She’s a ghost episode 14 & 15





✏Stephen’s POV

When I left the scene, I quic-kly went home and changed into my normal dress. I noticed my wristwatch was gone.

I then remembered when john held my hand and I jacked my hand off. it was then he re-moved it. “Oh gosh! How can this happen?”I said hitting my fist to the wall. I heard someone pressing on the bell outside and I walked to the door slowly. I looked at the cctv screen by the door and saw it was Cas-sandra.

I opened the door and she c@m£ in. We both walked back to the living room while I was still not feeling good. I sat down on the couch while she stood in front of me. “You called for me”she said not looking at me. “Yes I did. But let me leave that aside first. I was just coming from Jenny’s performance. I stabbe-d her because that girl was possessing her b©dy. When I was about leaving the scene, john interfered trying to hold me. I was able to get away from his grip but my wristwatch was gone”

Cas-sandra Pov

“What an evil creature! So you’re now hurting innocent people again?

”I thought to myself angrily but didn’t show it in my expression. “So what do I nee-d to do?”I asked him. “Get the wristwatch back before dawn. You must get it from him at all cost. Your failure will mean punishment”he said looking at me. By now, I got more angry but was not able to say anything than “OK. I will”I said.

“Good! You can leave now. I’ll tell you the other one later”he said smiling. I walked slowly towards the door. When I got outside, I saw Mathew, one of his guy mess£nger heading in.

He bowed his head to me before walking pas-s me. I turned back still looking at him.

I wondered why he’s here out of the blue. He had not been around all these days I wonder what he had been doing for Stephen. I must find that out today. I thought to myself and di-pped my hand into my bag. I brou-ght out a small ch!p(a bug which records every sound when planted on someone or in a room) I looked at it smiling. When he was about going in, I called his name. “Mathew!”

He st©pped and looked back. “Yes ma’am”he replied looking at me. “Wow! I’ve seen you for long now. Hope everything is OK?”I asked smiling as I walked to him. “Yes ma’am. Thanks for your concern”he said smiling. I stretched my hand for a shake and he took it.

I patted his back gently and used the chance to hide the small ch!pby his collar. “Take care OK”I said smiling. I re-leased his hand and he left. I watched him till he got in and locked the door. I went into my car and brou-ght out a device. I plugged it and plugged my iPod to it. I then put it on in a way it was covering my ears. I waited for there conversation.

Stephen’s POV.

After Cas-sandra left, Mathew c@m£ in. He walked up to me and we greeted each other. “So how far have you gone with what I s£nt you?”I asked him. He was silent for a while before replying me. “Am done with it but….”he st©pped looking at me. “But what? Let me know everything about it”I said. He brou-ght down the bag pack he was carrying and brou-ght out some files and pictures. He dropped them on the table before me. I took them one after the other looking at them carefully. “Why’s Cas-sandra with them? Why are they all together?.

I asked you to find Cas-sandra’s biological parents. What does this pictures mean?”I asked looking at him.

“That’s it. Cas-sandra was 15 when she got missing at a park. Her parents look for her but she was not found. She was taken in by doctor Josh who also don’t know about her but took her in as his daughter.

I really don’t know how she got to them but I know they were the one taking care of her till she later left them because of some issues.

I heard she had a br@in trauma. Some of her memories are gone. But She would recover them back some day.”he said looking at me.

“I un-derstand. So you mean these people in the picture are her family?”I asked looking at him. “Yes. She’s Suzy Mick’s sister.

This are their parent with them. They are truly siblings. So what should we do about this?”he asked looking at me. I was dumbfounded for a while. “What do you think we should do.

There’s nothing to be done than to bury this down. She must not find out about this.”I said.

“You know she’ll be happy to see her real parent. That’s what she wanted most from you. That’s what kept her here around you. She’ll feel bad if you were not able to do that for her”Mathew said looking at me. “I know. It’s not right to tell her she and Suzy mick are siblings! Just as-sume you were in her shoe. How will you feel when you know am the murderer of your late sister?”I asked looking at him. He took a heavy sighed not replying me. “You must not bring anything up about her family from now on.

If anyone know about this ap@rt from me and you, then you’re gone also”I said looking at him.

