oppa you’re my everything batch 20

Oppa! You’re My Everything ?
[A Ko-rean Love Story]
? Episode Forty-two ?

? Hyuna’s POV ?
{JP Building, Gangnam Province, Seoul}

I whistled happily as I walked out of dance clas-s, as I walked I would st©p occasionally to copy a few steps that the teacher showed us. I stretched and yawned hungrily, I didn’t have breakfast today because I was thinking about Mia and her threats. I’ve actually been losing sleep over it, I would stay up at night thinking of what to do because I’m caught in the middle and I’m so confused.
On one hand, I’m scared of what she’ll do to me if I don’t obey her and stay away from Oppa
But on the other hand, I love Oppa so damn much that I’m willing to give up my life for him.

I sighed tiredly and bit myl-ip, still in thoughts. You know what?fu-ck Mia, I love Oppa and I definitely won’t be able to stay away from him. So I’m going to have to follow my heart which is telling me to run to Oppa, hvg him and k!sshim until I’m out of breath.
I giggled and blu-shed as I remembered how he had tried to k!ssme in the hallway despite the fact that I was ba-refooted and sweaty.

But wait, what if we hadn’t gotten interrupted by Mia, Oppa would have k!$$£d me and I would have finally had a first k!ss. I have never been k!$$£d before, neither have I k!$$£d anyone so I don’t even know how to do it properly. If Oppa were to k!ssme, I would probably end up b!tt!g hisl-ips or something like that.
Gosh, that would be so embarras-sing! Imagine a simple girl like me from a humble home b!tt!g thel-ips of a mega Idol like Oppa…….. I won’t be able to survive the embarras-sment that I will feel ??

I know what I’ll do….. I’ll just make sure that he never k!sses me so that that way, he’ll never know how much of a terrible k!ss£r that I am. Yes, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

I sighed and walked towards an elevator that would take me to the first floor where I would go home from after. As I approached the elevator, someone suddenly gr@bb£d my hand and pu-ll-ed me into a room. It all happened so fast, I didn’t even have time to flin-ch or scream and the next thing I knew, I was staring into a pair of beautiful eyes, my che-st pressed against his………….Oppa ??

? Baekhyun’s POV ?

I gazed into her pretty eyes, my hands wra-pped around her w@!st and her che-st pressed against mine. This has become my favourite place; having her close to me like this is something that I’ll never get tired of. I leaned in slowly and tea-sed herl-ips with mine by slightly brushing mine over hers but without k!ss!ngit. Herl-ips smelled like chocolate and I was tem-pted to k!ssthem but I resisted and continued teasing her.
I felt her heart beat fas-ter and even more fas-ter when I placed a k!sson her right cheek then on her left one, I moved lower, ignoring herl-ips for now and going for her chin.

I k!$$£d and bit it slowly and she g@sped and m0@n ed. She was shaking violently now and I pu-ll-ed back and met her gaze
“Are you scared?” I asked in a whisper
“N…….No, I…… I’m not” She stuttered and I smiled

She’s definitely scared ? I can tell that she’s not used to things like this. She’s probably never k!$$£d before.
I slowly withdrew my hands and let go of her w@!st and I can swear that I heard her heave a sigh of relief
Why? Is she scared of me? Or maybe she doesn’t want me to t©uçh her or k!ssher ??

I ignored my thoughts and flashed her a smile
“How are you?” I asked and she smiled nervously
“I…. I’m fine. I wasn’t expecting to see you today, you scared the cra-p out of me. I thought I was being gr@bb£d by a kidnapper or a S-xual per-vert” She said and I sank to the floor in laughter ??
“I’m so sorry….. I didn’t mean to scare you” I managed to say after laughing and she giggled and settled down on the floor too
“It’s alright. Why did you come by to the agency today?” She asked and I sighed
“Well, award season is coming up next week so I’m preparing for it. I just finished with a meeting I held with my dancers and I only have 2 hours to spend with you before I have to go and get measured” I replied and she blu-shed

“You……. want to spend time with me?” She asked still blu-shing and I smiled.

I really love the way she blus-hes ?

