something about us episode 27

(When A Tomboy Loves…)

✍️Written by Nuri .F. Chisom Pearl✍️

🥀Chapter 27🥀.


Lizzy’s eyes wi-de-ned in surprise. She could have yelled “Hey kiddo! Why aren’t you in school at this time of the day?”. But, There wasn’t any time for that! She just wanted to be saved!.

But then, she thought again. What would little Collins do to save her from this mess?!. She rolled her eyes embarras-sed. Maybe, Collins might even make it worst?.

Collins ran towards Lizzy and angrily pu-ll-ed her up from the stony ha-rd ground she was kneeling on. He dragged her behind him and turned his wicked angry gaze to them.

“What do you guys think you are doing?!” He yelled angrily. The others stared at each other surprised and began to laugh.

“Who’s this little student? Go on your way, boy…You wouldn’t want us to beat you to a pulp and take your corpse to your family” One of them laughed.

“No… You would be the one to die here!” Collins snapped angrily.

“What’s this student saying? Hey! Go to school, You are gonna be late. And if you are, Guess what the teacher might do?” Another jeered and they all laughed again.

“Is she your girlfriend or what?” The eldest snarled.

“Yeah! So, You will have to go throu-gh me first!” Collins growled.

“Oh.. That’s so easy little one. So, which one do you want broken first. Your limb? Your n£¢k? Your spinal cord? Your head? Take your time to think about the one you want. We’ve got you covered” He replied. The others laughed at this.

Collins felt shivers running down his spine. He swallowed ha-rd and kept his angry gaze at them.

“You guys don’t know this but I learnt martial arts since I was a little boy” Collins boasted.

“We didn’t learn but we are gonna teach you more” Another growled.

“Hey, Collins? Did you actually learn martial arts?” Lizzy whispered hitting lightly him from behind.

“Yes” He whispered back. Elizabeth was surprised. However, She was relieved and happy.

“Now. Come over here” The eldest snapped at Collins with a signal.

“Elizabeth, Are you re-ady?” Collins suddenly yelled.

“What? For?” She asked

“What the hell is he talking about?” The thvgs mumbled amongst themselves.

“RUN!!” Collins suddenly, suprisedly and shockingly yelled. Elizabeth wi-de-ned her eyes that almost c@mÂŁ out from their sockets.

Just like how flash would, Collins held onto her hand and ran with him. Elizabeth looked at him while running. Her head was spinning, she was so hungry and not re-ady for this kinda sh*t. She ran as her long legs would carry her. Seeing the thvgs giving them a h0t pursuit and noticing Elizabeth was running out of breath,, Collins quic-kly gr@bbÂŁd her by her w@!st pu-lling her on his b©dy. He held onto her while the surprised and shocked Elizabeth had no choice but to hold him ti-ght clingling on his b©dy while holding onto his broad shoulders. Elizabeth’s eyes wi-de-ned looking at Collins who ran and ran.

“Ahhh!” Lizzy exclaimed loudly seeing the large stone thrown onto them by one of the thvgs. She closed her eyes quic-kly and opened it. It seemed they missed the stone. She sighed in relief.

Finally, They got to the main road where pas-sersby were. They looked behind and saw no one were chasing them anymore.

“Pheww! That was a close call” Collins smiled looking at her. Lizzy g@sped and felt her heart beat suddenly getting fast.

“Won’t you drop me?” She asked in a whisper. Collins wi-de-ned his eyes in shock realizing Lizzy was still clinging onto him.

“Oh, Sorry” He whispered gently dropping her. They both went to a big rock where they sat.

“I’m so tired, Aiish! —Collins, Did you actually learn Martial Arts? Since when? Tekwando? Karate? Judo? Boxing?” She blurted still shocked

“I learnt all” He replied with a chuckle.

“For real? Since when?”

“When I was little”

“Daebak(Amazing)…But why did you ask me to run then? You could have just treated theirfu-ck up!”

“Maybe it was because I forgot. It has been long I st©pped”

“Oh. I see, By the way. Who taught you? Which place did you take lessons for them?” Lizzy asked

“From my sister?”

“Wh–What? Your what? Sis–Sister?” She stammered.

“Yeah.. We fought a lot. From Tekwando to Karate, From Karate to Judo, From Judo to Boxing and even a lot more” Collins smiled.

“Hey! Are you crazy? Do you even know what you are saying right now? It simply makes no s-en-se. I get your sister is good with fighting and stuffs like that. But for her to teach you martial arts? You got to be kidding me right?”

“She didn’t teach me. We just fought a lot when we were little. We even got severely punished by mum and dad due to our frequent fights and arguments. Doesn’t it mean I learnt martial arts?” He chuckled smartly.

“Geez! You are really crazy! Why did you have to lie, You are damn crazy! You had better get going! You are so late for school. Also, I nee-d to go to the market” Lizzy said standing up. She looked at Collins and wi-de-ned her eyes shocked. She shivered in fear.

“Hey! Bl…Blood!” She almost yelled as she ran her trembling hands on his forehead. Collins quic-kly t©uçhed his head with his hand. He looked at his hand and was also shocked after seeing blood stains.