✏Sandra’s POV

When I heard all these, my heart was hurt and heavy. I didn’t notice when tears started streaming down my face. I re-moved the iPod from my ear slowly feeling hurt and betrayed.

“You evil beast! I promise you’ll die by my hands on day. I will kill you myself.”I said crying out.

After some minutes, my b©dy was a little calm and I had st©pped crying.

“I promise to destroy all what you’ve worked for. I will show you what am capable of doing. Now, I don’t care if my life would be at risk. I’ll make you go on your kneel to those family you’ve offended or kill their child before you see your own grave.”I said looking angry.


✏John’s POV

I and Stella went back to the hospital to visit Jenny. When we got to her Ward, her mum was alre-ady there taking care of her. “Good evening ma”I greeted her. “Oh good evening My son.

Thanks for the other time.”she said smiling. “How’s she?”I asked looking at Jenny. She turned her face to me smiling. She was not really looking at me I looked beside me and it was then I knew she was looking at Stella. Stella walked slowly to her be-d and sat down beside her. Although Jenny’s mum could not see her. She thought Jenny was looking at me.

“Am sorry for ma-king this happen”Stella said holding her hand. She nodded her head in response. “Am happy you were not that badly hurt by him. I promise to fight for everyone. He would soon be brou-ght down by me. plea-se you nee-d to get well soon OK”she said. Jenny smiled nodding her head again.

Her mum was staring at her wondering what she was doing and who she was smiling at.

“Jenny is anything wrong again?”she asked her.

“Oh. Jenny are you now feeling OK? I had been so worried about you since yesterday. Hope everything is fine now?”I said cutting in to st©p her mum from asking any further question. She smiled nodding her head. “Thank you sir. Am feeling better”she replied looking at me.

“Why are you calling your friend sir? Are you not friends?”her mum asked looking confused.

“My friend?”Jenny asked looking confused.

“He’s the vice president of A.N.E.L entertainment company”she corrected her mum. Her mum looked at me then g@sped in amazement covering her mouth with both hands. “Really? Am so sorry sir.

I didn’t know that’s who you are. plea-se forgive my manner”she said looking at me. “No ma. It’s OK, you don’t nee-d to be. Am OK with how you talk to me”I said smiling.

“So you c@m£ to visit my daughter personally after her performance yesterday? Wow I can’t believe this. Thanks for everything sir. Am so happy for your concern”she said smiling.

“Yes ma’am.”I said bowing a little.

After we left her Ward, I got to the compound and was about opening my car. I saw Cas-sandra standing at the other side beside my car.

I was surprised to see her here at the hospital. I think Stephen s£nt her here again. She didn’t notice I was there so I wanted to ignore her and go our way.

I thought what if she’s up to something?. I locked the door slamming it. The sound made her looked at my direction. Stella was not aware of this.

She was at the back of the seat expecting me to drive. But when I slammed the door shut, she also got out of the car wondering what happened. She appeared to my side and asked why we’re not going again. “Why? Did you forget something?”she asked looking at me.

✏Cas-sandra’s POV

After waiting in the hospital compound for a while, I heard a loud sound beside me and I saw it was john. I walked slowly towards him still feeling strange of what I was about to do. When I got to him, I greeted him but he was not replying me. “I have something to tell you”I said looking at him. “What is it?

What are you guys planning this time around? Did he tell you to come and kill her finally?”he asked looking angry.

I was so surprised he knew Stephen was the one behind it all.

But why is he not reacting to it? So he also knew Stephen was trying to hurt Stella too? does that mean he was aware that Stephen framed his mother’s death?”I thought to myself looking at him. “Why? I think am not wrong? You actually c@m£ because of that?”he asked looking into my eyes. “…

am not here because of that. I have something to tell you”I said looking at him. “Your tricks won’t work on me anymore. I know if you open that mouth, all that will come out of there are nothing but lies. I don’t nee-d to stand here with you wasting my time and energy.

plea-se excuse me!”he said and turned to go. “You’re still behaving childish. Aren’t you? I think you don’t wish to know who was behind your mother’s death?”I said looking at his back as he was leaving.

He st©pped on hearing that. He then turned slowly to me like I just controlled him with a remote.

He was staring at me straight in the eyes looking shocked and surprised.

