The as-sas-sin I fell in love with Episode 21 & 22

⚔️THE as-sas-sIN⚔️
•[He Captured a Princess]
❤️⚔️Episode Twenty One⚔️❤️
••Jamal’s POV••
‘Le…Leana?? It’s late go to be-d’..i muttered un-der my breath as I slowly re-leased Leana from my embr@ce…
‘So you forgive me??’..She asked and my mouth opened to say something but alas nothing c@m£ out…
‘Go to your room Leana’..a murmur c@m£ out instead and she whimpered a bit—Then left..
I really want to hate her after all her father did to make me suffer without any form of pity…
I’m supposed to hate her!!..
It is my duty as a Gal to hate every living from Lehan’s generation…
But it’s all different these past few days with her..
She’s no longer lousy as she used to..
She doesn’t irritate me as she used to..
She doesn’t even insult me which is one of the clauses that makes me hate her more…
She’s been so submissive to the extent that I’m just smiling just by the sight of her…
I am an as-sas-sin and she’s a princess so any form of mutual connection is pretty bad for the both of us…
Not for the both of us only but also for the sake of the revenge I plan to carry out…
It’s high time I give my distance…
The Next Morning🌥️
The sound of the c0ck’s crow blasted throu-gh my ears and I jo-lted from my sleep with an irky look on my face…
Leana was still asleep when I peered into her room and I couldn’t help but smile again seeing TJ with her…
He doesn’t want to sleep on his be-d anymore I guess..
‘Mmmmh who’s there??’..She murmured ru-bbing her eyes and I quic-kly walked away so as not to be noticed…
Going into my weaponry room i gr@bb£d my favorite practice sword and began training without interruption from anyone…
«WHENEVER DISTRACTED FIGHT AND TRAIN YOURSELF TO THE LIMIT» Father used to say all the time whenever I was distracted by a bu-tterfly in our garden…
He was always so wise in his words and I used to appreciate everyone of them…
For about two hours straight I exercised,fought with me straw mannequin, Sparred with myself,drank a gallon of water and then continued all over again…
Maybe then that stupid heat I get whenever I’m near that Leana would wear off..
••Leana’s POV••
I heard continuous noises and gro-an s from the other room and walked over but before i could reach TJ held me back…
‘Yon-go there’..He murmured..
‘Why??’..I asked as I bent down..
‘Cause when Yayyi is in a bad mood he yoes into that yoom and fights’..He replied and I smiled..
‘it can’t be that bad can it??’..I said and stood up but then heard a sharp thang on the wall with dagger marks…
Ohhh Aros…
‘See…so yon-go there’..TJ stuttered and I gulped ha-rd …
Could Jamal still possibly be angry with me??..
Even after the bizarre connection i felt when i hvgged him??..
‘Go to your room I’ll bring you breakfast in some few minutes’..i whispered,k!$$£d him on the cheek and he ran away with his chubby legs…
With a little gathered courage I opened the door and a killer dart was fired at me which I quic-kly blocked but it pierced my arm a little…
‘What on the gods?? What are you doing here Leana??’..He asked rushing over…
‘I..I just wanted to ask if you wanted to eat’..i lied and he gro-an ed gr-abbing my arm..
‘That’ll just leave a bruise but you’d be fine,go Leana’..He said and turned around and I noticed the scars on his back…
de-ep scars which had reddish markings and a little scars which hadn’t healed fully….Even fresh scars swarmed his back which made his perfectly made b©dy less perfect by an ounce…
Ivan was pimpish and so neat that even a freckle of dust irritated him talk less of a single bruise..
I thought a neat,well mannered man and…
What am I even saying?..
Shadow isn’t anywhere near royal material??..
‘What are you still doing here??’..I heard his snarl which interluded my thoughts and bounced back to reality…
‘Ohhhh uhh those scars are they real??’..I asked instead and he frowned…
‘You ask a lot of questions princess.Ones that I’m clearly not going to answer’…He said handling another devilish weapon in his hands…
‘I..I..I can help you in nursing them if you want??’..I offered and he st©pped abruptly…
‘What is your problem?!! can’t you get the sign and leave me alone?!!’..
