lie, but I’m not Anna*


*Your highness, Anna killed herself, the person right in front of you is Dawn*

Too coded…
I sighed and cleared my throat.

*How would you feel if you found out that i wasn’t really princess Anna?*

Thats ridiculous.
I can’t start by questioning him…

The door opened and I staggered backwards. My heart rate became fas-ter than it should be and I quivered silently.

He strolled into the room looking tired and drained.

I rushed to him and helped him with his phones and watch.

“Thanks” He muttered and walked past me to the wardrobe.

I dropped the things on his desk and notices my hands were shaking.

Oh God…
The guards closed the door and I began to wonder, *is it too late to go to my room and forget telling him?*

“Anna, come here” He said walking sluggishly to his bed.
He had already changed into an adorable T shirt and shorts.

I dragged my feet to him and he pulled my hand making me sit on the bed.

“I got you the ne-cklace…” He whispered and unfolded his left hand.

It was a gold ne-cklace – so elfin and beautiful.

I took it from his hand and held it up.

I’m so gonna faint if I see the name ‘Annaliese’ there.

I glanced at it.
It was *Lee* that was carved on it.

Oh God! Its so beautiful.

“Your name was too long” He pouted and I chuckled.

“I like it like this…thank you, King Lee” I said and he smiled.

He took it from me and hung it around my ne-ck.

“I want to go take a shower but…let’s talk about what you wanted to tell me” He said and held my hand.
“I’m waiting…” He added.

I gulped and finally found my voice.

“I did something bad, your highness” I stated with a cracked voice.

I couldn’t ba-re maintaining eye contact so I stared at the floor.

“I…I’m a healer. I…I was born with it and I’m…not a princess, speak more of being Anna…I’m just…from the village…” I paused and let the tears drop.

There was dead silence and my only wish was for the ground to open and swallow me up…

“Who are you then?” He asked icily.

I gathered up courage and began narrating everything to him and most especially, how I came to the castle.
Dawn’s mother’s pov?
I walked feebly to the table with my left hand on my tummy.

I have the feeling that I won’t survive this illness. I’m going to have to die without Dawn her with me.

I sat on the seat with so much effort and pains surging throu-ghmy veins.

I grabbed the pen slowly and dropped my hand on the paper.
Tears streamed down my face as I began writing a note for Dawn.

*My dear baby girl, I don’t know why you left me but if I did something that caused you to leave, please forgive me. And please forgive your father too for leaving us to suffer alone. I might be dead by the time you read this but just know, that I love you so much and I wish the best for you*

I dropped the pen and Gr0-ned..

I have to be strong for Dawn. I want to see her again. I’m sure I’ll see her again before I die.

I will endure the pain and won’t give up yet.