The blue moon Episode 28


šŸ’§{Destined to be together}šŸ’§

āœļøBy: Chidimma Mirabel šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ



“Who are you and how do you know my name?”

Ameliah’s eye wi-den as she cursed herself inwardly for calling his name.

She looked at him and he had a look of confusion in his eyes.

“Um, sorry Master. I’m…I’m a new..maid. I just heard your name being called by…one of the maid” Ameliah stammered

Stephen began taking steps towards her and she took one behind till she was tra-pped between a wall and him

He leaned towards her and her eyes wi-den with her heart hammering in her rib cage. He looked at her with those de-ep pene-trating gaze of his

“Are you lying to me?” Stephen whispered in her ears which with only that made her head spin.

“No Master” She succeeded in saying

Stephen looked at her still not buying what she said. Something keeps telling him that she’s lying. In the past month, he hasn’t even felt anything about any woman but why this lady, he doesn’t know her but…there’s something about her.

He leaned towards and Ameliah eyes wi-den as what he was about to do. She shifted her head towards the wall as if she can pas-s throu-gh it.

*If he k!sses me. Then my mission is finished before starting* Ameliah thought.

Before theirl-ips could meet she disappeared in front of him ma-king Stephen to k!ssthe wall. He opened his eyes and she wasn’t they.

“So not only is she pla-ying ha-rd to get but she’s also a vampire, intriguing” Stephen said as he began walking towards his room

He walked into it and smiled as his eyes scanned throu-gh the room. Nothing has changed.

Memories of Ameliah is still there and surprisingly he wasn’t sad. He was instead smiling.

Ameliah appeared in her room and breathed heavily.

“That was close” She mumbled…

She took out her phone and dialed Paolo’s number..

“Paolo, we nee-d to change our plans. I just got to Stephen mansion some hours and look, we almost k!$$Ā£d. I don’t think I can keep it anymore, we have to tell him he might be of help” Ameliah said.

“Alright I’ll come to his mansion with Jessica tonight. We’ll tell him you’re alive and then see what will happen” Paolo spoke throu-gh the phone.

“That’s better, see you in the next hours. Be discreet when coming, we don’t want Cas-sius to go berserk” Ameliah said and hung up.

She turned around and g@sped at who she saw.

“I knew something looks fishy about you, so you’re a spy sĀ£nt by Cas-sius” Stephen said as he was consumed by rage.

He gr@bbĀ£d Ameliah by the nĀ£Ā¢k and pinned her on the wall as his eyes turned red.

“Stephen, plea-se calm down. I’ll explain things to you, it’s not what you think” Ameliah said as she felt herself being suffocated.

He then sl@pped her ha-rd on the face and he re-leased her. She fell on the floor as she g@sped for air. Stephen gr@bbĀ£d her by the air with anger burning in his eyes…

“I hate people like you who take advantage of my kindness” He spatted…

“Stephen listen,…”

“Shut up!” He cut her short…

He stood up and called for guards. They c@mĀ£ instantly…

“Lock her up while I think of a better way to kill her” Stephen said to his guards

They walked up to Ameliah and picked her up. She could easily beat up those guards but she didn’t resist, she let them take her.

She stĀ©pped on her tracks and turned to Stephen. She pushed them away and ran to Stephen then she pu-ll-ed him down to her level and crushed herl-ips on his. She broke the k!ssand stared at his shocked face…

“It hurts to see that you have forgotten about me” She said, the guards held her back and went away with her…

The guards locked her up in an un-derground cell room. She walked up to a stool and sat down with sadness engulfing her heart.

“He has forgotten about me” She muttered as tears escaped her eyes..


Stephen was pacing tho and fro, feeling restless.

*Why did she k!ssme…
*Why do I feel uneasy for locking her up…
*How did Cas-sius manage to find my location…

Those are the questions that went throu-gh Stephen’s mind. He sat down on a seat while thinking. He ruffled his hair frustratedly.

He looked at the ban-gle on his wrist and then he smiled. He stood up and walked to a drawer then he re-moved a small box and opened it, a beautiful ring adorned with emerald was placed in it.

*I was planning to propose to my heart beat when the blue moon was over, who knew she’ll leave me this soon* He thought sadly as he fumbled with the ring.

He placed it in it’s box and put it in his pocket as he stood up

“Guess I’ll give it to Flynn so that he’ll propose to Chloe with it” he said to no one in p@rticular.

He took out a book from the book shelf and he began re-ading…

________At night

Paolo and Jessica appeared in front of Stephen mansion. Jessica rang the bell and a maid attended to them.