‘Why?? I always ask this Question but you never give me a befitting reply!! Why are you helping me!!!’…
‘Well i don’t know okay?!!! I just don’t know!!’..i fired back and he sighed de-eply raking his hands throu-gh his hair…
‘You are one stubborn woman and I’m getting sick of it Leana!!’..
‘Fine!!! Fine then let’s strike a deal!! I heal your wounds and you teach me how to fight!’..i snapped..
‘You fight?? Is this a joke??’..He asked and I shook my head…
‘I’m not running away from you Shadow,i pretty much don’t even know my way around these p@rts and from the looks of it a lot of people hate you.How am I going to protect TJ when you’re not home??’..I explained as my brows perked up and he gro-an ed…
‘If that’s what you want then fine your lesson starts now’..He said..
‘Wh..’ voice trailed off as he handed a sword over to me…
It was pretty light for something with a very good detail…
‘The lighter the sword the sharper it is,the heavier the sword well…you’re a woman’..He muttered and then the next thing i knew his hands were on my w@!st and he pu-ll-ed me backwards…
I shuddered a bit feeling his warm breath against my n£¢k and calmed down so as not to look like a fretting cat in front of him…
‘Now fight the mannequin’..He ordered and with every power in me o sliced the straw mannequin into pieces…
‘So….How did I do??’..I asked and turned over..
‘I said fight..i didn’t say you should slice lettuce leaves’…He replied..
‘Let me show you something’..He murmured and then within a second the sword was out of my hands..
‘You fight like that and you’re dead alre-ady now,try to injure me’..He said dropping his sword on the ground and cl@pped his hands squ-atting a little…
My legs spre-ad like I was a gorilla re-ady to br@wl and within a second I tried hitting him on every man’s weak sp©t but he was quic-k…
‘Women are so predictable’..He scowled…
‘Men are also predictable too!! You are also predictable!!’..I cried out and tried hitting him somewhere but then…
He gr@bb£d my hands and pinned me to the wall..
‘You were saying??’..
‘T…that…I was expecting that’..i stuttered in fear seeing his glittering blue eyes…
‘Oh really then what about this’..He whispered as his mouth slowly covered mine…
❤️⚔️Episode Twenty Two⚔️❤️
••Ivan’s POV••
I paced around awkwardly with my f!ngersdug into my pockets while waiting and for Nevida and as soon as I heard the creaking of my door I turned around —But it wasn’t Nevida.It was Nirvana…
‘What are you doing here??’..i asked..
‘Well i..I just c@m£ to take away the clothes’..She stuttered walking over to my drawers which was for dirty clothes…
‘Hmmm okay alert me when Princess Nevida arrives’..I replied..
‘Actually she was here an hour ago but left after dropping a scroll’..She said and I turned sharply…
‘Really?? Well then were is it??’..I asked with a frown on my face and she walked over to my bronze shelf…
‘It’s right….it’s right there’..She strained trying to reach for it but the shelf was like much more taller than her..
‘Here let me help you with that’..I offered and walked over.Our hands brushed a bit and I felt something like a tingling s-en-sation which I was quic-k to ignore as I finally got what I wanted…
‘I…I would be taking my leave now your..your highness’..She stuttered and turned around…
‘Uhhh Nirvana..The clothes’..I said and she tired back..
••Jamal’s POV••
🎶Walking your rainbow paradise…
Strawberryl-ipstick state of mind…
I get so lost inside your eyes.Would you believe it??..
🎶You don’t have to say you love me..
You don’t have to say nothing..
You don’t have to say you’re mine…
🎶Darling I’d walk throu-gh water for you..
Just let me adore you..
🎶Darling I’d walk throu-gh fire for you..
