the abomination episode 3 & 4

What’s on your mind?
??‍♂️The Abomination??‍♀️
Episode 3

Days became weeks and weeks became months, no one talked about what baba told us. We resumed
our normal life until Ope came visiting.
Ope is the younger sister of K@$$im who came to seek for admission into Kogi State University, Ayangba.

Ope had made several attempts to secure admission into University of Ilorin but was unsuccessful. Toyin’s father was a se-nior lecturer in KSU and he had helped many of our friends relations
to get admission. K@$$im advised Ope to come down to Lokoja so we can help her speak to Toyin to
speak to her father.

Ope’s visit was the beginning of revelations to the abomination that caged my marriage for over ten
years. Ope’s parent must have released her to us with the mindset that K@$$im is now born again and
may have overcome his unspeakable weakness. The first two weeks of Ope’s stay was blissful. At least I
got someone we could gist together and pla-y games together. Ope was lovely and friendly but very
hostile to her brother. Her hostility toward K@$$im was my first worry but I couldn’t approach any of
them to explain the reason behind the hostility.

I was coming back from work one day and I overheard Ope shouting, “Brother, so you have not
stopped this evil”?. I should have stayed back a bit to hear which evil Ope was referring to but they both
pretended and composed themselves when I barged in on them. I managed to ask ” what’s going on
here?” But non of them responded, so I decided to let it go, after all they are brother and sister and they
can sort themselves out.

I left them in the sitting room and headed to the be-droom. In the night, I tried
asking K@$$im what they were talking about that warranted that statement I heard from Ope but he
waved it off with a R0m-ntic ki-ss that made me forget to ask further Ope’s admission didn’t cli-ck on time and I thought that must be the reason for her recent emotional
changes. She became so moody and isolated this time unlike when she came newly. I really un-derstood
because I have been there before and I knew how it felt. I left her alone after much attempt to make her
cheer up.

Ope began to lock herself up even when we were around. She will ha-rdly come out for dinner
or do her regular chores. I told K@$$im to let us buy Kogi State Polytechnic form for Ope instead of her
missing this year again but he refused. But can’t you see she’s losing her mind over this admission stuff?
I argued. There is still one admission list that will be coming out next week, I believe her name will be
there, K@$$im was optimistic.

The life brou-ght into my home by Ope became a shadow suddenly. I returned to my loneliness as usual
because my husband is not the talking type. We can be together in the house for several hours and he
won’t say anything. Most times, he only talks when I initiate it. His answers to my questions are always
in words and phrase, “yes”, “no”, “okay”, “alright”, “I will”, “Go ahead” etc. I can be so irritated
sometimes hence I spent more time with Toyin.
Why did Ope suddenly become moody?
Was it just because she couldn’t get admission or there is more to it?
The event that broke the Carmel’s back is in episode four….

What’s on your mind?
??‍♂️The Abomination??‍♀️
Episode 4
I was to attend a burial ceremony along with Toyin that Saturday. I left home very early to beat the
traffic that normally builds up on Saturdays because of weddings and other events.

I made my way back home because I forgot the gift we planned to prese-nt to Mrs Victoria, our friend who lost her father. On
reaching home, I was shocked to notice the central door was locked. Why will K@$$im and his sister lock
themselves up less than an hour after I left home? Or have they both gone out? Non of them mentioned
any plan of an outing this morning. I became curious why the door was locked but I remembered I had
my spare keys in my bag.

I quickly opened my bag and brou-ght out my bunch of keys and got the central
door opened.
In a jiffy I was in our be-droom but no sign of K@$$im in there. I headed to the guest room and what I
saw left me in shocked and dumbfounded.
K@$$im, my own husband was mo-lesting his own biological sister right in our house. The poor girl was
struggling un-der him and begging him not to do it to her again. I stood there for over a minute before
my husband could realize I was around.

I felt like stabbing him to death but there was no any object I
could use around. When he realised I had been standing for sometimes watching them, he tried to put
on his boxer as he begged me to un-derstand that it was not what I think. I couldn’t open my mouth to
say anything, my li-ps were heavier than rock, my tears were ticker than usual. I ran back to our be-droom
and picked few of my things and ran out of the house. He didn’t stop me because of fear of what I could

I headed straight to Toyin’s place and she was angry I came late. She noticed I didn’t reply everything
she said and she came out from her room to check why I was mute. What are you doing with this box?
She asked looking at my face, then realized I was weeping. She came close and hu-gged me to her che-st, what happened Nneka? She asked me calmly.

Then a battle aro-se in my mind on what to tell Toyin. Toyin can’t withstand the bad news but what will I
tell her if I don’t tell her the truth? Toyin will surely get K@$$im arrested if she knows the truth. While I
la-id on her che-st my mind traveled so far planning suitable lie I will tell my friend. You know I am your
friend and you can confide in me, tell me what happened, Toyin begged me. I want to sleep, I want to be
left alone now, I pleaded with Toyin.

She walked me to the children’s room and helped me to the be-d.
She looked round the room and removed every harmful objects that I could use in harming myself and
went away with them. Ten minutes later she came to check on me but I was still awake sobbing.

She peeped and whispered, “don’t kill yourself, I am here for you”. That day we couldn’t go for that burial
ceremony again.
I began to connect happenings since Ope came to our house. How she was lively and became moody
suddenly. The statement I over heard from Ope ” brother, so you have not stopped this evil”, the
hostility, the isolation etc.

Was this the evil Ope was referring to that day? Was she hostile to her
brother because he has done this to her before? Why was she locking herself up even when we were at
home? Why was my mother-in-law always calling to ask after Ope almost everyday since she came?
These thoughts began to tear my head apa-rt. I was practically losing my mind and I know it’s time to
confide in Toyin before I run mad.

Why should I even leave the house without addressing this evil and
abomination committed by my husband? I will go back and face K@$$im point blank, let him explain to
me what just happened now. I wished all these were dreams.
But I nee-d a witness, I will go with Toyin, I made up my mind. At about 4pm I called Toyin, dress up, we
are going to my house together, I said. Within five minutes she was ready. I left my things in her house
because I knew I will come back. I can’t sleep un-der the same roof with the beast.
The journey to the revelation to the abomination that caged my marriage for ten years has just began.