Our new driver Episode 9 & 10

🚗Our new driver 🚙
👙I must have him to se-x👙
Episode 9..💖
By :V»Praise.✍️
[First day at work]
Wilson’s POV 🎀
I Scrutinized the well fashioned sitting room with couch and wall curtains matched in silver color. Like I’ve not been there. I stood like a stranger waiting for an order before I seat.
“Mr Wilson, you can have your seat” said madam Felicia staring at me as if she wants to eat off me.
“plea-se in other to save my time, I here by proclaim Wilson as our new driver 🚙” Mr Bernard said at once and I buried my face in nervousness. I was de-eply excited to have a new job. ‘A driver’ damn that, I don’t care. I’m gonna actualize my dreams throu-gh it. I yelled at my mocking thought..
“Mr Wilson you’re welcome to our humble home. Feel free at home and plea-se don’t hide your dismay from us. Take us as your family and we shall accept you as our own son. Although our only son is out of state. He is currently in USA studying law. He will return on his next vacation. ” Madam Felicia concluded.
I was kinda shy and was thinking otherwise.
“Thank you madam, I appreciate your care for me” I said.
“Let me not forget in hurry, my only daughter Marthina. I am sure you have met her before and had a brief introduction. So nee-d I w@!st time talking of lengthy..” Mr Bernard added.
I looked at marthina her daughter and she was wi-dely smiling.
“Thanks to you all. The God almighty will bless you for helping me” I said almost going on my knees.
“It’s okay, plea-se don’t say such. The word of God said ‘Give and it shall be given unto you’ . So relaxe. I know you of a good virtue do your work well as it plea-ses me and I shall uplift you. For now you’re a driver but tomorrow you might be what God wants you to be.” Mr Bernard complimented.
“Thanks Sir”. I said gratefully..
“I will be leaving you for now to the office take care.” He said.
“Daddy one more thing”! Marthina said calling back his attention.
“What’s that?” He asked
“Just a pe-ck” She said wi-dely smiling.
“Marthina! Why are you delaying your dad for Christ sake his late for work alre-ady.” Madam Felicia muttered.
“plea-se let her be, come on pe-ck daddy dad’s pride.” Mr Bernard said. He look cool when joking..
Marthina rushed over to him and pe-cked him. They both smiled and dep@rted.
I thought it was better I drop him off at the office. I will show good of me if do that first day at work.
“Hmm, sir can I drop you at the office?” I requested.
“Oh, no plea-se relax I can do that for my self maybe tomorrow you might do that beside this is your first day at work.” He responded.
I wanted to insist but madam Felicia cut in.
“Hey Mr Wilson, let him do that today, tommorow you commence work.” She said.
“Oh, yes dear, tomorrow you commence. Good bye sweetie” Mr Bernard said waving at marthina as he exit from the room.
I exhaled and sat back to my heel.
“Once again, welcome Wilson to home.. Hmmm,, I will like you to follow me so I can show you some places here” Madam Felicia.
“Ok madam” without a word a said and followed her outside.
“Wilson plea-se if you are done, meet me inside my room, I will be expecting you. I’m finding it ha-rd to solve a p@rticular arithmetic t©pic.” Marthina said without caring if her mum was at stand.
“Hey marthina come closer did I hear you say going inside? You sluggishly woke up, eat, and now you want to go back inside. Did you care to know who prepared the breakfast you took? Before I blink my eyes go the kitchen and clean it up.” She yelled at marthina.
That say was stupid to me. She is inviting me to her in her mum pres£nce. Stupid indeed..
“Mum, I’m not going to do that, it’s your duty as a house wife” she yelled back at her mother and annoyingly walked upstairs murmuring.
“I can see you’re growing winds in this house, I will help breath them for you. You want a man to visit you in your room. Are you crazy? Or something? Don’t worry I tell that to your dad when he returns..”
“Do your worst” she talked back at her mother.
That’s not good of her she has shown me who she is within a few minutes.
“Can you see what a daughter of mine is turning into? Hmmm, Wilson don’t mind my words let’s move round like I said before” she said coming closer. She leaned on me and placed her hand on my che-st. Move it round and k!ss😘 me… She moved me with just a k!ss. I vibr@ted and felt the plea-sure down on di-ck.. ‘this woman is damn crazy’
We moved out to the car port. Wow!! All the cars are big hills. The first one I looked at vividly was a black range Rover and followed two other flashy and clas-sic br@nd.
“Here are our cars. This black range Rover belongs to me also you.. This is for marthina” said pointing out to de-ep blue Toyota Tacoma. “And this was the one I was using before my husband bought range Rover. “She said pointing to Peugeot 406. “WOW! It’s all nice” I added in cool Voice. I got marveled when she said that the range Rover stand belongs to her and I. What does she mean by that. Well let me not be in haste. Everything she has in mind must come to reality..
“Now let’s move on to the Garden where I do take rest and cool morning breeze. Hope you don’t mind” she asked.
“Sure! I’m okay with that” I added shyly.
We reached out to a very beautiful setting of cute flowers of different varieties and scents. Seat where arranged in two different corner of the setting decorated with clas-sic fineries. It was suit right behind the house and there is an entrance from the main building..
“This is place of my rest with my husband and other family friends. Have a seat. ” She asked me to seat and I did. The woman was really friendly.. she started staring at me and I noticed it buried my face down in shy. I guess she was having some dirty thought against me..
Madam Felicia POV 💕.
