The fault in our r0m@nç£episode 41 & 42

The Fault in our r0m@nç£
Episode 41
By Johnny Patel
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Forgive the late postings guys.
(Stephen enters the hallway and sees Marianna/Anna about to enter her room)

Stephen: (angrily) Anna! St©p there!

Marianna/Anna: (she turns around, suprised) Stephen?

Stephen: What did you do to me? Don’t even attempt to deny it. The other day you called me to your room, You did something to me… What was that?!

Marianna/Anna: I don’t un-derstand what you’re talking about (To Silvania) What have you done to him?

Silvania: I should be asking you that! (she retorts)

Stephen: Look, I don’t know what your mission in my house is… But whatever it is, You won’t accomplish it. All I know is that you’re going back to the bridge, I can’t accommod@t£ you any longer.

Marianna/Anna: (she g@sps in shock) How…

(Marianna/Anna quic-kly realizes that Stephen has broken her enchantment over him)

Marianna/Anna: Stephen No! You can’t do this to me, I love you!

Stephen: (confused) Love? I don’t even know you. (seriously) You better pack your bags and get the hell outta my house before I lose my temper!

(Stephen exits the hallway & Silvania follows him)

Marianna/Anna: (she gnashes her teeth angrily) This is not how our love story ends, Stephen! (She rushes into her room to get the trident)

(Back at the quarters)
(Silvania enters the room)

Lucas: You seem happy.

Silvania: (happily) Of course I am. Marianna’s hold over Stephen is broken, He doesn’t love her anymore.

Lucas: This is great news, How did it happen?

Silvania: I don’t know… It just happened (smiles) So truly, Stephen had been un-der a spell all these times… No wonder

Lucas: You see why it isn’t good to jump to conclusions too early? When Stephen started acting strangely towards you, You alre-ady as-sumed he hated you… And now you know he never meant any of it

Silvania: (laughs) Yeah… Silly me.

Lucas: So what now?

Silvania: He told her to leave the house…

(In the ocean – The Mer kingdom)
(At the castle, Two guards enters the throne room)

Guard: (bows) My King…

King Jerod: What did you find out?

Guard: The prince hasn’t been going to the Trench, Rather he has been going to visit a commoner… Her name is Alana, She’s the mermaid who you once imprisoned for being in possession of surface objects, And it appears that they have been courting all these times.

King Jerod: (enraged) WHAT?!

Guard 2: That is true my King.

King Jerod: Where is he now?

Guard: He’s on his way back to the castle

King Jerod: (he grits his teeth angrily) I’ll wait for him to return…

(In Miami, Florida)
(Sir Griffin st©ps by to talk to a civilian)

Sir Griffin: Good day sir.

Man: Good day.

Sir Griffin: I don’t mean to disturb you but could you plea-se direct me to Ronnie’s Street… I’m looking for someone. (he shows him a ph0to of Gabrielle)

Man: Ohh, Madam Gabrielle.

Sir Griffin: You know her?

Man: Of course. She’s a popular philanthropist, She always gives to the poor and nee-dy.

Sir Griffin: Do you know where I might find her?

Man: Yes. But she doesn’t stay in Ronnie’s street, She resides in a giant mansion at No. 11 of Kenner’s Street. (points) Just go down the road, Turn left and that’s Kenner’s Street… Keep going till you reach number eleven.

Sir Griffin: Thank you very much. I appreciate.

(In the ocean – The Mer Kingdom)
(Prince Erik returns to the castle)

Prince Erik: Good evening Dad.

King Jerod: Where have you been?

Prince Erik: I went out to see a friend.

King Jerod: (enraged) DO NOT LIE TO ME!!! I know you’ve been going to see that mermaid called Alana.

Prince Erik: (unimpressed) Wow, So your flimsy guards still kept on spying on me?

King Jerod: (sighs) Erik, You are my son and the next King of the Mer Kingdom, And there’s no way I will approve of you being with a commoner… Listen Erik, Forget about that insignificant mermaid, I will choose a suitable mermaid for you, A beautiful mermaid with the most shiniest tail in the Kingdom.

Prince Erik: (furious) I don’t nee-d any other mermaid! I love Alana and that’s enough!

King Jerod: (shocked by his outbur-st) That mermaid has bewitched you isn’t it?

Prince Erik: (he scoffs angrily at his father)

King Jerod: I don’t want you seeing her ever again or else you’ll have yourself to blame. Do I make myself clear?

(King Jerod swims out of the throne room and Prince Erik stares at him with pure hatred)

(Back at Sir Griffin’s mansion)
(In Stephen’s room)
(Stephen arranges the files on his desk when he s-en-ses someone at the doorstep. He turns around to see an enraged Marianna)

Stephen: I thought I told you to leave. What’re you still doing here?

