My shining star episode 25 & 26


(Crazy Love From A Crazy Girl)




” Kansamida ” Claire thanked the driver as she got down from the car with a bow and watched as he drove off

” How about I go pay Anna a visit?” She thought before walking toward their house

The guards recognized her as Anna’s friend and allowed her in

She rang the doorbell and a maid opened the door

” Welcome miss Claire ” She said with a bow and Claire bowed in return

She entered and could hear some laughter and she smiled

” Such a happy home unlike my b©yfri£nd’s” She thought and shook her head at her craziness

She entered and her smile faded as she saw Naomi sitted in between King’s parents and they seemed to be in a happy discussion

” They were so happy I was coming back” Naomi said with a smile

” And we’re happy you’re back” Mrs Collins ( May) said

” But am more happy” Kings replied as he walked out of the kitchen

” Yeah whatever” His dad replied

” Claire?” She heard a voice and they all turned to her

Her eyes met with Naomi and she looked away

” You c@m£?,, Have been waiting all day,, so how did it go??” Anna asked her

” It went well” She said with a smile

” I can see you too are getting on well” May said as she walked over to them

” Yes mom,, we’re now best of friends” Anna said with a smile and Claire Chuckled

” Is this Claire??” Andre ( Mr Collins) asked

” Yeah” Kings replied

” I never asked you, focus on your girlfriend” Andre snapped and Claire chuckled

” Ok dad” Kings replied before walking over to Naomi who seems uncomfortable

” My daughter have said lots about you and am grateful to you for changing her” Andre said with a smile

” My plea-sure” Claire replied with a smile

” Are you guys re-ady now??” May asked and Claire turned to her confused

” The dinner,, you guys are to be here for dinner, I invited your mom” May said,, looking at her weirdly

” Yeah,, we’ll be here,, by 7, right??” Claire asked nervously

” Yeah” She replied and Claire took a glance at the time,, that’s 1 hour from now

” I’ll be right back” She said and took a glance at Naomi who kept stealing glances from her before walking away

” Babe,, are you okay??” Kings asked Naomi and she nodded nervously

” Why’re you feeling nervous??” He asked.

” Am not ” Naomi said

” I know when you’re nervous” Kings said and she looked away

” Is there something you’re hiding from me?” Kings asked and she turned to him

” What’d you mean??”

” You’ve been acting weird ever since you c@m£,, is there something you want to tell me?” Kings asked

” No,, nothing” Naomi said and looked away

Kings scoffed before turning her face to his

” You can’t even look at my face again,, why??” He asked but she kept mute

He smiled and held her hand

” If you’re having any problems,, know that I’ll be here for you” Kings said and k!$$£d her hand before walking upstairs to his room

Naomi sighed wondering how today’s dinner is going to be

Claire got home and as thought she met Her mom and Dennis preparing for the dinner

” Claire,, where were you??, You have to hurry up,, we’re going for a dinner night” Mia said and she smiled

” Noona,, which shi-t am I to wear??,, This or that??” Dennis asked,, showing her two pair of shi-t

” Idioi,, we’re going there for a dinner not a d@t£” Mia said as she hit him from behind and he winced

” Mom,, Naomi’s back” Claire blurted out and they turned to her

Dennis shi-t fell as a Result of the shock

” She’s back?” Mia asked and she nodded

” Yeah,, she’s going to be at the dinner” She continued

” How??”

” She’s actually Kings’ girlfriend,, so??, I think she lives there, I don’t know, but I saw her right now”

” You saw her?” Dennis asked

” Yeah,, we met and talked ” Claire replied as she gulped down a glas-s of water

” What did you tell her??” Mia asked

” To stay away from us” Claire replied and Mia nodded

” Good” She replied and walked away

” How’d she look like?” Dennis asked

” You’re going to see for yourself” Claire replied as she sat down

” She’d probably grown beautiful and matured like you” Dennis said with a smile and Claire turned to him

” Hey!!,, Stay away from her!!,, She’s not the same Naomi we knew,, she’s grown now and stupid” Claire replied,, hatefully before walking away angrily

Dennis sighed as she landed on the couch with a sigh







” No talking about any relations to Naomi,, okay??” Mia said as they were about to enter and Claire nodded while Dennis sighed

Mia turned to Dennis with a frown

” Have I made myself clear?” She said sternly and Dennis nodded

” Good” She said with a smile and finally, they entered

” Oh my!!,, They’re here” May gushed as she walked to them and hvgged them one by one

” How are you little boy?” She asked, pinching Dennis cheek

” Fine ma ” He replied with a bow

” You can come sit” May said and gestured them to the Dinning table and they a walked there

Claire was shocked as he saw the kent Family

Clair didn’t tell her that they would be coming

It looks like they’re shocked too

They all had their seat and Claire’s gaze met with Mr Kent and he stared at her for a while before looking away and she wondered why

