Teens heart episode 1

Episode _1

Jeremy’s POV

Woken up by the lousy bell by Moni,
I gro-an ed and turned on my be-d.
And then covering my ears with a pillow.

I hate waking up from a sweet sleep!
Not after a long night in the p@rty.

“It’s past eight Jeremy. You are so late for school.” Moni yelled, ringing the damn bell again.

“fv¢k! I hate you Moni. Just go away. I can fv¢king be in school any time I feel like! Don’t you fv¢king get it?” I yelled at my nanny.
She’s a pest!

“Now if you don’t get up. Im gonna drop. This. c0ckroach. On. Your. n£¢k.” She said.

I turned sharply to see a little bottle in her hand and a c0ckroach is inside.

“fv¢k no!” I screamed and jumped out of be-d.

“Good boy. Now move to the bathroom. Go on.” She said, coming to me.
“Moni stŠp, Don’t try another step. fv¢k I hate insects!” I said and ran into the en-suite, shutting the door fast.

I walked to the mirror and stared at my self on the mirror.

Im just a cutie…

But right now, I look horrible.
Dull eyes. Pale face. And..a line of dried saliva from corner of myl-ips.

Idiot! why do I always have to sleep with mouth open.

I took out my toothbrush, applied toothpaste and began brushing my teeth.

Okay, I drank so fv¢king much last night.
How did I get home?
I remember having Molly sit on me, then a little drun!kpl@yand k!ss!ngand Molly stands and leaves.
Then Chris walking over and pu-lling me up.
Chris must have drove me home.

Yeah, I love that guy, but
He’s breaking the rule.
He’s going crazy for some kinda jÂŁrk boring girl, Steph.
Annoying as it seems! The jÂŁrk bit-ch don’t wanna give him a fv¢king chance.
I fv¢king hate that bit-ch.
Proving so ha-rd to get.
So boring! So annoying!
Chris is fv¢king changing cos of her.
He’s breaking our rule.
No falling inlove,
No fv¢king love.

Im seriously gonna sma-ck his head.

I heard my phone ringing..
Must be Chris..

I turned on the shower.

Moni is such a pest.
Why should I care about going late to school?

I chuckled.

For fv¢k sake! Its my dad’s school..
Why the fv¢k should I care about its fv¢king rules and principles.
I do my thing no bit-ch try to say a word.

I walked out of the bathroom and my phone rang again.


“Hey boo.” She said.
“Babe” I said.
“How was your night?” She asked.
“Crazy. n@ûghty. p@rty rolls!” I said.
“Yeah! Im in school now. You on your way?” She asked.
“Just did the bathroom stuff.” I said.

She laughed.

“Ugh. And you didn’t tell me to come help out right? You don’t want me to see your d!¢k huh?” She said.

“Why not?” I smiled.
“fv¢ker!” she laughed.
“Screamer.” I said.

“So how’s your old woman?” She asked.

She’s talking about my nanny,

“Always a pest. Threatened me with a live c0ckroach cos I didn’t wanna get up from be-d. Can you believe the $h!t?” I laughed.

She laughed.

“I hate her.” I said.
I know I don’t mean it. I love Moni and she’s been my nanny right from when I was a little kid.
I take her like my granny and tell her almost everything.
But she’s so annoying at times!

“Im in school right now. I can’t wait to see you. Miss you.” She said.

“Be there soon. Fans missing me, you know.” I said.

“Yeah. Mr popular.” She said.
The call dropped.

Molly is my girlfriend.
But fv¢k! I don’t love her you know.
Just fooling around.
p@rtying, rolling and having fun.

I walked to my closet and got out my school uniform.
I pu-ll-ed the grey trou-ser on, then the white shi-t and ox red suit jacket.
A white sneaker instead of black.
I love white.
But anyway,
I love to look different.
I walked to the dressing table, took out a comb and brushed my weaved hair.
Applied cologne.
Checked myself on the full-length mirror.

“Yup, Im good to go.” I win-ked and blew k!sses at the mirror.

I got my white ipod and my headset.
I pu-ll-ed my empty school bag to hang loosely a shoulder.
I’ve got only two novels and a Literature text book.
I love Literature. Maybe just a little bit.
I hate to carry books around.
So embarrasing!

I walked out of my room and down the corridor, to the staircase but I met Moni coming up.

“Jeremy, Your breakfast is served.” She said.
Her white apron and white cap look just too funny on her.

“You know what Moni.” I asked.
“I hate to think there’a a c0ckroach in the food.” I said.

She g@sped. “No. Never.”

“Im not gonna eat.” I said and walked away.

I pu-ll-ed into my white range rover sport and drove out to school.

pla-yed Drake, Controlla.

Alexandra’s #POV

“Miss Alexandra Grande, Welcome to Ellas High school. Im sure you gonna love it here. This school is one of the best schools in this state and we as-sure you of a better learning.” The principal talked on.
“Here is our school Magazine. Here you will re-ad interesting things about Ellas. You are fully registered and welcome to Ellas high school.” He said.

I took the magizine.
The front cover ph0to is a guy in the school’s uniform, looking really smart and really…
Okay, extremely handsome.
and had a wi-de smile.
It made his dimples go de-ep.
He’s just cute.
I turned to the back cover and he’s the one too.
In the school cardigan and with lots of books in his hands which seem like they are just too heavy.
He had eyeglas-ses on and it look really sweet on him.
He isn’t smiling here but he still look just too handsome.
Im sure he must be very intelligent.
But why should he be the only one in the book cover?
No other boy?
No girl!

