Oceane episode 27

💋 My Señorita 💋
Author Viola
Lose burned with rage as she re-ad the headline.
“I should’ve known” she sl@pped the table and Manon sm-irked
“I was also wondering how all these were happening un-der your nose” Manon said
“But Océane…” Lise cut herself “No, she’s leaving my house”
“Let’s wait till they return, it might not be what we’re thinking” Manon said pretentiously
“Whatever the case night be, I despise gold diggers”
Manon sm-irked as she sipped from her wine. Things were going as she planned.
“we’re home” Kyle said as they driver home in the car Rodriguez had s£nt to pick them from the beach. Océane wasn’t really happy, she was going to miss everything about them.
“I can’t wait to see Maeva” Océane managed to say “and Adele”
Kyle pu-ller her closet and leaned on her shoulder.
“Thanks for the food in the sh!p, it really meant a lot to me”
“It’s nothing”
Kyle looked up at her “that’s what you think”
They arrived at the mansion and the quads were alre-ady waiting outside.
“Hermano mayor?!” The squealed then Maëlle, Maëlys, and Maryse raced to the car while Maeva remained on her wheelchair.
“Océane?!” Maeva called out when Océane got down from the car
“I missed you so much” Océane walked to Maeva and carried her in her arms.
The trio jumped on Kyle and they almost fell but he held them firmly.
“We missed you hermano mayor” Maëlle said
“I missed you all” Kyle said and k!$$£d their cheeks before walking to meet Maeva.
“Hello Kyle’s beautiful angel” he called Maeva and she giggled buy he was actually referring to Océane who was with her
“Hermano mayor I thought I’ve lost you”
“you never will” he said and k!$$£d her on her forehead
“Madre?!” Maëlle called running into the mansion “Kyle us back”
“Really?” Lise walker out of the kitchen
“Madre?!” Kyle beamed at Lise as he wheeled Maeva into the living room
“my son” Lise called him as a tear escaped her eyes
“our son” Maeva corrected and they laughed
“Good evening ma” Océane greeted and Lise sh0t her a glare
“what’s wrong madre?” Kyle noticed
Lise faked a smile “Nothing” then hvgged Océane “am happy you’re okay. Adele was so worried”
“Kyle?!” Lovane called as she joined them
Kyle glanced at Océane who signalled him to act normal.
“Am happy you’re both alive” Lovane said
“I’ll go join Adele in the kitchen” Lise said and walked out
“Hi Lovane” Océane greeted
“Océane?!” Lovane huffed her “I was really scared something must have happened to you
Océane faked a smile “am okay” then she walked into the kitchen and hvgged Adele from behind
“Océane?!” Adele called
They hvgged then Adele examined her “I hope you’re okay”
“Am okay Adele”
“It’s a good thing you’re okay. Now come join us in cooking there’s a lot of works to be done” Lise seethed
“But she just returned and….”
“She said she’s fine Adele” Lise interrupted Adele “and besides what’s her work here? nee-d I remind you that she’s a maid?”
“It’s okay Adele, am fine” Océane
“Good! Now chop those carrots into small pieces” Lise instructed
Adele glanced at Océane with pity. She couldn’t un-derstand why Lise had just turned to hate Océane.
Océane took a knife from the knife knife block then carried the bowl or carrots to the counter and St at the chopping them on the chopping board. Océane was really tired and nee-ded to rest. The little time she had to rest in the sh!p, she had used it to cook for Kyle.
“Be careful” Adele warned Océane who wasn’t concentrating on the carrots she was chopping.
Océane have a wry smile and suddenly yelped in pain. The knife had cut her f!nger.
Lise huffed loudly and threw the carrots Océane had chopped into the trash can.
“Start all over again and this time no mistakes. I don’t want my meal spiced with blood. Am no vampire”
“I’ll chop the carrots while you gently poach the salmon fillets” Adele told Océane when she finished washing her bleeding f!nger in the faucet.
