The hollen series 2 Episode 45 & 46

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦EPISODE 45👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
*👁‍🗨 PERSONAL as-sISTANT👁‍🗨*

Jasmine’s POV

I sat down on my be-d, in one of the guest
rooms, combing my hair before tying it up in a
bun to get some sleep.
I left a window open so the cool air c@m£ in
as I threw myself, face down, onto the be-d. I
felt lonely and sad that this was what Evan and
I had come to. I never wanted this much
A single tear fell from my eyes and was
su-cked up by the be-d sheets un-derneath me.
A knock c@m£ on the door, suddenly, and
startled me a bit. I rolled over on the be-d and,
standing on my feet, I went to open the door
as the knock c@m£ again.
“Hi,” he said as he c@m£ into my room and
began looking around. This was so unexpected
but like him.
“Hi,” I answered him back and looked at his
every movement.
“You like the room?” he asked me.
“Yes. It’s comfortable and I’m warm,” I
He c@m£ closer to me. So close that his b©dy
heat warmed me even more. I took three steps
backwards but he held me by the w@!st and
pu-ll-ed me closer to him. I landed against his
ha-rd che-st.
“Running away from me?” he asked in my ear.
His s£dûçt!vevoice s£nt chills down my spine
and I melted instantly as his strong hands held
onto me.
“Why are you here?” I asked him in a whisper.
Not that I wasn’t welcoming his visit, but I was
losing myself to him once again.
“Do you want me to leave?” he asked in his
S-xy tone of voice. His breath was of mint and
his manly cologne blinded my nostrils.
“No I don’t,” I answered truthfully. I began
tracing the tattoo on his arm with my f!nger.
He chuckled a little and then he lifted me up
to him. He crashed hisl-ips onto mine and I
didn’t hesitate to k!sshim back.
“I missed you so much,” I said into his open
“I missed you too baby,” he replied and carried
me back to the be-droom.
He la-id me down gently on the be-d and he
hovered over me. He stared into my eyes and I
looked into his grey ones. He k!$$£d me again,
softly and gently. It was like ma-king love to
my mouth.
I felt his hand un-derneath my night T-shi-t. It
made its way to my n!ppleeasily, since I
wasn’t wearing a br@. He sli-pped the T-shi-t
over my head and threw it on the floor. His
mouth landed on my n!ppleafterwards and he
pla-yed on the bud with his ton-gue while he
gently mas-saged the other one.
I re-moved his vest and dug my f!ngernails into
his back. He moved his mouth over to the
other n!ppl!, giving it the same attention as he
did the first.
“Oh $h!t,” I m0@n ed out and shut my eyes in
“Do you want me, baby?” I heard him ask.
“Yes, I want you. I want you so bloody much.
Take me!” my hor-nybeast let out.
“I’ll take you,” I heard his voice again.
His hand went down south. He shoved his
hand into my night shorts and p@rted my
p@n-ties. He pla-yed with my joy sp©t, ru-bbing it
gently. My eyes flew opened and met his grey
ones again. He was b!tt!g his bo-ttoml!pbut a
sm-irk still pla-yed between them. He must be
satisfied he could get to me so easily, but I
didn’t care. My heart and b©dy belonged to
“You’re we-t,” his voice said with a tease behind
“You’re so good,” I told him. He was a master
at the S-x game.
“I want to taste you.”
“Go ahead and do just that.”
He re-moved my shorts, and the p@n-ties in the
process. He spre-ad my legs wi-der ap@rt and I
felt the magic of his ton-gue on my kitty. I saw
more fireworks than the 4th of July.
“Oh my GOSH!” I yelled as he pushed his
ton-gue into my opening.
I held his head, and my w@!st rotated on its
own accord. My f!ngerswent throu-gh his hair
and my breath was taken away.
“I’ll be gentle. I don’t want to hurt you or the
baby,” he said as he re-moved his p@n-ts. I
wasn’t even showing yet but I felt happy that
he was thinking about the baby throu-gh this
He rolled me over to the side and he sli-pped
in behind me. He placed his hand around my
che-st and spre-ading my bu-ttocks ap@rt with
the other hand, he entered my v@g!n@ slowly
from behind.
I felt him pene-trating me dee-per and dee-per
until I received all of him. His stro-kes got
fas-ter and fas-ter.
“Evan!” I screamed as I cli-maxed to cloud ten,
once again, on his man-hood.
“You’re so beautiful baby. I don’t want to st©p
having you,” he said from behind me.
“Don’t st©p baby! plea-se don’t st©p! I swear, I
love you!” I yelled out.
“Oh Jasmine!”
“Jas… mine!”
“E… van!”
“Oh Jasmine!”
“Jasmine! Wake the hell up!” I heard his voice
from somewhere other than behind me.
I flung myself up. Oh my goodness! I’ve been
Evan was leaning against the be-droom door
frame, dressed in a sharp black suit and black
leather shoes to match. His light blue dress
shi-t added a gentle t©uçh to the black suit
and his entire personality.
“I told you to wake early because I’m taking
you to the doctor before I go to the office,” he
said, then he left. I heard the room door close
after him.
I hope he didn’t heard me calling his name in
my we-t dream!
I stepped into the shower and took a quic-k
bath and brushed my teeth. I toweled myself
off, once I was finished, applied lotion to my
skin, and stepped into a pair of loose jeans
and a comfortable t©p. I combe-d my hair,
applied very light makeup, and left my room.
I met Evan in the living room. He was talking
to one of his maids.
“Finally,” he said as I walked up next to him.
I remained silent and followed him outside to
his car, which was alre-ady at the entrance. He
opened the door for me and I got in. He got
into the driver’s seat and drove out the large
front gate.
“So, how are you?” he asked. His eyes focused
on the road.
“I’m okay.”
“Care to tell me what you were dreaming?” he
asked with a big sm-irk.
“I wasn’t dreaming anything,” I lied.
“You were calling my name in your dream and I
was certain you were whining.”
Fu**! He saw me and heard me!
“Your eyes must be deceiving you,” I covered.
He laughed. “Were you having a we-t dream
about me, Jasmine?” he asked, st©pping the
car at a red light.
“No I wasn’t!” I flu-shed.
He laughed again.
“I hate you!”
“You weren’t saying that in your dream though.”
I sunk myself in the seat with embarras-sment.