“He’s so cute right?” Lili asked with a smile.
“Maybe.” I said.

“You are fully registered and you have the school uniforms and everything you nee-d. You should start school tomorrow dear. So you can catch up with others.” He said.

“Of course she would.” Lili said with a broad smile.

“Is he in this school?” I asked before I realised it.

Okay, I wanna meet this guy.
That’s all.

“Yeah. He is Ellas most proud student. The proprietor’s son. And a finalist as well. He’s really handsome, cool and verrry intelligent.” He said with a confirmative smile.

Clas-s mates.

Jeremy’s POV

Got to school, And saw a girl in blue jean trou-ser and a ti-ght pink tŠp with hair so long and curly walking down the school office building and towards with an older lady, In white trou-ser and red pu-llover.
Seems like her mom..
I drove pas-s them.
And I can swear, she girl look really pretty.
I stared at them throu-gh the side-view mirror.
I love the way her long hair and her bu-tt sway.
New student?
Oh damn! Why should I care?

Alexandra’s POV

We pas-sed the range rover.
I saw the school guy with his hair weaved.
Who’s he?
And why’s he coming to school at this hour?
pla-ying music too!
He must be so arrogant and full of himmself.

“Ellas is beautiful, right?” Lili asked.
“Quite.” I replied.

“You’ll love the people here. They are really friendly and intelligent.” She said.

“How do you know that?” I asked.
“You’ll meet a friend later today. She school here and a finalist too.” She said with a smile.
“What’s her name?”
“Stephanie… Steph.” She said.

Jeremy’s POV

I pu-ll-ed to the parking lot.
Turned off the music and got down,with my bag and my ipod.
I walked down the hallway,
Empty. Everyone is in clas-s now.
I walked over to my locker and then I realised we got Geometry clas-s.

fv¢k! I hate Geometry!

I took my geometry books, closed back the locker and walked down to the Geometry clas-s.

“You are late, Jeremy.” The Geometry teacher, Mr Frey said as I walked in.

What the heck!

“Can you just go ahead and teach. That is your job and my father pay you big for it.” I snapped and walked to my seat.

The clas-s chuckled.

Chris gave me a silly face.
Molly smiled.

Mr Frey turned back to the board, obviously embarrased.
And yup..I so much Love it.
fv¢k him to tryna talk $h!t

We drove out of Ellas and I decided to go throu-gh the school magazine.
Opened the first page and there was him again!
Why’s he the only one in the magazine?
He held a white sheet on his hands with a wi-de smile.
On the sheet was beautifully writte in bold letters.
I opened the next page.

Then, it was okay better.
There was the proprietor’s picture.
Mark Taylor.
The principal, Mr. Dan Greg
Vice principal, Mrs Bianca hvghs.
And the teachers and school staffs.
They all look cool.

I fli-pped to the next page, and there was him again.
What the hell?
Okay, he’s cool, intelligent and the proprietor’s son..
but what the heck! He isn’t the finalist in the Ellas.
This is real cheating!

On the tŠp of the page was written, ABOUT ELLAS.

Its a nice school.
Founded twenty years ago.
By Mark Taylor and his beautiful wife, Ella Taylor.
Its a well sumptuous and luxurous High school, in the middle of America and one of the best schools in the country.
Has unique and well equiped laboratories, Libr@ries and….

Im tired of re-ading all that.
I fli-pped to the next page.
He was in the next page too.
Different dressings and position on each different picture.
Cute but its getting me kinda annoyed.

But at last, I found other finalist pictures. But I knew how far I fli-pped before I did.

“He must be very cool and smart. He’s the proprietor’s son anyway. His dad must be proud of him.” Lili said.

I remembered my dad.
“He must be proud of himself and proud of his dad.” I said coldly.

“Alex…” She looked at me.

I felt a blink of tear.

“I know how you feel. Just know this Alex, that I am proud of you always. You are wonderful.” She said with a bright smile.
I love her smile.
They give me a kind of hope.

I smiled at her.
“Thanks Lili.” I said.
She tŠuçhed my hair.

Lili has been nice. Wonderful.
I remembered the day my mom coll@psed in the kitchen.
We were right there.
Celebr@ting Lili’s growing belle. When my mom suddenly screamed and fell to the floor.
At the hospital, When Lili heard of my mom having a brÂŁ@st cancer. She coll@psed and lost her pregnancy.
I was too shock that I didn’t speak for days.
I cried for my sick mom and Lili’s miscarriage.
Everything seemed unreal to me.
Now my mom had to die afterall, After everything the doctors did and after all my prayers.
She still died.
My dad made promises to her.
Three months later, Lili’s husband died too.
He was confirmed a scammer and he got sh0t by the people he duped.

How sorrowful and painfully she felt.
She had felt so broken and felt like giving up life.
My dad was encouraging. He held her still,
but then he broke his promise to my mom.
He got that bit-ch pregnant and she’s now in my dad’s house.

I hate him!
And I would hate him forever!

“Alex, plea-se st©p the tears.” Lili begged.

“I will..I will.” I nodded but just immediately, I bur-sted into a cry.

She turned to a safe side, stŠpped the car.
And then pu-ll-ed me into a hvg as I wept on.


Im crying for Alex and Lili 😭😭😭