” Where are the kids?” Dana asked May and she smiled

” They will be here soon” She replied

Claire’s gaze met with Clair and he win-ked at her and she blu-shed greatly before looking away

Goldwyn flashed Claire a smile which she returned

” Finally, they’re here” Mia said as Anna, Kings And Naomi walked downstairs

Kings locked hands With Naomi and she smiled as they walked to their seat

They sat down and after the greetings they all started eating

Dennis couldn’t take his eyes away from Naomi

She’s really changed

She looks happy now

She now has a b©yfri£nd

“Can’t believe her b©yfri£ndhas been living close to their house and she never bothered to st©p by,, How cruel” He thought hatefully and finally looked away

Mia saw this and signalled at him and he nodded with a smile

” So,, Naomi how’s mom and dad??” Dana asked, breaking the silence and Naomi looked up

She turned to Mia but she looked away and she sighed inwardly

” They’re fine” She Stuttered

” So,, any news about your real family?” Dana asked again and she almost choked on her food

” Here” Kings handed over a glas-s of water and she gulped it down

” Yeah,, they’re fine”She replied

” They are just fine,,, have you bothered to look for them?” Dana asked again

” Yes,, but I found nothing” She lied and Mia held her fist angrily including Claire while Dennis glared at her hatefully

” Do you mean no news about their whereabouts?” May asked

” Yeah,, I’ve searched everywhere for them…but…”

” Will you shut the hell up?!!” Dennis yelled angrily as he hit the table so ha-rd and they flin-ched

” I thought,, you were never given a chance to come back but it seems you never really wanted to come back,, we are right here in front of you!!,, But you still had the gut to lie in our face!!!….oh,, you never found us or you never bothered to??,, How cruel!!!,, Claire is right you’re stupid!! And from now on You’re not a p@rt of our family and will never be!!!,,have fun being Naomi Silver!!” Dennis spat angrily before storming away while the others stared in shock

Mia stood up angrily before walking away

Claire stood up and gave one hateful glance at Naomi who seemed out of the world

” Can’t believe I have a Stupid Twin sister like you” She said, slowly before walking away while the others stared on in shock

Clair stood up and ran after Claire

He caught her and held her hands

” Claire!!” He called and she hvgged him

The tears she’s been holding fell freely

She held on ti-ght to Clair, pouring her tears down



“It’s okay” Clair patted as Claire kept crying in his arms

Claire dis£ngaged and stared into his eyes

Clair cu-mpped her cheeks into his hands and stared de-eply into his eyes

” She’s your twin sister??” He asked and she nodded

” Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, slowly

” We promised mom not to talk about it” She replied, cleaning her tears

” Are you okay?”

” Yeah,, am fine,, but can we go somewhere else?” She asked and he nodded and they both walked to his car before driving off

Embarras-sed Naomi couldn’t look up as all eyes were on her,, she was actually in tears, she regretted everything she had said and done,, Their parents had gone alre-ady,, and the kids are left all alone

She finally gained courage and looked up, she turned to Kings who had a disappointed look on

” Kings…..” She tried to t©uçh me but he st©pped her by raising his hands up

” Don’t” He said with a scoff

” Everything that happened right here,, was it true??” He asked, slowly

” Yes…. But am really….” He cut her off as he stood up and walked upstairs, to his room and Naomi bur-st into more tears

Goldwyn and Anna sighed and they both stood up and walked to her

She looked up at them and cried more

” You guys…” She said and pu-ll-ed them both into a hvg

” Am really sorry,, I didn’t mean for all this to happen,, I know I did wrong,, I just want to apologize,, I just want them to accept me back…I didn’t mean to lie to your mom,, Claire asked me not to say a word to you guys,, I…”

” It’s okay,, it’s fine” Anna said as she patted her back

” You shouldn’t have lied in their front,, you should have at least said you don’t want to talk qbout it” Gold said and she nodded in guilt

” Yeah,, I shouldn’t,, I know that now,, but Kings….. he probably hates me now, he’s gon’ Break up with me,, I don’t want him to hate me,, I love him,, and mom,,,, my little brother,, he thinks am bad now,, he thinks am just a selfish sister,, ofcourse I am,, but can they just give me a chance to admit all my mistakes,, I….”

” It’s okay,, ok??….We are going to help you,, okay?? ” Anna said

” But….Kings”

” Am going to talk to him, he’s my brother,, I will talk to him,, okay?”

” You promise?”

” Yeah”

” You should come to my room ” Anna said and she nodded

” Are you slee-ping here tonight??”

