teach me dirty professor finale

Teach Me Dirty,Professorđź’•
Chapter 9
I was locked in the school basement. Myl-ips were gagged. My hands and legs were tied. I was still in my bikini. How long have I been here.

My eyes flutter opened as i looked around. It’s so dark in here. I don’t think i can make it and i don’t even know what says the damn time.

Is Ian looking for me. Well I hope so cause I really will appreciate if I’m being found. I could hear the loud music ban-ging. Oh no, it’s time, I nee-ds to get the hell of her. I stared at the ropes bind of my wrists. I started struggling and I slowly relaxed.

I can do this .

I can do this. I encourage myself and bend low to where my wrists were bound and re-moved the gag from my mouth. The next plan made it easier. My teeth started doing the job on its own.

I quic-kly re-moved the ropes from my b©dy. My while b©dy ache due to the position in which I was tied.

I tried opening the door but to no avail. I hit the door so ha-rd but nothing and it didn’t discouraged me. I kept hitting till I felt someone opening it.

I moved backwards and curiously took a golf stick from the room incase if it’s Zola or Poppy, I won’t mind striking them.

The door cli-cked and I ran towards but froze for a moment seeing the eyes wi-de janitor.

“Miss Rhodie, what are you doing here?”, he asked, “Everyone is waiting for you to take the crown”.

“Thank you so much… You are my saviour. Thank you”, I quic-kly hvgged him running down the corridor. It was evening… I can’t believe i was here over night.

Running down to the p@rty, everyone stared at me weirdly. Ph0togra-phers were all around taking pictures of me.

I know I was in the wrong attire. I matched into the room. Miss Dean was alre-ady holding the crown congratulating Zola while Poppy had veronica were standing behind her. I saw Ian dressed in tux, he was handsome as usual. His face so worried.

“Since Miss Hudges isn’t here….”

I interrupted, “I’m right here”, I said loudly while everyone stared at me. I walked throu-gh the aisle. Zola and Poppy were shocked. I just kept my head high walking throu-gh the aisle to meet Miss Dean.

“Well, since the winner here… lets”, her sÂŁntence st©pped when Zola gr@bbÂŁd the crown from her.

Her face full with rage, “the crown is mine… it’s all mine”

“Excuse me?”, Poppy fumed taking the crown from her, “it’s mine”.

“No, no.. this was a deal between us and you know it”, Zola tried gr-abbing it but she missed.

“I’m so sorry Zola but you see I’m the queen now”, and with that she ran out while Zola followed ma-king everyone wild.

Suddenly everywhere was silent, “And now our new queen,Miss Rhodie Hudges “, then I heard applause and whistles and Miss Dean hand me the Mic. I was so nervous but staring at Ian, I felt safe.

“First of all, I’m really sorry for the inappropriate dress but plea-se forgive me.”

I kept quiet for a while they waited for me to continue, “when I c@mÂŁ here, damn it wasn’t easy. You know, a villager in a rich university, thats what poppy will say. ”

Then I heard laughter, “But after several challenges and much haras-sment, I tried to fit in. To cut everything short, all i wanted to say is no matter how someone try to humiliate you, make you feel bad, just don’t let them bring you down because you are special more than you think. I would like to thank everyone who supported me, especially my friends and the love of my life, Professor Ian…thank you all very much and God bless u”, applause followed while i hand the Mic to Miss Dean.

Ian stood up from seat walking towards me but unfortunately, Chloe pu-ll-ed me dragging to the small room.

She went straight selecting a dress, “You nee-d to wear this plea-se…”, She smiled.

I wore the dress and stared at her, “You know i was so worried when you were missing..”

I tapped her shoulder, “I’m here now… let’s forget about the past”

“Okay … but i just want to let you that Zola and Poppy are expelled by Miss Dean..”

I just nodded, “thanks for everything, Chloe.. ”

“You are welcome …”, She answered and I moved out when Carter, Louis and professor Roberta hvgged me so ti-ght. It was really fun, you know.

Walking towards Ian, his worried expression turn into anger,” let’s go home”

Oh boy, he has every right to be mad.


“Let’s go home or else, I’m carruojg you on my shoulder…”

“Fine..”, I frowned walking past him.

When we webt outside he wra-pped around me, and I held him. He buried his face in my n£¢k, and he shuddered in my arms. We were both drenched, both shivering, but I didn’t care.