I’m really damn h0t un-der here. I wish this dude will bleep me down. svçkoff my we-t and make light in weight. I really enjoyed him yesterday. He very strong, large and long. I can’t avoid that ploude. I kept my gaze on him straight and noticed he was hiding his face. Well is a shy guy but I will drone on him before my husband returns..
plea-se can you help me out in my room? I asked as to break the long silence.
“Hmm, why not.” He replied immediately.
You’re such a nice guy. I really love you.
“Thanks ma” he replied.
I walked to him k!$$£d him so pas-sionately. He resisted at first.
“Ma’am plea-se I don’t like this” he said.
“Why? Am I not h0t enough to be k!ss?” I asked se-ductively.
“It’s not like that but..” I cut in.
“But what? I asked and covered hisl-ips with mine and k!$$£d him. he reciprocated immediately and it lasted for some minutes before we p@rted and left the scene and headed to my room in the main building. There I will melt on him..
Marthina’s POV 💕.
I angrily went to my room and slumped into the be-d and sat on my pillow against the wall. I can’t even imagine what mum was up to. She is trying to snatch Wilson away from me but that is impossible. Wilson is mine. I thought of his h0t b©dy and well structured abs before I got flashed by a thought.
“Look down throu-gh the window” I did that immediately and saw mum in a ti-ght k!sswith Wilson. I know as-s-hole. That is all she want in her miserable life..
Gush,, mum is a who-re.
🚗Our new driver 🚙
👙I must have him to se-x👙
Episode 10..💖
By :V»Praise.✍️
Wilson’s POV 🎀
We Walked in hand-chain into the house 🏠.
I was damn surge with different thought while she wra-pped her f!ngersover mine fondling…….
“Why does this woman want me so much?” It’s a great taboo to commune with her continuously. She married….
She’s such desperate to have me…
“You’re quiet anything the matter?” She asked as she noticed discomfort in my eyes.
“I’m absolutely great but I feel I don’t feel too strong.” I replied trying to deviate from having on be-d.
“plea-se don’t be, let’s go upstairs to my room I have a package for a you.” She said. I was wondering what it might if not S-x…
“Ok then” I replied with a smile and went to her room..
“plea-se don’t be shy to express towards me. Take me as your girlfriend and I will have your de-sire done.” She said.
My girlfriend? How on Earth will I keep this old br@t as a girlfriend rather sugar momma..
“Ok madam”I replied with smile pretending.
She began to undo her pink t©p made with exotic fabric.
I watched as she struggled with it. It was so ti-ght.
“Can you help me undo it plea-se” she requested.
Without Hasting I quic-kly str!pped it off and then D cu-p shape of her br@ was rendered staring at me..
She was smiling wi-dely.
She drastically and ro-mantically str!pped off her Sk-irt and her blue paint was in sight. It was in a matching color with the br@ she wore.
‘This woman was something else while she was young.” Mind sprouted evilly. She’s not that old and she had a well structured shape. She’s the ever-young type. Fair in complexion and sweet public scents. Her bo-ob s were still standing though she was a mother of two.. I was kinda falling for her. She was mas-saging her pvzzywith her f!ngersrendering her to m0@n . She was still standing. She was s£dûç!ng me to meet her demand….
She c@m£ closer and placed her hand on my che-st fondling it.
“Thanks very much, plea-se just my br@ so I can be free from this prickly pear” she demanded.
I was not in the mood to fv¢k her though I was alre-ady ha-rd un-derneath. My d!¢k was strong enough trying to f0rç£ it way out of my jeans 👖 trou-ser. My erection wasn’t visible because of the ti-ghtness of the jeans..
“Ma, I think I should check out on marthina she requested to see me earlier.” I said at once because I was no longer comfortable with her doings. S-x she craved for!
“Why? Don’t you like me? Or are you trying to choose marthina over me?” She asked in vex.
“Not like that, just that I don’t want to do this again. It is unfair. Cheating on your husband can cause domestic violence” I said trying to convince her…
“Come on!, Give it to me. I can’t avoid your d!¢k. That’s the main reason I employed you to work as my Driver 🚙. Forget about my husband, I married him and I have him un-der my control” she said still persisting me to fv¢k.
Marthina’s POV 💕
I know my mum to be d!¢k mania. She deliberately took that dude inside to have can-alknowledge of her.. I think it’s time I report her to dad but he won’t listen to me.
Why will she not let Wilson be for me? I really love him and wish to marry him…
I will go straight and spoil things for her. She must not fv¢k that guy today.
God why?…Why will you give me an as-s-hole as a mother. I hate her and I most fight for my libr@tion..
I angrily went out for her room and I could hear both of them locked up in an argument. I wonder what it was. They st©pped and silent reigned for while and later followed m0@n ing…
That slut is m0@n ing..
What should I do to st©p them? They are about S-x..
‘Scream!’ yeah scream and pretend as if you hurt your legs.” My thought ban-ged evilly…
I gently l@ydown and shouted and cried out loud.
“My leg…..My leg!!!”
Wilson’s POV 🎀.
We got locked in a ti-ght k!ssafter I fell into her arms se-duction… She was half n-ked pushing her b©dy over me hungrily.. I buried my face in n£¢k and k!$$£d it so well while her was inside my bo-xer p@n-t mas-saging my d!¢k. “You’re so hvge” she said and I thanked her. I continued k!ss!ngher down to her bo-ob s. I made them got stiff by k!ss!ngthe n!ppl!s ro-mantically. I almost have it all in my mouth and it choked me..
All of a sudden we heard a scream. Marthina screamed so loud. I guess she noticed we are about to have S-x so she’s trying to distract us.
“plea-se ma, let me who was that” I said and dis£ngaged from the as-sociation.
“No, let her be she’s up to something. Like to distract us….