Step brothers are bad episode 1 & 2

( Head Over Heals )

Episode 1

โ€œ Come on baby,, leave your stuffs, the driver will take care of it. Your stepfather is waiting โ€ Her mom said waving out her hand

At least for now,,it’s just the father available.

Dream thought within herself as she ran toward her mother,,,

She’s a very pretty girl with a perfect shape,,getting different compliments from the opposite gender. Sometimes she always wish she’s as bad as ugly,maybe the stares is going to reduce.

She love putting on baggy clothes, just to hide her bยฉdy. It doesn’t help much,,but it’s better than never.

โ€œ Don’t be nervous baby,,,he’s going to be the best dad โ€ Emma said ru-bbing her hair

Dream nodded and fake out a smile,,,

They entered into the mansion and she bec@mยฃ lost,,wow,,this is so amazing!!!! He must befu-cking rich to build a mansion like this. Dream thought within herself

It was all painted with white,, and some tยฉuรงhes of blue. She really admire the house a lot.

โ€œ Wow,,finally!! You are here,,โ€ A de-ep but gentle voice c@mยฃ up ma-king her get out of her thoughts

โ€œ Miles,, I really missed you so much โ€ her mother said as she exchanged hvgs and k!sses with the man.

Dream smiled,,,,

โ€œ Dream right?? โ€ The man asked and she immediately nodded

โ€œ Yes sir โ€ she said

โ€œ Come on,,you can call me dad. Give me a hvg cutie โ€

She hvgged him even though it wasn’t comfortable,,, but it’s better if he’s not a young dude. That’s her fears!!

โ€œ The maids prepared some delicious meal,,come on,,โ€ Miles said leading them to the dinning room.

โ€œ How about Dylan?? โ€ Emma asked

โ€œ He will be back in few minutes,,, am sure it’s closing hours alre-ady unless he join his crews โ€ Miles said and Emma chuckled

Damn,,,she don’t wanna meet him. No,,,

โ€œ You know,,,I was thinking of getting Dream admitted into Reality High,,it’s the best school here,what do you think?? โ€ Miles asked and Dream almost shouted no!!

That means,she’s going to attend the same school as her stepbrother??

โ€œ I think it’s a great idea,,since Dylan will be there,,,โ€ Emma said

Nobยฉdy un-derstands,, Dream thought and continue eating silently

โ€œ You will love it right?? It’s a really amazing school,,,you must have heard of it โ€ Miles said to Dream and she had no other choice than to nod her head

โ€œ Thank you dad,,it’s okay โ€ she finally discovered her voice.

โ€œ Old man,,at least we are home now,,can you stยฉp following me?? It’s annoying โ€ They suddenly heard a voice from outside

โ€œ That’s Dylan,,,always having problems with his bยฉdyguard โ€ Miles said

โ€œ I un-derstand him,,why getting him a bยฉdyguard?? โ€ Emma asked

โ€œ He’s quite stubborn,,always getting into troubles. I think it’s because he was brou-ght up by a man,,am glad I found you. โ€ Miles said

Dream like him,,,he’s such a sweet person. Bad thing she will never like his son,,never.

The door opened,,Dylan c@mยฃ in and almost took the stairs when Miles called ,,

โ€œ Dad?? You’re home?? That’s a surprise โ€ he said

โ€œ Come on,,your step mother is here,,with your sister ,,โ€ he said and Dylan stยฉpped walking.

โ€œ Oh,,,โ€ he itch his nยฃยขk before proceeding to the dinning

โ€œ Wow,,he’s such a cutie pie. Come here โ€ Emma said opening her arms for him

Dylan smiled and hvgged her,,,maybe she will be different from all those women his dad have come across. They all wanted his Money and nothing else

โ€œ Can I call you mom?? โ€ He asked and Dream almost scoffed

โ€œ Of course, she’s your mom now โ€ Miles replied and Dylan smiled

โ€œ That’s Dream,your sister. I heard she’s 17,,so you’re older with one year which make her your kid sister. โ€ Miles smiled

โ€œ oh,,,that’s,, good โ€ he said and faced her ,,she didn’t look up but he could see that she’s an epitome of beauty.

She’s really pretty,,long golden hair, plumpl-ips,, really cute.

