The girl he marked episode 7 & 8


šŸŒ³šŸ„€{ His Human Mate }šŸŒ³šŸ„€

Written āœļø: Cisca. H.

Chapter 7:

” You’ll have to put on something more shorter than that. ” I stared at myself at the mirror as Mrs White said that. ” It’s an advert, sweetheart, it nee-ds something catchy. ”

I changed to a shorter white sleeveless go-wn, with a long V cut which expo-sed the middle of my brea-sts and a two openings at it’s both sides.

” Now, that’s catchy. ” She gave me a thumbs up.

We always had ph0toshoots within the company but this time, Mrs White decided for a change of position.

I had my br@celet on, it was wi-de enough to hide the mark but this time, Mrs White insisted I take it off.

This is an open ph0toshoot, what am I going to do?

The mark is still the same as twelve years ago, I’ve tried every cream possible to hide the mark but yet, it’s all in vain.

I really don’t know what to do now, I mean… I’m fvĀ¢king hopeless right now.

I almost had it off when the directors requested for a more fancied one.

I sighed in relief, God knows how he does his works. I quic-kly changed to a new one, but I made sure no one saw it.

Why am I too secured about this mark? Because it’s a secret and it nee-ds to remain a secret.

The ph0toshoots went well and we were able to round it off in the evening.

I changed into my normal wear, driving back home.

I had my h0t shower and a brief rest which didn’t last up to thirty minutes.

Aunty Tracy was cooking dinner and uncle Kelvin wasn’t back yet but I could hear Queeneth’s voice from my room.

I went downstairs, waiting for dinner to be served. Max and ru-by were in their room pla-ying video games and Queen was coming from her room with her tablet.

Just the usual…

” Hi, Queen. ” I waved a smile at her but she looked at me and took it off. ” How was school today? ”

” You should ask that to the headmaster. ”

I smiled, trying not to look offended by her response. ” Okay. So, how is Stephanie and Andrew? You know, it’s been awhile since you talked about them. ”

” What do you care about them? You never asked of them for a long time, why now? To show how concerned you’ve suddenly become? If you desperately wanna know how fine they are, them you should come over to my school. ”

I know she’s still angry about earlier, and it’s not my fault. She would have considered the fact that I was late for work, I didn’t mean to do what I did.

” Look, Queen, I’m very sorry about earlier and… I didn’t mean to act so rude to you. I was only trying to keep up with my time an… ”

” You know what, I’m not interested in your stories. As you can see, I’m busy. Look, I know you aren’t my sister and you were brou-ght from a poor helpless village because your parents couldn’t afford your school fees. ”

” Queen, that’s enough. ”

” And that doesn’t give you the right to act like we’re related in life. So, if you’re looking for someone to pl@yyour poor lifestyle games, I’m in no position for that. ”

” Queen, I know we might not be blood but that doesn’t mean you have to talk to me that way. ”

” What, isn’t it the truth? You were picked from a wretched family, because my father decided to help your pathetic life. ”

” Shut up, Queen. ”

” You managed to drive a car is because of my father. What has your father done for you, huh, that I have to tell you to drive me to school before you do. ”

” I’m not your driver, so you don’t expect me to drive you to school like one. ”

” Of course, your’e not my driver because having a driver is a lot better than having you!! You’re so annoying. ”

Aunty Tracy walked out of the kitchen, dusting her hands on her apron. ” What’s going on here? I can hear you two’s voice from the kitchen. ”

” It’s nothing serious. ” I said but Queen had to spit the whole thing out.

” Is it? ” She rolled her eyes at me, scoffing. ” Mom, she’s lying. ”

” Queeneth, mind your mouth, will you? ” Aunty Tracy warned.

” I’m saying the truth, mom. You were able to hear our voices because she was abusing me. ” She lied.

I stared surprised at her, she was twisting the whole thing. I looked at aunty Tracy who threw a confused face at me.

” Diana abused you? ” She asked.

” Yes, ”

” Aunty Tracy, that’s a lie. I never abused her, I’ve never done that before. ” I defended.

” StĀ©p lying! ”

” Queen, Diana can never abuse you. You two have been friends since she c@mĀ£ here, why would she do that now? ” She defended.

” Are you siding her now? ”

” No, sweetheart, I’m not siding anyone. I just wanna know what happened. ”

She stood up, picking her tablet from where she had kept it. ” You wanna know what happened? Then you and dad shouldn’t have brou-ght here here at the first place. ” She left to her room.

I stood up too, about to leave to my room when she stĀ©pped me. ” What’s going on between you two? ” She asked.

” It’s nothing. ”

” This doesn’t look like it’s nothing. ”

” She doesn’t want me anymore, she doesn’t want me here, that’s the problem. ” I told her.