Just let me adore you cause it’s the only thing I’d ever do…
My hands raked throu-gh Leana’s hair as myl-ips delved in dee-per trying to get the source of the sweetness in her mouth…
k!ss!nghasn’t always been one of many things i do with women but with her it’s just…
It’s just something I can’t explain…
I shouldn’t be doing this…
‘I think we nee-d to st©p this lesson’…I quic-kly retracted myself..
‘Yes…y..yes you’re right well uhmm brea..breakf..I think I’ll get going now’..She stammered and walked away…
‘Urghhh!!!!’..i gro-an ed loudly and threw a dagger across the wall angrily…
What is she doing to me?!..
She has casted a spell on me and a terrible one at that…
‘Well,well,well looks like things are getting pretty warm here’..I heard and when i turned around Kyra was behind me…
‘What are you doing here Kyra??’..i asked..
‘Ohh nothing really just c@m£ to ask why you’ve not been replying to my letters!!’..She snarled and i frowned de-eply..
‘Mind who you’re talking to Kyra’..
‘I don’t know who I’m talking to anymore your highness!! You’ve grown weak!!’..She yelled and i pushed her against the wall…
‘Call me weak one more time and I’ll make sure you die the exact same way your brother did!!’..i warned and turned to leave…
‘It’s because of her isn’t it?? You’ve been ignoring my letters because of her isn’t it Prince Jamal Gal!! Kill me if you want cause i am just a mere teacher and humble servant to you but i won’t stand here and watch what you took years to plan fade away just because of a woman!!’..She cried out from behind me and i st©pped dead in my tracks…
‘You think this is about her Kyra?? Is that what you really think?? That I’m going to forget what her father did to me??’..i asked..
‘St©p it Shadow!! You’re denying the truth here!! I’ve seen the way you look at her Shadow and it’s the look a man has when he wants someone badly!! you’re just telling yourself that you’re keeping her to make King Lehan suffer when it isn’t what you’re doing!! You married her Shadow and now you’re going soft on her!!! if you really say you hate her as you claim then why don’t you just kill her!!’..She replied and i nipped my bottoml-ip…
‘What i do is none of your business Kyra and i don’t want to see you in here ever again,TJ will be brou-ght to your home for lessons and that’s all i have to say so plea-se leave’…
••King Lehan’s POV••
‘I have brou-ght a seer as you requested Lehan’..Leah said and I turned my head to the other side…
‘Welcome’..I whispered huskily to the seer who was wearing a simple white kaftan and a shawl on his n£¢k…
‘You don’t have to welcome me here your highness,even this palace isn’t pure for a humble seer like me’..He replied and I couldn’t help but frown..
‘What do you mean??’..I asked..
‘It means that there are a lot of secrets you’re hiding your highness,lots of which your daughter is suffering for right now’..He explained murmuring some things un-der his breath…
‘Are you sure this isn’t a sham Leah??’…i asked my wife..
‘He’s the best seer in these p@rts Lehan,plea-se listen to what he has to say’..she whispered ..
‘What do you mean by my daughter is suffering?? You are a seer aren’t you?? Where could she possibly be??’..i asked..
‘Ohhh she is safe alright but I don’t know where she is and I don’t know the man who calls himself Shadow but all i know is that he won’t rest until you suffer for what you did to him years ago’..He replied and in a bid to scoff a cough c@m£ out instead…
‘plea-se get him out of here!!! Get him out of here Leah and don’t bring him in here ever again!!’..i yelled and she nodded ushering him out…
What is he even talking about??
••Leana’s POV••
At Night☄️
Shadow c@m£ to the table and sat quietly with TJ by the side..
I didn’t even bother saying anything as I finished dishing out the food and sprinkled a bit of pepper on the it..
‘Enjoy’..I murmured and went into the kitchen to clean up…
Minutes later a ruckus started and then I started hearing Shadow’s scream..
‘TJ!!! TJ what’s wrong with you?!!’..
I ran back outside and TJ was on the floor shaking with foam coming out of his mouth…
‘Poison!! Leana what did you do?!!’..He cried out facing me..
‘Me?? I didn’t do anything ohh have mercy Aeros I swear I didn’t do anything!!’..