The alpha and the female warrior Episode 25

As produced by Yasminne
Chapter 25
Theme : Spilling Secrets
“Ms Williams ratted out her best friend to Maxwell?” I
cried, dumbfounded by this new discovery.
“I don’t know if I should’ve told you that or if she
should’ve told you herself…” He muttered, staring off
into the distance.
I scoffed at that idea. “She wouldn’t have told me, trust
He looked at me with a curious expression, waiting for an
“I visited her earlier today and asked her what her role
was nineteen years ago.” I explained, recalling her
reaction. “She was not happy and kicked me out her
“Yup, and now I know why.” I fumed, disgusted by her
actions. “Why the hell would she turn on her best friend
like that? Did she hate Lily?”
Theo scratched the back of his n£¢k and sighed. “Well,
she had a reason to do that.”
“What good enough reason could there be to betray your
best friend like that?” I exclaimed, gaping at him. “She
literally informed Maxwell of Lily’s pregnancy, which in
turn got everyone killed.”
“The attack would’ve happened regardless.” He pointed
I glowered at him with so much ferocity, he actually
flin-ched a little.
“But of course, it was wrong.” He added quic-kly.
“So what was the reason?” I asked, rolling my eyes.
He didn’t reply, ma-king me reach over to his side and
poke him. “Earth to Theo, I asked what her reason was.”
The corner of his l!pcurled when I poked him.
“Now that , I won’t tell you.”
My jaw swung open, deadpanned at what he just said.
“Are you serious? You won’t tell me even after everything
we’ve talk about?”
“It’s a personal reason and I think that it’s something she
should tell you.” He explained, nodding to himself.
“Whether you think she had a good enough reason will
be up to you.”
“Do you think the reason was good enough?” I asked,
curious what his thoughts on this were.
“I still haven’t made my mind up yet.”
What was Ms Williams’ reason, that would make him feel
uncertain about what seems to be clearly wrong?
“Okay, so now I know that Ms Williams was the reason
Maxwell attacked The MoonKnight Pack earlier than
planned.” I summarised.
An interesting thought c@m£ to mind.
“I wonder if they are alive…”
I muttered it so low to myself that I hadn’t expected Theo
to answer.
“If who is alive?”
“I was just thinking about what the circu-mtances would
be, if the child of Lily and Alex survived.” I explained
thoughtfully. “If they were to come to your territory and
demand for their pack members to be ‘re-leased’, would
“I would, only if they can prove they can to provide for
their pack.” He replied seriously. “If they can, I would go
throu-gh all the legal precautions to transfer their
members onto their original leader.”
“Do you think the child survived?” I asked, wondering
how they were doing if they did.
Theo looked away a second before turning back with a
smile. “I think they did.I started to smile back as he
carried on talking. “I have a feeling they’re an amazing
person, living a good life, and has a loving family.”
I watched him in surprise. “That’s nice of you to say that
about someone you’ve never met.”
This, for whatever reason, made him laugh.
Like really ha-rd .
His head was thrown back as he displa-yed uncontrollable
fits of laughter. It was a very rare sight to see.
He finally calmed down, enough to be able to talk.
“I guess you could say that.”
I shook my head at him, also wearing a smile.
“And I hope they never find out about what had really
happened to their parents.” He said suddenly serious,
laughter erased from his face.
That’s when I realised something.
“I never found out what actually happened to Lily and
Alex.” I said with a frown. “How did they die? How did the
story end?”
Theo’s demeanor changed once I asked that. “I will not
answer that question.”
“What? Why?” I cried in astonishment. “You agreed to
answer my questions!”
“I said I will answer what I can.” He corrected me curtly,
regarding me coldly. “I am choosing to not answer this
I shivered at the change of his tone, very cold and
distant. Quite like how it sounded like when I first met
“Fine, whatever.” I huffed, annoyed at his refusal.
I c@m£ to him to get questions answered, but found
myself with more questions than I started off with.
What was Ms Willams’ reason to betray Lily, her best
friend, like that?
How did Lily and Alex die? What happened to them?
“I have one more thing to say.” I piped up, sounding
“What is it?” He asked softly, the coldness in his tone
decrea-sed significantly.
I took a de-ep breath, and said what was on my mind.
“I want to find out who my parents were.”
Theo’s eyebrows raised up and he took a de-ep breath to
say, “What?”
“You heard me.” I said with a sigh.
“Why?” He asked, his voice rising a little.
