sold to Lucifer episode 46 & 47

???? SÕLD TO
LUCIF£R ????
{ Slave To Sensation… }

EPISODE 46????47

THEME; Taking Her Innocence.


By: Summer Gold R.


The mobsters only watched in total shock and amazement,they kept on whispering to themselves. Renata left the training ground after she witnessed that and she began to wonder how she grew so powerful so soon,or perhaps,was she pretending all along??

Larisa on the other hand couldn’t understand a thing she’s done,she stood there looking shocked and confused.

She was just standing there until BB and Wednesday walked over to her

“Come on Ecli-pse,why are you looking like this? We should be celebrating your win” BB said and curled her hand around Larisa’s neck as they take her from the stage she was standing.

“Wow,Larisa. You did so well,now I’m scared” Ethan appeared beside Wednesday and touched his chest

“Stop it” Larisa said and Wednesday chuckled

“For real,it was so satisfying to watch,thank you for teaching that brat a lesson” Hunter also said and Larisa just smiled

“Gosh,here comes out superwoman,Larisa!” Rocco said loudly

“Come on guys please” BB laughed

“Your royal highness Larisa” Rocky joined them and Larisa almost screamed.

“Hey Larisa! Congratulations!” Pistol waved at her beside Cash

“You were amazing!” Cash also said

“We need to see Scarlett” Larisa said

“Don’t worry,Rocco will take care of it” Desdemona said and Rocco nodded proudly

“Stop acting silly and let’s go,bet ecli-pse is worried right now” BB said and grabbed Rocco’s hand.

Larisa and Wednesday followed behind them immediately.

They entered Scarlett’s room,she was placed on the bed and was still unconscious

“Second time seeing her weak” Wednesday giggled

“I wonder what caused the bleeding” Rocco muttered

“Larisa’s scream” BB replied and Wednesday nodded

“But it only affected her” Rocco said

“How did you do that tho?” Wednesday asked

“Honestly…I don’t know” Larisa mumbled and BB rub her shoulder

“Don’t worry about it,she provoked your powers out,it happens sometimes” She said and Larisa nodded

Rocco finally healed Scarlett,actually he had to heal her bloods internally and soon the bleeding stops

“Thank goodness” They all breathe out

“I’m never doing that challenge again” Larisa muttered

“Of course you would” BB said

“We will have to wake till she’s awake” Rocco muttered and they all walked out of the room.

“I’m f**king hungry,it’s past breakfast time anyway,let’s go and eat” Wednesday said and they all turned toward the dinning hall


As soon as they entered,the gangs started hailing Larisa again

“Gosh,I will just go back” She muttered and turned but BB pulled her back

“Don’t be shy Larisa,come on” Ethan said and they all laughed

They sat down and the maids also served them

“But seriously,that was so cool. I need to learn from you” Hunter said

“Hey!” Larisa yelled and they laughed again

“So,what does this mean? Are you part of us now?” Jericho asked

“Yes!” Desdemona and Wednesday said

“The boss didn’t said that” Pistol said

“Well right,but she can join us right?” Cash said

“Is she even interested?” Rocky asked and they all turned to Larisa

“Uhm….I don’t know” Larisa bite her li-ps

“You can talk to the boss” BB said and Larisa nodded

“Are you close to the boss?” Pistol asked

“I think she is,she’s no more a maid,I guess the boss like her” Rocco said

“Well,who wouldn’t? She’s cute” Hunter said

“Thank you guys” Larisa said and they all smiled at her

They kept on talking and then Larisa excused herself,she was still curious and confused. She left the dining hall and went straight to Bathsheba’s room,luckily Bathsheba was inside.

“Larisa!” Bathsheba called excited as Larisa entered

“Good morning” Larisa smiled

“Morning,I just left Lucifer’s Chamber,I was wondering why it was empty.

