Tell me lies episode 2 & 3




-Chapter two-


That evening, I get home to dirty dishes in the sink and a messy house.

Gabriel’s shoes and clothes are lying all over the place. There’s beer bottles on the table and plates of leftover food. Gabriel is quite messy but he is not for the idea of us getting a maid, mind you I’ve been the one to do the majority of the housework since he moved in with me. Before he moved in, I had someone who used to help me clean but he made her st©p. He believes a woman should be able to balance work and housework in her schedule.


‘’Gabriel!’’ I call but he doesn’t answer. I repeat. ‘’Gabriel.’’

Walking throu-gh the house, I find him in the be-droom asleep. The be-droom is equally a mess. There are clothes and shoes all over the place, I doubt if he even made the be-d today. ‘’Gabriel!’’ I shake him. He opens his eyes and stares at him, ‘’Babe! You are back?’’ Yawning, he sits upright.

‘’Why is the house in such a mess? Couldn’t you clean up after yourself?’’

‘’I am sorry babe, I have been so stressed today.’’

‘’What happened? How was the job interview? I tried calling you but your phone was off,’’ I say as I start taking off my clothes.

‘’I was late for the job interview and–.’’

‘’What? How come?’’

‘’I took a nap after you went and I woke up, I got re-ady and rushed to the car only to find that it had a flat tire. I used a taxi though but there was a lot of traffic.’’

‘’And so you didn’t make it for the interview?’’

‘’I did, I was actually the last person to be interviewed but I am sure I didn’t get that job because my mind was all over the place when they were asking me questions.’’

‘’I don’t even know what to say to you at this point.’’

‘’What do you mean? You think I wanted to be late?’’

‘’I don’t know Gabriel, I don’t know.’’

‘’Did you by any chance meet your mum today?’’

‘’Yes, we had lunch, why?’’

‘’I just s-en-sed from your tone, she must have fed you some stuff about me.’’

I laugh, ‘’my mother is not the issue here, the issue is you going back to sleep knowing you had a job interview to attend. Did you even want to get this job in the first place?’’

‘’You are about to offend me, I think we should end this conversation right now.’’

‘’Whatever makes you sleep better at night.’’

I finish taking off my clothes, walk over to the closet and gr-ab some fresh clothes. I am about to start getting dressed when Gabriel walks towards me and wra-ps his hand around my w@!st, ‘’I don’t want us to fight, I will continue applying, I will get a job soon, I promise. Who knows they might even call me for this same one.’’

‘’You nee-d to put more effort in getting that job babe, you know my parents are talking and I keep as-suring them that something will come up and you will step up as a man in this relationsh!p. You know I love taking care of you and I am not complaining but my father will never allow us to get married if you don’t get a job.’’

‘’I will get a job and things will be normal again, I promise,’’ he k!sses my n£¢k.

‘’If you say so, anyway let me get dressed and start cleaning,’’ I say but he doesn’t move, instead he continues k!ss!ngme as his hand slid over my brea-sts.

‘’Babe not now!’’ I whisper. ‘’We nee-d to get the house cleaned and supper will not cook itself.’’

He ignores me as his hand slides down my stomach then lowers it over my woman-hood.


To obviously shut me up, he presses his mouth over mine and he begins to k!ssme with such pas-sion, at this point I know there’s nothing I can do to st©p him so I relax and concentrate on the plea-surable s-en-sations that he is awakening in me.


The S-x between Gabriel and I is amazing, I doubt it will ever fade but that’s not why I love Gabriel, it’s the way he makes me so happy without even trying so ha-rd .

He puts some f!ngersin me and I m0@n and toss my head, melting at his t©uçh. Before long we are on the be-d having S-x.

‘’That was amazing,’’ he whispers, rolling to the other side of the be-d when we are done. ‘’I was so stressed but now I feel better.’’

‘’Glad to know your stress is over but now you will have to help me clean.’’

‘’Do I have to?’’ he whines.

‘’Yes messed up the house.’’

‘’You don’t have to ru-b that in my face.’’

‘’I think we should just get a maid.’’

‘’I thought we talked about this alre-ady.’’

‘’I know but sometimes I get tired, I nee-d someone to help me around the house.’’

‘’I am here.’’

‘’You ha-rd ly help me around here.’’

‘’I don’t want talk about this maid issue again, my answer is still no.’’

I roll my eyes and try to get out of be-d but he gr-abs me.

‘’I nee-d some money.’’

‘’What for? I just transferred some money into your account this morning.’’

‘’There’s a shoe I saw on ‘’theupd@t£zm’’ that I loved. I really want it but I am low on cash.

‘’How much is that same shoe?’’


I shoot him a quizzical look.

‘’I will pay you back when I start working I promise.’’


‘’Yes babe, plea-se.’’


‘’You are the best,’’ he k!sses me.

‘’I do all this because I love you.’’

‘’I love and appreciate everything you do for me.’’

‘’It’s getting late, we nee-d to start cleaning.’’

‘’You go ahead I will join you.’’

‘’You start with this room, I will go and start with the kitchen.’’

‘’Okay,’’ I get out of be-d.

‘’When do I get the money?’’

‘’You can make the transaction, you know my pas-swords,’’ I hand my phone over to him.

