Tender love batch 24

(High school 🏫 love)
By Damilola Faleke
Chapter 71
💔 Annabelle’s pov continues 🌺🎀
“No, it was an accident” she screamed in tears
“Nelson plea-se don’t do this to me” I said panicking in tears
Dave rushed to us also panicking
” Anna, what happened to him?, How did this happen?” He asked really looking confused
” I will explain that later Dave, but now, we have to call an ambulance, he’s alre-ady unconscious and he is loosing blood. And also, don’t let Natasha go away, she’s at fault, she’s the architect of this all” I replied
” Don’t panic Anna, I’ve called the ambulance and they will soon be here and also the principal is on her way ” he said
” Well, they are taking too long, he’s loosing a lot of blood, Dave, lets take him by ourselves, see he’s alre-ady getting cold, Dave do something, plea-se!!” I said with h0t tears flowing from my eyes
” Calm down Anna, I promise the ambulance would be here soon” Dave as-sured but I wasn’t as-sured enough.. even some girls were alre-ady crying, I wonder if that will help
“Dave we should act” I yelled
“Alright fine Anna, you are right, let’s carry him to my car” he said standing up
Just as we were about to act, our principal walked in
“What’s all this pandemonium about” she inquired eyes searching when suddenly her eyes met with Nelson lying pale on the floor
“OMG!!, Who did this?” She asked rushing to him
” I don’t even nee-d any of your answers, isn’t this Nelson David??, Are you guys out of your mind??, You can kill him like this, someone is like this unconscious, and the best thing you all can do is to stand there panicking, call the ambulance or let’s carry him to my car” she said and Immediately, the ambulance arrived with two guys rushing in with a stretcher….
They carried Nelson on it and rushed him out, he looked pale, not the annoying, flir-ting and loving Nelson I knew.. Oh God!!.. Nelson took my place, how I wish I was the one on that stretcher and not him, cause I can’t just bear seeing him like that not talking…
Oh.. no!!, God let him pas-s throu-gh this
“Anna are you okay?” Dave asked coming closer
“I must follow them” I said walking away but he held me back
“Anna, they won’t let you in, besides they would be far gone by now” he said and I literally gave up
” I know how you feel Anna, we can go to the hospital now, if you won’t mind, I think he was rushed to Hilton hospital, yes” he said checking his phone
” I won’t mind Dave, what about Jenny, wouldn’t she be furious that you left her at school?? ” I asked
” No, she’s not that way, and she left early before the incident occurred, no problem” he said and we both walked to his car, entered and drove straight to the hospital..
As we walked in, we met the principal at the reception panicking
“Dave what happened?, Your Dad is gonna be furious about this happening in his school, especially to Nelson, so can you both plea-se explain what happened” she inquired
” Yh, but I think Anna can explain this more in details” Dave said looking at me and I nodded
” Well it all started when I was ……………………………………………………………………………….. ” I said summarizing the way it happened but also in details
” And at the end, they were both struggling and badly, Nelson was stabbe-d by Natasha” I said crying and the principal stared murderously at me
“Hey, st©p those useless fake tears of yours, did you just say Nelson stood up for you? Meaning he is in there because of? ” She asked but I couldn’t answer
” Are you crazy?, Is he d@t!ngyou or what??, Why would you stay there like a fool and watch that happened, you are suppose to be in there probably I wouldn’t be so worried of what Nelson’s father would do to our school…. I wonder why he even d@t£d a low life gold digger like you, you couldn’t help him, you just sat there like a mentally oppressed person” she yelled angrily
” I… I tried.. I.. but Nata..” I tried talking but she yelled angrily at me again
“Shut up” she said
“Ma’am, you just have to take it easy on her, your words won’t help now” Dave defended
” Dave are you now supporting her?, It’s your dad’s school we are talking about here, what would the press say?” She asked calmly this time
” That doesn’t matter, all we have to do is to pray Nelson makes it alive” he replied
” Oh God!!, I just hope Natasha didn’t get away, she must pay for this s” she said
“No, she has been detained for now, her dad even denied her, she’s just so pathetic” Dave replied, I couldn’t even talk I was beyond speechless
” Hey, you, Annabelle or whatever you call yourself, just leave, leave right now” the principal shouted
” But… I have to s…….
