Protected episode 11 & 12


Episode 11 & 12



It’s been a week since miss julliet took me to the pool to have a manicure session, I haven’t had that much fun in a long time.

I remember master justice’s words to me the other time, they didn’t hurt me, instead it made me realize how lonely he looked.

I stand in front of my mirror and think.

I tilt my head, why can’t they see it? why can’t his siblings see he is heartbroken?

Oh well, it’s none of my business, I have to go prepare dinner now before all hell is let loose.

I wonder what I should cook, miss julliet gave me a menu but I feel like doing something different.

Am gonna prepare my famous pot roast, and I can match it with baby potatoes .

I start cooking and after a while when it seems that the food is about to be re-ady, I start setting the table.


I walk out of the kitchen with the first dish to see miss julliet and Mr Sage going at it.

Oh my.

I think he is trying to swallow her ton-gue.

I blus-h, I have never so much as being k!$$£d so this level of ma-king out makes me uncomfortable.

I exit and come back with another dish and they are still at it, Mr sage seems to be whispering something to her and she is smiling dreamily.

I feel a twinge of jealousy, I want that, I want someone to be so in love with me they don’t notice when someone enters the room.

Alec and Mr Justin enter and I stand a little ways back in case they nee-d something.

“Gross mom, I can’t believe you were su-cking face with sage, eww much? I am your child do you want to scar me for life?”

I almost giggle at Alec’s words but his voice st©ps me. Justice’s voice.

“My nephew is right sage, just because I give you permission to stay over does not mean I want to see you eat my sister for dinner”.

He says this as he enters, and I nearly swallow my ton-gue.

He’s wearing r!pp£djeans and a white polo, with ba-re feet, his hair looks we-t.

I love his feet


. Le sigh.

I catch my self when I see what I am doing, no no no, we are not having girly feelings for the bastard, nope, nada, zilch.

I tune in to the conversation to hear Mr sage say..

“You wish you had to give me permission J, we all know I own you”.

Justice laughs and am stunned speechless, he laughs?

He has a nice laugh, I sigh out loud.

All eye turn to me and I stand straight.

I can’t believe I did that out loud, what is wrong with you magic?!

I back away a little but Mr Justin’s voice st©ps me.

“Hey, little one, come join us”

I shake my head, no.

“It’s alright sweets you can join us, justice won’t mind”.

That was miss julliet, I glance at justice and I see him filling his glas-ses with water.

I nod, I look around , the only seat available is next to master justice.

Well damn.

I take my seat tensely.

“I can see you prepared something different today”

I nod, waiting for master justice to comment after Mr Justin makes this observation, but he doesn’t, I am surprised.

In the last few days he has found all opportunity to criticize me.

Salt was too much, coffee too thick, the sauce too light, even I was breathing too loudly.

He criticizes everything.

I serve my self and I take a bite, as I do I see that it really tastes good.

Alec is stuffing himself and he has oil on his chin.

I take some serviette and wipe his face, he smiles with his mouth full and I grin.

I turn back to my food .

“Am gonna be traveling the day after tomorrow magic”

I raise my head at miss julliet words and i tilt it in question, she countinues.

“Sage’s parents will be coming from the Caymans in 5 days, he wants me to meet them”

I can see she is nervous about that so I smile.

“You will do fine, they will love you”.

I say this and she smile.

“Well I will be with Alec, so you don’t have to worry”

I say this but she shakes her head..

“A will be coming with me, I want them to meet him too.”

Mr sage takes her hand and entwines it with his, I nod, it only makes s-en-se.

“It’s the weekend, I won’t be at home too,”

Mr Justin says,

That’s right, mr Justin never stays at home on the weekends.


Does that mean I will be alone with master justice?

Am dead.

My life is dead as-s over.

“I will be traveling too, no nee-d to look so lost girl”.

Master justice says and I relax, I instantly go tense again when I finally realize what will happen.

I will be left alone.

I hate been alone.

“Will you be okay alone magic?”

I nod and smile thinly, “I will be fine” I say.

I won’t be fine.

I clench my f!ngerswhen I feel a tug of pain at my abd0m£n.

Just great, I have to go and have cramps when everyone won’t be at home.

That would make it more lonely.

My life.



I shake my head as I lie on my be-d, she is such a bad liar, magic.

I could see clearly that she is not ok being left alone.

I shake my head again as I drift off.




I make my way to the airport gate, I am so damn late, my flight is leaving soon.

I won’t be late if the girl called magic had remembered to iron my gray sleeve. Dunce.

I make my way to the gate but remember I left my briefcase, I turn, oh $h!t.

I hate rushing for anything.

My PA decided to fall sick this morning, I won’t fault her, she is pregnant.

I had to do everything by my self.

Sage c@m£ to pick julliet up this morning, she would have helped.

An impromptu flight to c@m£ron is not how I planned this trip.

I gr-ab my briefcase and close the door, I turn looking at my wristwatch, 15 minutes more, mercy.

I bu-mp into someone and I lift my head.

Oh eff no.

“Well hello there darlin'”

She purrs and I feel myself getting sick.


“Well hello sugar, fancy meeting you here”

“Am in a hurry Selene, I don’t have time for this”

She pouts and frowns, once upon a time that would have made me move the Earth to plea-se her but now it just makes me sick.

I feel bile rise to my che-st and I clutch my briefcase, she is tou-ching my che-st,.my elbow, I don’t like that, I step away, she steps forward.