Then I get dressed in ti-ghts and a loose t-shi-t before I head out of the room.



-Chapter three-



I clean the house, wash all the dishes and then start preparing the evening meal. I cook rice, beef stew and baked vegetables. When I am done, I walk back into the be-droom to find Gabriel texting away on his phone. He hasn’t even done any cleaning in the be-droom, it is still as messed up as I left it.

‘’Babe!’’ You are supposed to be cleaning the be-droom.


‘’I am sorry, I got carried away,’’ he puts the phone down and starts ma-king the be-d.

‘’Dinner is re-ady,’’ I say, getting my phone and walking out of the room.


In the dining room, I dish up for myself and quietly sit down. I am very tired, I just want to eat, bathe then sleep. As I eat, I check my phone for any messages and that’s when I notice the notification of the transaction that Gabriel just made, instead of s£nding a k4000 to his phone, he has s£nt a k6000.


I frown, this is the reason I hate giving him my phone. Gabriel likes to waste money on useless stuff, money that he doesn’t even make. I have no issue giving him money but I wish he could spend it on relevant stuff like even starting a business.

‘’I thought you said you wanted a k4, 000,’’ I say when he emerges from the be-droom. ‘’What’s the extra k 2, 000 for?’’

‘’I just realized I nee-ded some money to get Gina some birthday pres£nts. You know she is hosting a birthday p@rty next week and I can’t show up empty handed.’’

Gina is Gabriel’s young sister, she is still in University. She and I don’t get along, she has a stinking attitude- I only tolerate her for Gabriel’s sake.

‘’That same Gina who doesn’t like me?’’

‘’Don’t be like that babe.’’

‘’I hope she knows it’s my money you will use to get her those pres£nts.’’

He shoots me angry look, ‘’do you have to ru-b it in my face that I don’t have a job?’’

‘’That’s not what I meant.’’

‘’What do you mean then? It’s not like I will not pay you back this money.’’

‘’Let’s just eat, I am tired, I want to rest.’’

‘’You cooked rice?’’ he asks, looking at my plate.

‘’Yes, I didn’t have the strength to cook Nshima.’’

‘’Babe! You know I wanted Nshima tonight.’’

‘’If you want Nshima, you go and cook.’’


‘’Yes, you are the one who wants it.’’

‘’Are you okay today?’’

‘’I am, why?’’

‘’You are tripping, did I do anything wrong?’’

‘’You have done nothing wrong, I am just tired.’’

‘’Then you go and sleep, don’t vent your frustrations on me.’’

I decide not to reply instead I continue eating, he sits across from me and dishes up for himself and silently eats. When I finish eating, I carry my plate to the kitchen and wash it before heading back to the be-droom, where I undress and hit the shower.

I bath, get re-ady for be-d- wearing my pajamas I slide un-der the covers.

When Gabriel joins me in be-d moments later, he starts k!ss!ngand tou-ching me.

‘’Not tonight, Gabriel, I really am tired and I plan to get up early.’’

‘’Why early? Where are you going?’’

‘’We have a PTA meeting tomorrow.’’

‘’But you promised we would have a fun night.’’

‘’I really can’t tonight.’’

‘’But having you next to me is so tempting, I can’t keep my hands off you.’’

‘’Then you go and sleep in the spare room and allow me to rest.’’


‘’We have tomorrow night and every night after.’’

‘’Come on babe.’’

‘’No Gabriel!’’ I yell, irritated that he keeps disturbing me. ‘’Should we have S-x all the time? I am tired allow me to rest.’’

‘’There’s definitely something wrong with you tonight,’’ he gets out of be-d. ‘’I will sleep in the spare be-droom, gr-abbing his pillow,’’ he walks out slamming the door behind his back. ‘’Goodnight!’’ I say before I close my eyes and doze off.


When I wake up the next day, I bathe and prepare for the day ahead before I head downstairs. I find Gabriel lying on the couch watching TV.

‘’Good morning!’’ I say but he doesn’t respond.

‘’Babe! Good morning,’’ I say again but he still doesn’t respond.

‘’You are still upset about last night? I am sorry I was just tired I didn’t mean to offend you or get you upset.’’


More silence


I make myself a cu-p of coffee, ‘’do you intend on being upset the whole day?’’

More silence. I know he is deliberately doing this to hurt me, he knows I hate this silent treatment, communication is key for me.

‘’So you won’t talk to me? This is the game we are pla-ying now?’’

Frustrated, I finish drinking my coffee and gr-ab my bag.

‘’I am off, you call me when you decide to break this silent treatment.’’

With that I walk out of the house and get into my car before driving off to work. When I get to work, I s£nd Gabriel a message apologizing for last night but he doesn’t respond. Brushing everything aside, I get on with work. The PTA meeting lasts for about three hours and after that we have a staff meeting before calling it a day.


I still haven’t gotten a response from gr-abriel, I bet he is still okay. I hate it when we argue, I am a lover of peace. I love us more when we are on good terms.


On my way home I pas-s throu-gh the shopping mall and get him some clothes and shoes. Gabriel loves to look nice, I know he will be happy I got him these things. As I drive home from the mall, I make a mental note to prepare a really good meal for him tonight. I just want to spoil him tonight and make up for last night.


