Ria Episode 31 & 32

RIA POV ????‍
“Is that child okay?”
I asked Jenna. The lady as-signed to help the kids try their dresses on.
I pointed to a 6 years old girl who sat alone with her legs curled beneath her. She had been like that since we c@m£ in.
“Her name Melissa. she’s always like that..Alone”
Melissa is not happy like the rest of the kids.
“plea-se can i know her history”
I asked Jenna. I know every child in Amber Foundation has a history.
“She lost her parents in a fire accident when she was 4. None of her family member was re-ady to take her in when she regained consciousness after one month. So Her uncle left her at the hospital”
“How did she end up here?”
“A nurse c@m£ here and explained her case to Mrs Charity. So they brou-ght her in here. I feel pity for her cause she doesn’t remember anything about her parents. And she still get traumatized anytime she sees fire..that why we don’t bring her close to it. Like the kitchen”
“So she prefer to stay alone?”
“Yes..Melissa is finding it ha-rd to accept this place”
I looked at the beautiful girl.
She reminded me of my younger self when I was still trying to accept the fact that I was blind.
That I couldn’t see like everyone else. I was alone!
I had just one friend while I was growing up.. Before Lucas took me away.
His name was Ethan. Actually,I won’t consider him as just a friend. Ethan was like a big brother to me. He was 4years older than i was. I used to help him mend his dress back then while he helped me to school whenever he was less busy at work.
“even madam Charity had tried to help her relate with the other kids. But it seems Melissa wants to be all by herself” Jenna said
“Teacher Jenna Can I try my dress now?”
We both looked down at the little girl who held her dress to her che-st.
“Yes..Sophie” Jenna replied
I moved away from them and went to where Melissa sat quietly.
I knew Melissa nee-ded someone to talk to..not just anyone.
But someone who is like her..one who has felt the loss of a parent and a loved one. Practically anyone with the saddest past will relate with Melissa.
“Hi” I greeted in a low tone
Melissa looked at me
“I’m -”
She stood up and walked away.
Melissa went to the far end of the room and curled herself up un-der a large table. That weird!
Why was she doing that?
Sitting up in an uncomfortable way.
I’m not going to give up. She she has to tell me what’s wrong!
I made my way to the table,crouched down and sat un-der it. It was big enough to accommod@t£ me. So I sat with my legs crossed.
She stared at me in disbelief
“Hi I’m Ria Robert” I introduced
She didn’t respond
“And it nice to meet you Melissa”
“Go away..I don’t want to talk to you”
She said in a low tone
I stared back at her.
“I’ll just tell you a story of a girl…” I swallowed ha-rd
“A blind girl. Do you know what it means to be blind?”
I paused and waited for Melissa.
Seconds cli-cked by, and she shook her head slowly.
“When you can’t see. And everything is dark. Lola was a blind girl and she wished that she could see like the other kids. She wanted friends but no one wants to be friends with a blind girl. Everyone saw her as a burden to her parents because she was disabled. And she had to depend on her parents to help her do things. Lola had a very ha-rd time accepting her blind state..but in the end she accepted who she was and learned to do things normal people could do. She made up her mind that she won’t be a burden to her parents or anyone. She promised herself that she would become someone anyone could reckon with and also be great in life. She started learning how to sew and mend torn dresses”
I st©pped and studied Melissa expression.
She was interested in my story!
“Lola could have gotten a surgery done but her parents couldn’t afford the bills. Do you want to know what happened to Lola?”
Melissa a short nod.
“An unexpected incident took Lola parents Away. They died when she was about 16. And then she was alone..all by herself – in the hands of a wicked man who wanted Lola for himself. But at the point of giving up on herself,her dreams and Everything..An Angel was s£nt to Rescue Lola from that wicked man. She moved away from her hometown with her Angel and they settled down in another city where she started working as a seamstress.. remember she learnt how to sew” I st©pped again and was about to continue when Melissa asked
“Can Lola see now?.. I mean did..she get to see like other people?”
“Yes Melissa. Another Angel was s£nt to help Lola. He paid for her surgery Bills and also helped established her sewing business. Now Lola is doing fine”
Then I noticed the tears that strayed down Melissa’s cheeks
“This was your story right?”
She said in a low tone
And I found myself nodding. I couldn’t deny cause it was my story in a reformed way. I didn’t know how she figured that the story was about me..probably because I’m a seamstress like imaginary Lola. But, I must say that Melissa is a smart girl.
I moved closer to her and wiped her tears with my f!ngerti-ps
“That was sad..” She muttered and i nodded again
“I heard him -” she bit her lowerl-ip
“He said I was bad luck” she whispered
“Who told you that?”
