she’s not a Cinderella episode 29


????A Cinderella doesn’t have to be a princess????

✍️ Written By Precious Pinky✍️

????Chapter Twenty-Nine [29]????

Theme: Then make love to me… Not????.

????Ruby’s Pov????

“fuc-k me.”

He shook his head.

“I don’t want to fuc-k you, Gem. I want to make love to you.”


I smiled as i looked de-eply into his eyes.

He had me trapped into those dreamy eyes of his.

I wanted Malcolm.

I love him.

Yeah, I won’t regret it if i lose my vi-rginity now to him.

In fact I will be more than happy to give him my vi-rginity.

I wanted this but….

Will he get bored of me after making love to me?

Will he leave me and go to Kara simply because I wasn’t very good on bed?

Will I be able to satisfy him?

What if he regrets ever having anything to do with me?

What if he comes to know that what he had for me wasn’t love but…lust?

I was insecure now but… Insecurity wasn’t the case right now.

Fear was.

I was scared.

And come to think of it… wasn’t it too early for me to go into the next level with him?

We are even in a secret relationship right now, it’s not like the world knows me to be his girlfriend.

His girlfriend….

Kara was his girlfriend.

I was wrong…

Kara was way, way, way above me.

She has more right over him than I do.

I was only fooling myself.

We can’t even go on a date.


Because this fu-cking relationship is a secret one!

One of us out of the three people in this relationship will get hurt.




One of us will have to get hurt.

And I don’t want to be the one.

Was I being selfish right now?

Yeah. I know I said I wanted this. I know I said I wanted to give my vi-rginity to Malcolm, trust me that didn’t change but…

I was scared.

I don’t want to make a mistake that I would regret in the future.

I don’t want to make a mistake that my mother made during her time.

My mother….

“let’s stop this.” I say as I looked away from him.

The tears was threatening to fall and that was annoying me like hell!

“Are you okay?” He ask, concerned.

“I don’t know…I don’t know if I’m okay or not! i…I just don’t want to do this.” I say.

“I’m sorry if I’d hurt you in anyway.” He say, getting off from me.

He shouldn’t be apologizing. I should be the one apologizing.

It wasn’t his fault. He has nothing to do with this.

Hell, I was the one at fault.

Why did I forget so quick?

How can I forget the cause of my family’s problem?

My father never loved my mother… why?

They had gotten married because of the pregnancy!

And not because of love.

“You are crying. Did i hurt you, Gem?” He ask as he bent down in front of me.

I shook my head.

I didn’t even realize that I was crying until now.

“Do you want me to leave?” He questioned.

“No. please don’t leave.” I pleaded.

He smiled and came to sit beside me on my bed.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and pulled me to himself.

I felt warmth suddenly.

His body always have way of providing me with warmth.

It was quiet.

It was peaceful.

Tsk, peaceful indeed.

It might be peaceful in the outer world but it wasn’t in the inner self.

my heart was troubled.

The fear of ending up like my parents circulated my thought.

I can’t believe i almost made that mistake.

What if Malcolm had slept with me and then I ended up pregnant…

would he have want to get married to me?

Okay, even if he did get married to me, will he love me?

Will he one day leave?

It will be like repeating history again.

“My mother got pregnant for my… ‘that man’ out of wedlock.” I say, breaking the silence.

Wait, was I ready to tell him this?

They were like my de-epest secret.

What if he laughs and mocks at me and my family.

What if he walks out that door and end what ever relationship we are in.

Now I get it, I wasn’t afraid of getting pregnant for him…I was afraid of losing him just like how my mother lost ‘that man.’

I was afraid of ending up like her.

He didn’t say anything.

He waited.

He waited for me to continue.

He listened.

“When he got to hear the news, he was very happy. He promised her heaven and earth, he promised her the whole world….but my mother seem to have forgotten something….” I paused. “the whole world doesn’t belong to one person.”

My mother had told me the story herself, a year after he disappeared.

She was shattered when she told me about her bittersweet love story.

And do you know the most funny thing…? Even as all this happened, even with the fact that, ‘that man’ left her… she still doesn’t regret having a relationship with him.

In fact, she said if time should go back, she would still make the same choice.

She had no regret of loving ‘that man.’

“She was at ease when she saw that he was happy to have his first child with her. But, they had a problem… His father refused their union. He rejected my mother simply because she was from a poor background…

He told his son to rethink his decision and ask my mother to ab-ort the baby or he should consider himself disowned from the family. ‘that man’ had two options; One,” I Indicated by raising my index finger out. “Follow his heart and get married to the love of his life. Two, ask her to ab-ort the baby and enjoy the life of riches. But he was stupid enough to go for the first option. He packed his bags and left with my mother. And indeed, his father cut all ties he had to do with him. He started working his as-soff just to provide for his wife and unborn baby. Nine months later, she bore him a child and that name her, Jennifer. Four years later and she became pregnant with another child. She gave birth and they named her, Ruby.” A smile crept it’s way to my li-ps.

I was smiling at those happy memory.

I could still hear the laughter.

The happiness…

The love…

The peace.

It was beautiful.

“From two, the family increased to four. We were happy. There was love, there was peace and harmony… everything were going smoothly. We were like in our own world. He fulfilled his promise to her when he said he would give her the whole world but what happens, when that world get invaded but an alien? It crumbles. And those aliens would take it and rule over it. One day, I heard him on the phone…. He was telling the person at the other line to forgive him and accept him back. He was pleading with that person. He said, he was tired of the life he was living. He said he hated the life he was living….” My voice cracked.