“Didn’t you miss me?”.

“I have yo go selene”

I walk past her and she calls after me.

“Call me sometime so that we can catch up”

That wasn’t going to happen, the bit-ch.

I feel my temperature get high and I think, oh hell.

I don’t nee-d this today, this meeting is important.

I wish I can tell that to my ra-pidly growing pulse.

Just like Selene, always there to turn my life upsideTomorrow



Oh my God, I feel like dying, my stomach hurts, I haven’t even started my flow and my stomach hurts like hell.

I roll on the ground of my room, the thought of going out to buy sanitary pads is a very daunting task I don’t want to perform.

I roll over on the ground again, oh sweet Lord, when will this end?


I close my eyes for a while, I open them when I hear a car drive into the driveway.

Oh Lord, hope a visitor is not coming to see the Maxwells today,

what are those gate men doing, letting someone in when they very well know nob©dy is around?

Am just gonna stay here until the person leaves.

I drift off but as I hear a door ban-g I open my eyes.

That sounded like master justice’s room, he leaves on the opposite hallway from mine so I have gotten used to the creaks and gro-an s of the door.

I gro-an , did he forget something?

I wait for a while, waiting for him to leave but I drift off again, the pain was too much.

About an hour later I open my eyes and I see that it’s almost sunset, I don’t think master justice left.

I walk downstairs to prepare something for it, my stomach is still giving me problems, I still have to go get sanitary pads, ugh.

I make a little bit of spicy rice cakes and I place it on the dinning.


I wait for a while, leaning against the wall, he doesn’t show up, I ring the bell to signify that food is re-ady.

I wait for a while, he still doesn’t show up.

Is he even around?

Does he want me to bring it upstairs?

I place the food in a tray and walk upstairs, I knock, no response.

I balance the food on one hand and open the door with the other, I see his figure on the be-d, so he did hear me.


I place the food on his desk and I turn to leave.

I st©p, I turn around.

He is lying deathly still.

Wait, is he still wearing his loafers?

I am going to regret this, I just know it.

I walk slowly to the be-d, I see him slee-ping but there’s a fine sheen of sweat on his forehead.

He seems to be having a restless sleep based on the way his eyes are moving un-der his eyelid.

I go to the foot of the be-d and kneel, I take one of his legs and gently pu-ll his shoes off, I pu-ll his other one off and I start in on his socks,as I do so I notice that his feets are cold

He has nice feets but they are ice cold, he has been wearing shoes it Should have been warm.

I stand and walk to the head of the be-d, he is clutching his pillows and murmuring .

I place my hand on his head and h0t damn.

I can totally boil yam on it.

I pu-ll the be-dsheets away and I see he is fully dressed, I pu-ll off his jacket and un-bu-tton his sleeves, he rolls away.


No no.

“Hey big guy, you have to let me undress you, promise it will make you feel better”

He seems to hear because he rolls back and stays still.

I take off his shi-t, that thing was ha-rd , I stand and glance at the clock, it’s past 8.

I go to his bathroom and get some water and a towel, I walk back but st©p abruptly when a twinge of pain goes throu-gh me.

Ha, my stomach.

I go to the be-d after powering throu-gh the pain and I begin to Pat him down with the cold towel.

He pu-lls away, oh no.

“You have to stay still sir, it only walks that way”

He throws the towel across the room.

I become angry.

“Justice!, So help me God, if you do not stay still so I can try to reduce your fever, I will tie you to this be-d…..”. I can feel tears trying to push throu-gh.

“Am in pain, plea-se work with me here”. I sniff.

He gro-an s,


. “No tears…..” He says softly.

“If you don’t want me to cry, stay still,”

I say just as softly and he nods slowly.

I get the towel and I start again.

I try to reduce his fever as much as I can.

When am done , i glance at the clock, it’s past 10, my stomach still hurt like hell.

I stand up and go to leave, he holds my hand and I turn.

He says a word. ” Stay….”

I sit back down.

“Am not going anywhere, I just want to make some rice porridge so you can take some flu medicine”

He let’s go and I exit the room, when am.done with the porridge it’s almost 11:30, am so tired.

I go back and he is mumbling, about Selene and a some other things.

I wake him and he opens his eyes slowly and turns to me.

“You have to eat this so you can take some drugs”

“Not… hungry..”

“plea-se? Just a bite?”

He sits up a little and I know I won.

I spoon feed him a little and he gets in some porridge, he looks so pale, and fragile, so different from the justice I know.

What Happened?

I make him take some drugs and he lies back.

I stand with the tray to leave.

“plea-se, don’t go, stay, for just tonight”

Am shocked, he says plea-se?

Am tem-pted to tell him no but I don’t.

I just drop the tray on the ground and walk back to the be-d.

He makes space for me by shifting, well guess he wants me on the be-d.

I tie my hair and I gently sit on the be-d and I lie.

The moment I do he pu-lls closer and rests his head on my stomach.


I place my hand on his hair and begin to stro-ke, he instantly relaxes.

Well this is different.

I feel his breathing go soft and I know he is asleep.

I don’t think I will be able to sleep.

My b©dy betrays me as I fall into a de-ep and calm sleep.

It was so de-ep that I didn’t feel him raise his head, I didn’t feel him pu-ll the covers around us, I didn’t feel him k!ssmy head softly.

I was slee-ping, I didn’t know.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow.

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