Refugees episode 19




šŸ™…Tales of two worlds šŸš¶

šŸ’§ Chapter 19šŸ’§

šŸ“ Written by Goddy Francis šŸ“


.rated šŸ”ž

If I wasn’t used to Arden’s dark eyes , my feet is supposed to wo-bble right now. Arden shut the door as he glared at Dylan. It’s obvious they don’t have that twin relationsh!p.

” Dylan , what are you doing here ?” Arden ask as he shove his hands into his pockets.

” I nee-d to speak to her.” Arden narrowed his eyes as he sm-irk.

” You should leave.”

” Arden why are you being mean ? I nee-d to speak to her.”

” First things first. You shouldn’t be in my room in the first place. When she’s out of my room , you’ll speak to her. Get the fvĀ¢k out of my room..”

” You’re $h!tting me right now. I nee-d to talk to her. You can’t just push me out. What the fvĀ¢k is wrong with you ?”

” Dylan , get out of my room. Just take your as-s out of my room. I really don’t wanna get angry at you.” Arden yell a little. He’s getting paranoid.

Dylan sighed and glance at me. He respects Arden and it’s written all over his eyes.


” You know you won’t keep her indoors forever right ?” Arden didn’t reply. He open the door and pave way for him.

” Talk later , alita.” He win-ked at me and walked out. Arden shut the door and locked it. He turn to look at me and slowly made his way to my position.

” What did I tell you ?” He ask as he stĀ©p two feet from me.

” I didn’t ask him to come..” I defended.

” Derek was here. He said you ask him to check on me and we were talking before Dylan walked in.”

” Is that even an excuse ?” He ask and take another step. Just another step and I’m sure we’ll be breathing each other’s air.

” Arden , I…”

” Arden ?” He narrowed his eyes while i bit myl-ip. I ba-rely could tolerate the fact that , I should call him master or my prince. It’s difficult.

” My prince.. I’m sorry.” He take his last step and I perceived it’s cologne. It’s so tempting.

” Why are you on towel ?” Arden ask looking right into my eyes.

” I was about taking my bath.”

” And what happened ?”

” Arden , I hate it when you try to taunt me. I told you alre-ady , I was about taking my bath when Derek showed up.” He sm-irk and look down at the towel.

” I hate it when you disobey me. But I get to un-derstand something , you can never be scared of me. You won’t speak to Dylan except I want you to. If you dare me , I would increase your punishments , this time might be worse.” I secretly roll my eyes and he saw it.

” Did you just roll your eyes at me ?” I sigh and look away from him.

” I’m sorry…” He roll his eyes and turn to walk out on me.

” Why don’t you like Dylan ?” I ask him as he turn to look at me. His eyes aren’t dark this time , just normal but his expression still emotionless.

” Am I supposed to have a conversation with you ?” He ask taking a step towards me.

” I’m just asking. I mean , he’s your twin brother but, you both act like rivals. And i noticed you don’t listen to anyone.” He takes another step close to me with his hands inside his pocket.

” What did he tell you ?”

” Nothing.. We didn’t talk about you , infact we didn’t talk. You just showed up and spoilt everything.”

” Hmm , you talk too much and I hate that about you.”

” You act too mean and I hate that about you. What’s with your cold attitude towards me ? And every other person.” He narrowed his eyes and bit his bottoml-ip. He looks cute each time he do that.

He takes another step as he close the space between us. My heart skip a beat as he glance at me. What’s he up to ?

” I didn’t get to feed well today.” He said as he locked eyes with me.

” Maybe I could possibly steal a little blood from you.” No , his bite is terrible.

He tuck my weaves backwards and tĀ©uƧhed my chin with his index f!nger. Just a stro-ke and I feel strange again.

” I warned you about dressing like this. Why would you tie a towel ?” He ask trailing his f!ngersto the towel. My skin heat up as i breathe in. I can’t resist him it’s always difficult.

He sm-irk and slightly hold my w@!st. He trail his hands to my bu-tt cheek as he pu-ll me close to himself. He move down to the end of my towel and his f!ngersfind their way inside my n-ked skin.

Just a tĀ©uƧh on my skin and I’m alre-ady burning up in a S-xual way. I look away from his eyes as he continued c@rĀ£ss!ngmy th!ghs as his hands gr-ab my h!ps. I m0@n and svƧkmyl-ips.

” Damn.. you’re soft and we-t..” he whisper and k!$$Ā£d my nĀ£Ā¢k. He squee-ze my bu-tt slightly as i m0@n again. His other hand hold my w@!st as he k!$$Ā£d my nĀ£Ā¢k down to my collarbone.

He carried me at once as my legs gently wra-p around his w@!st. I don’t know how I did that. He gently place me on his be-d as he take of his shi-t. Are we having S-x ? No way. He get in between my legs as he lean forward in a push up position. His eyes locked with mine again.


What should I do to you ?” He ask holding the towel. I couldn’t say a word. I just want him to tĀ©uƧh me as he plea-ses. He loosed the wra-p of the towel as he look at my nĆ»dĀ£ self like it was his first time of seeing me n-ked. He pu-ll the towel out and toss it on the couch.

