The dairy of lia mark finale



(Dear diary)




** Lia’s pov continues **

Logan and I finally got home and I couldn’t be more happier,

the smell of home smells welcoming and I embr@ced it,

“home sweet home” logan said behind me and I giggled

“yeah home sweet home” I replied and he gr@bb£d my hand

and we both walked upstairs,

“so..are you hungry, do you feel tired, do you want to r–

“Logan!! I’m fine..” I quic-kly said cutting him off. We were both

inside our room and I was sitting on the edge of the be-d while

he was standing and smiling brightly..

“sorry I’m just,..

“you’re just too caring” I cut him off again and he smiled, he

glanced at my bandaged arm then at me.. “does that still hurt”

he asks ..

“not that much, but it hurts when I move it, and it’s heavy

because of the cast” I replied and he nods..

“okay, well Betty told me Tressa got expelled and well since

you didn’t press charges against her, she didn’t go to jail, and

also she left the country, to stay with her aunt, her parent’s

option” logan said and pressed hisl-ips together,

Well I just didn’t want anyone to go to jail, so I didn’t get to

press charges against Tressa,

I just don’t have that evil in me..

“okay so what do you plan on doing today” I asked,

“well nothing actually since you’re here, I could just stare at

you all day” he said with a smile,

“don’t make me sma-ck you” I said and he laughed and sat

down beside me and held my w@!st,

“oh my god .. Logan you’re hurting me” I yelled pretending ..

He quic-kly re-moved his hand and his eyes wi-den

“oh my god, I’m so sorry,” he said, startled, I began to laugh

and he sighed,

“you fooled me right?” he said grumpily but in a pla-yful way

and I smiled, and the door bell suddenly ring

“yeah, you’re so dumb” I said and pe-cked before standing up,

“don’t worry, you sit I’ll go get the door,” Logan said while I

rolled my eyes

“if you’re not letting me go, then we’re going together” I said

and he smiled

“fine by me” he said and gr@bb£d my hand,

“we’re just going down the stairs Logan, you don’t have to

hold my hand” I tell him and he nods and lets go of it,

“good” I said and we both went downstairs,

Logan opened the door while I stood behind him and there we

met, Ricky, Betty, Tania, Hannah and Jason..

“what in the..

“are we coming in or what” Betty asked and Logan glared at


“I don’t really like visitors” he said and closed the door,

“Logan?!! I could you just shut the door in their faces, you

don’t like visitors but, I do.. And then there’s betty, you can

close the door on others but not Betty, ” I warn him

“sorry mom” he said sarcastically and opened the door while I


“you’re an as-s-hole logan” Betty tells him

“yeah I know I get that alot” Logan replies Betty, and then

Betty turned to me after giving Logan a glare, “we c@m£ to see

you Lia, we all did, we heard you’re being discharge today, so

we decided to pay you a visit,” Betty said and Tania waved

Ricki walked in and head straight to the kitchen, and others

walked in, Betty approached me and asked me how I am, if

I’m okay or feeling any pain or, you know the caring questions..

Hannah didn’t say much, she just sat down alone looking

around, she’s probably feeling guilty but anyways I still forgive

her, no ha-rd feelings..

Everyone was saying stuff we were talking laughing and all,

logan was enjoying the group’s pres£nce but he just couldn’t

admit it, Tania’s a funny person and she just loves talking, I

guess I didn’t see who she really was from beginning and she

didn’t see who I really was but she’s nice,

When I walked in the kitchen to get a cu-p of water, Hannah

followed me and gave me a hvg, saying she’s sorry and all

and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her

Why the hell am I so emotional..

“it’s okay” I tell her and she smiled,, we both went to the living

room and Tania was talking about a singer or so, and

everyone’s attention was on her, except logan who was staring

at me, staring at them..

I gave him a “what?” look and he rolled his eyes before

smiling, I heard the door bell and I went to open it and I found

Derrick, we shared a small hvg and he walked in, logan wasn’t

angry, he wasn’t okay with it either,

“so you look good” Derrick tells me

“thanks, I really made a quic-k recovery” I tell him and he

smiled and sat down on a single chair, “guys this is my friend

Derrick, Derrick meet my friends, Betty, Tania Ricky and

Hannah” Daniel waved to them and they waved back..

Derrick faced his phone cause he suddenly received a text

message and Tania continued talking.. I was listening to what

Tania was saying whend Derrick walked up to me..

“ugh I have to pee, could you kindly tell me where the res–

“it’s upstairs by your left” I said with a smile and he smiled

back and left, I turned to listen to what Tania was saying but

Derrick’s phone got me distracted and I glanced at the phone

to see who’s calling and I saw


Huh? Who’s Amy, I asked myself, oh my god, is she Derrick’s

girlfriend? I asked myself in my head and smiled to myself

Derrick c@m£ back and sat down, “who’s Amy?” I asked trying

to hold back my smile

“oh uh, did she call?” he asked,

“she sure did, is she your girlfriend” I asked and the question

blew him off that he ended up coughing and everyone

attention turned to us, and I couldn’t control my laughter..

“are you okay?” Betty asked him.

“uhm yeah,” Derrick quic-kly replied clearing his throat as the

cough st©pped.

“what happened?” Logan asked coming over to my side and

sitting beside me..