“Yes, because I want to get to know you since you have refused to call me even after I gave you my number” I said glaring at her pla-yfully and she giggled
“You’re laughing! So you’re not sorry for ghosting me!” I g@sped out in mock shock and she laughed ha-rder
“No, no, it’s not that. I’m actually really sorry. The truth is that I’ve been really nervous about doing it because I honestly don’t know what I’ll say if I call you. I’ll probably just end up speaking gibberish” She uttered and I chuckled

“Do you want to know a really weird secret?” I asked after a while and she nodded
“I’m starving!” I blurted and she giggled
“You didn’t have breakfast?” She asked still giggling
“C’mon….. seriously?? I had breakfast by o8:00AM and this is noon!” I replied with wi-de eyes and she laughed

The sound of her laughter is like music to my ears ?

“Yeah…… you’re right. I’m so sorry” She said after managing to st©p herself from laughing
“You must be hungry too…. let’s get something to eat. I can book the eatery here in JP so we’ll have some alone time” I offered and she hesitated

Why do I feel like she’s scared of being alone with me?

? Hyuna’s POV ?

I bit my l!pand dallied for a while. Should I agree and go with him? Alone? What if he tries to k!ssme again?…. then there will be no escape or excuse for me
No…… I can’t go…… even though I haven’t eaten anything and I’m starving but I still can’t go

“Umm no ….. I’m not hungry” I lied and he blinked

$h!t, I can’t believe I’m saying no to him because of my stupid fear of messing up with k!ss!ng?

“Are you sure?” He asked and I nodded
“Yes I’m sure” I replied and just as I completed my s£ntence, my stomach rumbled loudly

I bent my head in embarras-sment, $h!t! I’m so busted ?

Oppa chuckled and I sighed
“Yes, I can see that you’re not hungry…. infact, I can hear it” he said with a hint of sarcasm and I sl@pped my forehead as he chuckled. Then he stood up
“It doesn’t matter if you’re hungry or not….. I’m taking you with me anyway” He uttered and before I could say; “Jack” he reached out and scooped me up in a bridal style. I g@sped and shimmied but it was no use, I was definitely not getting out of this that easily ??

“You’re lighter than you look” He remarked with a sm-irk and walked out of the room with me in his arms

There’s no way I’m getting out of this

He carried me all the way until we got to a glas-s door, he pushed it open with his leg and carried me inside. The place looks like a normal eatery with the comfy red couch-like chairs and tables. The whole place was empty so it’s probably going to be just the two of us
He gently put me down and made me sit on one of the couches
“See? …….. that wasn’t so ha-rd ” He said with a chuckle and I rolled my eyes pla-yfully at him while he laughed ha-rder and sat beside me.

He reached out and gr@bb£d the menu that was placed on the table
“So what will you have?” He asked handing me the menu
“I’ll have whatever you’ll have” I replied with a shrug and he smiled
“Awwww that’s so cute” he tea-sed and I giggled.

I still can’t believe I’m sitting next to him and I’m about to have lunch with him. I hope I don’t embarras-s myself with my bad table manners cause I’ve been told many times that I’m a messy eater

A woman who looked like she was probably around her early twenties walked up to our table smiling,
“Good day sir…..may I take your orders?” She said smiling at Oppa. She didn’t even acknowledge my pres£nce ?
“Umm, yes Sandy, we’ll take the Jumbo meal for two if you know what I mean” Oppa replied wi-nking at her and she giggled like a little girl before scurrying away to get the Jumbo meal or whatever

“Did you bring me here to eat or just so you can flir-t with the waitress?” I asked Oppa with mock anger
“Jealous much?” He tea-sed nudging me gently
“Oh plea-se….. you wish. I just want my food. When I get it then you can get married to Sandy or whatever her name is” I said and he bur-st out laughing
“Woww….. I guess you’re going to be one of those cute but really jealous girlfriends” He remarked
“Of course I’ll be jealous especially if I’m d@t!ngyou” I uttered
“And why is that?” He asked and I stared at him in disbelief and shock
“Are you seriously asking me that? Have you ever looked in a mirror? Maybe you haven’t that’s why you don’t know how irresistible you are” I said and he chuckled
“Awwww thanks babe” He uttered and pe-cked my cheek while I blu-shed and giggled

Our food later arrived and we ate and talked, I told him more about myself and he also told me a few stories from his childhood. I ended up having so much fun with him and now I’m definitely sure that I’ll never be able to do what Mia told me to do

I can’t stay away from My Everything ??



I honestly don’t know where I got the strength to write this really long episode ??

I hope you enjoyed it

Someb©dy should warn Hyuna o
Mia is not as harmless as she seems