My priceless jewel finale

💖💖💖 My Priceless Jewel 💖💖💖💖
Written by Bukola Olayioye 💖💖💖
😍😍😍 Episode 21😍😍😍
Semi final episode

” you are joking, this girl is mine” prince Albert shouted
Prince Aryan walk up to him and he kicked him then his hands left chima then the prince carried him and
” She belong to me
You get that” he said and walk out of the scene with chima.
Prince Albert got up from the ground with his face showing that he is very angry. All the guards and maidens has left because he could take his anger on them expect for his personal guard.
” I am going to get that girl
By f0rç£ and by fire” he said and left angrily
” You nee-d to be careful of Albert. He is very dangerous as a snake. I will ti-ght£ñed the security around you. You nee-d to give me an answer as quic-k as possible”he said and walk out of Chima room
Chima fell flat on her be-d , she tossed to and fro on her be-d and didn’t know what to do.
” Tussle in the palace, two prince in love with the same girl
What is Sooo special about her that I don’t have.” Ella the unknown girl said
” So what are you going to do?” Ifeoma said
” I am going to put her place” Ella said
” She can’t be the queen of this palace” Ella said vehemently
” Ella st©p eyeing what you can’t have , ” Susan said
” Hey mind your business
Don’t come and put salt into my garri
Ewu” Ella rolled her eyes and hissed
” Hey don’t abuse me, what are you , you that look like an ugly amoeba , shapeless thing” Susan replied
Ella rushed to her and they began to fight

Chima step out a blue flaygo-wn wearing the jewel given to her by prince Aryan. Prince Aryan opened the car door for her and she step inside while prince Aryan followed suit. He kept staring at her throu-ghout the journey in car. The car st©pped at a shopping complex, chima and the prince step out of the car.
They entered , the attendants attend to him immediately
” Chima pick any clothes, wristwatch, shoes and so on you like”he said
” But they are….” The prince covered her mouth
The attendant took her to see some beautiful clothes and shoes, chima was admiring all those clothes checking them out when she remembered Chinedu. She let out a tears and her mood changed immediately. But she pick some few clothes and walk back to the prince
” This clothes are not beautiful enough for you. And you how can you allow her pick such clothes.
I think your products is up to standard. I know what to do
I will shut down this place since your product aren’t quality” he said and press his phone to call the supermarket owner
” Hello suzzy” he said

The heart of the attendant picked immediately and she kneeled with a pleading eyes

” Am sorry my prince I thought she is just nob©dy”
” Huh my wife is nob©dy. I have had enough of your insult. I will shut down this place” he said angrily
” My prince am sorry it is my fault. I was the one…” She said almost bur-sting into tears
” You aren’t happy right?’ ” he asked her
” No my prince am fine” she replied
” You made my Angel cry, you are going to suffer for this. ” The attendant started shedding tears
“Am sorry … plea-se don’t take my means of live hood I am the only one that feeds my family” she said
Chima pitied her” plea-se my prince forgive her” chima pleaded
“Okay get your best clothes and shoes here this moment” he ordered
The attendant rushed calling on other attendant to help her.
At cashier desk
An old woman stood pleading with the cashier, she was really hopeless and don’t know what to do.
” No you can’t go without paying the fee for this shoe that you child stole” he said
” plea-se am sorry he doesn’t nee-d the shoe again. He is just a small child”
” No we can’t accept this or else we will call the police on him that he stole”
The old woman brou-ght out all the money she has left and gave her.
” This money isn’t enough to pay for the shoe.” The cashier said
” plea-se my daughter have Mercy on me I am just an old woman. I will make sure I teach him better lessons next time” the old woman said
” I think I will call the police” she said
Chima ran to the scene in anger,
” How can you be Soo heartless
The child stole something alright but can’t you forgive him. He is just a small child. 5 years
plea-se for this old woman sake, forgive him” chima said
” Great I am heartless why don’t you paid for the shoe. Pokenoser” she said
Prince Aryan walked to the scene
” Hey how much is the money for the shoe?” He asked
” 25,000 naira” she replied
” Omg this is expensive” chima covered her mouth
The prince brou-ght out the money and gave it to the cashier
” Now apologized to the old woman” he said
” Am sorry” she said
Prince Aryan bend down a little bit
” Little time, next time you want something tell your grandmother , don’t give the woman a ha-rd time. Be contented okay” he said
” Am sorry uncle, I won’t do that again” he apologized
” Now apologized to your mum ” he said
The boy pu-ll his ears
” Am sorry” he said
” Thank you very much my prince
God bless you” the woman said
“Amen” he said
The attendants brou-ght the bags of clothes, shoes and jewelleries. Prince Aryan paid with his credit card and they left
” Who is he?” The prince asked
” What do you mean?” Chima asked
” The guy on the television. The one you saw his dead b©dy?” The prince asked