“What do you mean by that?”he asked looking at me. “I mean, you don’t care to know the reason behind you mum’s death.

Do you think it’s natural. If you want want to know from me then listen and if you choose not to, then go your way. Am only doing this because of my sister. I want to pay back for what I had done to her.

If you chose not to believe me you can do it your own way”i said looking at him. I turned to leave but he st©pped me. “Give me a good reason for me to believe you’re not deceiving us”he said.

“Because am Michael Cas-sandra. You’re not the only one he hurt, am also a victim”I said looking at him.





✒Stella’s POV

When she said she’s micheal Cas-sandra, I was so surprised. I had been wondering where I know the face because when I first set my eyes on her, I had this strange feeling.

I remembered when we were still together. How we pla-yed, laugh and go to school together.

Then I remembered the day we were looking for her at a park we went. We were shouting her name especially me. I had started crying while mum held my hand and we continue looking for her.

“Cas-sandra!”the name c@m£ out of my mouth while john looked back at me with an unknown expression.

He was not able to ask me anything because he thought he would look crazy to Cas-sandra who will think he’s talking to himself.
Two days later……

Jenny had recovered but the wound was not fully healed yet. She was discharged from the hospital and was taken home by her mother. John and I also went home after Jenny’s mum thanked him so much for his support.

We left the hospital and went home.

Cas-sandra had promised to work with us just to bring Stephen down. I told john about my memory and the fact that Cas-sandra is my sister. She knows about me but was not able to see me.

“Now we know that you mean no harm, we can trust you and depend on one another”john said looking at her. “Yes”she replied. “So you mean you know who was behind my mum’s death? Can you tell me. now, I can believe everything you say”john said.

She was silent for a while staring at john. “Who’s it? Let me know now”he said looking impatient. Just as Cas-sandra was about to talk, her phone rang and she took it. “Hello?”

“Alright”that was all her respond to the caller. She took her bag and stood up. “Sorry that would be another day. Because it’s a long story. Stephen just called for me. I nee-d to go now”she said looking at john.

💄Stephen’s POV 💄

When Cas-sandra got to me, she was not looking that good. I suspect something is wrong. “Why is your mood like this?”I asked her. “It’s nothing. I just feel a bit sick”she replied. “Will you go to the hospital? Is it much?”I asked. “Why did you call me here?”she asked looking at me.

I noticed she had been acting strange and quiet these days. I wondered why she’s like that. “Yes I called for you. Sorry to tell you this, I had searched for your family which you asked me to do for you. But it’s so sad and heartbroken I found out they had all died in a motor accident. Only you survived the accident. So sorry to break down the sad news to you”I said looking at her.

I brou-ght out some pictures and do¢v-ments I asked Mathew to get and showed it to her. It was another family picture who all died three years ago In a serious motor accident.

When I gave it to her, she nodded her head positively without saying a word or two. She gave them back to me staring at me strangely. “That’s so bad”she said looking at me.

“Is that all you could say?”I asked her. She didn’t react to it or start crying or do as if it hurts her. “That’s so painful but what can I do? They’re gone. So sad”she said covering her face with both hands.

I took a de-ep breath and my b©dy was relieved.

✏Cas-sandra’s POV

I covered my face because I can’t stand to see the sight of that beast Stephen anymore. I cried a little at least for the family that lost their lives. And for him not to suspect me.

I left his place and was heading back. I thought of going to Stella at my Foster family’s place. Just to check on her health. And to visit them because it had been long. I got into my car and headed there.

✒Stephen’s POV

After she left, I thought of what she had been up to these days because she was acting strange. “Is she keeping anything from me?”I asked myself.

I took my car key and also headed out to find out about what she’s up to. I saw her car as she zoomed out of the compound. I also got into my car and followed her but let the distance between us be a little far so that she won’t notice am following her. She turned to the left at a junction. “Where on earth is this girl going to?”I asked myself and also turned left.

✒Cas-sandra’s POV

As I was driving down towards the place, my phone rang and I took it. “Hello Sandra”john said on phone. “Hello. Is anything the problem?”I asked. “plea-se come back to my place. I just have one thing to ask you. I can’t say it on phone. I nee-d to ask from you right now. plea-se we nee-d to see”he said sounding desperate.

