sins forgiven but not forgotten 2 episode 22



Tim stayed at the hospital for the whole night, but Aileen hasn’t awakened yet. She was already transferred to the Intensive Care Unit. Tim didn’t get even a little sleep, he felt exhausted and decided to go home.

“Mom, I have to go home to take some rest, I’ll be back after I regained my strength,” Tim whispered to his mom as if she could hear him.

Tim took his mother’s hand and kizzed it before he got out of the ICU.

Coby was already outside the ICU waiting for Tim to come out.

“Good morning Mr. Tan!” Coby greeted Tim as soon as he came out.

“Ennn…” Tim nodded his head as a response.

Tim walked towards the elevator, but he suddenly stopped when he remembered something, he then turned to face Coby, ” Coby,” He called.

“Yes, Mr. Tan,” Coby replied.

“Let’s stop somewhere before heading home,” Tim said.

“Alright, Mr. Tan!” Coby replied.

Tim continued to walk to the elevator.

Drake decided to pay a visit to Kira and Yana when he heard the news about the accident.

Lea was also in the villa when Drake arrived.
The three of them are in the living room when Tim arrived.

Kira got up from her seat when she heard a car’s engine coming. She waited for Tim in the front door.

Tim got down from the car and headed to the front door with a small paper bag in his hand.

“Hey,” Kira greeted Tim.

She felt like someone clutched her heart seeing Tim’s sorrowful expression. He looked so distressed, there are dark circles around his eyes, his hair was messy and his clothes were wrinkled.

“Hey,” Tim greeted her back..

Kira pec-ked on Tim’s cheek.
“How’s mother-in-law?” She asked after a while.

“She’s still in a coma,” Tim replied in a faint voice.

“Oh,” Kira blurted out.

“How about the car driver?”

“Did the authority got a lead about the driver?” Kira asked again.

Tim wrapped his arm around Kira’s wa-ist, “Let’s talk inside,” He said as they walk to the living room.

There, he found Drake and Lea sitting on the couch.
Drake and Lea got up from their seats to greet Tim.

“Good morning, Mr. Tan,” Lea greeted Tim.

“Mr. Tan, I’m just here to check on Kira and Yana,” Drake said politely.

Tim just nodded his head as a response.
“Uhm, can I excuse Kira for a while? We just nee-d to talk about something,” Tim said to Drake and Lea.

“Of course, Mr. Tan,” Drake and Lea replied.

Tim and Kira went upstairs and headed straight to the study room.

Tim closed the door before he turned to Kira.

“Why?” Kira asked in a puzzled expression.

Tim shoved his hand inside the small paper bag and pulled out a small box. He stretched his hand and give the small box to Kira.

Kira knitted her brows, ” What’s this?” She asked as she took the small box from Tim’s hand.

“Open it,” Tim replied.

Kira followed what Tim said, she removed the box’s cover. Her knitted brows got even dee-per when she saw what’s inside the box.

“A watch?” She blurted out.

It was a black colored smartwatch. It may look simple, but there is something different about the watch.

“Yes, ” Tim replied.

“But Tim, you don’t have to buy me a watch, ” Kira said.

“It is not just a simple watch, you can use that watch if you’re in danger, ”

“What?” Kira got more confused.
“Tim, is there something you want to tell me?” She asked.

Tim took a de-ep breath. He walked closer to Kira, he took the watch from her grip and he put it in her wrist.

” This smartwatch has GPS, press this buŧŧon if you’re in danger, that way, I’ll be able to locate you wherever you are,” Tim said.

“Why would I be in danger?” Kira has suspicions but she wants to confirm it from Tim’s mouth.

“Sweetheart, ” Tim sat on the couch, he slowly pulled Kira’s arm and let her sit beside him, “The hit and run incident yesterday wasn’t an accident,” Tim said.

Kira felt like she lost her strength when he heard Tim.

“The authority believes that you are supposed to be the target, ”

“W-What?!” Kira blurted out in disbelief!

“Somebody is trying to harm you, ” Tim added.

“Again?!” Kira’s body trembled.
“W-Who?” She asked.

“We don’t know yet, but we have to be careful, they might come back to fulfill their mission.”

” Why?” Kira asked in a trembling voice, “Why me?. Tim, why every time that we are together there is always danger and threats ahead of us?” Kira felt like crying. ” Is there a curse that doesn’t allow us to be together?”

“Ssshhh…” Tim stro-ked Kira’s back as he tried to console her, ” Don’t think like that sweetheart, ” He said.

“But, I am afraid for you and Yana, mother-in-law got implicated with this too. ” Kira said while crying.

“Sweetheart, everything is going to be okay, I won’t let them hurt you and Yana, neither my mother, ” Tim said in a-ssurance.

Tim and Kira’s conversation was interrupted by the ring of Tim’s phone. Tim remove his hand from Kira’s back and shove it into his pocket. Tim pulled out his phone and checked for the caller.

It’s a call from the police station!
Tim swiped his phone screen and answered the call.

“Hello?” He answered.

Tim keep silent as if he was listening to the person on the other line.

“Alright, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Tim said in a hurry.

Kira looked at Tim.

Tim ends the call and he turns his head to Kira, “I have to go to the police station,” He said.

“Why?” Kira asked.

Tim held Kira’s little face, ” Something important came up, I’ll call you later, alright?” Tim said as he got up from his seat.

“Be careful, Tim,” Kira said.

The Youngman agreed to come to the police station for questioning, he doesn’t feel safe in the hospital after what happened earlier.

Tim watched the Youngman throu-ghthe gl@$$ wall. The Youngman was sitting in a chair in front of the small desk. Opposite him was the police who will interrogate him. The other Officer beside Tim turned on the microphone so that they can hear their conversation.