“What’s taking Océane so long?” Kyle asked when Océane was taking long in the kitchen
“you nee-d some rest. you shouldn’t be worrying about Océane now, she’s fine” Lovane said
Kyle ignored Lovane and turned to Maryse “Go check what she’s doing in the kitchen”
Maryse ran into the kitchen and returned shortly “she’s cooking”
“Why?” Kyle stormed into the kitchen and got infuriated on seeing Océane poaching salmon fillets “what are you doing here Océane?”
“She’s doing her job” Lise replied instead
“Her job?” Kyle scoffed and faced Océane “don’t you ever get tired?”
“Kyle she gets paid for it. Why should she get tired?” Lise seethed
Kyle ignored her and dragged Océane out of the kitchen.
“you should let me work. I don’t want them to get mad at me” Océane protested as he dragged her up the stairs
“Shut up Océane” he dragged her into his room and shut the door “how much do you get paid?”
“I… I… don’t know” Océane stuttered almost in tears. She was really scared of Lise.
“Don’t lie to me”
“I really don’t know” Océane bur-st into tears
Kyle yanked her forward and hvgged her “am sorry” he patted her hair “I don’t want you to go throu-gh stress. I know you’re tired”
Océane sniffled and nodded.
Kyle took her hand and led her to the be-d. “Does mom treats you bad?”
Océane shook her head “no”
“would you like to go with me?”
Océane stared at him for a while the shook her head.
“I don’t want to leave you here” Kyle said
“I don’t want to leave Maeva and Adele”
Kyle nodded then looked down at her f!nger and saw the cut in her f!nger that was still bleeding lightly.
“What happened to your f!nger?”
“An fine Kyle, it doesn’t hurt anymore”
Kyle pressed the cut and it bled more. Océane took herl-ips into her mouth to prevent herself from crying out in pain.
“you shouldn’t have joined them in cooking, you just returned”
“it’s nothing. After all I cooked for you in the sh!p”
“Did mom f0rç£ you to?”
“No” Océane lied
“what if she did and you’re lying to me”
“she didn’t. I volunteered”
“Volunteered?” Kyle scoffed then la-id on the be-d “go lock the door”
“I can’t stay in here, Adele warned me not to come in here”
“The room is mine, I decide who comes in”
Océane got up “I can’t” she stated adamantly “your door is my limit”
“Océane don’t be stubborn” Kyle yanked her back to the be-d “I have just today and I’ll return to my mansion. We won’t see again till Sunday and that’s in three days time”
“Okay” Océane said weakly. She feared for the loss of her job. She had nowhere to go from there.
“Mom is being mean to you right?”
“I know her when she doesn’t like someone”
“she’s really friendly to me. I was just doing my job”
Kyle sighed. He knew exactly what he meant but Océane didn’t un-derstand or she was pretending not to.
“promise me one thing Océane”
“what is it?”
“That whatever happens am going to be the first to know”
“I don’t un-derstand”
Kyle smiled wryly “I know you wouldn’t but just promise me”
Océane gazed at the ceiling thoughtfully but said nothing.
Kyle rolled over on his side and la-id facing her.
“what are you thinking about?” he asked
“a lot of things”
“do you mind sharing?”
“They’re personal”
“I don’t k!ssand tell”
“I know but…. ” she trailed off
“is it about my family?”
“it’s about me”
she nodded
“Let’s just say I should be the only one who knows” she replied with a smile
“so you aren’t going to promise me?”
“I promise. Whatever happens, you’ll be the first to know”
“I just wish I didn’t have to go or you could come with me” Kyle said
“I guess of wishes were horses beggars would ride”
“come work for me instead”
“No” Océane snapped
“Why? How much do you get paid here?”
“I don’t know”
“I’ll pay you double of whatever they pay you here”
“I’ll triple your pay”
“I’ll get you a car”
“a mansion”
Lise was furious after Kyle left with Océane. She abandoned the cooking and stormed to her room. Her anger rose at the sight of the newspaper on the be-dside table.
“So it’s true” she picked the newspaper and to-re it into shred
“Lise?!” Adele knocked on the door
“What do you want?” Lise snarled
“Rodriguez is back”
Lise swallowed her anger and walked out of the room with a fake smile plastered on her face. Kyle and Rodriguez were talking when she entered the room but Océane wasn’t pres£nt.