” He is my ex b©yfri£nd, Chinedu.” She replied
” Then why are you crying because of him?
Why are hurt because of him?” The prince asked
” No my prince you know he….died and….” Chima said stammering
” Did you forget I did psychology. Opps my bad, I didn’t tell you, I did psychology and I minored in sociology” he said

” I thought he loved me, I thought he is an angel but i got to know he is a snake un-der the green gras-s. I still can’t forget him, he is my first love and he did alot of things for me” chima said crying
Prince Aryan draw her nearer to his arms
” You are worth more than a gold
You are a priceless jewel
You are a lady , a beautiful one , you are queen , you are like an egg. You deserve love and you deserve happiness. ” He said to console her.
Chima walked to and fro in her room flashing back on the old woman words
” Destiny has brou-ght you and prince Aryan together but only if you can walk in the path that hurt. The wicked ones has done much harm than good and prince Aryan cannot get married.. ” the woman said
” Mama you speak in parables I don’t un-derstand,”
” If you can go to the Lion cave inside ogudu forest , only then you can get married to him. Otherwise the eyes that heals will turn to the eyes that hates
If you are willing meet me in the house maduokeke” the old woman said and left chima speechless

The ogudu forest itself is a no-go forest
Then how can I go the popular lion cave that swallows one alive.?

💖💖💖 My Priceless Jewel 💖💖💖💖
Written by Bukola Olayioye 💖💖💖

😍😍😍 Episode 21😍😍😍

Final Episode 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Chima began to think about it, she went throu-gh many sleepless nights in order to fathom the best solution. To a man that saves her life many times and made her feel like a girl again. She has been living here for two weeks now and she feels she has found her lost family with the care and love showed to her by four people
Queen mother

She made up her mind that if this will lead to death then she is re-ady, she went to the woman and the woman gave her a lamp which will help her to survive in the forest and the evil spirit won’t harm her. In the night, she prepared a drink for the guards as to celebr@te their ha-rd work. Then all of them fell asleep. She sneaked out and began her journey to the forest.she arrived at the cave.

The next morning, prince Aryan woke up to find the guards still slee-ping. He woke them up angrily and they all yawns
“Why are you guards slee-ping on duty”
” And where is Chima” he asked
” She is In her room” they said
The prince knocked on chima room but no one replied
He opened the door and met no one inside.
He searched throu-gh the room for her but couldn’t find her
” Chima” he shouted her name but no one answered
He walk back to the guards
” Where is Chima” he asked with a fierce voice
The guards couldn’t answer they were just trembling because they know he has gone into the room
” We will look for her” they said
” You better do cos if she is not found I will cut off your heads” he yelled and left
The guards dashed out in their numbers looking for chima yet she cannot be found.
Prince Aryan sat in his room thinking critically where chima could be, then an idea popped into his head
” What of if Albert kidnapped her?” He said and rushed out walking straight to the prince quarters with his gun.
” Albert” he called

Prince Albert c@m£ out of his room
” Where is Chima?
I know you kidnapped her
Where is she??” He asked yelling
” Calm down I didn’t kidnapped her. Don’t tell me you can find my love…..” Albert said
” She isn’t yours” Prince Aryan said
” Is this one of your tricks to get me out of this palace and to deny me access to my love. You were planning to elope with her?” Prince Albert asked and he drew his gun and point it to Prince Aryan
” Where is Chima?”
” St©p pretending you fool, you just told me your plans. Give me Chima or I shoot you right now” prince Aryan brou-ght out his gun
Prince Nkem saw everything and he rush to call on his father and the queen mother for help
They all rushed to the scene and pleaded with them. The two princes were stubborn but prince Albert father together with some chiefs were able to persuade them to drop their gun
Chima arrived the cave burning with fire but there are some bridges for her to walk on but the bridge is divided
” Welcome to the lion cave you are to answer three questions that will guarantee your safety”
“What comes twice in a week once in a month?” The unknown voice asked
Chima began to think carefully, twice in a week once in a month, then she remembered
” Letter E ” she said a
” Congratulations” then a bridge appeared for her to walk on
” Question 2
A boy fell off a 100 foot ladder. But he did not hurt. Why not?
” he was on the first step of the ladder,” chima replied
Then another bridge was brou-ght for her to step on
” Now the last question
What is the monthly rite done to every royal child at the end of the month?” Your time start now”
Chima began to think of the answer carefully, she was cracking up her br@in to figure it out but she couldn’t find an answer. She was alre-ady sweating profusely even when fire was around her. Her heart was pounding like it was going to drop out any minutes. She knew the consequences of her lack of response. She will fell into the fire
Her time ended and the wood un-der her leg opened then she fell , letting out a loud shout.