They both walked in with their hands intertwined. They walked into the living room and sat down.

Minutes later Stephen walked in, Stephen looked surprised to see Jessica and he looked more surprised as he saw her holding hands with a guy, a vampire to be precised…

“Wow, hope I’ll be invited to your wedding day” Stephen joked with a smile.

“StĀ©p that!” Jessica said and stood up then briefly hvgged Stephen.

“Here’s Paolo, my best friend and also my bĀ©yfriĀ£nd” Jessica said with a smile.

They shook hands

“Paolo Griffin, nice meeting you” Paolo said

“Nice meeting you too” Stephen replied.

Stephen ached his brown…

“You’re a…”

“A vampire, yes I am a vampire” Paolo said.

“Not just any vampire, he’s Cas-sius right hand man” Jessica said..

“WHAT!!!” Stephen exclaimed…

“plea-se sit down, we nee-d to talk” Paolo said and the three of them sat round the table.

“Alright first of all, I want to let you know that I am Ameliah and Jessica childhood friends. The reason why I work for Cas-sius is because I want to use him. We made plan that almost worked but something c@mĀ£. Now we nee-d you to join our team” Paolo said..

“Alright, count me in. I will do anything in order to kill Cas-sius”

“Thanks for your collaboration” Paolo said.

“You’re welcome. I want to ask you guys a question, who’s that wench that I locked up earlier” Stephen asked..

Paolo and Jessica spranged up from their seats with shock in their faces…

“You locked up someone, was it a girl with red highlights in her hair?” Jessica asked…

Stephen nodded and Jessica and Paolo face sl@pped themselves..

“Idiot, you just locked up Ameliah!!!” Jessica said

“What!! If it’s a joke, plea-se stĀ©p it. I hate such kind of jokes” Stephen said as he began trembling

“We c@mĀ£ here to tell you that Ameliah is alive, you turned her into a vampire and then she survived.” Paolo said


Ameliah was alre-ady getting tired of sitting in the dungeon so she teleported out of the dungeon but she was brou-ght back into the dungeon.

She ached a brown as to why her power wasn’t working…

She sm-irked as she walked and stood in front of the door…

“This dungeon can absorb powers, but can’t absorb strength” She said and kicked the door real ha-rd which sĀ£nt the door flying away.

She walked out of the dungeon and peeled off her mask then teleported to the living room


Stephen stood still, he was happy that she survived but at the same time felt guilty that he didn’t recognize her. He could still remember the look in her face…

He looked at his hands he used to hithis Ameliah and suddenly felt the urge to cut them off.

He turned to teleport to the dungeon but stĀ©pped when he saw her in front of him…

“Ameliah” He stammered…

They both stood still staring at each other. Ameliah then looked away and began walking towards Jessica and Paolo. She almost walked pas-s him but he held her arm which made her to stĀ©p.

He then went down to his knees with his head down.

“Ameliah, I’m sorry. I am so sorry I raised my hands on you, You can do whatever you want with me but plea-se don’t hate me. Living without you by my side was so much painful but living knowing that you hate me, that I can’t stand it.” He said as he led his tears out…

Ameliah too was alre-ady in tears when he was speaking. She turned and faced him then helped him stand up.

She cu-mpped his cheek and wiped off his tears with her thumbs.

“I’ll forgive you only in one condition. If you stĀ©p being such a crybaby” Ameliah said with a smile…

He looked at her face and could see a smile on it. His heart swelled up with so much emotion that he felt that it might explode.

She took her in her arms, hvgging her ti-ghtly as he led his tears out. This time it was tears of joy.

She hvgged him back to as she snuggled with his che-st. It was only a month and two weeks but it seemed like eternity…

They broke the hvg and then smiled at each other.

“Now I realize that life is too short to be wasted. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side, being away from you for a month was pure torture. I have nothing to say except this…”

He went down on one knees and re-moved the box he was planning to throw away…

Ameliah covered her mouth as tears flowed down her cheek when she saw what was inside…

“Will you marry me Lia and make me the happiest man ever?” He said…

“Yes, I will marry you. I will, I will, I will” She shouted as tears flowed down her cheek.

He took her left hand and inser-ted the ring in her ring f!nger.

He stood up and wiped her tears with his thumb

“I love you” He said.

“I love you too” She replied

He held her w@!st and pu-ll-ed her closer to him as theirl-ips met in for a loving k!ss..

Paolo and Jessica hvgged each other smiling, feeling happy for them.

All the maids, guards in the mansion were all presĀ£nt in the living room as they cheered for them..

They broke the k!ssand their forehead rested on each other with their eyes closed, savoring the moment…