Marianna/Anna: Apparently, I’ve been too lenient with you. (she sighs sadly) I love you, Stephen… And yet all you’ve ever done is reject me.

Stephen: Anna, Don’t you get it? I don’t love you back and I never will. Love cannot be f0rç£d.

Marianna/Anna: (she holds out King Jerod’s trident) Oh yes, It can!

(Marianna/Anna points the trident at him once more, Putting him un-der a stronger hypnotic enchantment)

Marianna/Anna: Let’s see how you’ll get free from me now. (She walks closer to him with tears building up in her eyes) Tell me you love me.

Stephen: (hypnotically) I love you.

Marianna/Anna: (tears run down her cheeks) That’s what I want to hear… Now stay here and do not leave this room until I tell you to, Alright?

Stephen: (hypnotically) I won’t leave the room until you tell me to.

Marianna/Anna: (she cleans her tears and pe-cks him on the cheek) I’ll be back soon.

(Later that day)
(In Marianna/Anna’s room)

Marianna/Anna: (holding her magic shell mirror) Suzanne.

(Suzanne appears in the mirror)

Suzanne: Marianna, What happened this time?

Marianna/Anna: (sadly) I’m depressed, I’m emotionally depressed. Not only has Silvania figured out who i am, She also found a way to break my spell over Stephen.

Suzanne: (worriedly) So he’s free from you now?

Marianna/Anna: Not exactly. I had to put him un-der another spell, A stronger one this time.

Suzanne: You’re the one delaying and wasting time, Kill Silvania and all of your problems will be over in a second.

(That night)
(In the kitchen)

Silvania: What’s for dinner?

Rosemary: Well, Sir Stephen hasn’t told me what he’ll be having, So I just made some lasagna for everyone.

Silvania: I don’t know what lasagna is but I trust it’ll be delicious. (she chuckles as she rests her head on Rosemary’s shoulder) Your foods are ALWAYS delicious.

Rosemary: (smiling) I appreciate that. (she takes the plates and spoons) Hold on, Let me go arrange these on the dinner table. I’ll be right back.

Silvania: Sure.

(As Rosemary leaves the kitchen, Silvania starts singing)

Silvania: (singing)🎵 I’m gonna feel the day begin, Wind on my face, Your everything. Dream of the place I see within… It feels soo right 🎵

(While Silvania sings & arranges the kitchen, Marianna/Anna silently creeps into the kitchen behind her)

Silvania: (vocalizing) 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

Marianna/Anna: (to herself) It’s time I put an end to this bit-ch.

(Marianna/Anna quietly takes a butcher’s knife and stealthily walks to Silvania)

The Fault in our r0m@nç£
Episode 42
By Johnny Patel
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(Rosemary enters the kitchen & sees Mariana/Anna holding a knife to Silvania’s back)

Rosemary: (screaming) Aaaaaaahhh!!!!

(Silvania quic-kly turns around)

Silvania: Rosemary?

Rosemary: (pointing at Marianna/Anna) She was holding a knife behind you, She was about to stab you!

(Silvania fixes her gaze on Marianna/Anna)

Mariana/Anna: No, That’s not true. I was just about to take an apple and cut it in half.

Silvania: (suspiciously) And where is the apple?

Marianna/Anna: It must’ve fallen down and rolled un-der somewhere while Rose was screaming. (she nervously drops the knife)

Silvania: And how come you’re still in this house? Sir Stephen clearly told you to leave.

Marianna/Anna: He’s had a change of heart. (She sm-irks as she exits the kitchen)

Rosemary: (breathing heavily) I wonder what would’ve happened if I hadn’t come into the kitchen on time, She would’ve murdered you.

Silvania: (sighs)

Rosemary: Sir Stephen asked her to leave the house?

Silvania: It’s a long story. (She drops the items in her hands) I’ll be back.

(Silvania goes to Stephen’s room and knocks on the door repeatedly)

Silvania: Sir Stephen! Sir Stephen!

(Richa-rd enters the hallway)

Richa-rd : Silvania… Why’re you shouting him name?

Silvania: I nee-d to tell him something.

Richa-rd : He’s probably asleep. Why don’t you come back later?

Silvania: (sighs) Fine.

(In the ocean – The Mer Kingdom)
(At Alana’s house)

Alana: (crying) I don’t want to believe this is happening but it is. (sighs) I always had a feeling that your father wouldn’t approve of us, And I was right.

Prince Erik: Alana, There’s still a way. We can leave the Mer Kingdom and go somewhere else.

Alana: No. plea-se don’t disobey your father, It’ll be better if you just obey him and marry the mermaid he chooses for you and forget about me.

Prince Erik: But Alana… I love you

(Just then, Three castle guards barges into the house and seizes Alana)

Alana: Ah!

Prince Erik: Let her go!

Guard: We’re sorry my prince, But we’re acting un-der the King’s orders. (To the guards) Take her to the King.

