Tell me lies episode 16 & 17




-Chapter Sixteen-


Sorry for e ommited episode (15)


‘’What’s your story?’’ I ask Cedrick. We are sitting on the floor pla-ying cards, Cedrick asked me to stay over for supper when I c@m£ to drop Eloise off.

And speaking of Eloise, I just tucked her in be-d a few minutes ago.

‘’Which p@rt of my story are we talking about here?’’

‘’You have never talked to me about a wife or girlfriend.’’

He chuckles, ‘’that’s because I am single and I have never been married before.’’

‘’That’s a lie, what about Gracie’s mother?’’

He intently stares at me with a painful expression on his face.

‘’You don’t have to tell me about it if it’s a s-en-sitive t©pic.’’

‘’Her name was Emma, she was the only woman I ever loved. We met in High school and d@t£d for a couple of years then she got pregnant and we wanted to get married after having the child but God had other plans, Emma died giving birth to Gracie.’’

‘’That’s so sad Cedrick, I am sorry for your loss,’’ I hold his hand and gently squee-ze it.

He manages a smile, ‘’After Emma died, I dedicated my life to raising Gracie and when she too pas-sed on, I started raising Eloise. So you see I haven’t had time to pursue a relationsh!p, I haven’t even brou-ght anyone this close in the last couple of years.’’

‘’That night you picked me up, what were you doing in that nightclub?’’

‘’I had gone to get a drink, I usually go out when Eloise is out just to get a few drinks and get a breather, it can get a little boring around here.’’

‘’I see, where is Eloise’s father?’’

‘’I am sorry but that’s not something I am comfortable talking about now.’’

‘’Oh okay, you don’t have to tell me about it then.’’

‘’It’s quiet a s-en-sitive matter and–,’’

I cut him mid-s£ntence, ‘’you don’t have to explain, I un-derstand.’’

‘’So what’s your story? And don’t tell me it’s a long story because I have all the time in the world, who hurt you?’’

‘’That night we met, I had just discovered my b©yfri£ndof four years was cheating on me. He had just proposed to another woman a few days before that night.’’

‘’Wow!’’ He exclaims.

‘’That’s the first reaction I had when I found out,’’ I laugh.

‘’So how are you holding up? You guys broke up right?’’

‘’I am okay and no we didn’t break up, he is still living un-der my roof.’’

‘’What do you mean he is still living un-der your roof? You have been keeping him?’’

‘’He lost his job and moved in with me a year later. I have been providing for him. My parents actually refer to him as my child.’’

‘’Funny as it sounds they are right.’’

‘’Oh plea-se.’’

‘’How old is he and why haven’t you two broken up? I hope you are not one of those girls who stick to a cheating man hoping he will change eventually.’’

‘’Gabriel is 30 and no I am not one of those, I am just working on something.’’


‘’Not really but I am working on something with the other woman. Her name is Iris, she is the one that Eloise and I hang out with today.’’

‘’Wow! I have never seen something like that.’’

‘’But we will both live him soon.’’

‘’You should, he doesn’t deserve you, you are such a beautiful young lady.’’

‘’You think I am beautiful?’’

cu-pping my face in both hands, he stares at me intently before he says, “Very. Yes.’’

I don’t know why but since I met Cedrick I have been entertaining the idea of d@t!ngsomeone older and mature. I still love Gabriel and I am trying to heal from the wounds of his betrayal but Cedrick is so nice, he is funny and listens attentively, he compliments details, he holds doors for me, he cooks and cleans up after himself- he cooked for us this evening and I must say the food was amazing.

Without giving it a second thought, I lean over and k!sshim. He doesn’t pu-ll away but seems to hesitate at first but soon he responds excitedly. Then he lengthens and de-epens the k!ssand we are both out of breath by the time it ends.

‘’I am sorry,’’ I say, trying to catch my breath.

He opens his mouth to say something but instantly closes it.

‘’I think I should leave,’’ I quic-kly stand up.

He doesn’t respond, instead he watches me as I put on my shoes and gr-ab my bag.

‘’I will walk you out,’’ he finally says before rising to his feet.

He quietly leads me out to my car and I get in.


‘’Goodnight,’’ I say before driving off, my God I feel so ashamed, I wish the ground can just swallow me, why in God’s name did I even k!ssthat man? He must be thinking I am a who-re or something, dear lord. I don’t even know if I can face him again.


‘’So you just don’t want to have S-x with me or what?’’

‘’I am not in the mood babe and you can’t f0rç£ me.’’

‘’You allow me to t©uçh and k!ssyou pas-sionately only for you to bail out and say you are not in the mood?’’ he asks, pointing at his erection pocking up un-der his shorts.

‘’I just wanted to k!ss, I didn’t say I wanted S-x.’’

‘’So what do you expect me to do about this?’’

‘’I don’t know, you take a cold bath or use your hands, I am definitely not having S-x with you tonight, this is my b©dy and I decide when or not I want S-x.’’

‘’What the fv¢k is going on with you?’’ he asked with a raised voice.

‘’Language! Don’t curse at me.’’

‘’Is there something I did and this is your way of punishing me?’’

‘’Gabriel, you did nothing wrong I am just not in the mood of having S-x. Can’t we just cudd-leand talk like normal individuals? Must it always be about S-x?’’


He is fuming with anger, I can tell from his eyes and the way he is breathing.

‘’You are not being fair,’’ he yells. ‘’This is unfair.’’

I am about to respond to him when my phone rings, picking it up I answer without checking the caller.

‘’I k!$$£d Cedrick!’’ she says on the other end of the line.

‘’Girlfriend? You did? Tell me all about it.’’

‘’I hope you are not busy over there.’’

‘’No I am not busy, I am free, we can talk, I want to know everything.’’

Gabriel shoots me a serious look before he hits his fist against the wall and quic-kly walks to the bathroom.

‘’What was that?’’ Rissa asks.

‘’Gabriel, I will tell you about it, first you tell me about Cedrick.’’

‘’I k!$$£d him and now I feel so ashamed of myself.’’

‘’Did he k!ssyou back? What happened?’’

‘’He did,’’ she says before explaining what happened.

‘’Girl! I think he is into you,’’ I say when she tells me everything.

‘’You think so?’’


‘’But he is so old.’’

‘’I am rolling my eyes right now,’’ I say.

‘’You should get to meet him.’’

‘’I want to.’’

‘’I will set up a d@t£.’’

We talk for almost an hour before finally calling it a night. I think Rissa is my soul sister- I am more than certain our souls met long before our eyes did. I am just so comfortable with her. Conversations flow easily between us. She is like the little sister I never had. I know it’s odd but I love that girl.