“Oh ,,I joined the gang at the training ground” Larisa replied

“Really?” Bathsheba sound surprised

“Yeah,and something strange happened” Larisa sighed

“What happened?” Bathsheba asked looking curious

Larisa told her everything

“Wow” she muttered

“It felt like the first time too,but as soon as I came to my sense,I felt the powers leaving me. I think I’m going crazy” Larisa sighed and Bathsheba smiled

“It’s the mate bond” She said and Larisa looked at her

“He didn’t tell me it was going to be this powerful,I mean….I’m a human Bathsheba,but seriously I felt like a monster earlier” Larisa said and Bathsheba chuckled

“Come on,Even if he didn’t tell you. You should know,you’re his mate ,you’re going to be his bride. His blood runs inside you,and those blood contains crazy powers,for now they come and go,especially whenever you’re in danger….”She couldn’t complete it when Vesper rushed in and they both looked up

“Little one,I just heard about what happened!” She screamed and Larisa smiled

“You need to master it” She said

“Really? Can I do that?” Larisa asked

“Yeah,but let’s inform brother first,I will teach you everything,trust me” Vesper a-ssured

“Thank you Vesper” Larisa said

“You’re welcome little one” Vesper grinned


“So,you mean….I will start feeling her pains?” Lucifer asked and Master Fox nodded

“But…she won’t feel mine right?” Lucifer asked further

“No she won’t,but Lucifer it’s dangerous….”

“I know,but I already made a promise that I will protect her with everything,including my life” Lucifer said

“Don’t act so drunk in love,we should find a way to lift the curse first…..”

“That curse was meant for my father not me,but unfortunately I have to go throu-ghthe same,don’t worry about me. I will take care of everything by myself” Lucifer said and master Fox sighed

“So,about your father……”

“Not again” Lucifer groaned and Master Fox sighed out

“Don’t you think everything might get solved if you find him?”

“Find him? Isn’t he….gone?” Lucifer asked

“His body was never found Lucifer” Master Fox said

“So are you saying it’s possible he might be alive??” Lucifer faced him

“Maybe” Master Fox replied and Lucifer sighed out

Is it possible? He was said to have died thousands of years ago right? And the besides,what also happened to his mother? He’s not really that curious about her because there’s no possibility of her being alive,she’s only a human who might even die at a young age.


Jezebel walked into the throne room with a sword in her hand,she stood in front of the goddess and pulled out the sword from it’s sheath.

“Here is the sword of destruction you requested for” She said

“What are you using that for?” Aphrodite asked from the goddess side

“To kill the devil’s mate as written in the book of fate” The goddess replied and Jezebel smiled,she’s the spirit of death and on most missions like this,she’s the one who is sent.

“I want it done tonight,don’t make any mistake” The goddess said

“But goddess,what if the devil protect her….”Aphrodite asked

“The sword of destruction can kill anyone,including the immortals” The goddess replied

“So even if the devil tries,he won’t succeed because it is her fate,he can’t change it,never” The goddess added

“I will take my leave right away goddess” Jezebel bowed and immediately she vanished out of the throne room.

Aphrodite sighed out


Pistol and Cash walked hand in hand

“I missed you” Pistol said and Cash turned to her

“We only separated for two hours….”

“And I said I missed you” Pistol snapped and Cash chuckled

“I never realized I’m so addictive” He teased and Pistol rolled her eyes

“I shouldn’t have said it in the first place” She said

Cash immediately held her waist

“Stop being dramatic,I missed you too” he said and Pistol smiled

She winked at him and he suddenly dragged her into an empty room.

“What are we doing here?” Pistol asked

“Crazy thing” Cash replied and immediately placed her on a table before their li-ps connected. He zipped down her jacket and then broke the kis-s,he started su-cking her brea-st while Pistol mo-aned loudly

Suddenly someone groaned and Cash raised his head,Pistol also opened her eyes

Storm came out

“Can you two just go to your room? Gosh” She said and went out

Cash and Pistol chuckled and continued their business

Storm bumped into Hunter as she left the room

“Careful” Hunter grabbed her hand

“Thanks” She muttered

“Are you okay? Were you hurt earlier?” Hunter asked looking at her arm

“I’m fine now” Storm replied and he nodded

They continue walking together and suddenly heard a strange sound from the gym,they stopped at a time

“Did you hear that?” Storm asked

“Yeah I did” Hunter replied and then started walking toward the door

Storm immediately followed him,he opened the door and they entered,it was dark totally. Storm turn on the light but the bulb refused to come on.