” I said leave” she said cutting me in
” If Nelson’s father gets here and finds out what happened to his son, you will be in de-ep trouble, so leave here for your own good, cause I don’t know how he’s gonna react to this, you better leave now” she said harshly and I left in pains, even Dave couldn’t do anything at this point
I went home pained, I couldn’t even eat, the thought of Nelson In the hospital be-d static and unconscious takes away my appetite
Mum begged me to eat, but I just couldn’t and I couldn’t and I also couldn’t tell her what happened…. The police officers took me to their station for questioning, but they actually let me go, Natasha is now in their custody, she brou-ght this up on herself and I hope she pays dearly for all her sins
we were all in a hall gathered together with everyone wearing a sad look, the principal also walked in wearing a sad look also
“Well am sad to announce that after the decision we arrived at, from today onwards, Natasha seize to be the school queen.
Not only that, she has also be expelled from this school, I prob her so much cause she was once a student of this school, but I have to say in it all cause as I speak to you this moment, she has been detained for attem-pted murder, and will be on trial over morrow” she said and everywhere was as silent as a grave yard
” Well plan for your graduation and dinner p@rty would be on hold for now, because one of our most important students, Nelson David, is fighting for his life in the hospital, so we have to respect his abs£nce” she said
” You may go home now, the school is closed for today” she added walking away
Just as I stepped out, Eva c@m£ to me..
“Hey best” she called
“Hey” I replied
“See Anna, I know you are sad, I know this isn’t the right way for our final exams to end, you and Nelson deserves more than this, don’t be sad best, everything is gonna all right, Natasha would surely pay for what she did” Eva said and I couldn’t hold the tears in anymore
” The most painful p@rt of it all is that I can’t see him, they put the blame on me, I don’t wish for this to happen, I don’t” I said crying
” You know what Anna, wipe your tears, I have an idea, come with me” she said
” How are you even sure this is a good idea” I asked Eva who was standing beside me sm-irking
” It is Anna, it’s the only way you can see Nelson” she replied
” What if we get caught, we would definitely be at fault, and it was clearly stated that Nelson’s dad doesn’t want to see me near his son to avoid any harm” I said
” Anna, this is your only chance, would you use it or not? ” She asked
” Alright fine, would you come with me? ” I asked
” No, I have to look out for you, go in now and don’t stay long, he’s in the VVIP room the third room there” she said
” Alright, wish me luck” I said jumping throu-gh the window leading to the stairs of the VVIP ward just as I was about taking the stairs up, I heard a bold masculine voice
“Hey, who is there……
Oh no!!!!
(High school 🏫 love)
By Damilola Faleke
Chapter 72
🌺 Annabelle’s pov continues 🌺❤️
“Hey who’s there?………………..
Oh no!!!!!!
What am I gonna do now, the guy is almost close to me
Oh!!, I think I Know what to do, yes, I think it’s a weird idea but that’s the only way I can get out of this mess
I quic-kly and quietly ti-ptoed behind the stair case
Jeez!!, This is really a stupid idea cause some s-en-sitive pas-ser by can actually see me…
Yh, that’s no problem, at least the big guy won’t see me
“Hey, what’s going on here?” The guy asked himself confusingly
” Oh no, o could have sworn I say a shadow here” he added
” Jeez, mum is right, I should take my drugs regularly to avoid hallucinating like am doing now” he concluded walking away… Thank God, he thinks his hallucinating…..
I quietly c@m£ out from my hiding sp©t cleaning up my dress quic-kly and gently at the same time…..
I quic-kly made my way up the stairs leading to the VVIP room, Even the stairs are made up of expensive tiles compared to the others…
“Jeez Anna, are you talking about the stairs?, You are literally snooping” my subconscious snapped at me
No am not snooping am sneaking, I convinced my self walking into the ward with the tag ‘VVIP’….
Now the third door as Eva said…no the third room, not the third door, yes!!! Am sure she said the third room, yes it’s this one ..