” Yeah,, I can’t possibly go home this late” Gold replied

” You should sleep in your room” Anna said

” No,, it’s fine,, she can sleep with us”Naomi said

” Obviously,, I can’t sleep alone “Gold replied and Anna chuckled and they all walked to Anna’s room

” I don’t really have good slee-ping posture,, so.. beware” Gold said as she jumped on the be-d and Anna chuckled

” Guess I might nee-d an hammer” Anna muttered as she la-id gently beside her while Naomi la-id at the rear end

Gold spre-ad her legs so wi-de,, pushing them away and Anna sighed

Naomi couldn’t get enough sleep as she kept thinking about what happened tonight

” Am really sorry” She muttered





Clair carried slee-ping Claire in his arms and took her home

He knocked on the door gently and Mia opened the door

” Evening ma’am ” He greeted politely

” Oh,, thanks for bringing her home ” She said as she directed him to her room

Clair entered her room and dropped her gently on the be-d and covered her with the duvet

” Thanks,, and you must be her b©yfri£nd?” Mia asked and he nodded

” Thanks for taking care of her”

” It’s nothing ma,, it’s my duty” He said, politely and she smiled

” What’s your name?” She asked as he walked him to the door

” Clair” He replied and she raised her brow

” Without an *e* ” He replied and she chuckled

” Oh” She said and he smiled

” I hope to see you around again” She Said with a smile and he nodded

” Yes ma’am,, and about Naomi,, I know she made a mistake but I hope you’d forgive her soon” He pleaded and she smiled at how cute she is

” You’re cute,, and yeah,, we’ll ” She replied with a smile and Clair smiled in return and bowed before walking towards his car and he drove back to the Collins’ home

He knew better than anyone if he returns home, he’s going to meet them at home and that’s the last thing he wants

He walked in and no one was in,, guess they’re all asleep

He climbe-d upstairs and ti-ptoed to the girls room and they were fast asleep,, he chuckled at how Gold almost occu-pied the whole space and the rest were not comfortable

He was about to leave when Naomi called him

” Clair” She called, slowly and stood up

Guess she wasn’t really asleep,, I mean who would be comfortable slee-ping with Gold

” Hi” She muttered as she walked out of the room and Clair closed the door

Clair turned to her and could see the worried look on her face

” About what happened earlier,, I know it was my fault,, I admit everything,, but can you plea-se help me talk to Claire??, She’s your girlfriend and she loves you, can you plea-se tell her am sorry” Naomi said, guiltily

Clair sighed and moved closer to her

” I un-derstand,, and am going to talk to her and to your little brother,, am going to try,, ok?”

” Thanks” Naomi said with a sad smile and he nodded

” Actually,, I think Kingston hates me now,, and he’s your bestfriend,, can you tell him am sorry, and he should’t plea-se, break up with me” Naomi said, tearfullu and Clair sighed before pu-lling her into a hvg

” It’s fine,, he’s not going to break up with you,, he loves you, he’s just hurt and confused right now,, I’ll talk to him” Clair said and she dis£ngaged

” Thanks” She said, wiping her tears

” It’s nothing,, you should go and sleep now” Clair said with she nodded before walking in

Clair sighed before walking to Kings room

The door was locked

He knocked and got no reply but he knew he wasn’t asleep yet

” Kings,, it’s me” He said and he heard the door cli-ck open

He entered and he met him sitted,, his back facing him

He walked closer to him and sat down

” Why’re you doing this to yourself?” He asked, slowly but he looked away

” Dude, she’s sorry,, you’re right, she made a mistake,, she lied …..”

” You don’t get it,, do you ??…. We’ve been together for 3 years, right she told me she had another family,, but…I mean,, her family lives beside my home,, and she comes here everyday the ,, but she didn’t say a word,, I mean how heartless could she be,, she’s just really selfish and didn’t want to go back to them because she enjoyed living luxuriously ” Kings said

” See…”

” Clair,, you should stay out of this,, am not listening to any single word from anyone about her ” He said sternly and placed his headphones on and la-id on the be-d

Clair sighed before walking out of his room

He walked to his room,, he actually has a room in their house and they also have theirs








” Hey” Kings heard a voice and he opened his eyes slowly

” Anna” He called

” Hi” She replied with a smile

” You should get up now,, it’s dawn” She replied

” Am not going to school today” He said and she chuckled

” So, am I,, guess we all aren’t going to school today”

” What do you mean?” Kings asked as he got up

” Well, Clair went out with his girlfriend this morning,, they are also skipping school,, Goldwyn is still asleep,, the guys are here,,, I mean Chris and Xavier …and your girlfriend is still in her room, probably crying ” Anna said, glaring ha-rd at him

” What?” He asked and Anna hit his hand

” You should go and comfort her,, she’s really devastated and she nee-ds you most right now,, why’re you being a j£rk?”

” See,, if you’re here to talk about her,,forget it,, I made up my mind” Kings said and she scoffed

” What??,, You’re breaking up with her?”

” Yeah” He replied and she g@sped