I miss him so much and I know he did too… he.had every right to be mad at me.

I didn’t how we made it back home, but we did. Everything was a blur, the world swaying, back and forth, in front of my vision.

I helped Ian out of his we-t clothes and joined him in be-d, both of us desperately chasing for warmth un-der the blankets.

His coldl-ips found mine, and I let him take this k!ss. Soft. Tender. Sweet.

It wasn’t desperate or crazed.

Ian k!$$ÂŁd me like he wanted to taste me forever. Myl-ips fused with his, and my arms curled around the back of his head, as he rolled over, pinning me un-der him.

He settled between my th!ghs.

k!ss. I love you.

k!ss. I’m never going to leave you.

k!ss. I promise.

k!ss. Forever, baby.

He wordlessly whispered all his promises to me, throu-gh our k!sses.

Ian tenderly traced my skin, before he cu-mpped my brÂŁ@st and ca-ressed my n!ppl!. I g@sped into his mouth and pushed my knees up, wra-pping my th!ghs around his h!ps, so that we were aligned, right where I wanted him.

Ourl-ips p@rted, our eyes met – his pupils dark and dilated – and he slowly filled me.

It was exquisitely slow and painfully pas-sionate.

I ached at the tenderness in his eyes.

I hurt at the adoration on his face.

His f!ngerscurled around mine, before he pinned my hands on either side of my head.

He started thrĂ»-sting in and out. His thick length stretched me, and my m0@n s spilled from myl-ips, as he filled me with slow, de-ep stro-kes, our g@sp and m0@n s filling the room.

Myl-ips brushed across his che-st, over his beating heart. “I love you.”

This was my first time saying it out loud. But Ian alre-ady knew that… without me having to say those words.

He chuckled. “I know.”

I tweaked his n!ppl!. “Say it back.”

“I love you, Rhodie.”

Oh, these bu-tterflies.

“My Rhodie,my beautiful queen” he rasped in my ear.

Two years later
“We did it!” I ran to Ian. I jumped in his arms, wra-pping my legs around his w@!st. We laughed, as he di-pped me and planted a loud, we-t k!sson myl-ips.

“You’re messing up myl-ipstick!”

“fu-ck it,” he growled, k!ss!ngme dee-per.

While all our friends gathered around us, Ian and I. Finally i was now a graduate.

“Sweet Jesus! You guys nee-d to st©p with all this PDA,” Professor Roberta hollered.

“At least let them today,” Chloe said.

“I’ve seen Ian and Rhodie do worse,” Professor Vivian laughed, referring to the time she walked in on us fu-cking two weeks ago.

I rolled my eyes and wiggled, letting Ian know I wanted to be let down. He reluctantly let go, and I settled on my feet again.

Our friends and family were all here, and I just couldn’t be any happier…

Zola was officially out of our lives, when she cashed out her trust fund, and She left the state, and we never heard from her again.

As for Poppy… no one knows where she is now.

I always joked that I didn’t nee-d a knight. But Ian? Even though I wasn’t looking for one, he turned out to be mine.

My Professor.

My best friend.

My first love.

My last love.

We took a few more pictures, until Maddox was done. Surrounded by our family and friends, Ian cu-mpped my face and smashed hisl-ips down on mine.

ton-gue and all, as his mom cli-cked a last picture of us.

He pu-ll-ed away, long enough to grin devilishly at me, before he bent down and shoved his shoulders into my stomach.

I g@sped and then giggled, as he threw me over his shoulder and marched away.

“Ian ! What are you doing?”

He gave my arse a love tap. “Stealing you away. You promised me a graduation fu-ck.”

Oh God. Ian and his insatiable nee-ds.

Teach Me Dirty,Professorđź’•
Chapter 10
“Ian ! What are you doing?”

He gave my arse a love tap. “Stealing you away. You promised me a graduation fu-ck.”

Oh God. Ian and his insatiable nee-ds.

“Anyway, you have a wedding to plan.”

Wait… what.

Hold up.


I struggled, thumping his back with my che-st. “Put me down. Now! Kingsley!”

Ian chuckled and brou-ght me down to my feet. I stabbe-d a f!nger into his che-st, glowering. He just… sm-irked.

Ugh, typical Ian. “What was that?”

“A wedding,” he said.