“Uncle Finn. I heard him telling his wife when I regained consciousness at hospital. I couldn’t Make out what he said until I realized that I don’t remember anything about my parents. I only know the fact that they both died in a fire. uncle Finn didn’t take me in because he said I was a bad luck” Melissa placed her palms on her face
“I was the reason for my parents death. He told his wife that I caused that fire at our home.. Taking me in might bring them problems”
And that was it!
Melissa doesn’t want to relate with anyone because she thinks she’s a bad luck.
Uncle Finn should be blamed here. How on earth could he refer to a little child as a bad luck?
Things would have been different if Melissa didn’t hear her uncle refer to her as Bad Luck.
“Why didn’t you tell Madam Charity about it?”
“I didn’t.. Because she won’t un-derstand. No matter how nice she is..she will never un-derstand how I feel about being referred to as Bad Luck”
“You’re not a bad luck Melissa”
“You think so?”
“No one is a bad luck”
“It all my fault.. I killed my parents” Melissa blamed herself
“No..no Melissa. Look once in my life I blamed myself for my parents death too”
And p@rt of me still blames myself.
That if only I wasn’t blind then my dad wouldn’t have thought of accepting his inheritance.
But what can I do?
The deed as alre-ady been done!
“But – I had to accept the fact that they were gone” I cu-mpped her face
“Listen Melissa.. The ones we love are gone but they still remain in heart and memories. Look i never saw the faces of my parents but I have good memories of their words”
We are in the same boat. Melissa doesn’t remember her parents too!
“You have to do the same too. You don’t remember them though but you have this feelings that they were good to you” she nodded
“So then accept the fact that they are gone and st©p seeing yourself as a bad luck” I wiped her tears again
“Look -” I pointed to the kids that were pla-ying happily around Cas-sidy and Jenna
“Don’t you want to be happy like them?”she looked at them for a second
” I want to be happy”
“You know..they all have their stories too. No parents, no family – but they are still happy. Do you wanna know why?”
“It because they were able to accept what life has given to them. They call it – accepting fact. Cause Life is what we live,Love is what we have. And no one can make you happy until you’re re-ady to experience happiness. So just forget about Uncle Finn words and be the Melissa everyone wants to see. They all want you to be happy. Always happy”
Melissa stared back at the kids. And she shook her head slowly.
Then I pu-ll-ed her in for a hvg.
“Thank You Miss Ria”
She whispered
I comforted her with soothing words.
And i let her go after she cried and calmed
“Want to try your dress now?”
“Yes” she replied
This time there was a smile on her face.
I crawled out of the table and reached out to Melissa
She hesitated
“To be happy” I said to her
“Yes To be happy” she replied and she crawled out of the table.
We walked back to the rest.
“Cas-sidy where is Melissa’s dress?” I asked
Jenna and Mrs Russell focused on us.. Their gazes on our locked hands.
“She’s re-ady to try her dress”
I said
“And i want to perform too”
Melissa cuts in
And everywhere bec@m£ silent. Like even the kids st©pped pla-ying when they heard her voice.
She glanced up at me with a look of disappointment.
Melissa was a bit embarras-sed.
Then she fixed her gaze on the floor
“Oh yes! You can perform Melissa!” Mrs Russell exclaimed
“I’ll help you with the rhymes” Jenna added
Melissa’s face brightened
“I know the rhymes” Melissa said in her low tone
“You do?”
“And..everything we have to do” she completed in a clear tone
She must have seen and watched the other children practice. But she couldn’t join them because of that perspective of being a bad luck.
Melissa must have been scared that something would happened if she was p@rt of them.
“Okay..then you can join them” Mrs Russell said
Cas-sidy pas-sed Melissa’s dress which was the last pack in the bag. I helped her into the dress and she looked beautiful in it!
“Wow!” She exclaimed as she examined herself
“You like it?” Cas-sidy asked
“I love it!” She replied
Then Mrs Russell began to cl@pped and others joined in.
“Thank You Miss Ria” mrs Russell said as Jenna silenced the Kids while Cas-sidy helped Melissa put off the dress.
“So children what do you say to Granny Perla for paying for you dresses?”
“Thank You Granny!” They chorused
“And what about Miss Ria and Miss Cas-sidy?”
“We say Thank You!” They screamed
“And do you like to see them again?”
“Yes we will like to see you soon!”
They are really amazing and beautiful creatures. And I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of them.
“Now you all say”
“Bye..Miss Ria..Miss Cas-sidy” they waved at us
Three nannies c@m£ in and ushered them of the room.
I crouched down to Melissa’s size.
“Thank You Miss Ria” She hvgged me
“You’re welcome”
And i let her go
“When will you visit us again?”
