The hollen series episode 24 & 25

?‍?‍?‍??‍?‍?‍??‍?‍?‍?EPISODE 24?‍?‍?‍??‍?‍?‍??‍?‍?‍?

Emma’s POV

I was afraid of falling over if I stood up. I was
so light-headed and dizzy; but, then, Mr.
Hollen asked me to dance. I looked at him,
trying to show him that I was now a dizzy light
weight, but didn’t want to be rude in front of
his grandmother. I recalled, looking at her
closer, that she was the same woman I’d seen
at the park who left the newspaper behind.
Mr. Hollen held out his hand and I took it. He
led me to a dance floor where over a hundred
couples were dancing as well. He wra-pped his
arm around my lower back and pu-ll-ed me
closer to him as we began swaying slowly to
the music. I’d never danced like that before so
I stepped on his shoes a couple of times, and
the alcohol wasn’t helping. I la-id my head on
his ha-rd che-st, saving my balance. His manly
scent tingled in my nostrils as I inhaled
de-eply. I was so comfortable in his strong
arms; I instantly felt like no one else existed
around us. It was just us and the music.
I hvgged him ti-ghtly.
“Excuse me, may I have this dance with my
son?” Mrs. Hollen interrupted.
I pu-ll-ed away from him. “Of course,” I
answered, a bit shortly, and allowed her to
take my place.
I began to make my way back to the table
throu-gh the crowd. I pas-sed a couple who
were dancing, and, as I saw my table with
Halley and Mr. Hollen’s grandmother in sight, I
tr!pp£dover someone’s long go-wn and fell to
my face. There was laughter mixed with
concerned exclamation from the crowd. I tried
to quic-kly pick myself up but two men rushed
over to me and helped me on my feet.
Everyone stared. You could t©uçh my
embarras-sment with a f!nger; I felt terrible.
“Emma, are you alright?” Mr. Hollen asked; he
was one of the men who picked me up.
“She’s with you?” the other man asked him.
Mr. Hollen took my hand, led me directly to
the table and sat me down in a chair.
I buried my face in the palms of my hands as
the tears fell. The one thing I didn’t want to
happen happened. I’d embarras-sed him.
“We’re leaving in five,” he said then went over
and spoke to the other gentleman who’d
as-sisted me.
Halley c@m£ over and patted me on my back.
“Emma, are you okay?”
My hands didn’t leave my face.
“My dear, you’re too beautiful to hide your face
in this place. Put your hands down,” Mr.
Hollen’s grandmother said, and she leaned in
and re-moved them.
She smiled at me as I looked over to her.
“Lets get you cleaned up,” Halley said and led
me to a bathroom. “She likes you,” she said to
me when we were inside, “but you had too
much wine, Emma; you’re wasted.”
I leaned against a sink as she wiped my face
and ret©uçhed my makeup.
She led me back to the table, where Mr.
Hollen was waiting. I saw his mother ma-king
her way over to him as we approached.
“Honey, Martin said you’re leaving,” she said to
“Yes, mother.”
“But the auction hadn’t even started as yet.
Why so soon?”
“I’m alre-ady exhausted, and I nee-d to take
them home.”
“You’re leaving because of a couple of maids?
It’s not your fault this one can’t handle a glas-s
of wine!” Her eyes sh0t to me ma-king me
more uncomfortable than I alre-ady was.
“Mother, not right now, okay?”
“Well, at least stay for your auction, sweetie.
My driver could take them home.”
“Mom, they c@m£ with me. It’s only fair I take
them back.”
His mother wasn’t an easy woman to deal
with. She seemed to have Sharon’s
I insisted he stay and enjoy his company’s
auction and his mom’s driver could take us
home. He gave in and handed Halley the keys
for the house. We made our way out with him
right behind us. We got into an Audi after Mr.
Hollen instructed the driver on where to take
We arrived at the beach house an hour later.
Halley opened the door and we went upstairs
to my be-droom. “How are you feeling?” she
asked as I threw myself onto my be-d.
“I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. My b©dy
hurts from the fall and my head is light from
the alcohol.”
“Get some rest,” she said softly, and moved
some hair from around my face. She said
goodnight then went to her own room.
I la-id on my be-d, still fully dressed, and fell
asleep almost instantly.
I awoke to the t©uçh of someone’s hand on
my back. I turned my head slightly. Straining
my eyes throu-gh the darkness of the room, I
looked over my shoulder.
This man is going to be the death of me. What
is he doing here?
“Mr. Hollen?” I whispered with sleep in my
“Baby, shh. Go back to sleep.”
I was too tired to even argue with him. I la-id
my head on my pillow and drifted back to
Sunday morning arrived.
I woke up and noticed that it was just me in