“Did something happened to the lights?” She muttered

“I gat this” Hunter said and pointed his palm,immediately the sharp bright light from his palm filled the whole room and they began looking around but couldn’t find a thing

“I heard the sound for real” Storm said

“Me too,but I guess it didn’t come from here” Hunter replied and took a last glance around before they walked out.


Ethan was sitting alone by the pool lost in thought.

Suddenly someone sat down beside him and he turned

“You look half gone” Wednesday smiled at him and took off her shoes before dropping her legs into the pool.

“Why are you here alone?” She asked

“You too,why are you here?” Ethan asked

“Because I saw you here,you look bored” She replied

“So f**king bored” Ethan said and Wednesday grinned

“Should we do something fun?” She asked and Ethan looked at her


“Swim” She smirked

“Are you not cold?” Ethan asked

“Make it warm then” Wednesday said an began unbuttoning her shirt while Ethan kept staring at her.

She turned to him

“What,is there something on my face?” She asked

“Yeah,come closer” Ethan said

“Really where?” Wednesday touched her face and then lean close to Ethan. Ethan pecked her li-ps and her eyes wide-ned

“Hey!” She shouted and Ethan chuckled

“That was not funny” Wednesday said

“So….are you dating Rocky?” Ethan asked as Wednesday was about jumping into the pool

“Why are you asking?” She asked

“I just want to know,you two suddenly became too close” Ethan replied

“Hey Ethan,do you have a crush on me?” Wednesday asked

“What if I do?” He asked,staring into her eyes

Wednesday was about talking when Rocky showed up,he frowned when he saw them together

“I’ve been looking for you,what are you doing here?” He asked

“About to have fun,you can join us” Wednesday smiled

“I’m not interested,I need to talk to you” Rocky said

Wednesday looked at Ethan

“See you later” Ethan said

Wednesday tried waving at him but Rocky dragged her away

“Hey,you’re too harsh on me” Wednesday said

“Why were you together?” Rocky asked

“Come on,what are you thinking?” Wednesday scoffed

“Do you even see the way he was staring at you? It’s annoying” Rocky scoffed and Wednesday rolled her eyes

“You’re not my boyfriend…….”

“Then let’s start dating” Rocky cut in and Wednesday sighed

“I told you I’m not ready for that okay? But like I promised Bonnie,I will stay by your side” Wednesday said and Rocky sighed


Larisa was pacing outside Lucifer’s Chamber,Lucifer is not back yet and she was getting so impatient already.

“How could he just leave and not back by this time? Huh?” She muttered

All of a sudden,she felt a presence behind her

“Luci….” She quickly turned but was shocked to see a completely strange image behind her,she had a very cold look on her face and a sword was in her hand,just looking at her alone,she looks scary.

“Devil’s bride” She called with a suspicious smile and Larisa looked at her in confusion

“Who are you?” She asked

“Jezebel,in another word..Death” Jezebel replied and Larisa’s eyes wide-ned.

“Why are you here?” She asked

“I’m not here for conversation,I’m here to kill you” Jezebel said and removed her sword from the sheath

Larisa gasped and moved back but a force made her motionless

“How dare you try to run!!” Jezebel roared and immediately controlled the sword with her hands,sending it directly toward Larisa

“Ahhhhh!!! Lucifer!!!” Lucifer screamed out and then a sudden wind covered her up the moment the sword was about stabbing her

Lucifer appeared in front of her and the sword stuck straight into his chest

“Ahhhh!!” Larisa screamed in fears

Jezebel smirked at Lucifer as he held his chest,blood poured out of his mouth while his chest bled badly

“No!!” Larisa screamed and rushed to hold him but before she could get to him,Lucifer body blown off right before her sight like ashes and Larisa stood still,her whole body shaking,her eyes wide-ned.

“Lorenzo!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed out thunderously.


To Be Continued