” I don’t un-derstand, what really brou-ght about all this? ”

I sighed, ” I was running late for work and she told me uncle Kelvin asked me to drive her to school. When we got there, she didn’t want to go to school, she was pla-ying games. I pleaded for her to go to school so that I can go to work but she ignored me and made me look like a fool. ”

” I decided to drive out of the school when she started screaming that I should let her go. I don’t see anything annoying about this that she… ” I sniffed, ” that she could insult my parents for being too wretched to take care of me. That I was born poor and.. and if it wasn’t for uncle Kelvin, I won’t be what I am today because I have parents who can’t afford my school fees. ”

I wiped my rolling tears, sniffing ha-rd . ” Maybe she’s right. Maybe I don’t belong here. ” I left to my room, and I didn’t mind if she believes me or not. ”

Uncle Kelvin returned not quite long, and aunty Tracy called us all for dinner.

The atmosphere was quiet and silence took over. I held my spoon but I haven’t tĀ©uƧhed my food.

Queeneth rested her head on her left hand while the others slowly chewed on their food.

Aunty Tracy would look at us, then back to her food. Max and ru-by did the same thing too but decided not to talk about it.

Uncle Kelvin seems not to have noticed it but when he did, he trailed his gaze at everyone of us. ” Why is everyone so calm? ” He asked.

Max and ru-by shrugged while aunty Tracy ru-bbe-d the back of her head.

” Queen, why aren’t you eating? And you Diana, you haven’t even tĀ©uƧhed your food yet. What’s going on here? ”

No one said a thing to him, he directed his gaze to his wife. ” What’s going on here? ” He asked again.

” Uhmm… Diana and Queen had a little misun-derstanding. ” She replied, her eyes on her food.

” What misun-derstanding? ” He asked. ” What really happened? ”

” Queen yelled at her. ” She wasn’t trying to hit to the point and it was getting uncle Kelvin curious.

He looked at Queeneth who didn’t realize that her name was being mentioned as her head still rested on her hand.

” What did she say? ”

” She addressed Diana’s parents as wretched people and that you had only picked her from her pathetic life to come over to New York to live with her. ” She didn’t want to go further than that but he insisted she continues.

” And… ”

” And that Diana is what she is because of your help. ”

His face turned red. Dropping his spoon on his plate he focused his gaze to the less concerned Queen.

” Is that true? ” He asked angrily. She said nothing, and this got him more annoyed than he was. ” I’m gonna ask you for the last time, is that true? ”

She reluctantly looked at him, ” Isn’t it true? Acanda is a pathetic village which accommod@tĀ£s pathetic people’s. ”

” We’ve been living happily since she c@mĀ£ here, why does she have to be so pathetic to you now? ”

” Because that’s what she is. ”

He gr@bbĀ£d her hand, dragging her to her room. ” You’re done eating for the night. ” We heard him say.

” But I haven’t eaten anything yet. ”

” You decided not to eat, who’s fault is it? ”

” I’m hungry. ” She cried.

” I don’t care how long you cry, but I’m gonna promise you this, no more birthday p@rty for two years. Unfortunately, you birthday is next month and you’ll have to celebr@te it like an ordinary day. I’ll only forgive you when I see that you’ve really learnt how to position your mouth while talking to your elders. ”



šŸŒ³šŸ„€{ His Human Mate }šŸŒ³šŸ„€

Written āœļø: Cisca. H.

Chapter 8:

He returned back to the dinning, saying nothing to anyone. Max and ru-by ate their food hurriedly, while they went to the kitchen to drop their empty plates, they took mine too.

They left to their rooms, leaving the three of us alone.
” I’m sorry for what Queen told you, I hope she’ll learn her lesson from this. ” He apologized on her behalf.

” It’s okay, uncle Kelvin, I don’t why she had to say those. Maybe, I haven’t been a good sister to her. ”

” Don’t say that, you’ve been more than enough to her, she’s only being ungrateful. ”

” plea-se, don’t get too angry with her. She’s just a kid. ”

” A kid who has to respect her elders. ” Aunty Tracy took his plates away, ” I can see how effortlessly you’re working for your company, your pictures are becoming the talk of the town. ” He praised.

I chuckled softly, ” We haven’t had an open advert until today, why would my picture be all over New York all of a sudden? ”

” Guess today’s advert just got you trending. ”

” Why do you say so? ” Aunty Tracy asked.

” It’s all over the media alre-ady. Miss Diana Craig of Sparrow’s Boutique Enterprise. ”

I g@sped loud. ” You fvĀ¢king serious?! ”

” You can check it out if you want? ” He was about to log into the internet when his phone started ringing.