Oh God!!, Help me, let this be the right room, and if it is, let no other human be I. There……
I finally swallowed confidence and crack the door open with mixed feelings in me, and behold my eyes met with my Nelson lying pale and unconscious on the hospital be-d, thank God he’s alone my prayers were answered. And I must admit, despite he’s medical state he still looks as h0t as he is always…
I walked close to him, he was lying on the be-d shi-tless with a bandage placed on the cut on his stomach, with a drip connected to his b©dy throu-gh his right hands, oh God!!, Is this my Nelson? …. Hmm…. How I just wished I was the one in his condition.. at least the guilt eating me up wouldn’t be so…. I quietly took the seat beside him holding his cold and pale hands
“Hey Nelson, i really hope you can hear me, because people always say that those unconscious still has the s-en-se of hearing, plea-se just listen to what I have to say” I said pausing taking a de-ep breath..
” Nelson plea-se wake up” I said in a shaky voice with years flowing freely from my eyes
“I know you were admitted just yesterday, but still am begging you, because of the love we’ve shared together plea-se wake up, seeing you on this be-d injured and unconscious keeps haunting me increasing my guilt that it was fault you are in this condition today, and the worst p@rt is that your dad restricted me from seeing you, he thinks am the cause of this all and I also feel so” I said but still no change in his looks or position he was just as static as he was the moment I walked in…
“Jeez!!!, Nelson just wake up , am tired of sneaking in here to see you like am a thief or something, I want our freedom like before, Nelson plea-se, you are hurting me” I said shouting in a shaky voice, I was scared cause any pas-ser by can actually hear me
It was just like my voice invited someone cause immediately I was done with my statements the door cracked open and behold a man of his mid age well built and good looking just like Nelson walked in, it was obvious it was Nelson’s Dad even an eye defected person will know and besides I’ve seen him on the television during interviews with the name ‘David’ Nelson’s surname………………
“Who the hell are you?” He asked angrily as soon as his eyes met mine
Jeez!!! Am dead, infact I think am alre-ady buried
“Can’t you speak?” He asked
“Uhmm….. I…. I?
” You what? ” He asked with an intimid@t!ngvoice. I couldn’t talk, I just kept mute..
“How were you able to access this place? Cause strictly I stated that this room should be clear of strangers, I haven’t even seen you before and I wonder what a low life stranger like you would be doing with my son” he said angrily
” Am…. Am sorry.. am in the wrong room” I shuttered
” Wrong room?, Young lady, this room is well tagged of those to come in and go in and clearly I’ve stated the people who should carry out any operation on him and you don’t even look like a hospital worker, I see no reason why you should be here so clearly you are an imposter, am definitely gonna hand you over to the authorities, maybe then you will explain what you are doing in a room you have no business with” he said dragging me out r0ûghly
” Sir plea-se am sorry, don’t do this to me, plea-se, I promise I will stay away from anything that has to do with your son” o said crying and pleading
” Oh wow, you even know he is my son, am sure you are here to finish off what you’ve started” he said
” No sir, I can never do that to never” o defended amidst tears, but it seems he wasn’t even t©uçhed
” Who cares, all I care about is that you trespas-sed and must pay” he said, it was then I gave up and was re-ady to face my fate…
But in the process of Nelson’s dad taking me out, we both heard a faint voice calling on me
“Anna” the voice called, I could recognize that voice anytime and anywhere it was Nelson’s, we both looked back at the same time and wonderfully Nelson was awake, he still looks pale, but his eyes were p@rtially open and hisl-ips were a little agape
“Anna” he called again and I walked to him nervous and scared .. Nelson’s dad wasted no time in staring at me with a fury filled eyes
“Oh son, am glad you are awake” Nelson’s dad said moving closer to Nelson but Nelson totally ignored him, I wondered why
“Anna, I heard all what you said to me then, I was actually awake, but it wasn’t easy for me to move, open my eyes or even speak, but I could clearly hear all what you were saying and I felt badly guilty, I tried and urged to come back to you, and am glad I can see you now, it totally regained all my strength back to me” he said faintly, I couldn’t help but feel the weakness in him as he talked, it just made me feel more guilty…