The Youngman silently sat on the chair in front of the table with his gaze lowered. After a while, he lifted his gaze, he turned his head and looked at the gl@$$ wall in his left side. though it was tinted, he can still see the people standing behind that gl@$$ wall with their gazes on him. The Youngman recognized Timothy Tan.

“So, I will start to ask you questions, and I am asking your cooperation,” The officer sitting opposite the Youngman said, but the Youngman seemed to hear nothing, for he stared at Tim throu-ghthe gl@$$ wall.

“What is your name?” The officer started to ask a question.

The Youngman shifted his gaze from the gl@$$ wall to the police officer sitting opposite him.

“Santino Salazar, ” the Youngman replied.

“How old are you?” The officer asked again.

“Twenty-two,” Santino replied.

“How are you related to the people who fought back to the police who are conducting a checkpoint last night?”

It took a few seconds before Santino speak,

“We were gangsters members, ” Santino said after a while. He still struggles to speak because of his wounds in his mouth from the beating last night.

“Gangsters?” The officer knitted his brows, “Who’re gangsters do you belong?” The officer asked but Santino kept silent.

“Alright, ” The officer decided to proceed to another question when he heard nothing from Santino. “Are they responsible for beating you up?” The officer asked.

“Yes, ” Santino replied instantly as his gaze sharpened. “They beat me until I almost collap-se, tied me up and put me in the car trunk,” Santino added.

“Why they put you in the car trunk?”

” Because they wanted to dispatch me after failing my mission.”

“Mission?” The officer repeated, “What mission?” The officer continues to question.

“The mission to kill someone by hitting a car, ” Santino replied without holding back.

“Wait, so, your foun-der wants you to murder someone?” The officer asks.

“Yes,” Santino did not deny it.

“This mission that you failed to do, Is it related to the hit and run incident at 4th Street near St. Lukes Academy yesterday?”

Santino straightened his body, ” Yes, and I was the driver, ” he replied. “I was supposed to hit Kira Li with my car, but instead I hit that old woman..

Tim gritted his teeth and clutched his fist as he heard Santino confesses. He couldn’t find any guilt in his face after what happened. He seems like he doesn’t care even if the patient dies.
Tim wanted to attack Santino and beat him up until he couldn’t move any more.

*-back to interrogation-*

“So, you’re saying, it wasn’t an accident, ” The officer commented.

“Yes, somebody ordered me to do that, ” Santino said.
“Somebody told me to kill Kira Li, but unexpectedly, I hit another person instead of the target,” Santino said without a trace of guilt in his eyes. This Youngman is a madman!

“My boss got furious after I failed, he beats me up, and ordered his men to kill me somewhere no one can find me or no one can be a witness.”

“Who is your boss?” The officer asked.

Tim listened attentively to Santino’s answers.
And now, he waited for Santino’s answer, he eagerly wants to know their enemy’s identity!

“He is called Chase, ” Santino replied.

Tim froze, Chase?!
Isn’t he the gang leader Chase?
Mr. Fuente’s minion?

Tim snapped back to his senses when Santino continued his confession.

“But we have a big boss except for Chase, ” Santino paused, he turned his head to the gl@$$ wall, and he looks at Tim throu-ghit, “Do you want to know who is it, Mr. Tan?!” He asked mysteriously.

Tim straightened his body, he then walked closer to the microphone and spoke, ” Who is he?” He asked coldly.

“It’s Mr. Richa-rd Fuente!” Santino said with his sharp gaze.

Tim was stunned for a moment when he heard Santino’s word.

“Stop with this bullshit!” Tim said furiously!
How could a dead person threat them?!

“Mr. Fuente is already dead four years ago!” Tim added.

“Ha, ” Santino started to laugh. “Hahaha!” His shoulders shook as he laughed like he heard the funniest joke.

“What is so funny?”Tim asked annoyingly.

” I thought you are smart Mr. Tan!” Santino asked sarcastically as he tried to suppress his laughter.

“Do you believe that he’s dead, hahaha. Well, seems like all of you have been fooled.”

“What do you mean?” Tim asked coldly.

“He was shot in his ċhėst and fell into the river, and his corpse was found a few days later, ” Tim said.

“Of course!” Santino said.
“Because they planned it very well, they planned it from the call of his whereabouts, ” he added.

“Mr. Fuente has a lot of men on his side. He was shot, but he was wearing bulletproof that night, and the fake blood?”

“Hahaha! They purposely put it un-der his clothes, his men followed him when the authorities were chasing on him to achieve the drama and made Mr. Fuente escaped by pretending to be dead. When he fell from the long bridge, some of his men are already waiting for him to fall,”

“And how can you explain the DNA?” Tim doesn’t know whether to believe this man or not, but what would he get if he lied?

According to him, his boss betrayed him and wanted to kill him.

Tim couldn’t think of another person who wants to kill Kira, but Mr. Fuente, so, this man should be telling the truth too!

“Ha!” Santino let out a sarcastic laugh, “Mr. Tan, as a rich and influential man, you should know what money could do,” Santino said meaningfully.

Tim just keeps silent, he waited for Santino to finish what he wants to say.

“Chase has a way for everything!” Santino continued. ” They bribed someone to tampered the result of Richa-rd Fuente’s DNA, He escaped from the country and hide for four years. All those years, he doesn’t have anything in his mind but to fulfill his mission to kill Kira Li.”

Tim gritted his teeth, “Why?!” His voice raised, “Why he wants to kill my wife?!”

“I don’t know why, but all I could hear from him is his hatred towards that woman, ” Santino replied.

Tim still couldn’t believe that Mr. Fuente was still alive. He gritted his teeth, ‘Mr. Fuente was able to live freely after what he did to them four years ago?’

‘I will end your happiness, Mr. Fuente!’ Tim swear inside.