sins forgiven but not forgotten episode 1



Year 2000.

It was alre-ady the middle of the night. The night is peaceful, and the country road is too quite. It was dark and only the light that is coming from a post gives light on the road. There are no houses in the place, it was a distance away from the City.

But the silence of the night was interrupted by the piercing sound of a car trying to st©p and then followed by a loud sound of a car crash!
A car crashed on the road barrier, the road barrier was wrecked!
The car’s front wheels are now hanging at the edge of a de-ep cliff!

The car’s windshield shattered, there are three people inside the car, the driver, a grown-up woman, and a child.

The driver is unconscious and lots of blood trickled from his head to his face. The woman in the backseat slowly opens her eyes, her vision is blurry and she feels dizzy.

A moment later, she felt the liquid trickled on her face, the woman t©uçhed the liquid. She takes a look at her palm, her eyes went wi-de opened when she realized it was blood!

The woman felt like her dizziness faded! She looked outside the car, it was dark! The woman looked ahead of the car, with the help of the car’s headlight, she realized that the car hit the road barrier and they are on the edge of the cliff!

” Oh, God!” She blurted out!

She looked at the child beside her, there’s lots of blood that trickles from the child’s forehead to her face.

“My God!” The woman blurted again!

Her entire b©dy is trembling! She doesn’t know what to do! She looked at her husband in the driver’s seat. He is also unconscious!

“What to do?! What to do?!” The woman is confused about what to do!

They are on the brink of death! The car might fell to the bo-ttomof the cliff!

If that happens, it would be impossible for them to survive. But she still tries to be strong!

This is between life and death, and her family’s life is on her hand!

” Dear, wake up!” the woman tries to wake up the child.

“Wake up plea-se!” the woman felt weak but she still tries to wake up her daughter.

The child slowly opened her eyes, “M-Mom…” The child mumbled.
The woman felt a little relieved when she heard the child spoke.

“Move.” The woman said.

“You have to get out of the car!”

The woman opened the car’s door, “She gathered her strength to push the child out of the car.

“Ahhh!” The woman cried!

Fortunately, the car has not fallen yet!

The woman’s breathing increa-sed!

She is p@n-ting due to the nervousness that she felt. Beads of sweat pop out on her forehead.
She tried to calm herself before she slowly moves closer to her husband, who is still unconscious.

“Honey, wake up!” The woman begged her husband in between her sobs.

“Honey!” She called again, but her husband is still unresponsive.

Meanwhile, outside the car.

“Help…” the child mumbled.

She wants to help her parents but she just couldn’t do it. She felt helpless, but the child had hope when she saw a man’s silhouette coming to her. The man walks closer to her and he stands near her.
It was dark, and the man stands against the light.

All the child could see, is his silhouette.

The child opens her mouth. She tried to speak but there’s no voice c@m£ out from her mouth but the movement of her mouth says, “Help…”

The child wanted to reach her hand to the man, but she was weak to do it, all she could do is to move her f!ngers.

The man turned his back away from them, instead of helping them!

The child’s mouth moved again.

Her mind is telling her to move but her b©dy refuses, the child’s eyes slowly closed until her world went dark. She doesn’t even witness how the car fell into the bo-ttomof the cliff with her parents inside it!



*Fifteen Years Later*

Kira’s shoulder dropped as she listened to the doctor.

“She has stage four brea-st cancer.” The doctor said.

“W-What?!” She blurted out.

Kira couldn’t believe her ears! She thought she just misheard the doctor.

‘No! Impossible!’ she said to her self.

“This is the result of her biopsy.”

“That’s impossible! how could it be?!” Kira is in denial.

She couldn’t believe it!
She has a healthy lifestyle!
She is a good person!
How come?!
Of all people, why her?

“She knows her illness, but she wants to keep it as a secret.”

Kira didn’t un-derstand the doctor’s next words. She felt like her world coll@pse!

Kira walks to the ward while in a daze, she has heavy footsteps, she felt so down!
She thought, it was just a simple illness, she did not expect that her auntie has cancer!

Kira st©pped on the ward’s door and silently watched her auntie who is talking to her best friend Lea Agustin.

Kira felt like crying, Auntie Helena is the person who adopted her after her parents died. They may not be blood-related, but she gave her the love and care of a mother.
She couldn’t afford to lose another love one again.

She doesn’t know what would she do if her auntie…

Kira shook her head, ‘No! She won’t let that happen to Helena!

Kira tried to calm her self before she continued to walk and approached Helena and Lea.

“Auntie…” She called her auntie in a faint voice.

” Kira, dear, what happened? Why your eyes are swollen?” Helena asked worriedly.

Kira walks closer to the be-d and sat down in the chair beside it. She lifted her hand and held Helena’s hand.