“I will see you at the Grand finale of the event”
I will try to make it to the Event! I want to watch Melisa perform.
“Okay” she waved
“Bye” I waved
Jenna led her out of the room
“You will be a good mother” Mrs Perla complimented
“She’s good with children” Cas-sidy said
And how did Mrs Perla know?
It can’t be that my quic-k interaction with Melissa made her decide quic-kly – that I will be a good mother
“I think we’re re-ady to leave” Cas-sidy announced after packing the bags they won’t be nee-ding at the foundation since each kid took their clothes in.
“I’ll take this to the car”
She exited the room.
“Thanks for today” I shook hands with Mrs Russell
“So I’ll leave you both alone to talk” she walked out
“I wasn’t surprised with what you did with Melissa. Since you have adopted kids too. Ian told me about them”
“Yes ma’am” I ru-bbe-d my palms together
She was referring to Phoebe and Phoenix. I knew she said that because she knew something other than my interaction with Melissa.
“I’ll walk you to the car”
“Thanks ma’am”
We walked out of the room
“I should be the one thanking you Ria for ma-king those pretty dresses. So thank You”
“You’re welcome Ma’am”
I entered the car
“Bye Granny!” Cas-sidy waved at her
“Take care Cas-sidy” she waved back
THEME:BE MY d@t£ ????
°°°° RIA Ap@rtMENT °°°°
AUTHOR POV ????????
Ria frowned at the be-dside watch when she heard the doorbell. It was 9:30pm getting re-ady to sleep after the long day work at the Foundation. She lazily hopped out of be-d.
She made her way towards the door and peered throu-gh the small gap on it.
It was Ian!
He stood outside her door,a half smile on hisl-ips when she opened the door.
A searching look in his eyes.
“I hope I’m not coming at a bad time? – like it late”
“No of course not”
She stepped aside for him to come in. Suddenly feeling a bit weak in the knees when his b©dy brushed hers. A ridiculous overreaction of seeing him.
But there it was happiness hitting her straight in the heart at his pres£nce.
“I just finished my work at the office” He said
Ria moistened herl-ips as she shut the door.
“You..you should have head home to rest -”
“And check in tomorrow” Ian completed her intended statement.
She heard him draw a de-ep breathe as if he were working up courage for what he was about to say.
“I can’t do that”
Her f!ngersti-ght£ñed around her nightgo-wn
“Listen Ria – I stood you up today by not driving you to the Foundation. And I won’t be able to forgive myself if I head home without seeing you today”
She swallowed ha-rd trying to get her whirling emotion un-der control so she could think clearly. Ria couldn’t imagine why she was reacting so dramatically to his words.
Maybe she was just tired than she had realized.
“Okay” she said
The answer was immediate and a bit husky
“Where is Mrs Elise?”
He asked looking around the small ap@rtment
“She went to her place. I told her have a good rest before we start working on the uniforms”
Ian moved and dropped on the couch. Suddenly feeling tired and hungry.
“The kids?”
“They are asleep” he nodded
“How was the visit to-” a growl from his stomach interrupted him
Ria glanced around trying to make out the sound.
“..to the foundation”
He completed
“It was fine” she said
His stomach growled again
“Are you hungry?” She asked him
“Huh?…no-” Ian made a purse when he heard the growling sound again.
This time it was loud.
Then he recalled that he hasn’t eaten anything good all day..except for the Bacon and Eggs Mr Griffin dished him around 7:00am when he was about leaving for work.
He sounded resigned when he said
Ria couldn’t help but smile a little at his tone
He was starving and there’s nothing in the fridge except Custard,Yogurt, noodles and one lonely egg.
They’ve been too busy to get down to the grocery sto-re.
But maybe the Noddles will do.
“Would you like to have Noddles?”
“I think I can do better with that”
A laugh was in his voice when he said to her.
Ria nodded and jumped to her feet.
She motioned towards the kitchen but st©pped and turned back at him
“You can join me in the kitchen”
He followed her
She gestured to him to seat on a chair in her small open kitchen.
“I should make some tea.. I have some in the -”
“I’d love some tea” he interrupted gently
“Okay” she prepared tea for him before cooking the Noddles.
They discussed about the Foundation. But Ria didn’t tell him about the Story she shared with Melissa Just the work they did at the foundation.
Eventually, he got around to eating. Sitting at her table wearing only his jeans and un-bu-ttoned T-shi-t revea-ling his white singlet un-der neath.
Ian scooped Noddle with fork and ate them while admiring Ria as she enjoyed her yogurt and crackers. Her hair was around her fresh -scru-bbe-d face and she wore a black silk robe. She looked so beautiful it was ha-rd to concentrate on the food.