“Hey?! Did you get hurt? Oh Goodness” Lizzy said worriedly. She sat down immediately.

“Do you have an handkerchief?” She asked.

“Yeah. Hold on” He replied unZi-pping his bag. He brou-ght out a blue hanky.

“Let me have it” She said stretching her hand forth to him. He gave it to her and she began wiping the blood stains including the sweat that occu-pied on his forehead.
Collins kept staring at her while she got busy on his face.

“When did you get hurt?” She asked jo-lting Collins from his thoughts.
Collins coughed nervously.

“When I got hit by the stone” He replied

“Oh. I saw a stone then. It seemed it was coming towards me,– Did you perhaps shield me?” She asked suprisedly now looking at him.

“Yeah” He whispered

“I’m sorry. It’s my fault…. I’m gonna return to favor” She said. He nodded. They both stared at each other which made Lizzy so nervous.

“Noona?, Can you return the favor now? Collins asked disrupting the silence between them.

“And what do you want?” Lizzy asked swallowing ha-rd still feeling nervous. She felt her heart beating fas-ter and fas-ter.

“Let’s go on a d@tÂŁ like I said before. Just three d@tÂŁs. If you don’t grow feelings for me after then, You are free to drop me. But if you grow feelings for me then. Let’s get into a relationsh!p”

Elizabeth scoffed loudly. “You seem so sure about that. You have good faith thinking I’m gonna actually fall for you. plea-se, Get your eyes checked about me. I’m 21, You are 19”

“No. I’m not sure, rather I’m quite nervous but let’s give it a try. Who knows what might happen?”

“Collins, I’m actually going on a blind d@tÂŁ (This is a d@tÂŁ whereby you don’t know the person and haven’t seen the person just yet). You know what that means? We can’t still got on a d@tÂŁ,It’s not possible”

“No. We still can. It isn’t called cheating since you guys haven’t officially started a relationsh!p” Collins frowned.

“Wow. You don’t seem surprised about me going on a blind d@tÂŁ?” Lizzy asked

“Nah. You are beautiful. I should be expecting that” Collins whispered. Lizzy blinked her eyes slowly feeling quite uneasy and nervous.

“So? You want me to two–time?” She asked

“Yeah. Me and Him. You might fall for one of us. Then, You will get to choose the one you want”

“Okay. Let’s go for it. But Collins, You know–you are just wasting your time”

“Let me waste it. So, we’re really gonna go on a d@tÂŁ?”


“Really?”(Contact Rikki on WhatsApp +2348168354463 so you can be added to our WhatsApp group ❤️🥰)


“Oh my! Daebak! Thank you Noona! Thank you ! Muuuah đź’‹!” He seized herl-ips and squee-zed it forcing a slight k!sson it.

“Hey!!” Lizzy yelled. Collins laughed and stood up.

“Do you want to die? What was that for?” She yelled wiping herl-ips with the back of her palm.

“Goodbye Noona! Let’s meet when you are re-ady!” He waved running.

“jÂŁrk! Aiish! I’m fasting!, How dare he do that! Tskk! He forgot his handkerchief, So clumsy!” Lizzy laughed leaving the scene.
“Aiish! I’m so hungry and tired” Her loud thought commented on the dark scenerio.


The quiet room was dark, the buzzing sounds of houseflies filled the room. Why they love the environment of the room was probably because of the foul stinky gross smell around the four corners and all sides of the big room.

Despite the room being so dark, The flies were able to land properly on the dirty clothes, trash, food and drink remains and others alike. Acrid smell of cigarettes also filled the room.

Laura looked around. She sniffed loudly and placed the bu-tt of cigarette in her mouth. She was about liting it with a lighter when she heard a loud knock. She re-moved the hoodie’s cap on her head and looked at the door. Her eyes were bloodsh0ted. It seemed she had been crying like forever. Herl-ips were dry and thick. She was so dirty and depressed.

“Who could that be?” She asked herself ru-bbing her palm on her dry face. Her voice was so dry and sad.
She gently kept the ciggratte back on the table and slowly walked to the door. She opened it and saw Three men. They were police officers. She scoffed loudly as if she was really expecting them. The men looked at each other and shaked their heads.

“I guess you know why we are here?” One of the police officer asked

“I guess” She replied with flashy smile.

“I guess you are really something else. You aren’t afraid huh?” Another asked.

“I can’t believe she actually smiled” The third officer commented shaking his head pitifully and at the same time, angrily.
Laura scoffed and shut the door loudly.

“Well… Laura Green, You are thereby arrested for being engaged in the hit and run case concerning the victim, Mr Lewis Lynn. It is also an attem-pted murder as you know–The police officer paused and locked the hand cuffs on her dirty dry hands.
He looked at Laura who pushed in a smart smile. The officer scoffed angrily.

“You are to remain silent because anything you say will be used against you in the court of law and you are also free to get a lawyer” He completed taking Laura alongside. They left the scene with the other officers following them from behind.
