Teenage mom batch 1


💜💜(The mistake that changed her life)💜💜

💜🤰Episode 1💜🤰



Elsa’s POV 💜

‘First day of s£nior year and I look like cra-p Mom!’..I cried out as I walked out of the bathroom looking like a character from the Trolls world tour..

‘Honey you look great,your hair just nee-ds a little adjusting that’s all’..She replied and brushed my hair down to the most beautiful ponytail..

I’m Elsa Martinez and my mom is Angelica Martinez..

I’m not really familiar with my roots and I have never met my father because he left my mom years ago..

She was about my age when she gave birth to me which is 17 and had to drop out of schoolT just to take care of me..

She is the strongest person I have ever met and she is my best friend…

‘Honey won’t you have dinner??’..She asked as I rushed down the stairs..

‘Nah I’m not really interested…Cas-sy come down were gonna be late!!’..I replied and yelled after my 12 year old sister who irritates the hell out of me..


My mother made two mistakes..

One was getting pregnant in highschool and the second was getting pregnant for an abusive second b©yfri£ndwho was actually willing to take care of my mother but she had to run for her life..

He comes over to see Cas-sy once in a while but ap@rt from that we have no other person backing us up..

An Hour Later ♥️
‘You are rocking that ponytail gurlll!!!’..Tanisha,my second best friend said aloud in her usual Atlanta Georgia accent and i chuckled.

‘You aren’t looking so bad yourself and guess what?? It’s s£nior year’..

‘I know right and it’s your opportunity to get it on with Chase Ashleigh’..she replied and I scoffed loudly..

‘He doesn’t even know me,I have been sitting behind the dude in History clas-s since freshman year and he hasn’t even said a word to me,he’s the star quarterback so I’m not really getting noticed’..

‘Hi Elsa,you’re looking good today’..Speak of the devil,Chase walked past me and I felt like the heavens opened their doors of blessing on me..

Did Chase Ashleigh just say I’m looking good??!!..

What thefu-ck!!..
Episode 2💜🤰

Elsa’s POV cont’d 💜

Murmurs and murmurs all focused on me raved around the whole basketball court as I sat down re-ady for the morning as-sembly…

‘Did Chase literally just tell bubblegum girl that she’s looking good??’..

‘OMG this is going into my Snapchat,hashtag disappointed face’..

‘She is so damn Lucky’..

This is the problem with Cleaville Prep..

The students here prefer being in love with some Kpop idol and Chase rather than being focused in school..

‘The gods have really shone upon you gurlie’.. Tanisha joked as she sat next to me and I frowned..

‘I am surprised he talked to me but what I don’t get is why it’s such a big deal in the whole—

‘Are you freaking kidding me?? He’s like a god here but that aside,who are you taking with you to his p@rty??’…She asked..

‘What p@rty are you even talking about??’..I replied and she rolled her eyes..

‘Ugghh I feel like I have to tell you everything,every time at the begining of a new school year Chase holds a p@rty in his parents mansion and this year it’s going to be so freaking lit’..

‘But I wasn’t invited’..

‘Ohhh darling,everyone is invited to his p@rties’…

I doubt if my mom would even allow me to go to any p@rty..

She’s always warning me about how boys tend to take advantage of girls at p@rties and is scared that I might be taken advantage of too..

Minutes Later ♥️
‘Mom!! Tanisha and I have study practice!! I’m coming home late!!’..I said aloud as I walked down the stairs with my real p@rty clothes inside my bag…

‘Be back by 8!!’..She hollered from the room and when I went outside my door i was shocked to the core.

‘Cha… Chase what are you…what are you doing here??’..I asked kinda surprised and creeped out as well and he flashed a charming smile at me..

‘You’re my d@t£ to the p@rty Elsa’.

Episode 3💜🤰

Elsa’s POV 💜

Tanisha and I sneaked out of both our houses and down to to the Ashleigh mansion which was a mile away..

‘Do I look cute??’..She asked as she pimped her black curly and silky hair which I have always been Jealous of..

‘You always look cute’..I replied and after heaving a sigh we both walked throu-gh the gate and straight into the p@rty..

Some were swimming..

Some were drinking..

Some were smoking what they shouldn’t..

I made a promise to my mother that I wouldn’t drink until I clock 18 and I intend to keep that promise..

‘Hey Elsa!!’..Chase hollered and motioned for me to come over…

‘He…Hey Chase’..I stuttered because I was nervous..

I’m usually the girl everyone knows nothing about so being in the circle of the coolest people in school is amazing..

‘Is that crazy Niqqa girl your friend??’..One of them asked and I frowned de-eply at his racial slur…

‘Uhhh her name is Tanisha and not Niqqa okay?? That being extremely racist’..I said and he scoffed..

‘Well duhhh her people should go back to Africa or something’…

‘Is your inner circle always like this??’..I turned to chase who was busy pouring me a drink..

‘Ignore Fred, he’s always a di-cka*s’..He murttered and handed me the cu-p..

I smelt the drink and when I was sure it was just punch I took a gulp and I noticed some of the other guys smile mischievously..