He brush hisl-ips against mine lightly as his eyes stare into mine. He k!$$Ā£d my forehead and then my nose and myl-ips. He k!$$Ā£d me as he slowly nip on my l-ips u-cking it. I p@rt myl-ips as i k!$$Ā£d back . My hands gradually trail on his ba-re back as I pu-ll-ed himself into me. I could feel his ha-rd ness on my th!ghs.

We k!$$Ā£d as our ton-gues did theirs too. His right hand gr-ab slightly to my h!ps as he k!$$Ā£d my bo-ttoml!pand then upperl-ip. He continued that motion as he carre-ssed my skin. I m0@n on his

mouth as he cu-mpped my brĀ£@st on his right hand. He stĀ©pped k!ss!ng@s my lashes p@rted. I can’t believe I just k!$$Ā£d Arden. My annoying master and it feels so good.

” I’ve always wanted to do that.” He sm-irk and I just bit myl-ip.

” You look cute when you do that.” He added as he k!$$Ā£d the tiny space in between my brea-st.

He k!$$Ā£d it as he take in my n!ppl!s into his mouth. I felt his fangs brush against my skin as he continued nipping on my n!ppl!s.

It felt good as I m0@n , at least not loudly. He k!$$Ā£d my brĀ£@st and then my ribs as he move down to my w@!st. He k!$$Ā£d my th!ghs as he bit into my l@p. I was expecting a scream from me instead i m0@n . I could feel my blood oozing out of my skin. He stuck his fangs out and k!$$Ā£d the spĀ©t he bit. He planted soft k!sses on my th!ghs and up to my che-st again as he bites my arm.

I m0@n and g@sp to the s-en-sational feeling. I wanted more of this. I’ve always hated his bite , but this one feels different , not poisonous. He stĀ©pped and stare into my pale blurry eyes. Why

did he have to stĀ©p ?

” Why did you m0@n ?” He ask still locking eyes with me. What am I supposed to say ?

” Cause I liked it.”

” Why ?” He’s about pissing me off now. I sigh and look away from his gaze.

” Are you shy ? You’re n@Ć»ghty even without knowing..” I turn to look at him again.

” Do you have to talk about this now ?” He chuckled and k!$$Ā£d my collarbone. He k!$$Ā£d my nĀ£Ā¢k as I tilt my head. He bit into my skin again as he feed from me again.

I could feel every of my hor-mones burning up. I m0@n and stick my nails into his back.


” Arden…” I m0@n .

He stĀ©ps and k!$$Ā£d me with his fangs. I winced as it brush against myl-ips.

” You still taste bitter.” He says.

” Sorry about that..” I sm-irk as he scoff.

” Why did you do it ?” I ask him tou-ching his l!pwhich has a stain of blood.

” Do what ?”

” k!$$Ā£d me. tĀ©uƧh and bite…” I avert my eyes from hisl-ips to his eyes.

” I nee-d to feed… in a S-xual way.” I nod absĀ£ntly and bit myl-ip.

I half smile and look at hisl-ips again. They were perfect just as Dylan’s. Taste so better , like an add!Ƨting fruit. Maybe it’s because he’s my first k!ss. His l!pis so pretty and ru-by. I tĀ©uƧhed hisl-ips and trail my f!ngersto his che-st.

” Why did you stĀ©p ?” He didn’t reply for a second as he sighed de-eply.

” I hope we don’t ever do this again. You’re sĀ£dƻƧt!ve, and it’s not right. You don’t even know what you’re doing.” He chuckled and get off me. I sit up as Arden helped me with my towel.

” And the feeding ?” I ask him and wra-p my towel around my che-st. I’ve not even taken a bath. He sighed and walk close to me.

” I don’t want to. I might end up having S-x with you. And hurting you at the end. I was serious when I said I can’t love you , you should do the same. I don’t want a relationsh!pand I don’t like

vir-gins.” He sigh and frown irritatingly as he sit on the other couch.

Yeah ? I walk to the bathroom and shut the door. I hang my towel on the rack and step un-der the shower. I really un-derstand him too. I really don’t love him either , I’m just attra-cted to him.

attra-cted to how he makes me feel each single time he tĀ©uƧhed me. Same time , because I’ve never been tĀ©uƧhed before. I don’t know even what I’m doing. What happened to the sacred me ?

The sacred me that wasn’t supposed to be inti-mate with men ? Arden’s like a sĀ£dƻƧ!ng temptation that I can’t stĀ©p.

I stood un-der the shower with both my hands resting on the wall. I lowered my head and thought about whatever thing that happened between us few minutes ago.

Something is happening to me and I don’t want it. I shouldn’t be doing this with a man , but it doesn’t feel wrong. Someone inside me always want it , worst p@rt is i can’t avoid him.

I’m not sure I can ever forget this day. I raise my head up and wipe my face as the water kept running down my skin. I turn to look at the glas-s door only to see a silhouette of Jasmin outside.

Good ! here goes nothing..

We’re about to fight and I’m damn re-ady..