“uhm.. nothing,” Derrick quic-kly replied and I stayed quiet

“you guys are keeping secrets from me aren’t you?” Logan

whispered in my ear and I giggled because it tickled and


After talking and eating pizza, everyone began to go home

saying goodbye to everyone was kind of tiring, they all left

except Derrick who said that he wasn’t re-ady to go home..

After they left Logan decided to go and make dinner, for me

and him and Derrick if he stays till that time,

“so.. Now would you tell me” I asked Derrick

“tell you what?” he asked pretending not to know

“who Amy is” I said and he nods and sighed

“well she’s this girl I met the day I c@m£ to visit you in the

hospital, I accidentally ran into her dog, and well from there

we exchanged numbers and well we’ve probably been friends

ever since, she’s nice, I’d say” he explained and I nod

“sounds like you like her” I said and he gave me a look..

“well I do.. I think and now she’s asking if we could have

dinner together I haven’t reply her I’m kind of nervous that’s

why I didn’t want to go home” he blurts truthfully and blu-shed,

“you really do like her and she just asked you out on a d@t£,

and yes you’re going” I tell him

“how can you answer yes for me when you’re not me, how

would you know I want to go” he said and rolled his eyes

“I can see it alre-ady don’t pretend” I tell him and he scoffed,

After arguing with him, he later left agreeing to go on the d@t£

with “Amy” and later bringing back details..

Logan and I ate dinner and went to be-d peaceful that night, ..

School was going smoothly and great, our final exam c@m£ in

and we wrote it with joy with time my arm bec@m£ better, it

bec@m£ unbroken and I was glad it did right before prom night.

Prom night was great I wasn’t surprised I won prom queen,

Victoria and Jason later apologized to me and also Derrick

and Amy attended our prom together and they both looked

perfect, we took memorable pictures and all, and I could say

is everything went perfectly fine for us all..




“so that’s how your life went, it is so boring” Molly, my sixteen

years old daughter said.. She was holding my diary and laying

on logan and I be-d with Tricia and Bailey beside her, my two

other daughters.. Tricia’s twelve while bailey’s seven..

“well after that we all got to college and well that’s it… That’s

just how our lives went” I tell molly and she rolled her eyes

“I don’t just get why you still have to keep this diary anyway,

your love life is lame mom” molly said and I laughed, “you’re

just being paranoid honey I know you enjoyed it” I tell molly

and she quic-kly sit up and said “as if”

“don’t mind molly mom, I totally enjoyed it, and I didn’t even

know dad’s other name’s brown it’s awkward” Tricia said titling

her head in confusion, she looks just like logan, dark hair

green eyes and a nice dimple to go with, but she doesn’t have

Logan’s rude personality but my kind personality.. While molly,

blond hair brown eyes and a rude personality, she loves

everything but hates to admit it, I love her.. While Bailey well

Bailey’s still growing up and she’s my favorite..

“if my name’s awkward then yours is too” I hear Logan’s voice

behind me and I turned,

“daddy!!” Tricia and Bailey said together and ran to hvg him..

While molly just stood beside me, she glanced at my stomach

then at me…

“are you sure you’re not going to give birth to twins mom,

cause your stomach is bigger than Bailey” molly teases and


“your mom and I alre-ady went for a scan and she’s giving birth

to just one boy, not two” Logan said taking Bailey in his hands

“thank God, cause I can’t stand Tricia and Bailey and I don’t

want any annoying ones” molly said and Logan and I gave her

a look, while she looked away innocently

“I could have sma-cked you but it’s just that you just look like

your mother and I love her so much” Logan said and smiled at


“what? I look nothing like mom I am way prettier,” molly said

and walked back to the be-d, while Logan shook his head


“so you re-ady?” Logan asked me

“yeah, but aren’t you tired you’re just coming back from work

and all” I said worrisome

“I’m never tired dear,” Logan said

“yeah dad’s never tired he’s super man” Bailey said and Logan

laughed “yeah that’s why you’re my favorite baby” Logan said

to Bailey and she smiled

“but what about me” Tricia frowns

“and you too” Logan added and she smiles, logan dropped

Bailey and adjusted his shi-t..

“so honey we’re off to a get together p@rty and you’re

incharge” I tell molly and she gro-an ed

“I don’t want to babysit this two dummy’s alone” molly said


Logan glared at her for calling Tricia and Bailey dummies and

she apologized…

“and you won’t be babysitting them alone, Nathan is coming

over” I tell her and she suddenly jumped out of the be-d

“oh my god, Nathan’s coming here?? I seriously nee-d to

change this clothes” molly said and ran out of the room, we

could all see she’s in love with Nathan, Derrick’s seventeen

years old son..

“mom look Nathan’s parents are here” Tricia said looking out

the window..

“okay be good children and behave okay, so your sister won’t

get mad” I tell Bailey and Tricia and they nod..

“oh don’t worry mom, molly won’t get angry at us since Nathan

will be coming here” Tricia said and I gave her a look while

she laughed,

She’s such a smarty p@n-ts


We went downstairs and to the door and met Derrick, Amy

Nathan and Megan their daughter who’s twelve ,.. Nathan and

Megan walked in while we walked out, and joined Derrick and

Amy to their car and we all complimented each other and after

that the driver drove us to the ‘get together p@rty’ oh I can’t

wait to meet Betty!




By Ruthie Lee..