“Auntie, why didn’t you tell me?” She asked worriedly.

Helena un-derstands what Kira mean to say!
She lowered her head to hide the guilt in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to worry you…”

“Auntie, you’re the only family that is left for me. I don’t want to lose you.” Kira said as tears started to fall from her face.

“Auntie, let’s do the chemothera-py!” Kira suggested.

Helena looked up to Kira, “Chemothera-py?” she repeated.

“Ennn…” Kira nodded her head and she wipes her tears.

“But it’s too expensive! We can’t afford it.” Helena said.

“I will find a way auntie, what is important is that you will get better,” Kira said.

Yes! She will do everything! If it is the only chance to extend her auntie’s life!

She would do every possible way to be able to sustain her auntie’s medical nee-ds!

The next day Kira went to the bank to apply for a loan.
She nee-ds a big amount of money.

Her earnings as a primary teacher in a pri-vate school isn’t enough to provide her auntie’s medical nee-ds!

“Good morning ma’am!” The teller greeted her.

“Good morning, I am here to apply for a loan, I wonder where I can get a form?” Kira asked.

“Could you plea-se wait a minute ma’am.” The teller took a piece of a loan application form and gave it to Kira.

“Thanks!” Kira said as she took the form from the teller’s hand.

Kira filled up and answered all the questions before she returns it to the teller together with all the requirements.

After a while, the teller told her to call her after three days if her loan is approved.

Kira nodded her head and thank her before she gets out of the building. She hopes that everything will be alright!

Kira gets back home from the bank.
Lea is the same age as her.

“I’m home!” Kira said loudly when her auntie and Lea didn’t notice her arrival.

Lea and Helena turned their heads to the door’s direction.

“Kira!” Lea blurted out.

Kira walks towards the living room. She pe-cks on her auntie’s cheek.

“May I talk to you?” Helena asked as if she has an important thing to say.

Kira notices her auntie’s expression. She looked up at Lea but Lea just lowered her head. Kira looked back to her auntie.

“Why?” She asked.

Helena patted her hand on the sofa as if telling Kira to sit beside her.

Kira sat down beside her auntie.

“Kira, you don’t nee-d to do this,” Helena said.

“What do you mean, auntie?” Kira asked with her brows knitted.

“I heard that you applied for a loan for my chemothera-py.”

“I’m sorry best, I just can’t lie to auntie.” Lea apologized.

Kira just sigh!

“Kira, I am old alre-ady, I have alre-ady done my p@rt in this world,” Helena said.

“Auntie, I told you, I will do everything just to extend your life. plea-se, don’t say things like that!” Kira is about to cry.

Helena t©uçhed Kira’s face.
“Sssshhh…Don’t cry, alright?”

“Auntie, just promise me that you will fight, we will fight together, I won’t leave you alone,” Kira promised.

*The next morning*

The black Mercedes Benz st©pped in front of a bungalow type house. The back seat’s door opened and c@m£ out a tall man with broad shoulders and a handsome face.

He has the aura of a strong and influential man. He is wearing a business suit! The man takes off his sunglas-ses and looked at the house in front of him. The driver of the car walked towards the gate and pressed the doorbell.

Inside the house…

Kira is getting re-ady for work when she heard the doorbell. Kira st©pped what she’s doing and opened the front door.bShe stretched her n£¢k to see who’s on the gate.

She saw a man wearing a black suit, he looked like a b©dyguard in the movies that she watched.

Kira walks closer to the gate but she realized that the man in black isn’t alone. There is someone else with him.

The other man is wearing a navy blue business suit.

Well, she can’t lie. The man looked good, he has thick eyebrows, tantalizing eyes, small nose bridge, thinl-ips, and a cleft chin.

Kira froze for a moment, the man may look good but he looked so intimid@t!ng.

” Good morning, how may I help you?” Kira asked the man in black.

The man in black bowed his head, “Good morning.” He greeted and then he straightened his b©dy and ask, “May I speak to Miss Kira Li?”

Kira knitted her brows, ‘How did this man know me?’ she asked her self.

“I… I am Kira Li, is there anything that I could do for you?” Kira asked again.

“Miss Li, my boss wants to talk to you,” The man said.

“Who’s your boss?” Though she has the idea, she still asks to make it sure.

The man looked at the person leaning on the car.

“It’s Mr. Timothy.” the man said.

Kira followed the man’s gaze.

“He is my boss, ma’am.”

Kira looked back at the man in front of her. “Why is he wants to talk to me?” she asked.

She doesn’t even know these men!

It’s better to be sure, there’s a lot of bad people nowadays!

Tim is leaning on the car and he’s almost out of patience, ‘Why is this woman is not letting us in?’ He mumbled.

He has been standing there for a while now!

