Protected episode 1 & 2

A thri-lling, humorous r0m@nç£story that will b!ow your mind and make you pu-ll your hair with suspense.
Episode 1



“Emily get up you will be late for the market”
I sigh, I have been awake for the better p@rt of the night, it’s just past five and I nee-d to go to the market, sigh.
“Emily, wake up”
“Anti, am awake, just give me 5 minutes”
“You don’t have 5 minutes, if the bus leaves you, market for today will be cancelled”

I sigh as I stand from my narrow be-d, it’s not as if I don’t want to go, am just so tired, I got beaten by the rain yesterday, my bones ache .
I stand up and don’t bother bathing, it will be useless, I br@id my long hair and tie it into a chignon, the onitsha market is not a place for long hair.
I make my way out and see my aunt’s husband sitting by the TV, this morning he is alre-ady smoking, and inside the house at that.
“Good morning, brother”.

He looks up at me, the way he does makes me feel dirty, I don’t like this man, one bit.
“Good morning Emily, how was your night?”
He asks this while b!owing smoke into the air, it takes all I have not to gag, I hate cigarettes.
“It was fine thank you,”
I bend in front of the chair to find my bag, I think I threw it here sometime yesterday night, i see it wedged between two chairs and I gr-ab it, I stand and glance at my uncle to see him li-ck hisl-ips while staring at my backside.

I hate this man, he is a per-vert.

Amjust 19 and that does not seem to bother him, it also does not bother him that I am his wife’s sister, no, he makes pas-ses at me anytime he can.
Brushes against me in a way that is not necessarily bad but makes me uncomfortable, he doesn’t do all this in front of his wife, he saves his best attitude for her.
I can’t wait to leave this house, when I do, am never coming back.

My aunty is not much better, she hits me anytime she can, she hates me, I don’t know why, its not as if I asked for this.
I have asked a million times where my parents are but I don’t get any answers, i have no clue, I just have to bear this existence untill I have enough money to get me out of here.
I plan to go to Lagos and learn fashion designing, I have my waec certificate, when I make lot of money, I will go to university, it is my dream..

I exit the sitting room and walk to the kitchen to get my basket of bananas, I sell bananas at onitsha market to travellers, on a good day, I can get about a thousand naira as gain .
I don’t bother tell them that I am leaving since they won’t care, I walk to kelechi’s compound.
Kelechi is my best friend, her father drives a bus to the main market every day, I get a ride with them.

When I get there, I see her loading the bus with bre-ad, she sells bre-ad, they have a local bakery, they are kind of rich.
“Chi, good morning”
“Good morning Emily, come and help me”
I sigh,I am tired of telling everyone that my name is not Emily but Emilia, they have killed the name so much,my aunty calls me, Emile, she is even worse.

I help her load her bre-ad and she turns to me.
“Wait here I have to go get my apron, ok?”
She leaves, Hey, I didn’t carry my own, thank God I remembered, the sun is just rising, when she returns I tell her to help me watch my basket that I just want to go inside to get my apron .
“Be fast o, papa will leave soon, he is just eating”

I shake my head, kelechi’s dad is always eating, his stomach is so big that I can sit on it and my leg will not t©uçh the ground.
I giggle at my mischievous thoughts, I make my way into the house but st©p short when I hear my aunty and uncle whispering.
Why are they whispering, no one is inside with them, I st©p, not ma-king my pres£nce known, I listen.

“We just have to sell her to the people, you know we nee-d the money for us to travel to abroad”
That was my uncle, sell who? Are they talking about me?
“Are you sure they won’t harm her?, They might be ritualists, we should just marry her to okoro, he is willing to pay us more money”
That was my aunty, sell me?, Marry me? She is saying it so cruelly, as if I should thank her that she didn’t kill me herself.

“No, na, people will think we are wicked, let’s just sell her, we will tell them she ran away with a boy, that’s better”
I can’t see them, but am sure my aunty is nodding, I make my way out quietly and go back to kelechi’s compound.
“Madam be fast, papa wants to leave”
She calls in a kind but exasperated voice, I don’t reply, am too numb with shock.
“Where is your apron?, You sef, you forgot what made you go back home”

I don’t respond and she frowns.
“Magic, are you ok?”
My middle name is magic, only kelechi calls me that.
I open my mouth but her father approaches us and I shut up,
I mutter, she nods.
I climb into the bus and look forward, today’s Discovery has made me realize one thing.
Am never coming back to this house again.
Am going to run away.