‘Who’s in for some truth or dare??’..He asked and everyone cheered..

He held my hand and about seven of us went into the living room to pl@ythe game of doom…

They spinned the bottle and talk of the devil- it st©pped rolling and faced me which meant I was to be asked truth or a dare..

But that’s easy cause I always pick dare..

‘So Elsa,Dare or dare??’.. Fred asked..

‘Huh?? I thought we were—

‘Yeah we are pla-ying truth or dare but the rules in this house states that if you’re the first one the bottle lands on you’re to do a compulsory dare’..He explained and I gulped ha-rd ..

I was feeling kind of dizzy but I just shook it off and accepted the dare..

‘I dare you to undress in front of Chase in his room’..

‘What?! Are you being serious right now??’..I exclaimed and they all nodded..

Oh $h!t.

Episode 4💜🤰

Elsa’s POV cont’d 💜

The Next Morning ⛅
I opened my eyes and turned around only for me to see myself in Tanisha’s room while she was getting re-ady for school..

‘What am I doing here??’..I asked as I got up..

‘You pas-sed out at the p@rty last night’.. She replied and my brows perked up..

‘How?? I didn’t have any alcohol to drink’..

‘You tell me Elsa!! Look just get re-ady for school okay?? I told your mom that you sle-pt off in my place and she was okay with it’..She muttered and somehow she just wanted to evade the t©pic..

‘What happened Tanisha?? You seem off’..I asked again..

‘You can wear any of my clothes,you just pas-sed out last night okay and you’ll be the talk of the school today so all you just have to—

‘No no no! If my mom finds out I’m so dead’..I panicked and she placed her hand on my shoulder…

‘I gat yo back girl okay?? I gat yo back’..She reas-sured me and I nodded..

I quic-kly freshened up and changed into one of her jumpsuits that fitted me perfectly since we were both the same size..

‘Hey El’..Derek,Tanisha’s elder brother who was about to graduate win-ked at me as he walked past the both of us and she scoffed..

‘My brother is such a dork’..

If only she knew how cute and handsome Derek is then she wouldn’t even be saying this..

I’ve always had a crush on him since middle School but it all died down in highschool when he started d@t!ngMalia….

He’s just a year older than me so I guess he prefers girls his own age..

Minutes Later 💜
I yanwed loudly as I walked into the school gate and murmurs rose as I pas-sed..

‘I heard she pas-sed out’..

‘Is she a junkie??’..

‘She looks cute though’..

The gossips went worse as I walked throu-gh the hallway but I ignored it anyway and opened my locker..

‘You okay??’..Derek asked as he walked past me and I nodded..

Chase also c@m£ in with his gang and I quic-kly went over to greet him..

‘Did anything ha—

’I’m sorry do I know you??’..He asked and my mouth dropped..

‘Do you know this girl Chase??’..His girlfriend Ashley asked and he shook his head .

‘Never met her in my life’..


Episode 5💜🤰

Chase’s POV 💜

‘Are you sure she doesn’t remember anything from last night??’..I asked Fred who rolled his eyes..

‘Of course she doesn’t remember and besides I took a picture of her n-ked so if she tries anything stupid the whole school would see’..He said and walked away…

I should’ve never gone with the plan last night…

I didn’t even use protec-tion so what if I…I get an infection of some sort??..

Flashback to last night 💜
‘This is a bad idea’..Elsa murmured as we both got to my room which was upstairs..

‘Don’t worry you don’t really have to take all your clothes off’..I replied and gave her one flir-tatious look…

How could I not have noticed her before??..

She’s like one of the h0ttest girls in school but she really isn’t popular..

She sighed de-eply and after a moment she took of her t©p, ex-posing a br@ un-derneath and my mouth watered by just looking at her S-xy b00bs..

‘Has anyone really told you how beautiful you are??’..I asked and she smiled..

‘Nah not really,no one notices me in school remember??’..She added and then took off her p@n-ts..

‘Can I…Can I k!ssyou Elsa??’..I asked as I stepped closer and she staggered a little which proved that the drug Fred put in her drink was working…

Time to have some fun..

End of Flashback 💜
’She doesn’t know what happened and you had your fun j£rking in and out of her though’.. Fred joked and I laughed heartily…

He’s right…

There’s nothing to worry about..

Elsa’s POV 💜

‘So you’re saying you don’t know what happened when you entered that room with Chase??’..Tanisha asked with her brows perked up and I nodded..

‘I just can’t put my f!nger on it but I feel like…I feel like I was drugged cause I can boldly say that I didn’t drink any alcohol last night only punch and he gave it to me’..

‘So you’re saying th—

‘I’m saying that the bastard drugged me,Oh God I’m so going to give him an earful’..I gro-an ed and wanted to go over to cafeteria but she held me back..

‘It’s no use crying over spilt milk Elsa,just let it go you’re not sure of what happened’…She said but it was too late..

‘Hey Chase!!’..I called out and when he turned around I gave him a resounding sl@p on the face..