After a while of watching, Tim couldn’t wait any longer, he walks closer to the woman and his secretary Coby, and joined their conversation.

“I want to talk to you personally,” Tim spoke as he took a stride closer to Kira and Coby.

Kira looked at the man who spoke.

“Why?” Kira asked.
“What do you want from me?”

“Are you not going to let us in first?” Tim asked the woman instead of answering her question.

“Why would I let you in?” Kira asked sternly.

“Because we are your guests!” Tim replied with a smile on his face.

“As I remember, I don’t expect guest this morning!” Kira replied.

“Miss Li, we are not bad people and we don’t have bad intentions, just let me in, and I have something to propose to you,” Tim said.

Kira looks at the man suspiciously, she tried to observe him, ‘this man doesn’t look like a scammer though!

Tim notices Kira’s suspicious look.

He puts his hands up, ” You can do a b©dy check on us if you want.” Tim suggested.

” But I am sure, we don’t bring any deadly weapon, I can @$$ure you that I am a harmless person.”

“Do you want us to take off our clothes for you to make sure that we did not bring any weapons?” Tim asked.

“Don’t bother doing it!” Kira refused.

She sighs, and opens the gate and let them in.

Kira brou-ght her guests inside the house.

Tim sat down on the sofa and crossed his legs.

“Do you want something to drink, Mister?” Kira tried to be polite and asked the man.

“Coffee, plea-se!” Tim replied.

Kira turned and heads to the kitchen to prepare a coffee for her guest.
When Kira left, Tim gestured Coby to leave.

“What is it that you want?” she asked.

Tim did not hurry to answer Kira’s question, he picks up the cu-p of coffee and takes a sip before he put it down to the table.

Tim looked at the woman in front of her.

“First of all, I want to introduce my self to you. I am Timothy Tan.”

“Your b©dyguard told me earlier,” Kira replied.

“Oh!” Tim blurted out.

“Anyways, I c@m£ here because I have a proposal for you,” Tim said.

“What proposal?” Kira asked.

“A marriage proposal,” Tim said straight forward.

Kira cough!
She suddenly chokes when she heard Tim’s answer!

‘Wait, what?!’
Did she hear him right?
Are her ears aren’t working good?
Or maybe she’s just hearing things?!

Tim just looked at Kira without a change of expression.
It took a while before Kira calmed down.

“Ehem!” Kira cleared her throat when she calms down.

“W-What…” Kira doesn’t know what to say!
“What did you just say?!” She asked.

“I said, a marriage proposal,” Tim said plainly.

“Ha!” Kira let out a short laugh


“Hey! are you trying to pl@ya prank on me, huh?!” Kira said in an unbelievable expression!

“Do I look like I am pla-ying a prank?” Tim asked back sternly.

Kira closed her eyes ti-ghtly as she took a de-ep breath.

“Mister, I got too much to think about, plea-se don’t add to it, alright?!” Kira said sternly.

“Are you refusing my proposal?” Tim asked.

“Hey!” Kira is starting to get annoyed!

“I don’t care what kind of drug you’ve taken or what your problem is, but plea-se Don’t try me, I have no time for this” Kira thought that Tim is just someone who had unstable mental health!

“Kira Joson.”

Kira automatically froze.

“That was your name before Helene Li adopted you, isn’t it?” Tim continued.

“But now, you are Kira Li, a twenty-four-year-old teacher in J International School, born on the fifth day of January year nineteen ninety-one.”

Kira was stunned when she heard Tim!

‘How did he know it?’ Kira thought.

“How did you know that?”
“Are you stalking me?!” Kira got alarmed!

“Hey! Are you a swindler, pretending to be rich and victimize people like me?!” Kira has gone paranoid!

Tim just sm-irked, “Do I look like a swindler to you?” he asked.

“Hey!” Kira has lost her temper!

“Why do you keep on asking me back whenever I ask you a question?!” She asked in a raised voice!

“I am an influential man, I can dig every little information about you.” Tim ignored Kira’s attitude.

“You’re a psycho!” Kira started to get scared!

“Leave now, before I call the police to s£nd you to jail!” She threatened.

But Tim did not move, he is unmoved with Kira’s threat!

Kira picks her phone and shows it to the man.

“I am calling the police now!” She said br@vely!

“Go on!” Tim said as he picks up the cu-p of coffee and sips on it again.

Kira started to dial the police’s h0tline number.

“I heard that your auntie nee-ds medical attention!”

Kira automatically st©pped dialing and averted her gaze to Tim.

“I can provide her everything she nee-ds if you’ll marry me,” He added.

“Who exactly are you?” Kira gets curious!

“I’m your future husband,” Tim replied.
Our normal timetable continue, 9am, 3pm & 9pm. The story will last for 1 month.