Personal as-sistant Batch 4

“Mr. McGregor!” Natalie exclaimed, rushing
over to him, “What happened?”
For a moment he didn’t respond as he
watched her getting a paper towel and handing
it to him.
“We had a disagreement,” he said blankly
drying off his face and shi-t.
“About what, you do know it is her last day.”
She stated matter of factly.
“That is none of your business.” He said
“Fine.” She said she replied. Right before she
left his office she turned around and said.
“Good luck finding another one like that.”
When Natalie c@m£ back downstairs people
started coming over to her. Asking what had
happened and what Mr. McGregor had said.
She sadly had to tell all of them that she didn’t
know, up until she decided to call Elizabeth
It took a few rings for her to pick up when
Natalie finally heard Elizabeth’s Hullo. “What
on earth happened?”
“That son of a bit-ch happened, that’s what,”
Elizabeth answered angrily.
“Just tell me.” Natalie sighed.
The waiter that brou-ght the two their menu’s
was a tall slim man, with a rather grumpy
looking face.
“Good afternoon Madam and Sir. Can I get you
anything to drink?”
Elizabeth had opened her mouth to speak but
James beat her to it. “A large bottle of flat
water and two glas-ses would be fine.”
She would have been cross with him for
ordering for her like that, had it not been her
intention to drink water anyways.
The two of them were quiet as they looked
over the menu and even when Elizabeth knew
her choice she still didn’t speak. She simply
closed her menu and la-id it down in front of
“I take it you know what you want?” James
said, not looking up from his menu.
“I do.” She said abs£ntmindedly.
“Now now Ms. Waverton, you are allowed to
talk.” He said looking up at her with a sly grin.
“I am well aware of that Mr. McGregor.” She
said slightly annoyed.
It wasn’t until after they had ordered that one of
them started talking again.
“I must say I love that Sk-irt.” He said eying her
legs. Elizabeth cleared her throat and looked at
him. “Thank you.” She said politely.
“So what’s on your mind?” He said surprising
her with the question. “Nothing.” She said
looking him dead in the eye. “O come on, a
smart girl like you?” He said smiling.
Elizabeth was about to open her mouth when
the waiter returned with the drinks.
“And here’s your water madam and sir.” He
said putting down her glas-s and pouring the
two of them some water. “Anything else?” The
waiter said standing up straight.
“Yes,” James said, his eyes not leaving hers.
“We’ll have two glas-ses of my usual white
“I’ll bring it right up.” He said nodding and
walking away.
Elizabeth felt a bit awkward sitting here
lunching with her boss. Sure she had done it
quite often with Mr. McGregor sr. but not with
his son.
She felt his eyes on her as she shifted in her
seat not meeting his gaze. Suddenly Elizabeth
heard a voice she hadn’t in months. Her head
turned around quic-kly as she saw him walking
Giovanni Moreno, a rather large set,
mustached, 60-year-old Italian walked in with a
smile on his face. She smiled as she watched
him and waited for him to look at her. She
knew it wasn’t that nice of her to invite him to
sit with them, but then again, he was a p@rtner
of the company.
“Ahh, Bella! It is good to see you, my friend!”
He bellowed walking over to her. “Signore
Moreno, it has been too long.” She said
standing up. Behind her sat a very confused
James, staring at the large man now walking
over to his as-sistant.
The two of them hvgged and that’s when
Moreno saw James. “Ah, you must be the boy
of James!” He said walking over to James and
gr-abbing his hand. “He was a true friend that
“Signore Moreno, why don’t you join us for
lunch,” Elizabeth said, earning a look from
James, which she chooses to ignore.
“Why don’t I?” He said with a smile on his
After that Giovanni had called over a waiter
ma-king him set down a chair for him.
Elizabeth always loved the man’s stories, and
right now he was telling all of them.
She noticed how James seemed to be
bothered by it at first, sometimes he’d even tap
her leg with his foot ma-king her look at him
for a moment.
But after a while, he seemed to warm up to
the Italian, and actually, have a nice time.
It had been around four o’clock when the three
of them left the restaurant. And of course
signore Moreno wouldn’t let them leave without
giving the both of them a big hvg.
Elizabeth smiled wi-de as she waved the man
off. James straightened his tie and jacket with
slight annoyance on his face when he looked
over at the woman beside him.
He smiled ever so slightly realizing this was
the first time he had seen her smile so
carelessly, so happily…
It was, however, the second that she turned
around to face him that her poker face was
back on. Sure she smiled, but he just knew it
wasn’t sincere.
“Ah, there is the car.” She said pointing behind
He turned around and watched the car roll up
After that, she avoided talking to him as much
as she could. Though he didn’t like it very
much, he got the message.
When the two of them arrived the office she
immediately went over to her desk and sat
down behind it. James sighed as he walked
past her and into his office.