โ€œ I will be in my room โ€ Dylan said

โ€œ You won’t eat?? โ€ Emma asked
โ€œ I will,,but not now. Thanks for your concern โ€ Dylan said and pe-cked her cheek

โ€œ Hey,,that’s my wife not your girlfriend โ€ Miles said

โ€œ Come on,,he’s my son โ€ Emma replied

Dylan win-ked at his dad before going out of the dinning rooback

โ€œ Dream will be admitted to your school tomorrow โ€ Miles called after him and he turned back

โ€œ Who is Dream?? โ€ He blurted out and Dream looked up

โ€œ Are you kidding?? Dream,, โ€
โ€œ Oh,,,I was actually thinking you said something about you dreaming or something โ€ Dylan tea-sed and they all laughed except Dream who doesn’t find it funny though

Dylan finally walked out and she was able to breath again,,,so she’s really going to live in this same house with him??

# Next_Day

Dylan finally walked out of the house after almost spending all day in his room getting dressed,,,his dressing look so amazing, like some pl@yboy.

Well,,that’s what he is. h0ttest boy in REALITY HIGH,,,Dylan Miles,killer look,bad boy,every girl’s choice.

โ€œ Am sorry,,โ€ he said to Emma who smiled in return

โ€œ It’s okay,,you look good anyway โ€ she said

โ€œ thanks โ€ Dylan replied and entered the back door with Dream who immediately moved to the window.

Dylan didn’t spare her a glance either,, he brou-ght out his headphone and his phone.

He listened to music with his eyes closed,,,

Dream stared at him from the glas-s,,she have to admit it. He’s cute,,but cute boys are always the worst right?? Definitely she’s never going to have anything to do with him,,not even any boys in her new school.


โ€œ Okay,,,bye mom,,I will see you at home โ€ Dylan said and walked away receiving the normal Stares from the students.

โ€œ Damn,, he’s so h0t!! โ€

Dylan smiled and win-ked at them which will always result in loud shouts.

โ€œ Okay now dude,,who is the h0t girl you c@mยฃ with?? โ€ Two hands gr@bbยฃd him from the back

He didn’t bother looking back,, he knew they are his crazy friends. Andrew and Axel,,

โ€œ Stepsister โ€ he replied shortly
โ€œ She’s h0t dude,,,โ€

โ€œ Not her โ€ Dylan said and they gro-an ed
โ€œ We can’t tยฉuรงh her,,,just a compliment โ€ Andrew said

โ€œ That’s good to hear then โ€ he sm-irked

They chuckled and walked to clas-s,,
( Head Over Heals )

Episode 2

Dream stared at the school while following the teacher taking her to clas-s,,it’s really a big school. Much more bigger than her former school,,

They finally entered the clas-s and there was total silence among the students,,,

๐Ÿ‘„ What the hell??
๐Ÿ‘„ Is she an Angel??
๐Ÿ‘„ She’s h0t

She could hear the murmurs among them and it made her wanna puke,,, things she hates so much!!

โ€œ Guys,, you have a new student,,,introduce yourself to them โ€ The teacher smiled at her,,she swallowed into nothing and remain quiet

โ€œ Damn,,is she dumb?? โ€ A girl hissed among them,, Dream saw her,,okay,, one enemy activated

โ€œ Just pretty for nothing,, I guess she doesn’t know how to pronounce her own name โ€ Another girl said and she laughed with her female crews

Dream bite her bottoml-ips,,,

โ€œ Am Dream โ€ she finally said
โ€œ Dream or nightmare โ€ Another female voice c@mยฃ up and Dream looked up

So ,,,the females hate her?? Then she’s probably going to be lonely,,,

โ€œ First name?? โ€

โ€œ Miles โ€ she said,,,
โ€œ Are you by any chance related to Dylan?? โ€ The teacher asked

โ€œ He’s my,,brother โ€ She blurted out without thinking and there was total silence.

โ€œ Good,,,you can go have your seat,,,โ€

Dream checked the empty seat,,it’s just between two boys. She’s definitely going to pas-s out in there,,

โ€œ Am sorry,,,, but,,I can’t sit there. โ€ she said and the clas-s were surprised,, this is the first time a student will ever reject a seat

โ€œ Why?? โ€
โ€œ Nothing mam,,but I won’t be comfortable. Can I get a seat beside a female plea-se? โ€ She asked and they all faced each other in confusion until a girl spoke up

โ€œ Am going to change with her,,,โ€ The girl smiled

โ€œ Okay,,that’s good then โ€ The teacher went out

โ€œ Thank you โ€ Dream murmured to the girl who exchanged seat with her,she smiled in return

She sat down and breath out feeling uncomfortable with the stares into her bยฉdy,not like anything is expo-sed or something right??

A teacher finally c@mยฃ in and she was relieved,at least they will focus on the teaching.
After two more clas-ses,it was time for lunch. Dream watched as half of the students rushed out of the clas-s,,she was planning to get up when three girls c@mยฃ to her,,she recognized them. They are the girls who insulted her earlier, now what are they looking for??