There comes the moment when the world you thought are yours comes crumbling down.

The moment when you wake up from that sweet dream and realize that everything were all a fantasy made by your own imagination.

Malcolm tightened his arms around me.

It was his own way of telling me that I wasn’t alone.

He was here with me.

“He hated us…He was tired of us… i ran out of the place because I was hurt. I couldn’t believe it that the man I called my father, the man I love so much would say a thing as mean as this! I hid in my tree house and refused to eat, drink or play. I just sat up there and did nothing. But it hurt so much not to see my family so I went back into the house. He was playing with Jennifer when I walked in.

As soon as he saw me, he smiled but all I could see was a sad man who was tired of his home. Who was tired of this life! He wanted his riches. He wanted a normal life and not one that has to do with working your as-soff. I pretended to be fine so I returned the smile and went up to meet him and Jennifer.

Soon after, I forgot about that conversation he had with that person I do not know. Because he didn’t leave. He was there with us. And then one day, he asked us a question….What will you do if you wake up one morning and do not find me again? Jennifer said, I will be very side but then, I have mommy by my side. And then, he turned to me waiting for my answer…. but do you know I told him instead? Why? Are you planning on leaving us soon? He shook his head saying no but said he still wanted an answer from me… I shrugged and then gave him an answer, ‘You wouldn’t leave us so I shouldn’t bother about answering that question.’ He was a bit taken aback by that reply but said nothing and smiled.

But little did I know that he had his own plan in heart. One evening during dinner, my mom announced to every one of us about the arrival of a new child. We were all happy. I was more happy because I’ve always wanted a baby brother.

And the next day…the next day…”

I stopped talking as those tears flooded my eyes and came crashing down on my face.

“He left. We woke up one morning and could not find him again. The only thing he left for us was a note which says… I’m sorry. The alien had invaded the perfect world and had taken over it to rule. We were left to hid from the sun. We were left to start from scratch.”

The memory was still fresh.

The wound was still open.

The once beautiful family because an ugly one.

“Do any of you know where he went to?” Malcolm finally ask.

I shook my head.

Honestly, I tried looking for him. But all to no avail.

He was gone and he didn’t leave a single trace of where we could find him to.

But then, mom went to his home but she got a news that they had relocated after their son came back to them.

That was when she realized that he had chosen his family over her and her children.

That was when she realized that he never chose her because of love… he chose her because he thought he had a responsibility of taking care of the baby.

He never did love her and he never loved his children.

Her love story was that of tragedy and I was afraid of my own to be that way also.

“And that’s how she got her cancer?” He ask now, bringing me out of my thought.

“I guess? i don’t know. But the sickness became worse when he left. We had to relocate to another house. Jennifer became so distant and hated us. She hardly says a word to us. Mom took less care of herself. And as for me…? i took it upon myself to take care of my family and my onky brother. I decided not to go to college because there was no money to pay for the tuition. I take into part-time just so I could get money for mom’s surgery and Tyson’s educational fee. I became the breadwinner of my family at a very tender age. God, I hate that man. He caused everything. He is nothing but he fu-cking coward!” I was sobbing uncontrollably now.

Malcolm pressed a soft ki-ss on my forehead and held me more closely.

Will my story ever end up like that?

Will my happy beginning become a tragic one?

I was afraid.

The answer was very obvious but yet difficult to see.

“You have me.” He whispered to me softly.

I smiled as i nodded my head against his chest.

He was here.


When I woke up the next morning, the space beside me was empty.

I didn’t even know when I fell asleep but I did recall the fact that he was by my side when I fell asleep.

I say upright and that was when I realized that I was putting on the white shirt that I had toss aside when we were about to make love.

He must have been the one who wore the shirt for me while I was asleep.

I smiled and got out of bed and walked out of my room to do my daily routine.

The house was very quiet…I guess they were still asleep.

I was still brushing my teeth when the door was pushed open.

“Hey, Gem.”


I smiled.

He shut the door closed behind him and walk to stand behind me.

His arms snak-ed around my wa-istand he pulled me closer to his front.

Damn him for being so se-xy!

“Morning and when did you change my nickname to Gem? I thought it was mask girl?”

He laughed. “Yeah, yeah. It was. And that was because I didn’t know what your name was. I nicknamed you mask girl because of the mask you wore that day or should I have nicknamed you Cinderella?”

“Cinderella?” I huff.

“It kinda suit you. Don’t you think?” He ached a brow at me.

“I am no Cinderella. Besides, I got no evil step mother or two evil step sisters. I just got a cute little brother and a beautiful best friend.”

“But you do have an evil sister.” We both laughed.

“You kinda make a point there. But….” I dropped down my toothbrush and rinsed my mother from the toothpaste before turning around to look at my secret boyfriend. “I got the prince charming to myself.” I winked.

“you got a point there. And yeah that reminds me, that beautiful best friend of yours…talks too much.”

“She’s a fan of yours.”

“wait, really?”

“She practically sees you in her dream.”

“Wow. I owe her a dinner then.”

“A dinner?”

“She’s my girlfriend’s best friend. Come on, I have to play the ‘great boyfriend.’ ”

Does this mean that even if we go back to New York, we will still be dating?

“indeed, ‘great boyfriend.’”

We were both laughing when we got out of the bathroom and there was Kara, staring right at us with an annoyed looked plastered on her face.

Oh my shit! Did she heard the last statement I made?