the be-d. I must have been dreaming about him
again. I got out of be, brushed my teeth,
undressed then took a shower. I felt better but
was thirsty as hell. When I finished dressing, I
skipped downstairs to the kitchen for a glas-s
of water.
“Good morning,” Mr. Hollen said as he c@m£
into the kitchen.
“Good morning.”
“How are you doing?”
“I’m fine.”
“I’m holding you to your proposal.”
“We’ll spend the day teaching you to swim.”
I blu-shed. I had forgotten all about that.
Halley c@m£ down and we had breakfast then I
went back upstairs and changed into my so-
called swimwear and followed him down to the
“Keep your hands in front of you,” he instructed
as he held me in the water to show me how to
I had alre-ady made three attempts but failed.
He was using an alternative technique for
“There, you see. You’ve got it,” he cheered as I
swam away from him. “Keep your head up
Emma!” He followed right behind, caught me
and pu-ll-ed me into his arms. “There, you’re a
fast learner.”
“Thanks to you.”
“I take it you’re not mad at me anymore?”
“Hmm. Maybe, maybe not. It doesn’t matter; I
alre-ady made up my mind.”
“So have I.”
“Oh really?”
“I’m breaking up with her as soon as she gets
“No. Don’t do that. I realized how selfish I
sounded when I told you to break up with her
if you want to be with me. I’m in no position
to tell you to leave your fiancee. She’s a nice
woman; you two make a great couple. I can’t
let you do something so awful, especially
when she loves you.”
“You’re really an incredible woman, but you’re
wrong. I’m not leaving her for you. I’m leaving
because she and I just don’t have a
“St©p looking for excuses. Y’all are getting
married. You should go throu-gh with it;
eventually, I’ll find someone else.”
My last statement changed the color of his
eyes and I panicked. He pu-ll-ed me even closer
to him causing me to l@yfirmly against his
“You’re mine,” he finally spoke.
“Mr. Hollen, I can’t. We can’t—”
“Emma, Shut up.”
Hisl-ips crashed down on mine as his hands
moved over my b©dy. My legs wra-pped
around his torso and I felt his erection ha-rd
against my sp©t. The water was cold but the
moment was heated. I gave into his k!ss. He
let out a m0@n and so did I before he st©pped.
“Baby, if you continue this we just might attra-ct
a shark.”
It took me a few to catch what he actually
meant. I giggled and sl@pped his hand. He’s
so n@ûghty.
“Wanna take a break?”
He carried me out of the water, bridal style,
and la-id me on the beach rug he brou-ght. He
pushed my hair behind my ear and planted a
k!sson my forehead.
“I’ve fallen for you,” he said softly.
“Why me, why not Halley?”
I had no idea why I asked that aloud but it
sli-pped out because it had been on my mind
for some time.
He studied my face, his eyebrows arched and
his jaw clenched. “Is that a serious question?”
“You can’t control who you fall for. I’ve never
developed any ro-mantic feelings for her, and I
don’t believe that I would.”
“Okay.” I was satisfied with his answer. “Can I
ask you something?”
“Sure, baby.”
“What’s the truth behind the previous maid?
The one you said you didn’t fire.”
He ran his f!ngersthrou-gh his straight black
hair as he sat up straight, looking at the
horizon instead of me. He seemed emotional.
Maybe they were involved.
“The other maid wasn’t a maid at all.”
My heart fell. She was your girlfriend?
“She was actually a spy working for one of my
competition in the industry. Her mission was
to get the job as a maid in my mansion and,
whenever I left do¢v-ments in my office, she
would s£nd the information to the other
companies so they always knew my every
move. Then I met Sharon. I invited her over
and she spent the night.
“I left early for work one morning, Sharon woke
late and decided to visit me at work. She
pas-sed the office and noticed the maid was
inside on my computer and talking on the
phone. Sharon told me, but by the time I got
home the maid vanished without a trace. The
information on her resume was all false,
including her name. So I’ve yet to locate her.”
I was astonished and speechless. So that’s
why he’s so protective of the office and has
c@m£ras in every important p@rt of his
house. Some people could really make it
difficult for others’ to have an opportunity.
“I don’t know where that rumor c@m£ from
about us being in a relationsh!p. I guess the
press just nee-ded something to go on.”
I felt bad for hating him over a rumor and
telling myself he must be scre-wing all of his
maids. “Thanks for telling me,” I said as I
leaned against his arm.
He pu-ll-ed me in for a hvg and put a towel over
me. We stared at the horizon in silence as the
midday sun shone on.