“All my life, until now, I was convinced I was abandoned
by my biological parents because they didn’t want me.” I
started to say. “It was the only explanation until we
started talking at the lake house.”
“The lake house?”
“It was then when I realised I originally belong to The
MoonKnight Pack.” I admitted in a low voice.
“So you knew that since then…” He breathed to himself,
watching me with concerned eyes.
I nodded briefly, realising that he was un-der the
impression I had no idea who my original pack was.
“When we were talking in the libr@ry during the early
morning, you told me that my abandonment didn’t make
s-en-se.” I explained, fiddling with my water bottle. “My
pack scent as well as my family scent was gone when I
was found, because my parents died and so did the
leaders of The Pack.”
“It was as simple as that, and yet, no one told you that
you might’ve come from The MoonKnight Pack.” He
retorted, shaking his head. “It was the only pack to have
suffered that many losses around the time you were a
newborn.””But I had no pack scent so no one could be
sure.” I pointed out. “And the pack seized to exist after it
conjoined with this pack, so The MoonKnight Pack
probably never even crossed their minds. Especially with
all the drama with ‘Alex murdering his pack members’.”
“I guess I could see that” He admitted, crossing his arms.
After a a brief pause, he asked, “Who named you?”
“The Alpha and Luna, when they adopted me.” I said
smiling, thinking of Kaitlyn and Magnus. “They couldn’t
conceive after Jay, so when I was found, they considered
me as their child straight away.”
Theo watched me closely, noticing my smile and smiling
a little.
“Kaitlyn always wanted to call her daughter ‘Elisia’, so
that’s why I was named that.” I continued, my mood
lifting. “My surname, Knight, comes from the fact that I
was found holding a toy knight. Apparently, I used to
sleep with it every night and cried my eyes out if it was
taken from me.”
Theo chuckled at this.
“I explain the reason behind my surname to humans a
lot. They don’t un-derstand why I wasn’t registered with
the same surname as Kaitlyn, Magnus and Jay, if I was
adopted.” I retorted, laughing a little.
I couldn’t imagine being called Elisia Steel.
“Because you’re not from their Alpha family-blood line,
you cannot share the same surname.” Theo said, nodding
in un-derstandment. “Imagine saying that to humans…”
“So anyway, I want to find my biological parents because
I don’t res£nt them anymore.” I said, wondering how I
got off t©pic. “I was abandoned so I could survive the
Theo didn’t respond, but rather started to run his hand
throu-gh his hair.
I g@sped and held my hand against my che-st in shock.
“What if…I have siblings.”
“I doubt it, unless you were abandoned with other kids.”
He sighed, putting his head in his hands.
“No, I wasn’t.” I admitted, my shoulders sagging a little.
“Where do you think I should start?”
Theo visibly looked uncomfortable, as he shifted in his
“I think you should take your time with it, you might not
even be re-ady.”
I eyed him suspiciously, wondering why he so against
finding out about my biological parents. Does he think I
can’t handle it?
Or maybe he knows more than he’s letting on…
I really hoped it wasn’t the latter. I would want him to tell
me everything, even if he thought I couldn’t handle it.
“I would like to ask another question.” I mused,
puckering myl-ips in de-ep thought.
“Go ahead.” He said, standing up to gr-ab another drink.
“Why haven’t you done anything about it?”
Theo, who was reaching into the fridge, stiffened.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you know that Alex was innocent and that the
real person behind all those murders were The Rogue
f0rç£ and Maxwell’s accomplices.”
I gave him a ha-rd , long look as he made his way back to
the sofa.
“Do you see where I’m going with this?” I asked, watching
him open a can of soda.
“You’re wondering why I haven’t made things right.” He
answered, his expression ha-rd ening. “Why I let everyone
continue to believe that it was Alex’s fault, when it
wasn’t.”I nodded, waiting for his answer.
“Who would believe me?” He continued, chuckling
humorlessly. “Werewolf politics usually depend on
witnesses. I’m not a witness, I was two years old when
the attack happened.”
“That doesn’t matter, you could show them Maxwell’s
diary and all the letters about the attack.” I said, shaking
my head at him. “All those are evidence to show that
Maxwell and The Rogue f0rç£ were behind the attack.”
“You’ve re-ad one of the letters, do you remember seeing
the official seal of The Rogue f0rç£ on it? Or even The
BlackShadowed Pack official seal?”
I shook my head, wondering what he meant.
