Step brothers are bad finale

(🥰 Until I Met You 🥰)


” I don’t want to go again,,am sorry ” Dylan said

” What?!” They asked in shock.

” Just turn back ” He said to the driver ignoring the two adult who shouted,,

The driver obeyed immediately and made a reverse,,Emma and Miles stared at each other without uttering a word.

Soon they got back to the mansion,,Dylan got down from the car and ran in,,he climb the stairs and toward Dream’s room.

He knocked on the door,,

” I told you all to leave me alone!! Do you want to get fired?!! ” Dream screamed from the room thinking it’s a maid

” Dream,,it’s Dylan ” Dylan said

” Dy,,Dylan??’ She asked softly

” Yes,,”

Immediately the door opened, as he had imagined,she was in total mess alre-ady,her tears still visible on her cheeks,her eyes as red as whatever he could think of,,

” What,are you doing here??” She asked blankly

” I c@m£ back,, for you ” He replied and entered into her room closing the door behind them

” You c@m£ back?? Why??” She asked

” Because I can’t leave you,, I don’t want to miss you ” He said

” Really? ” She asked in her broken voice and he nodded

” I love you so much Dream ” He said as he wipe her tears

” I love you too ” She sniffed

He pu-ll-ed her closer by the w@!st brushed hisl-ips against hers gently which she reciprocate to,,the knock interrupted them.

Dylan left her and opened the door,Miles and Emma c@m£ in starring at the two teenagers unbelievably

” Dylan, are you sure about this?? It’s your dream,you can’t just let it go ” Emma said

Dream bite herl-ips, she knew she’s being selfish, but she can’t let him leave

” I know, but I can’t Leave her either ” Dylan replied.

” I’ve made up my mind,if this is your decision.Then,,Dream will have to go with you, ” Miles said and Emma faced him.

” When did you suddenly made that up??” She asked

” Just now,,okay? I can see these two kids can’t live without each other, so it’s better if we s£nd them together, Dream can just continue her education there,that’s the least I can do ” Miles said with a sigh and walked out of the room

Dylan went after him immediately

” Dad,” he called

” Yes son? ”

” Thank you ” Dylan said with a smile

” You’re always welcome son,” He replied and tap his back

” Tell her you two will be leaving tomorrow morning, am going to book another flight ” he said

” okay dad” Dylan replied and returned to Dream’s room. Emma left alre-ady,
(🥰 Until I Met You 🥰 )




” Come on Dream!! You look beautiful!!!” Lucy shouted as Dream keep on checking herself out

” Am trying to bring out my best,, okay??” She rolled her eyes

” I bet Dylan won’t be able to take his eyes off you tonight,,trust me ” Lucy said with a wi-nk

They are having a get together p@rty,after leaving each others for about three years. Surprised? Well it’s three years alre-ady

” Okay am done ” Dream smiled

They both walked out of her room,,Dream’s phone rang out

” oh,,it’s Chloe,I think she’s here ” Dream said showing Lucy her phone

The truth is,,Chloe and Dream bec@m£ best friends

Wanna know how it happened?

After the incident which happen in the school,, Chloe couldn’t continue to stay. She decided to move in with her granny in Europe

She was admitted into a new school, there she met Dream again. They were both surprised,, Chloe later apologized and that was how they bec@m£ friends.

” Finally they are here, ” Liam announced and the boys looked up

Liam and Lucy started d@t!ngjust a year ago,,and their love is out of the world.

” Wow,,you two look amazing ” Axel smiled

A girl beside her,,and then Andrew,,just himself and his self,,,it’s well known that he can’t change from being afu-cking,,he doesn’t even know what love is. Maybe he’s going to meet his soulmate one day and st©p being a pla-yer.

Dylan couldn’t take his eyes off Dream,,She caught him starring and looked away shyly.

Soon Chloe also c@m£ in

” Guys!!! ” She screamed out

” Wow,,Chloe? ” Andrew asked in shock

She hvgged them all friendly before sitting down

” I think I have a question, who is she? ” Dream asked pointing at the girl beside Axel

” His new girlfriend ” Dylan chuckled

” Hi,,am Jenny” The girl said in her tiny voice

” Okay,,am the only one left without girlfriend ” Andrew rolled his eyes

” Well,,am available ” Chloe said with a wi-nk

” No,, this guy is never serious. I can’t advice you to go for him ” Lucy said and they all laughed

Soon,,the maids walked in with the meal,they set the table and left

” Hmm,,this look so yummy ” Lucy said

” Like you ” Liam replied with a wi-nk

” Not here plea-se, none of you should flir-t here ” Andrew said

” Then get a girlfriend and st©pfu-cking every pu-ssy you see ” Dylan said and they all gro-an ed

” That’s disgusting ”

” Am only saying the truth” he chuckled trying to feed Dream.

(🥰 Until I Met You 🥰 )


Final Episode.


” I feel so happy ” Dream said as they both watch the moonlight after others left

” Did mom call you?? ” Dylan asked

” You should know those two,,,,they will be coming next week. And the graduation,,I can’t wait “Dream said

” Me too,,, ” Dylan replied and gave her a pe-ck on herl-ips

” you know I love you right??” he asked

” And I love you more ” She said and rest her head on his shoulder

” You know what?” She asked

” What??”

” I always thought all STEPBROTHERS are bad,,until I met you ” She said and he chuckled

” Am not bad after all ” He smiled