?‍?‍?‍??‍?‍?‍??‍?‍?‍?EPISODE 25?‍?‍?‍??‍?‍?‍??‍?‍?‍?

Ethan’s POV

I didn’t wait until the auction was completely
over. I left half way throu-gh because I was
worried about my Emma. When I got home,
she was alre-ady asleep. I k!$$£d her forehead
and la-id besides her.
She stirred. “Mr. Hollen?”
“Baby, shh. Go back to sleep,” I told her as I
ru-bbe-d her back slowly.
She la-id on the pillow and went back to sleep
I stayed with her a little longer then went to
my room, planning how I would spend my time
with her in the morning.
She rested her head on my shoulder as we
looked out at the horizon. She looked so calm.
I was happy she was asking me questions and
showing emotions without me having to f0rç£
it out of her. I wanted her to be comfortable
with me and not afraid of me.
“What are your goals in life, Emma?”
“I want to do something for homeless children
who are left on the streets. There’s orphanages
and foster care homes but that’s all there are. I
want to add something more so the kids can
enjoy life instead of being scared to face it.”
I was really moved by her answer. I was
expecting her to say something like she
wanted to be rich or a model or something in
that fashion, but here she was talking about the
lives of innocent children and how she wanted
to better them. She wasn’t just amazing, she
was extraordinary. I wasn’t falling anymore. I
was in love with her.
“Emma, I’m not putting you on the sp©t, but
what was it like growing up in a foster home?”
She heaved a sigh and I saw the tears, which
made her eyes twi-nkled.
“I grew up in twelve different foster homes,
including group homes. It was a nightmare,
honestly. I was belittled by the bigger kids and
physically abused by the adults. I would be
beaten badly if I didn’t finish my chores on
time, and I had a lot to do.
“My weekends were spent doing housework
while the other kids pla-yed outside. I believed
I was treated differently because of the color
of my skin, so I hated myself and cursed my
“I had it rou-gh— terrible and unhappy. I don’t
like talking about it much; it makes me so
sad.” She began crying.
I pu-ll-ed her into my arms. “Baby, it’s okay. I’m
here for you now. No one can hurt you again. I
promise you that. I’m here for you.”
She sobbe-d against my che-st and I comforted
her. I couldn’t believe she’d had it so terrible
when she was a kid. For Christ sake, she was
only a kid and she nee-ded to pl@yas well.
Why should someone be treated differently
because of the color of their skin? There’s only
one race— the human race. I didn’t like the
labeling black and white bull$h!t. We’re all
human beings.
I looked at Emma and people like her and they
were beautiful people. The complexion of my
skin was much lighter than hers, but here I
was loving her and caring about her. I didn’t
see color. I saw love. And I would love her
with every beat of my heart and every nerve in
my living b©dy.
“Are you cold?” I asked her when I felt her
shivering against my che-st.
She nodded.
I helped her to her feet, gathered the rest of
our things and we walked back to the house.
“Aww, well if it isn’t the happy couple. How
was the beach?” Halley tea-sed.
“It was lovely,” Emma answered.
I sm-irked.
We went upstairs and I took Emma to her
be-droom. She gave me a quic-k k!sson the
cheek before I left. I nee-ded a shower to get
the sand out of my hair. I reached for my
phone and saw a text and two miss calls from
Hey babe. Seems like you’re busy but I’m just
calling to check in. The fashion shows are
going so great. I think I will stay another week
but, if you miss me, I’ll come home next
She was setting me up. If I said I missed her
she might come home before her time, and if I
said I didn’t miss her she’d probably s-en-se
something was wrong so I texted back.
Hey you. Sorry, I’ve been busy exploring the
place. Of course I miss you and I can’t wait to
see you, but I also want you to have fun and
enjoy Italy. I want you to be happy. I’m here.
She said she’d extend her stay for another
week which meant I’d have more time to
myself and with Emma.
I wanted to extend our stay in Miami, but I had
a company to run back in New York. It was
alre-ady Sunday and we were set to leave the
next afternoon.
I took my shower and went down to get
something to eat. I sat outside on the porch
and enjoyed the warmth of the sky. This was
my favorite place; I loved it more than I loved
the mansion.
I really should come here more often.
After I finished, I decided to head into town.
There was something important I had to get
done. I took my car keys and left a note.
I entered a prestige jewelry sto-re, founded by
Elizabeth Taylor, in Palm Beach. I knew I
would find the perfect ring for Emma here. I
entered the building and went up to a sale
She looked me over from head to toe and
hesitated to come as-sist, judging me based on
the fact that I was wearing shorts, sandals and
a plain white T-shi-t, and sunglas-ses.
“Hello, can I help you sir?” she asked, finally.
“I’m looking for an engagement ring,” I
It was relief she didn’t recognize me because
that would be headlines for the press. I could
see them having a field day with this since I
was alre-ady engaged. Why would I be buying
another engagement ring? Who’s the other
woman? Blah, blah, blah.
“Sir, our engagement rings start at ten
thousand and go up from there.”
Is that it?
“Can I see them plea-se?” I asked, impatiently.
She led me to the showcase with the rings.
My eyes fell on one in p@rticular; I hoped she
would like it. I used cash to purchase it
because I didn’t want to show any form of ID.
They put it in a black case and told me
“congratulations”. I thanked them then walked
out and walked right into my best friend,
“Dude, what are you doing here?” He was rather
surprised when he saw me.
I had to think of a lie and fast. Even though he
was my best friend I didn’t want him to know
as of yet. “Sharon lost a diamond in her ring
so she left it up to me to get it replaced.”
Martin let out a big smile and tapped me on
my shoulder.
“What are you doing here?” I asked.
“I think it’s about time I pop the question.”
I laughed.
Martin was a man-who-re. He never wanted
anything stable and serious with women. He’d
been d@t!ngfour women the previous year, and
three at the beginning of the current. He never
stayed with a woman more than four months,
so it was, indeed, funny when he said it was
about time he popped the question. I guess
people do change, and if Martin could go
steady then anything was possible.
We p@rted and I headed back to my beach
house. I would pop the question on Emma’s
birthday in a couple of weeks. I just nee-ded
Sharon to extend her stay for two more weeks
instead of one.