The rest of the afternoon seemed to be quite
uneventful until the phone rang…
Usually, Elizabeth would answer the phone, but
she had gone down to the second floor to help
some guy do something. (James didn’t really
remember). He stood up from his chair and
walked over to his door. For a moment he
eyed the phone on her desk before picking it
“Hello?” He said confidently. “Good afternoon,
Mr. Novak’s as-sistant speaking, I’m calling
regarding Ms. Waverton.” The lady on the other
end of the line stated.
Novak? He thought for a moment trying to
figure out where he heard the name before.
Then suddenly something in his head cli-cked.
Novak was the CEO of one of their
“Proceed.” He told the girl on the other end of
the line. “Mr. Novak wants to know if she can
start Monday instead of Wednesday.”
“Excuse me, could you repeat that?” James
said not quite comprehending what the woman
on the other end of the phone had said.
“Mr. Novak wants to know if she could start
on Monday instead of Wednesday.” She
paused for a moment before saying, “I can call
back at another time if that would be better?”
The second James opened his mouth he saw
the elevator open and Elizabeth walking out of
it. Her head was tilted to the floor before she
looked up and saw him sitting behind her
desk. For a moment he saw something close
to fear behind her eyes, but it only showed for
a second.
“Yes, that would be better.” He said hanging up
the phone.
She st©pped in front of her own desk and
looked at him. He crossed his arms and turned
the chair towards her. “Mr. Novak wants to
know if you could start on Monday.” He said
with an accusing tone.
Elizabeth raised her brows and crossed her
arms too. James stood up from the chair he
was sitting on and leaned over the desk
placing his hands on it.
“Care to tell me, why Mr Novak would want to
know that?” He said with a dark look on his
“That would be between Mr. Novak and me.”
She said not averting her gaze form his,
challenging him to say another word about it.
He didn’t say a thing as he sh0t her one last
menacing look before storming into his office.
It was then that the phone on her desk rung
once more.
“Mr. McGregor’s office, This is Elizabeth
Waverton speaking, how can I help you?” She
said in a sugary sweet voice she only used
when answering phone calls.
“Liz we did it!” She immediately recognised the
voice of her coworker Quint. “What?” She said
confused. “We closed the Sanderson deal!” He
nearly screamed. “You did?” She yelled back at
him. “Quint you are the best!”
Right after she got of the phone with Quint she
knew that she would have to inform James of
it. She sighed as she got up from her chair
and walked over to his office door. She
hesitated for a moment before gripping the
handle firmly and opening the door.
James only glanced up a second before
looking back down again. “Quint closed the
Sanderson deal.” She said.
“Good.” He said not looking up at her. She
nodded and turned around to leave. From the
corner of her eye she could see the digital
clock hanging on the wall next to and saw it
flash 17:50.
“So tell me.” He said as he took of the glas-ses
she had never seen before. “Was it the money?
Or just the chance to svçkanother old mans
d!¢k?” He said as she wh!pped around. The
second he looked her in the eye he could see
the mistake he had made by saying that.
“Excuse me?” She nearly growled out with her
eyes blazing fire. “Oh come on, why else work
for the enemy.” He said knowing he couldn’t
just crawl out of it at this point.
“Not that it is any of your concern, but it was
your father that actually got me that job!” She
said raising her voice.
“My father was an idiot! Why else would he do
such a thing?” He yelled back at her.
“Your father was a better man and CEO then
you’ll ever be!” She yelled so menacingly that
she surprised him by it. In the heat of the
moment, she gr@bb£d the glas-s of water that
was standing on his desk and threw it in his
“Don’t worry, you’ll never have to see me
again.” She said walking away and slamming
the door behind her.
“That is… That’s something.” Natalie said
stunned. “Yeah I know.” Elizabeth sighed on
the other end of the phone. “I’m just glad this
was my last day.”
“Well, I… I’ll… I’ll see you later I guess.”
Natalie said before hanging up the phone.
It was around midnight when James entered
his ap@rtment, actually, he didn’t know for sure
what the time was, and he didn’t care.
He walked over to his couch and slid down
onto it. He sighed as he just sat there staring
at his hands.
Why had he said that to her?
Why didn’t he just keep his yap shut?
He knew that his first impression had been
different from how he knew her now. He had
come to realize that the stories of the amazing
as-sistant were actually true. de-ep down he
realized that even though she had only been
his as-sistant for a week, he was kind of, sad
to see her go.
Looking out at the city throu-gh the window he
let his mind wander for a moment. When he
saw the lights flash on in the ap@rtment across
the way. The woman he had come to know as
the ‘Redhead across the way’ walked into her
ap@rtment and closed the door behind her.
She put her hands on her face and pressed her
back into the door. Slowly she let herself sink
down to the floor as her b©dy shook ever so

It was quite early when Elizabeth awoke.
Drowsily she wiped the sleep from her eyes as
she rolled over to look at her clock.
She gro-an ed when she saw the lights flash
6:30. It had been three weeks since she had
last set foot on the McGregor building. Yet she
still awoke every morning at least an hour
before she had to.
She swung her legs out of the be-d as she sat
up. She had never been p@rticularly good at
going back to sleep after she had woken up.