*****😈 PROTECTED 😈
By Bebe Ernest
Episode 2

“They said what?!”
I shush kelechi as she shouts in outrage.
“They want to sell you, how wicked can this people be?”
Kelechi is aware of what I go throu-gh at home.
It’s about 2 hours after we get to the market, I have sold most of my bananas, I just told kelechi what I heard and she is not happy.

“Kele, what do I do?”
“You can’t go back there,that’s for sure”.
I nod but ask
“Where do I go? I don’t have any relative that I know of ”
She nods, she is quiet for a while, I sell groundnut to a boy that approaches me, the market is busy and crowded but I feel like am alone.
“Ha!, Have got it!”
I turn to kelechi as she exclaims.
“What have you got?”
“You are going to run away”
“I have alre-ady decided that”
“You will go to Lagos, the city is big, you can hide better there”

“Kelechi, lagos? who do I know that lives in lagsos, I don’t even have enough money”
“Magic, you have about 14 thousand with you don’t you?”

I nod, I don’t go anywhere without my money stash.
“And also the money from these bananas cost about 6 thousand, you will take that also, I mean, they deserve it”.
I nod, she countinues .
“I will give you my 10 thousand for my bre-ad, you will go to Lagos, I will give you the phone number of one of my b©yfri£nd, you will stay with him untill you can rent your own house”
I shake my head no,
“Kele, your father will kill you, what will you say happen to the money”

“Oh don’t worry, I will tell him that some of the customers have not yet paid, in a week time I should be able to replace the money”
I nod,. “But how sure are we that your b©yfri£ndwill be at the address?”
“He will, I was supposed to go see him next month remember?, You can stay with him for a while, you will get settled and you will move out, simple”.

Kelechi is ma-king this sound so easy but I know it’s not, and besides, what other option do i have?
She squee-zes some naira note into my hands, I don’t look at it but I know it’s a lot of money ..

“In fact, take my purse, put the money inside, be careful, I hear they use to steal in Lagos.”
How am I going to repay this girl?
“Ehn ehn, none of that, let me just find a piece t paper so I can write down Andrew’s address”
Andrew must be the boy Friend, I nod, she leaves for a while and come back with a piece of paper and a phone.
“What’s that?”. I ask her?

“Have you never seen a phone in your life?, Bernard over there gave it to me, I want you to have it”.
I feel tears rush to my eyes.
“Ehn ehn, don’t thank me yet, this is andrews address, I will give him a call and tell him to expect you, you have to leave now”.
I sigh

. “kele, do you think this is wise?”.
“Yes I do, now stand, let’s find some bend down select clothes for you to buy”
“What are you going to tell my aunty”
“Am going to spit on her and scratch out her eyes if she so much as look at me wrong”
I trust kelechi, she can do that.

We get to the bus station and it’s almost noon, I have a Ghana must go full of clothes we bought at some cheap rate, it on t©p my head, kelechi has gone to pay for my ticket.
I wait around, she arrives .

“Here, this is your ticket, don’t loose it, when you get to Lagos call me, I programmed my number into your phone, ”
I nod, feeling overwhelmed.
“Make sure you call me, eat good food, work, find a place to learn your fashion designing, ok?”

I nod again.
“No don’t thank me yet magic, Don’t, I know you will be a great woman, all am asking is that you don’t forget me, ok?”
“Never, kelechi, never”
She nods and give me a ti-ght hvg, she let’s me go.

“Here, some bananas and bre-ad incase you get hungry on the bus”
I laugh, just like kele to actually think of that.
“I love you kelechi”.
“Abeg,oyibo film Don spoil you, but I love you too Emilia”.

Ha!, She said my name correct this time.
The bus driver starts calling pas-s£ngers on to the bus, I turn and climb in, I sit at a window seat and o see kelechi looking at me, I wave, she waves back, she looks to be holding back tears, I can’t hold mine, a tear falls.

The bus starts moving, I keep on staring at her untill the bus pu-lls away and she becomes a spe-ck, I noticed that not once did she move away.
Thank you God, for good friends.
I turn forward in the 18 sitter bus, clutching the purse kele gave to me.
Lagos here I come.


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