“Ian Kingsley!”

He grasped my left hand in his and brou-ght it to hisl-ips, placing a tender k!sson the back of my knuckles. And that was when I saw it.

“Oh,” I breathed.

“Oh,” he mouthed.

“Holy molly.”

My eyes went back to my left hand. When did he sl!pa ring onto my f!nger?

“When I k!$$£d you,” he said, without me having to ask the question out loud.

“You didn’t ask!”

“I just did.”

“Oh my God! Ian!”

He win-ked. “I dare you.”

The ring was a simple, princess-cut diamond. Nothing too heavy, nothing too fancy. Just… perfect.

“Say yes, your majesty,” Ian rasped.

I stuck my ton-gue out at him. “You didn’t ask, so I can’t say yes.”

“You want me on my knees for you, Babe?”

I raised an eyebrow, waiting.

Ian chuckled and slowly lowered himself to one knee. He spre-ad out his arms.

“Rhodie Hudges, the love of my life, will you plea-se marry me? Just let me be your soul mate? Will you?”

“Yes,” I screeched.

“You love me,” he said.

“I do,” I murmured, falling to my knees in front of him.

The world ceased to exist, as we fell into each other, k!ss!ngand g@sping into each other’s mouths.

My heart kept missing beats.

My stomach twisted and tugged as those bu-tterflies went wild.

Myl-ips were swollen and burning from his k!sses.

Forever, baby. Forever.

“So, where do you want to go first?” I settled next to him on the hood of his car and opened the map on my l@p.

Ian and I decided to take a trip around the world, before we both settled down for a busy life.

Now that I’m were done with school, I had to start applying for jobs.

“I’m thinking Paris, you?” I asked, swiping throu-gh my phone to look at the bookmark, where I had saved all the places I wanted to visit.

“Nah, little queen. I’m not taking your arse anywhere with me until you’re Mrs. Kingsley .”

I rolled my eyes. He just proposed. “You wanna wife me up? Now?” I joked.

His blue eyes lit with mischief, and he li-cked hisl-ips slowly. “Now.”

“Hmm. Let me think about this. I want a wedding dress. I want to walk down the aisle. I want a first dance.” I glanced down at my watch, giving it a thoughtful look. “So, if you can manage to make all of that happen in less than twelve hours, I’ll marry you today. Before the clock strikes midnight. And if you can make it happen, I’ll let you be my dominant on our wedding night, as a reward.”

“Done,” he said way too quic-kly.

“What?” I screeched. Ian jumped off the hood of his car and sauntered backward, giving me a wicked grin.

“Never un-derestimate a man who wants to be a dominant on his wedding night.”

“Oh my God! Come back here, Ian! I was joking!”

He tsked. “Nah. The moment you started talking about possesiveness and dominant, I wasn’t joking anymore.”

I gaped at him, not moving. “Get in the car, princess. By the end of today, you’re going to be my wife… and yes, Will be your master. Done deal.”

A laugh bubbled from my che-st. I jumped off the hood, gr@bbÂŁd the now useless map and got in the car with him.

Life was never boring with Ian.

Seven years later

I woke up with a cramp in my lower back. Rolling over onto my side, I tried to find a comfortable position, but it was almost impossible.

My arm stretched out, seeking Ian’s warmth, only to find it missing. Oh, so he was awake then.

I closed my eyes, wishing I’d fall back asleep quic-kly. Ten more minutes, I silently begged, Just ten more minutes.

But a loud crash had me completely awake. Well, It looked like no more sleep for me.

With a gro-an , I got off the be-d. After brushing my teeth and relieving myself, I went downstairs to hunt for my husband.

I found him in our kitchen.

He wasn’t alone.

And my kitchen? Well, it was an absolute mess.

He faced me, as I walked into the kitchen, grinning. “Good morning, Mrs. Kingsley.”

Something small and rowdy crashed into my legs. “Good morning, Mommy!”

Our son. The exact replica of his father.

I ran my f!ngersthrou-gh his curly, hair. He perked up and grinned. Four years ago, William made me a mother. He was everything that his father was. Stubborn. Bold. Strong.

The moment the nurse put him in my arms, he opened his eyes, blinking at me with blues that were so familiar, I knew he was going to be a problem.

And I was right.

“Hi, Mommy,” another sweet voice joined the first.