“I’ll come back to you later when am back. I nee-d to get to somewhere right now. I can’t see you until am back. I’ll be back by 5:pm, you just have to wait till then”I said. “I can’t just keep this in mind till then.

We nee-d to see face to face on this issue. Can’t you even do that for me?”he asked. “Am so sorry. The place am heading to is so important. plea-se pardon me”I replied and hung up.

I have not let them know about Stella. I still kept that a secret because of her safety. I continue driving but thought of what he want to ask me, to make him this serious about it. I thought for a while wondering whats going on with him. “Oh God! I alre-ady told them am on my way. Should I go back again?”I said feeling bad. I got to a junction and made a Uturn back heading to his place.

Stephen’s POV

When she got to a junction and made a Uturn heading back home, I thought of what she was doing. “Why is this girl driving like this? Is she just driving and turning for fun? Was it because of the news I broke to her?”I thought to myself. My phone rang and I took it. They called because of an urgent meeting. I told them am on my way and quic-kly turned the opposite way she took and headed to the meeting I was called for.

💄John’s POV

I and Stella were in the living room. When Sandra told me she’s not coming, I kept pondering over the matter. Few minutes later, she had arrived.

She walked towards us and I quic-kly met at before she could get to us. “What’s so serious you want to ask that makes you call me back here?”she asked looking at me.

“plea-se you nee-d to tell me the truth. We can’t keep things for each other anymore right?” I asked looking at her. “Yes. I know that”she replied looking at me. “Was Stephen the one behind my mum’s death?”I asked her straight. She was silent for a while and that got me feeling more impatient. “Answer me!”I shouted holding her shoulders.

“Stephen was not the one that really killed your mum”she replied looking at me. “Then who? Who did it?”I asked waiting for her to talk.


✒Debbie’s POV

Today is my friend memorial day. I dressed in black outfit and was holding some flowers in my hand. I looked at her grave and saw many kind of flowers. Seems like her family just left. I dropped mine on her grave also and did the normal ritual while kneeling on the ground. I stood up still looking down at her grave. “We promised to fight for each other. We promised to to die for each other right?. And now I promise to punish all who are behind your death and bring them all to shame”I said looking at the grave.

After I left her graveyard, I headed to Stephen’s house because he told me he’s home a while ago. And I also have a lot to ask him. And the reason why he didn’t attend Stella’s memorial when I got to his place, I packed my car at the garage and walked towards his building.

I got to the door and unlocked it because I know his pas-sword. When I got in, I didn’t meet anyone inside. So I guess he would be inside his room. I tried opening his door but it was locked with pas-sword. I guess he’s not home.

I thought to myself and was about leaving.

When i got to the living room, I st©pped and wondered why he even locked his room with pas-sword. Definitely there’s something suspicious in his room. I went to the window to check the environment. When I saw no one was there, I went back to his door. I tried the pin he used for his main door but it was not working.

So I tried another one still the same. I thought of what he would have used.

Then I used Stella’s birth d@t£. It unlocked and I was surprised he used her birthday for his pas-sword. I opened the door slowly and walked in.

I looked around his room in amazement. This would be my first time of entering his room. His room looks strange. I saw some pictures on the wall. Some were cross in a red ink. I moved closer to it. And saw Stella’s picture.

“My love Stella. Died on 18-5-2015.”this was written in red ink at the bo-ttomof the picture. I ignored that and started checking everywhere maybe I would find any other suspicious stuff. I opened his drawer and checked but can’t find anything. I opened the second one and found something mysterious. Something wra-pped in a black napkin. I loosed the napkin and brou-ght out what was inside.

“What in the world is this?”I said trembling in fear. It was a sharp pointed dagger and the picture of Stella destroyed with a shark object. I saw a small book un-der where I took the napkin and brou-ght it out. I opened it and started re-ading. It looks Like a diary.