After dinner that night, Kyle remained in the living room waiting for the others to go to be-d so he would spend time with Océane but Lise wouldn’t go that be-d.
Even after Rodriguez went to be-d, Lise still remained in the living room with Kyle and Lovane while Océane was doing the dishes in the kitchen. Lovane was also waiting for Lise to go to be-d so she would talk with Kyle.
Lise yawned sleepily and glanced at the clock radio that was on the table. It re-ad 11:50 pm.
“Kyle you should go to be-d. you must be really tired” Lise said
Kyle glanced at the kitchen door. Océane wasn’t out yet and Lovane had fallen asleep on the arm chair.
“you should go to be-d Madre, I still have a lot of movies I missed to watch” Kyle lied
“you’d be leaving tomorrow right?” Lise asked
“Yes. As early as I do”
“you should take a break from work”
“I’ve got lots of work to do in the company”
“I know. And you’ll be going with your maid right?” Lise asked referring to Lovane
Kyle glanced at the slee-ping Lovane “she should stay and work for you. Océane and Adele shouldn’t do the entire work”
“we were able to manage only Adele when Océane wasn’t here so we’ll be okay with the both of ’em. You nee-d a servant too”
“I don’t nee-d Lovane, she’s lazy but Océane is a workaholic”
Lise frowned “we’ll keep the three of ’em. You know I hate lady people and Maeva really loves Océane.”
“I un-derstand but I can manage alone. I’ll always been alone” Kyle said. If it wasn’t going to be Océane, then Lovane was of no use.
Lise yawned repeatedly. She couldn’t control the sleep anymore “am off to be-d” she walked sluggishly up the stairs
Kyle got up and ti-p toed into the kitchen. Océane was fast asleep on the breakfast bar. He sat on a stool beside her and watched her sleep with his hand supporting his head on his jaw.
Kyle dragged her ear but she didn’t wake.
He fondled her cheeks and she stirred but didn’t wake.
Kyle leaned forward and k!$$£d her gently on herl-ips but she still didn’t wake.
He got up and carried her into his arms bridal style out of the kitchen. She opened her eyes and he signaled her to be quiet then carried her past Lovane into his room.
“Why did you bring me in here?” Océane asked when he dropped her on the be-d and went to lock the door
“it’s 12 midnight, I didn’t stay up for nothing” Kyle said then locked the door and joined her on the be-d.
Océane recalled Adele’s words when they were doing the dishes that night.
“… you have to avoid Kyle. Lise suspects there’s something going on between you two and she’s not going to condone it. She wants Ninon for him and besides, you have to maintain an employee and employer relationsh!p….”
“I have to go” Océane said and proceeded to get up from the be-d.
“who’s scaring you away from me?” Kyle dragged her back
“no one. I have to go to be-d now, it’s late alre-ady” Océane said and struggled to free herself from Kyle’s grip
“you promised to tell me whatever happens”
“Nothing is happening”
“Océane you can’t lie to me”
“… if Lise ever sees you with Kyle then she’s going to s£nd us out. I have no money, no house, nor friend, nor relative here in Mexico. The Hernández are my only hope”
“don’t you get paid?” Océane asked
“Just a little allowance, there no cash payment. The payment is the room and food we get here and we can’t lose them”
“I shouldn’t be here. We can’t be seen together” Océane stated
“where did all these come from? You never bothered our being together, did mom threaten you?”
“No. But I know my limits as a worker here. Am just a maid” a tear escaped her eyelids and Kyle’s grip loos£ned “am sorry but back in the island isn’t here. We were stranded but here– am your…. ”
“don’t say it again” Kyle cut in “I don’t see you as that”
Océane swallowed a lump in her throat “but it’s the truth”
Kyle heaved a de-ep sigh, staring into space wordlessly.
“I have to go now” Océane got up to her feet
“Do as it plea-ses you” Kyle said doubting that she would leave but she did. Kyle watched her walk out of the door and a tear slid down his cheek. 😢