“No Alpha leader would ever accept any letter that is
claimed to be real evidence, without there being a seal.”
He explained, taking a large swing of his drink. “Everyone
knows that letters cannot be exchanged without an
official seal.”
“Are you telling me there aren’t any letters that have an
official seal?” I questioned, feeling astonished.
“My father was very meticulous when it c@m£ to covering
up his tracks, you could say it was a talent.” Theo scoffed,
his eyes ha-rd ening. “He got rid of every single letter, that
had an offical seal, containing the details of the attack.”
“So other than a few unofficalised do¢v-ments and letters,
you have no actual evidence to pres£nt to the other
leaders.” I breathed, finally un-derstanding.
“Everything I know about what happened nineteen years
ago, I learnt from the few letters he left behind as well as
hearing from Ms Williams.”
“Ms Williams!” I exclaimed, raising from my seat. “She’s a
“Sit down, you think I didn’t think of that?” He retorted,
b!tt!g back a smile. “Of course she’s a witness and she’s
the only one.”
I held my arms out in confusion, sitting back down. “So
why aren’t you bringing her in for questioning, you have
a walking and talking piece of evidence!”
“She couldn’t even bring herself to tell
you what her role was nineteen years ago, what makes
you think she’ll tell the board of Alpha leaders?”
“She’s refused?” I asked, my eyes wi-dening. “All she nee-ds
to say is that Maxwell and the rogues were behind the
attack, Lily was imprisioned by Maxwell and Alex was
blackmailed into turning himself in for a crime he didn’t
“It’s not as easy as that, Elisia.” He said, ru-bbing his
temple. “You have to remember that she was the one
who betrayed her best friend and her pack, which in turn
resulted in Lily and Alex’s murder and the downfall of an
entire pack.”
He paused briefly before continuing. “She blames herself
for everything that happened; for everyone’s death and
the downfall of her Pack.”
“Right…” I nodded slowly, trying to un-derstand.
“She rarely ever talks about the past, she really hates to.”
“I’m surprised she’s told me half things she has.” I
“I believe it’s because you look a lot like Lily, you’re like a
walking and living reminder to her.” Theo mused taking
in my features. “You look little like Lily, you know.”
“A little? You mean, I look a lot like her!’ I chuckled, but
immediately regreting my words.
Theo frowned but then smiled a little, watching me
“How do you know how she looks?”
I blu-shed a little and shrugged. “I fli-cked throu-gh a ph0to
albu-m and c@m£ across a women that wasn’t your
mother.””Ah, you knew it was Lily because of the
message at the back.”
“Actually I just as-sumed it was Lily, and then I was
proved right when I re-ad the message later.”
We watched the waterfall together, listening to it’s
calming sound.
“As you know, The MoonKnight Pack members live in a
different pack town. Ms Williams lives on her own,
located near my place for three reasons.” He spoke up.
“When I first c@m£ here, I initially thought it was because
she had to live near to clean the Alpha Manor.” I
chuckled, remembering our first meeting in the kitchen.
“That’s actually one of the reasons.” He pointed out. “She
hates doing nothing and weirdly enough, enjoys cleaning
and tidying.”
“What are the other two reasons?” I asked curiously.
“I visit her regularly to talk about whether she’s re-ady to
come forward as a witness to talk about what happened
nineteen years ago.”
“Ah.” I nodded, glad he didn’t give up on that.
“The other reason is that she can’t ba-re to live with the
other members of her pack.”
“Out of guilt?”
“Yes, out of guilt. It’s p@rtly her fault that her pack turned
out the way it is. Although the members do not know the
real story, they’ve heard rumors about Ms Williams
betraying the pack and their Luna, Lily.”
I g@sped a little, so close to the truth and yet still so far.
“She’s nicknamed and known as ‘The Betrayer’ amongst
them, thus marginalising her from their community.”
“I can’t believe they’re un-der the impression that their
own Alpha murdered his fellow pack members.” I said,
shaking my head sympathetically. “He was a good man, if
only they knew.”
“I think de-ep down, they still believe he was a good man.”
Theo said thoughtfully. “Otherwise, they wouldn’t have
the nee-d to push the blame on someone else, like Ms
Theo stood up suddenly and walked over to the edge of
the cave, where the waterfall was.
He turned to face me, wearing a mischievious sm-irk.
What was he up to?
He started taking off his sneakers and his socks as I
watched him in confusion.