(The guards take Alana out of the house)

Prince Erik: What the hell is this?

Guard: We’re sorry my prince but your father instructed us to follow you and that if we should see you with Alana… We should bring her to him.

Prince Erik: And what does he want with her?

Guard: I don’t know my prince. (He swims out of the house)

(At the castle)

King Jerod: (sternly) What have you done to my son?

Alana: (crying) I haven’t done anything to him.

King Jerod: Ever since Prince Erik has been sneaking out to see you… He’s been acting differently

Alana: (crying & trembling with fear) My King… Believe me, I’m telling the truth.

(Prince Erik furiously enters the throne room)

Prince Erik: Dad! What’s the meaning of this?!!!

(Before Prince Erik can advance further, The guards restrain him)

King Jerod: Clearly, This commoner has you un-der her spell which is why you still had the audacity to go visiting her even after my warnings, And now you want to fight me…

Alana: My King, I didn’t put him un-der any spell. plea-se believe me (crying ha-rder)

King Jerod: (to the guards) Throw her in the dungeon.

Alana: (wailing) No! My King plea-se! I’m innocent!

(The guards take Alana to the dungeon)

Prince Erik: (he angrily frees himself the other guard’s hold) WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!!

King Jerod: I only have your best interests at heart, Son. Don’t worry, Once I kill her… You’ll be free from her bewitchment and return back to your s-en-ses.

Prince Erik: Do even hear yourself when you talk? You sound crude and ignorant, And you act without reasoning! No wonder Marianna left you and ran away from the ocean. You’re despicable! I regret the fact that I have you as a father!

(Prince Erik immediately receives a b!ow to his face)

Prince Erik: (he clenches his jaw in rage) Argh!

King Jerod: (sternly) I will not tolerate any more obscene utterances from you… One more word and I will have you thrown in the dungeon and you will be left to rot in there along with your beloved Alana

(King Jerod swims out of the throne room to his chambers)

(Miami, Florida)
(At Gabrielle’s Mansion)

Sir Griffin: (knocking on the gate) Hello! Hello!

(The security guard opens it)

Security guard: Who are you here to see Sir?

Sir Griffin: I’m here to see the owner of this house, Madam Gabrielle.

(A voice calls out to the security guard)

Voice: Anderson, Who is it?

Security Guard: Madam, There’s a man here who wants to see you.

Voice: I wonder who that could be… Let him into the house.

Security guard: You can come in.

Sir Griffin: Thanks.

(Sir Griffin enters the house)

Sir Griffin: So, Where is she?

(Just then, Gabrielle comes out of the house to see Sir Griffin, And she is flabberg@sted on seeing him)

Sir Griffin: Gabrielle…

Gabrielle: (she grits her teeth in rage) What the hell are you doing here?

Sir Griffin: (remorsefully) Gabrielle, plea-se I’ve come to ask for your forgiveness

Gabrielle: My forgiveness? (laughs) Hold on a minute… Has your darling lovable Veronica abandoned you alre-ady?

Sir Griffin: Yes, You have every right to mock me for all of my wrongdoings… I was so foolish to have ever thought she was in love with me (he goes down on his knee) Gabrielle, plea-se I beg of you from the bo-ttomof my heart… Forgive me

Gabrielle: You seem to forget how you threw me out of your mansion that faithful night, You even threatened to arrest me if I ever c@m£ near Stephen… My own son! And now that you’ve found out what a wench Veronica was, You’re asking for forgiveness? And you think I’ll just let go of the past and forgive you? (sighs) I will NEVER EVER forgive you, Griffin. (To the security guard) Get him out of my house, NOW!!!

(Gabrielle enters the house and slams the door)

Sir Griffin: Gabrielle!

Security guard: Sir, You have to leave… (He tries to get him to stand up)

Sir Griffin: (ignoring him) Gabrielle plea-se!

Security guard: Sir, I don’t want to f0rç£ you out. Just go peacefully

(Sir Griffin finally relents & sorrowfully leaves the house)

(Back At Sir Griffin’s mansion)
(Marianna/Anna is about to leave the house with Stephen when Richa-rd intercepts them)

Richa-rd : Sir Stephen, I thought you were in your room slee-ping?

(Being un-der hypnosis, Stephen remains silent)

Richa-rd : (he taps Stephen) Sir, Where are you going?

Marianna/Anna: How dare you question him?!

(Richa-rd glares at her)

Marianna/Anna: (smiling) Stephen and I are going somewhere, Don’t wait up for us. (she sm-irks evilly)

Richa-rd : Uhhh, Okay. (He leaves)

Stephen: (hypnotically) Where are we going?

Marianna/Anna: To where we can be together, Forever. No one will ever find us there. (sm-irks)

(Marianna/Anna takes Stephen out of the house)

To be Continued