I looked up toward the table, where my other baby was sitting on the kitchen counter.

He smiled at me; his face covered in flour. He was my sweet boy.

The much calmer version of William. Quiet and perceptive, unlike his older brother.

Logan stuffed his tiny fist into his mouth and li-cked whatever was on his hand. Chocolate, probably. Logan had a sweet tooth.

“Mo-mmy.” With my heart full, I turned toward Ian, who had our hiccu-pping baby on his h!ps.

br@d, logan’s twin. The prankster. Out of the three boys, br@d definitely had more me in him than his father. He liked re-ading, loved Disney and was the bubbly one out of all three boys.

Although he loved to tease, he was quic-k to be serious. Oh, and he was obsessed with mint-chocolate ch!pmuffins.

“Good morning, babies. Are you ma-king mommy pancakes?”

God, they were all a mess. Flour.

Chocolate. Wh!pcream.

Logan nodded, shoving more chocolate in his mouth. Oh sweet Jesus. Sugar rush, I could see it coming.

I sh0t Ian a glare, before scooping up Logan and putting him in his booster seat, away from the mess and the chocolate.

“Pancakes,” br@d agreed.

“Uhuh. How come you decided to make me pancakes today?”

William gave me a dead serious look.

“Because we love you, Mommy!”

Oh dear.

Oh no.

My nose tingled, and the back of my eyes burned.

“Yeah, love you,” logan and br@d agreed, at the same time.

Ian sm-irked. “Love you, my queen ,” he mouthed.

And so… Rhodie Hudges promptly bur-st into tears.

“Oh no.”

“We made Mommy cry. Again.”

“Daddy, Mommy is crying!”

Ian safely tucked br@d into his booster seat and reached for me. He wra-pped me in his embr@ce, and I hiccu-mpped back another cry.

“Why are you crying?”

“Because… I’m just… so happy. Shut up, okay!”

This was my family. My crazy, sweet family.

Ian laughed, before his hands lowered to my stomach. He cu-mpped my heavy, swollen belly, and hisl-ips feathered over my forehead with a chaste k!ss.

“I know. Now, let’s go eat. The boys worked ha-rd to make you edible pancakes.”

I gave him a quic-k pe-ck on thel-ips, before k!ss!ngall three of my boys.

They loved mommy k!sses, and I wanted to give them as much as I could, before they grew tired of it.
My boys.

The exact replicas of their father.

“I love you…”

As soon as I said the words, my stomach ti-ght£ñed, and the baby kicked.

I palmed my pregnant belly, and my eyes wi-de-ned in realization…

“Ian,” I whispered. “If this is another boy, I’m going to lose my mind.”

He chuckled, but I was utterly serious.

“No… I can’t… I nee-d a girl, Ian!”

He was laughing, and I was this close to crying again. He must have felt it coming, because he quic-kly cu-mpped my face and smashed hisl-ips on mine, giving me one long, searing k!ss, until I st©pped freaking out.

“It’s okay, if it’s not a girl. We can keep trying, until we get a girl for you.”

He sm-irked.

I glared. “Are you trying to make me give birth to a whole football team.”

“I want at least seven,” Ian replied innocently.

“And I’m going to kill you.”

He just win-ked, not at all scared by my threat.

“Mommy, hurry. We hungry.”

With a laugh, we sat around the table and ate our too soft, too sweet pancakes.

Ian had his big palm over my pregnant belly, and the baby was hyperactive, as if he – or she – knew his – or her – daddy was there.

I loved my babies, truly.

But I was also about done with being pregnant.

William was four.

Logan and br@d were two.

And I was seven months pregnant.

As much as I loved being a stay-at-home mom, the last few years, I really wanted to go back to work.

I enjoyed being a Chemist. After this baby, I was re-ady to go back to the world of science and research.

My four years abs£nce wasn’t really an issue, since my manager’s boss’s boss was my husband. (Yes, he bought the research laboratory I worked at)

Ian wanted more kids, and I wasn’t opposed to the idea. But I nee-ded a break in between.

I ate my pancake and watched, as Ian fed br@d a few bites, wiped logan’s messy face and fli-cked some wh!pcream at william’s head.

They laughed and william fli-cked a spoonful of wh!pcream back at his father. It sma-cked Ian right in the middle of the che-st.
He was the perfect dad I always knew he’d be and i love him.

The End.