“I wasn’t sure if you would be glad to see me tonight?” He confessed
Ria glanced meaningfully at their state of near undress.
They haven’t been this close to undress even in China. She had made sure that she wore good clothes around him..and getting fully dress before seeing him in the morning. No night robe wearing with him.
“Well I hope I manage to reas-sure you on that count”
Thinking back over the past minutes he smiled
Her little giggle made him grin before he filled his mouth with another bite of noodles. He was relieved the food was good. He would have depended on directions found on his phone or the food pack to prepare noodles cause he wasn’t good at cooking.
“Do you still have your business cards?” He asked
“Like 50?”
She nodded
“mom requested for it. She said Madam Charity loved those dresses you made and will like to give out your cards at the event”
He shook his head
“I have enough Cards” she said after only a momentary pause.
He nodded
Ian shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he recalled that he’d planned to ask Ria to go with him to the p@rty as his d@t£.
Ria studied his face,and it was ha-rd to tell what he was thinking.
“Thanks for the food”
He pointed to his now empty plate.
Ria stood up and took the plate to the sink. She washed it.
Then She turned to see Ian staring at her.
Ria knew that he was working up his courage to say what was on his mind.
Ria went on studying him with those blue eyes that were so intense.
Ian cleared his throat.
He stood up and went to her.
“There’s.. Hmm..” He paused
Ria eyes drew him to her,as if they were casting a spell over him.
Ian drew in a de-ep breathe
It now or never!
“I belong to this as-sociation for business men and women…BMW and the p@rty is in three weeks time. Will you go with me? As my d@t£”
Ria jaw dropped
“Oh..I..I don’t know if that’s such a good idea”
She said in reaction to the word “d@t£”
Even as a little voice in the back of her mind said
‘I think it’s a good idea’
Ian persisted
But going with him to the p@rty full of rich and clas-sy people isn’t a very good idea to Ria cause she had started to feel inferior.
Ria shook her head,but before she could say anything,
He said
“Come on Ria..I want to be there with you…I want you to be there with me..No games”
“I shouldn’t” she whispered, a denial that made it clear that she was going to anyways.
“Yes,you should”
“But..I don’t belong to the as-sociation”
“You don’t have to belong to the as-sociation to attend the p@rty. People come around to meet new Business p@rtners”
And then he did one thing that put her completely over the edge.
He t©uçhed her.
He reached a big capable hand to the side of her n£¢k and ru-bbe-d it with tender brush of his f!ngerti-ps.
“Ria… say you’ll come”
He went on studying her with those eyes that were so intense. Ria knew no color of pallet could do them justice. And as much as she didn’t want them to, his eyes still Drew her to him.
Ria thought she might have the weakest will of anyone in the world because that was all it took for her to say..
It made him smile, a slow plea-sed smile without a trace of self satisfaction.
But purely a smile that said that she’d make him a Happy and joyful man.
“Thank You” he whispered
Ria shook her head
“I should get going” he said And then,as If it were perfectly natural.
He leaned in closely and bent over to k!ssher. On the Cheeks! ????
“Prepare the cards. I’ll s£nd Ramsey to get them tomorrow”
He smiled down at her again
“Good night”
He said sliding his hand away from her n£¢k and leaving that sp©t n-ked for the loss.
Ria didn’t say anything. It took her a moment to realize what just happened. A moment in which she just stood there,Stunned!
Ian k!$$£d her! And she’d allowed it!
Ian stepped backward and made his way out of the kitchen.
She stunned out of thought and followed him.
She can’t just keep standing like that!
“Ian -” she called at him
Ian st©pped at the door and turned to her.
“Have a good rest” she said in a low tone.
He nodded and opened the door.
The door cli-cked closed and then all Ria wanted was to go out there and throw herself into Ian’s arms.
She walked back to her room after locking the door.
And she wondered if it was possible that she was more attra-cted to him now than she thought. Because that was almost how it seemed.
Of course, it didn’t help matters that Ian was simply the nicest and S-xiest man she’d ever encountered or that something about him Drew her to him.
And not that it made any difference because she wasn’t going to act on it.
But the way things were shaping up – it was going to be it.
Ria doubted!
She thought of it!
And she didn’t want to think things like wanting him to k!ssher..full on thel-ips and get lost in the taste of him.
It wasn’t going to happen. She swore to herself that it wasn’t. Because she realized that Ian was too good for her.
And she doesn’t deserve someone like him.
Ian deserve a better woman!
Definitely not someone like her!
She concluded as she rolled over her be-d!
She wiped a tear that alre-ady strayed down her cheek at the thought.
But soon she drifted into sleep.