Her morning ritual had changed quite a lot.
Finally, she actually had time to make
breakfast and watch the news. After that she
would leave the building at 8:30 and walk over
to the star bucks on the corner. Here she
would pick up two regular black coffee’s, one
cappuccino and one vanilla latte, which had
alre-ady been made for her.
She would smile, say hi to Ria, pay for the
coffee and be on her way again. Then at 8:45
she would walk into the building and into the
elevator and up to the 14th floor.
“Morning Paul.” She said to the receptionist as
she set down one of the black coffees on the
counter. “Morning honey, it’s such a lovely day
isn’t it?” He said smiling. “It always is when I
see you, sweetie.” Elizabeth laughed as she
walked towards her office.
Down the hall on the right was a bright office
with three desks, one for Elizabeth, One for
Oscar and one for Hailey. She set down the
vanilla latte on Hailey’s desk and the
cappuccino on Oscar’s. as she walked over to
her own desk.
The two of them usually wouldn’t come in until
9 and that was also true for today. It had been
only three weeks since she started, but she
knew that those two might actually be some
good friends.
The two of them started the day with their
usual banter as Elizabeth went about her work.
Everything went as usual when the phone rang.
On it, she saw Natalie’s name flashing and
with a smile she picked up.
“Hey! How are you?” She said in a cheery
“Elizabeth! I nee-d your help honey!” Natalie
said panicking. “Calm down, what’s going on?”
She said shushing Oscar and Hailey. “The
gala! I know I know, it’s tonight. But there are
some problems. The Ritz had a fire and we
can’t use the venue.” Elizabeth gro-an ed.
“Mr. Moreno said that he can’t make it and Mr.
McGregor hasn’t even found himself a d@t£
yet.” She continued.
“But Moreno is the biggest contributor,”
Elizabeth said. “We can’t afford to lose that. I
mean you can’t. O, God…”
“Alright here’s what you do, you call the Four
Seasons and ask for Red. Then offer them
twice the money as the Ritz and that should fix
that. I’ll call Moreno and get that fixed and
you’ve got to be Mr. McGregor’s d@t£.”
Elizabeth started writing herself a memo to call
“Ok. I can do that!” Natalie said cheerfully on
the other end of the line. “But what will Jack
say about that?” She said. “Nat, your b©yfri£nd
will be fine, just trust me,” Elizabeth said.
“Alright, thank you thank you thank you! I gotta
go! bye!” She yelled in one breath before
hanging up the phone.
Elizabeth sighed and sat back.
“My my, so that’s the perfect as-sistant,” Oscar
said cl@pping and laughing, causing Elizabeth
to look up.
“Perfect as-sistant?” She said with a smile.
“O come on, the boss told all of us the stories
when you were coming,” Hailey said. “I mean
not the stories but how every big sh0t in the
city wants you to be at their beck and call.”
Elizabeth laughed. “Well, I did get some nice
The three of them talked for a minute before
returning back to work and they worked until
around noon. Then the second the lunch break
started Elizabeth dialed Mr. Moreno’s number.
“Good afternoon Mr. Moreno, this is Ms.
Waverton.” She greeted him.
“Ahh Ms. Waverton, you had me wondering
who knew my personal number.” He said
Elizabeth laughed and said. “I heard you can’t
make it tonight?”
“O come on Elizabeth, you know I am a busy
man.” He laughed
“Too busy to have lunch with me?”
“That never. But I don’t think we can get a
reservation at this time… Do you still have
your magic t©uçh, when it comes to that?” He
“I still do. Meet me at 13:00 at the
Pompadour.” She laughed.
The two of them met at exactly that time and
hvgged each other. They went over to their
table and started talking about all kinds of
things when suddenly another man entered the
“Ah, Mr. McGregor!” Moreno said happily. “I
seem to have found an old employee of yours.”
Elizabeth stiffened as she felt his pres£nce
behind her.
“Mr. Moreno it’s nice to see you again.
Elizabeth.” He gave a curt nod to Elizabeth as
he walked around her and over to Moreno.
The two of them shook hands and spoke for a
second in hushed voices before he went over
to his own table.
Elizabeth shifted awkwardly as Moreno turned
to talk to her again. After they finished lunch
and Moreno had promised her he would be at
the gala tonight she went back to work.
The rest of the day seemed to be quite normal
and uneventful until around eight o’clock.
Elizabeth was sitting on her couch when the
phone rang once more.
“Elizabeth! I’m at the hospital, Jack was in an
accident! I can’t go to the gala.” She yelled.
“Calm down Nat! Stay with him and forget
about the gala! I’ll fix it!” She said.
“No Elizabeth, I can’t ask that of you! I… I…
just don’t know what to do…” She said
breathing heavily.
“I know saying this usually doesn’t help, but
calm down. I’ll take care of it, stay with Jack.
It will be alright.”
“Alright…” Natalie breathed, “Thank you.”
Elizabeth sighed as she put down the phone.
How am I gonna find that man a d@t£ to show
to the c@m£ras?

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