” Who’s that? ” She asked.

” I don’t know. ” He picked to call, ” Hello, who am I speaking to? ” He asked.


Writer āœ“

” Hey Kel, it’s me, Marco. ” Said the voice from the other side of the call.

” Oh, Marco, I wasn’t expecting you to call. ”

” I got access to the telephone at the neighbouring village. How is Diana and Tracy? ” He asked.

Kelvin looked at her, nodding his head. ” She’s doing great over here. ”

” That’s a relief then. ”

” How is Jenny? ” He asked, referring to Diana’s mother.

” She’s doing great too. ” He let out a heavy sigh, ” Are you alone now? ” He asked.

” No, Tracy and Diana are with me. Is there a problem? ” Kelvin asked with concern.

” Can you go somewhere else, I wanna tell you something. ”

” Okay, ” he stood up, leaving to his room.

” What do you think they’re up to? ” Tracy asked.

Diana shrugged, ” I have no idea. ”



” What? ” Kelvin exclaimed.

” Yes, and I think there’s something Diana has that belongs to him. ”

” Something like what? ”

” I don’t know, can you ask her yourself? She might not talk to me if I ask her myself. ”

” I will do that. Is everyone safe? ”

” He promise to kill everyone in Acanda if he finds out that she isn’t in New York. ” He sighed again, ” I don’t know what to do now. Jenny is freaking out here and she ha-rd ly sleeps at night. Do you think he’s going to kill her? ”

” I don’t think so. But, let me ask you this. ”

” Sure. ”

” Did you ever suspected anything about your daughter before she left Acanda to New York? Like something weird to suspect? ”

” No. ” He answered, ” It was only the time when she had to leave home and never c@mĀ£ back with Micky. ”

” Micky? ”

” That’s her puppy. ” He explained. ” But we never took that to be so important. Everyone looses a pet, right? ”

” I’ll see what I can do about this. ”

” I will be waiting for your response. Bye. ”

” Bye. ” He hung the call.

After a thoughtful while, he returned back to the sitting room.


Diana āœ“

His face wore no expression, and I could ha-rd ly tell if he was angry or not.

Tracy looked at me, then at him saying nothing. He heaved a heavy sigh, ” It’s your father. He called to check on you. ”

” How his he? ” I asked, sounding concerned.

” He’s fine, as well as your mother. Don’t be troubled about them. ” I nodded.

” What did he say? ” Aunty Tracy anxiously asked.

” He… ” He paused, ” he said there’s someone after you. ” Referring to me.

” Who? Why would someone be after me? ”

” He said he isn’t sure but, he thinks you have something that belongs to them. ”

Aunty Tracy threw her gaze at me, ” Do you have anything that belongs to them? ”

I shook my head, ” I don’t. ”

” Then why are they after her? ”

” The mark. ” He simply said after a moment of thoughtful silence. ” It’s been twelve years and they’ve come back for it. ”

” What mark? ” Mrs Tracy’s eyes grew wi-de.

” The mark on my wrist. ” I openly told her.

” Is… Is that why you always have the br@celet on? ”

I nodded my head.

I took off the br@celet, ex-posing the mark to her. She held my hand, as if staring at it wasn’t enough.

She ru-bbe-d her f!ngerson it, g@sping in fright. ” What did this to you? ” She asked.

” I got bitten by a wolf… that was twelve years ago. ”

” But what’s so special about this? It’s just a bite from an animal. ”

” It might not be so special to us, but it is to the one who has given that mark to you. It doesn’t sound like it’s just an animal who’s after you, it’s more like a human being. ”

” Those are just nons-en-se uncle, maybe they’re only being too curious on who their wolf bit. Look, since that night, I waited for a change, I thought that one day I will be like them but here I am, just the same as always. ”

” They threatened to hurt your village if they don’t find the blonde haired girl with a puppy. ”

” Micky, ” c@mĀ£ the word out of my mouth.

” This is more serious than we think, Diana. ”

” Does he knows I’m here? ” If he doesn’t know my whereabout, then there’s nothing to bother about.

But if he does…

He nodded, ” Your mother had no choice. He threatened to kill her and the entire villagers. ”

Then I am doomed for good.

I won’t blame mom for doing what she did, everyone would have done the same. What matters now is how to escape from this creatures.

” What are we going to do? ” I asked.

I was so scared, my career my dreams will all be shattered if they take me away. I don’t wanna leave, I don’t wanna go anywhere.

” I wish I know, but for now I say we do nothing. No matter where we run to, he won’t stĀ©p finding you. You’re his prey, Diana and he’s your predator. ”

Guess I just have to take it that way…


Now the question is… What’s gonna happen next? How long does she have to stay in New York City?

To Be Continued…