“Anna, you don’t have to feel guilty of anything, its fate, it was either you or me and I can never let it be you, no matter what happens Anna , I will always protect you”he said weakly
” That’s lovely Nelson” I said wiping the tears coming from my eyes
“How are you feeling now?” I asked
“I can’t say Anna, I feel kinda down” he said weakly
” Don’t worry Nelson, you will soon be okay, active and back on your feet again” i said but he just faked a smile
” Uhmm… Nelson, it’s high time you st©p ignoring your dad” I said
” Who? My Dad? ” He asked weirdly
“Yes your dad” i replied weirdly also
“I don’t think I really want to talk to him” he said facing another direction from me
“Look Nelson, he’s your Dad, he has been worried about you since the past two days now, how do you expect him to feel that you’re ignoring him, it hurts Nelson, really hurts” I said
” Look baby, you wouldn’t un-derstand, I don’t want to talk to him and that’s final” he said trying to yell but its like he couldn’t cause of the pains he felt in his b©dy
“Are you okay Nelson?” I asked worried
“Yes love, am sorry for raising my voice at you okay, I didn’t mean to” he sad with a sad expression
” It’s okay swiii” i replied
“Look miss Anna, no nee-d to persuade him, he has his reasons I guess I misjudged you from the beginning, if he doesn’t wants to talk to me, it fine, i un-derstand, I will take my leave now, I’ll be back soon, and also I nee-d to inform the doctor that he’s awake” his dad said in pain leaving the room
” Nelson, what’s going on” I asked confused
“Nothing” he replied staring into space
“You totally ignored your dad, what had he done to you? ” I asked still perplexed
” You won’t un-derstand Anna, and i actually heard what he said to you, i wonder why you aren’t picking offence” he said pouting
” Offence?, He actually said he misjudged me and was sorry, it wouldn’t be right to pick offence” I said and he stared weirdly at me
” I just wished i had the kind of your heart” Nelson said shutting his eyes
” Okay , i think I should leave now, Eva would be really angry at me and she might also be worried that i might had gotten into trouble cause I just told her i would only be here for 5 minutes, but miracleously you woke up” I said happily and he smiled cutely like he always does
“Your pres£nce made me strong Anna, my b©dy felt it the very instant you stepped in, the very second i heard your voice, i felt no reason to be unconscious and i felt my love for you waxed stronger, so Anna, with you here, i am more alive and i have no reason to regret protecting you from now and even forever, i love you Anna” he said now staring at me with eyes filled of emotions I can’t define
Awwn Nelson, i love you more” i replied
” No, i love you most, no more argument” he said and i smiled in return
” I just wish you would be up soon” i said sadly
“Don’t worry okay?, Very soon Anna, I’ll be back on my feet so mo one would have the opportunity to take you away from me” he said and I chuckled
” Bye Nels, see you soon, the doctor would be here soon” i said pe-cking him leaving. Jeez!!, Eva would so kill me
💘🧡 Nelson’s pov 💐🏵️
All i feel in my whole b©dy is jusy weakness, am just acting strong in Anna’s pres£nce, cause i wouldn’t want her, feeling anymore guilty…
Alll i felt over me was pain, not only physical but also emotional, my dad never stayed with me or care for me since my mum’s accident, it was until I was stabbe-d he bothered to care for me In the hospital, just imagine
All i wa nted was to remain unconscious where i could constantly see my mum, but Nelson wasn’t helping issues, I regained conciouness because of her, her pleading and tears fought me ha-rd and i found myself regaining conciouness against my will.
My wish now is for my mom to come out of coma, even though the possibility is low, and also my wish Is to see myself graduating from high school with Anna, and also going to the same college with her, having the fun of our lives getting married, becoming one and having kids . That’s just my wish…
Cause seeing my mum in my dreams alone made my incomplete life csuse she’s thr incomplete p@rt of me, at least she can for me better than dad who ha-rd ly remembers he has a son, just fv¢k it off, he must feel what I felt .
Three chapters left ❣️❣️❣️