Chima arrived at the palace with the golden egg kept inside her bag carefully. She knocked on the gate and the gateman opened the door. Her face was rou-gh and looking disheveled
” Chima is back” the gateman shouted and went to call on everyone who c@m£ out almost immediately
Susan ran to her and hvgged her ti-ghtly
” My Friend” she said
Prince Aryan want to hvg her but he was st©pped by his mother who doesn’t want another problem
Chima demanded to see every member of the royal family and the chiefs after taking her bath. They all met in the big and general living room
“I wasn’t kidnapped and I thanked everyone here for being pres£nt and for caring about me.” She brou-ght out the egg and broke it in the living room
” Chima” the royal mother called
” Am sorrry”
The high chief and two other chief started behaving somehow together with prince Albert father
” We are the one
We were the one who made prince Aryan like this? Because we want prince Albert to be the king. We put a little substance in his food that made him like this” the high priest confessed
” Ha they have finished me” the queen mother shouted
Chima pu-ll her cloth at the back down a bit and she showed everyone
” I know you all saw it
I am a member of this royal family?”
” How come?” They asked
” Where is the woman?” She asked prince Albert father
” She is in the room”
” Bring her”
Albert father walk throu-gh the stairs , he pas-s throu-gh narrow gate then he arrived at the place.
” Where is my daughter?”
” Follow me” he said
They arrived at the palace and everyone was surprised because they thought she was dead.
” She isn’t dead. She is just sick for years because I took her daughter from her. In my pas-sion for my lineage to be the king. When my wife gave birth to twins a boy and a girl but I told them to kill the girl because I don’t want a female child” he said

” Humm” everyone shouted
” So you mean chima is my elder sister” nkem asked
” Yes she is” he replied
” And she is my twins sister” Albert said with tears in his eyes
” Yes”
” Dad why….” He said

Chima ran to hvg her mother and Nkem

” I also have a confession
I was the one that killed Chinedu chima ex b©yfri£nd” he said

“What!!!” Chima turned surprised

” Am sorry Chima, Chinedu is working for him. He is an hire as-sains and a human trafficking. I met him when I went to the city and gave him hvge amount of money to kill prince Aryan who served a blockage to my success. I found out he was in love with you so I killed him.”
Chima bur-st into tears , she wanted to give Albert a sl@p but she held back
” No wonder” she staggers and fell on the chair but was held back by Nkem
” Prince Aryan is right, I don’t deserve him, I don’t deserve to mourn him, I deserve a lot more than the criminal Chinedu. He will have used me for S-x trade if I had followed him to the city” she said crying profusely

“Am sorry my twins sister” prince Albert said regretting his actions

” Am sorry my daughter that I made you go throu-gh all this” her dad said crying

” My efforts is worth the struggle. I went to the lion cave in ogudu forest and I brou-ght out this egg who will reveal the evill deeds of the wicked.
It was my grandfather that saved me and made me to Know the truth. I went here because I want prince Aryan to be free of the spell”
” I love you. You are more than Jewel and worth than gold. You are indeed a priceless Jewel. Chinedu doesn’t know what he have that is why he doesn’t value you
I love you my Priceless Jewel” he gave her a warm hvg and k!$$£d her

The police arrived and they arrested prince Albert

Chima father and the chiefs were cured and forgiven by the gods

Chima and prince Aryan got married to each other
Prince Aryan was crowned the king of Alikiba Kingdom and chima the queen of Alikiba Kingdom which brou-ght the two royal families together in love and unity

Chima step mother apologized to her and she forgives her.
Chima stood at the Balcony of the palace, she flash throu-gh her life.
She examined the difficulties she gone throu-gh and looked at her life
She looked at how beautiful she has become.
Indeed am a priceless jewel
I don’t deserve him am more than a gold
God that created me, designed a beautiful creature and he created me as a lady to be priceless and expensive
I love whom I am and I am proud to be a lady.
To all ladies and guys, you are a priceless Jewel
You only deserve the best , you don’t deserve nothing more than the best

The end