โ€œ So you’re Dylan’s sister?? โ€ One of them asked,,their clothes were really expo-sed, almost showing their cleavages

She kept quiet,,

โ€œ We arefu-cking talking to you bit-ch โ€ One of them said and pushed her head

โ€œ Don’t do that,,,, we can’t be on Dylan’s bad side,, am still trying tofu-ck him โ€ the one in the middle said as she chew gum loudly

โ€œ What do you guys want from her?? Leave the new girl alone โ€ A voice said,,it’s a male voice

โ€œ Hey Liam โ€ One of the girls smiled se-ductively,, it’s obvious she’s crushing on him

โ€œ Leave โ€ The so called Liam said

The girls hissed and walked out of the clas-s,,,,,

He moved closer to Dream and her hand were shaking alre-ady,,,

โ€œ Hi,,am Liam โ€ he said with a smile stretching his hand to Dream

She stood up and ignored his hand,, she was about walking away when Liam drag her back,,,

โ€œ Don’t tยฉuรงh me โ€ She snapped

โ€œ I don’t bite,, okay?? โ€ Liam said with a smile

She moved back until her back tยฉuรงhed the wall,,,,.

โ€œ You are dream right?? โ€ Liam asked getting more closer to her

โ€œ Don’t come closer,, plea-se,,, โ€ Dream said faintly holding her head

โ€œ Are you okay?? โ€ Liam asked and tยฉuรงhed her

โ€œ Don’t tยฉuรงh me โ€ she said weakly

Dylan walked into the clas-s and was shocked to see Dream and Liam together,, and she look sick.

โ€œ What did you do to her?? โ€ he asked running to them

โ€œ Hey dude,,I didn’t do anything to her โ€ Liam defended himself

โ€œ Get out!! โ€ Dylan yelled and Liam left

โ€œ Don’t come closer โ€ Dream said and suddenly fell with her hand holding her head ti-ghtly

โ€œ Hey,,are you okay?? What happened โ€ Dylan asked and tried tou-ching her forehead

โ€œ Don’t tยฉuรงh me,,,,โ€ she said and that was when Dylan noticed she was in tears

What the hell is wrong with her??

โ€œ Do you want to go to the sick bay?? โ€ Dylan asked

โ€œ Stay away from me โ€ Dream finally got her voice back,,she immediately stood up

โ€œ Don’t ever get close to me,,,,I hate you!! โ€ She yelled and ran out of the clas-s leaving Dylan in total shock

What?? Hate?? Why??

He waved the thought off and went out.

# After_School

โ€œ So,,you mean she told you to stay away from her?? โ€ Axel asked

โ€œ I was only trying to act nice,,you know am not some gentle dude โ€ Dylan said

โ€œ So,what are you gonna do?? โ€ Andrew asked

โ€œ Am gonna stay away from her,that’s what she want anyway. โ€ Dylan replied as they finally approach where the car is,,

Dream was in the car alre-ady,, with the driver waiting for Dylan

โ€œ Gosh,,, am telling dad to just allow me drive my own car โ€ Dylan said

โ€œ Bye,,,see you tomorrow โ€ Dylan said but Andrew pu-ll-ed him back

โ€œ What is it this time โ€ he scoffed

โ€œ Your girlfriend,,,โ€
โ€œ She’s not my girlfriend guys,,,I onlyfu-cked her once and that’s it. Am not re-ady for any silly relationsh!pand she know that,,,, โ€ Dylan said

โ€œ Poor girl,, she’s in love with Dylan,,heart break โ€ Axel said sadly

โ€œ Am gonna tell her tomorrow,,, I don’t give a damn โ€ Dylan replied before walking to the car

He entered into the front seat and the driver turned to him,,

โ€œ Just drive,,it’s a good thing that old man didn’t come with me โ€ Dylan rolled his eyes

โ€œ You mean your bยฉdyguard?? โ€ The driver asked as he started the car

โ€œ Yeah โ€ Dylan replied

โ€œ Well Your mom told Mr Miles that you don’t nee-d a bยฉdyguard โ€

โ€œ Wow,,really?? That’s amazing, finally am free,,,โ€ Dylan sighed

โ€œ Stยฉp causing trouble if you want it to last โ€ The driver said

โ€œ I can’t promise anything,,โ€ Dylan said,he checked the side mirror and took a glance at Dream who only kept a straight face.

What is bothering her,,?? He thought. Okay,,you just have to stay away from her Dylan,,,that’s it.