He then proceeded to take off his T-shi-t, revea-ling that
perfect b©dy of his.
My eyes wi-de-ned as I struggled to look away. “What are
you doing?” I squeaked, taking little sneak peaks at him.
“str!pping for you.”
“What?” I screeched. “What!”
“Just kidding.” He chuckled.
To my shock and horror, that’s when he started to pu-ll
down his joggers.
“It doesn’t look like you’re kidding!” I shouted, covering
my eyes in embarras-sment.
“We’re mates, and you’re covering your eyes?” He
commented, the amusement clear in his voice.
I ignored the fact that my whole b©dy tingled when he
called us mates and proceeded to stick my ton-gue out at
I re-moved my hands from eyes to see what happened,
just to see Theo on the verge of falling over the edge of
the cave.
He managed to balance himself, not forgetting to sm-irk
at me, the cheeky glint clear in his eyes.”Theo, stay away
from the edge.” I warned him, reminding myself to not
look down at his bo-xers. Without even looking properly, I
could alre-ady tell they were Calvin Klein.
“You’ll fall.”
He leaned forward even further to tease me, half his
b©dy in the waterfall.
“Alright then, jump.” I said tea-singly, rolling my eyes.
He stepped back and disappeared off the edge.
“Theo!” I cried in alarm, running towards the waterfall.
I didn’t really mean it!
He actually jumped.
I shuffled throu-gh the same path we c@m£ in by and
arrived at the lake area, scanning the waters for Theo.
I sighed in relief when I saw him floating in the water,
grinning at me.
“Didn’t mean to give you a fright.”
I glowered at him in response.
“It’s dangerous to dive from a heavy waterfall.” I
muttered, ma-king my way back.
“This one is fine.” He called out, having heard my
muttering. “Your turn!”
I snorted at his suggestion and carried on walking back to
room, cave thing.
“You really don’t take risks do you?” He observed with
sm-irk “Putting on your seat belt and all.”
I glanced at the clear blue lake, tem-pted to get in.
“Come on!”
“I don’t even have swim-wear.” I argued, trying to
convince myself more than him.
“Just swim in your un-derwear.”
How could he say that so casually…?
“I’m in my un-derwear, so you’re not the only one.” He
added, trying to convince me.
“Okay, fine.” I gave in a lot quic-ker than I thought. “But
I’m not jumping from up there, I’m not bothered to go
all the way back up.”
I gr@bb£d the bo-ttomof my hoodie to take it off, before
realising Theo was watching.
“Turn around!” I ordered, gesturing at him.
He pouted a little and turned around, ma-king me laugh.
I quic-kly took off my clothes, placed them on a rock and
jumped in.
I was glad to find out that the water was warmer than i
Theo turned around and swam towards me. The rate of
my breathing increa-sed as I bec@m£ hyper aware that i
was only in my un-dergarments.
And so was he.
He appeared in front of me and chuckled a little.
“What’s so funny?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Nothing.” He replied with a teasing sm-irk.
I watched him float, feeling totally confused.
“And for the record, I think black lacy br@s are S-xy.” He
added before swimming away.
I g@sped and looked down at myself, realising the water
didn’t cover the t©p half of my br@.
“It’s rude to look!” I spluttered, swimming closer to the
middle where it’s dee-per.
We floated together, gazing up at the beautiful sunset sky.
“So you were here all along?”
I turned my b©dy around in shock, alarmed to see Jay
standing a few meters away.
“Jay.” I breathed, not knowing what to say.
His emerald green eyes looked away from mine and
focused on my pile of clothes on the rock.
“I was wondering why you weren’t picking up your
phone.” He started to say, letting out a humorless laugh.
“I got so worried, but I guess I didn’t nee-d to be.”
My phone?
$h!t, I left it in the car.
“I’m so sorry, w-why didn’t you mind-link me?” I
stuttered, feeling so bad.
“I was trying to, but the connection was so faint.” He
replied, not looking at me. “I don’t know whether it was
because you were so far or you were having too much
fun to notice.”
“How did you find us?” Theo asked, getting out of the
lake. “You must’ve followed our scent.”
Jay’s eyes darkened dangerously upon setting his gaze on
“God, I really hate you.” He growled, strolling towards
“Guys…” I said warningly, standing helplessly in the
I couldn’t exactly get out wearing soa-ked un-derwear…
“The feeling is mutual, you little fv¢ker.” Theo snarled,
baring his teeth at him.