“I killed Elizabeth because she knows my true identity. I don’t mean to but she vowed to reveal it to the world.”the first page was written like that with the picture of a pretty girl. “Stephen killed someone?”I said covering my mouth in shock. I opened the second page then the third page. I then thought If what am guessing about him killing Stella was right, I would see her here also. I started opening the cover from page to page until I got to Stella’s p@rt. My heart was beating very fast as if it would jump out of my che-st. I can’t believe he really killed his ex-grlfriend Stella. When I re-ad the whole content of it, tears were streaming down my cheek while my b©dy was trembling in fear. I brou-ght out my phone and snapped it all. Then forward them to john. I packed everything and put them back in his drawer. Just as I stood up still shaking in fear, I heard the sound of the bu-ttons as if someone is unlocking the door. My eyes were wi-dely opened as I heard the voice if Stephen. I stood still trembling in fear.

I quic-kly took my hand bag and walked to the door. When I got to the door, I opened it gently but couldn’t find anyone at the door. I heard him talking to someone on phone in the living room. I ti-ptoed and got out of his room closing the door gently. I walked towards the visitor toilet to hide there till he’ll be out again or go to his room.

I don’t want him to know I c@m£ to his house. That might put me in trouble also. I stood in the visitor toilet trembling and weeping. I thought of what I re-ad In the book and that bring more tears to my face. “Stephen why? Why did you guys do that?”I asked crying while covering my mouth with both hand to st©p me from crying out.

✏John’s POV

When I asked Cas-sandra who killed my mum, she was staring at me not replying. “Your silence is killing me. plea-se just tell me alre-ady”I said looking at her. “Your mum was murdered by….”she st©pped and a message notification c@m£ into my phone. I saw Debbie’s number and quic-kly unlocked my phone. I saw the pictures she s£nt and started re-ading the content out.

“April 18 2015, I killed Stella because she saw what she was not suppose to see. I didn’t kill jane(John’s mother) but her death was a mistake from my mother.

My mum called Jane for a visit at her place just because she told her she have something to say to her. But that’s not the truth she called her for a reason. She threatened her to reject father’s offer of wanting him to live with her.

John’s mum was favored a lot by father and this got my mum jealous. Because of that, my mum’s hatred for her grew stronger. When she told her to reject the offer, Jane refused to hear her. Arguments arises between both of them. My mum sl@pped her and hit her multi-ple times. She defended herself also by retaliating the sl@p back to my mum. In anger, my mum hit and pushed her.

This made her hit her head at the pillar behind her and pas-sed away immediately. My mum started trembling in fear and called me when she saw blood. She told me everything that happened between them and I told her not to worry about it. When I got there, I calmed her down.

When I checked and found out Jane had st©pped breathing, I took her to my car and told my mum not to mention this to anyone.

When I drove her to a bridge, I asked my mum to bring her car just to make the accident real. When she brou-ght it, she took a taxi and went back home. I placed her b©dy on the driver seat. Just as I was about to start the engine, she opened her eyes looking at me.

If I had taken her to the hospital, she would have survived but will report everything to the police and would put my mum and I in big trouble. “You guys can’t do this to me”she said in a weak voice.

I ignored her and started the engine then re-moved the stone I placed on the break pedal. The car moved by itself and hit the bridge then down into the river.

I closed my eyes as this happened. I paced at the sp©t the car hit for a while then I looked behind me and noticed someone was hiding behind my car.

I opened the door quietly and brou-ght out a sharp dagger with the aim of killing whosoever saw me. When I got there, I saw it was Stella. I was so surprised she was the one who saw all what I just did. It was so painful it was her and not another person.

I never mean to hurt the girl I love but I can’t let her go. Because of my future and for my mum’s safety. Stella tried to run away from me but I caught her. She pleaded me to spare her but it was too late. I stabbe-d her with the dagger and threw her into the river also…..

That was how Stella and Jane died the same day.

✏John’s POV

When I finished re-ading this, my phone dropped from me in shock. I bent down on my kneel covering my face while tears dropped from my eyes. “How could you guys do this to my poor mother? Why? How could you?”I said crying. Cas-sandra and Stella c@m£ beside me and were comforting me. “Take heart dear.

It’s so painful but you have to take heart”Sandra said patting my back.

I stood up on my feet and faced Cas-sandra. “I can’t take this anymore.

That beast don’t worth living on earth and breathing the same air with we humans. I will destroy him myself today”I said and headed out.

Stella and Cas-sandra kept calling my name but the anger and revenge in me does not make me answer or go back to them.


