My masked lover finale

💖🎀 My masked lover 🎭👑

(In love with an unknown)

Episode #37

🎀writers POV 🎀

Everyone just sat on the couch including Zara and Priya,,,Zara and Priya were glaring holes at Celestine while Celestine was fiddling with her f!ngers.

“But mum,,why should it be her,,she tried to kill grachi ” Priya couldn’t help but yell.

“I can still remember what happened that day,,,is still fresh in my head” Zara added with a scowl. They said that Zara is the rudest among the 3 sisters,,,.

“Silence girls!!!” The king yelled and they kept quiet but it didn’t st©p them from glaring at Celestine.

“She is your elder sister,,I was expecting you girls to be happy that she is alive instead your arguing” Queen Jenna said angrily.

“Mum,,,we didn’t say we are not happy but out of all the girl who is to be your daughter is Celestine,,,” Zara said

“And she isn’t pure,, aren’t you feeling it,, though we aren’t pure too but hers is the worst” Priya spat and used her f!ngersto cover her nose when she perceived a bad scent from Celestine.

“Mum,,,I think you nee-d rest cause I can’t accept her as my elder sister,, Priya will forever be our elder sister” Priya and Zara stood up and went inside remaining Zac,,Silvia,,grachi and damien with the king and queen. The king and queen can not smell G neither can they perceive Zac cause they masked it.

“Mum,,,I don’t think I stand this smell”Zac said and ran upstairs with Silvia. They are the royals,,they scent when people aren’t pure or holy. And it smells really bad but it st©ps smelling in the matter of 24 hours.

Is only the most powerful that is the king and queen that can stand it.
“Mum,,we will talk about this tomorrow that is 24 hours later”Grachi said but frowned when she saw Celestine looking at damien like she will eat his whole b©dy and that got her mad with rage.

“Celestine,,,if I were you I won’t do what I want to do” Queen Jenna told Celestine and her eyes wi-de-ned.

Grachi huffed in anger and climbe-d up the stairs into her room,,.

Damien 💖

“Go and control grachi,,I know what she can do when she is angry” The queen said and I ran upstairs and re-leased my breath,,,what a disgusting scent.

I entered to see grachi clenching her fist and looking in a mirror,,,her face red in anger like she would bur-st anytime soon,,so I wra-pped my arms around her w@!st and placed my jaw on her shoulders,,I felt her shoulder tense.

“Someone is angry” I tea-sed and she soffed

“Am not angry” she said and I rolled my eyes
“If you say so” I said and she turned to me,,her eyes wi-dening.

“Damien,,your hair”She said and I turned to see my hair is now tou-ching my lower back almost close to my bu-tt I had to tie it in a high pony.

“Is almost reaching mine” grachi said jealousy evident on her voice. The truth is that my hair did pas-s her own,,I had to cut it so that she won’t feel sad.

Now,,,it has grown again,,I would have to continue cutting it.

“You haven’t eaten breakfast since we had a wild night

”I trailed off when I felt a small sting on my head.

..”I hissed in pain and she chuckled.
“Am hungry,, let’s go to the kitchen”she said and we walked to the kitchen together.đŸ„°

“What should we make?” I asked and she smiled.
“Garnished noodles with sauce” she said and brou-ght out some noodles and some ingredients.

My nose scrunched up when I smelt a very bad smell,,,I knew it was Celestine,,, can’t she stay on her own for once.

“Wow,,,your hair has grown long,,it makes you look more h0t” Celestine said eyeing me from head to toe.
Did this girl nee-d a death s£ntence,, doesn’t she know that I have a jealous p@rtner here. Am scared that grachi might disfigure her face and that’s what she did. Grachi pounced on her and gave her a lot of punches on her face,,I had to drag her away from Celestine whose face is alre-ady badly bruised.

Tears rolled down celestine’s eyes as she ran downstairs,,I knew she was going to tell the king and queen.

I turned to G who cleared her throat and she looked unharmed like they didn’t just fight here, she took one noodles and opened the packet.

“Bring the pot” she said as I raised an eyebrow,,this girl can pretend eh,, her parents won’t believe Celestine because g looks unharmed.

💖💕 my masked lover 🎭👑

(In love with an unknown).

Episode 38
Quarter final💞💞

Grachi 🎀

“My princess,,your highness the queen s£nt for you” A guard said and bowed. I dismissed him and stood up.

I walked into the throne room,,I sm-irked when I saw Celestine ru-bbing an ice bag on her face where there is bruises.

“Grachi,,,will you explain this?” Mum said and I glared at Celestine.

“Mum,,this is just the beginning,,warn her to st©p eyeing damien or else I would do worst than this” I said calmly.

“Don’t do anything stupid,,I would talk to Celestine,,you may leave” mum said and I left,,,from the corner of my eyes I saw mum using her powers to heal celestine’s bruises.
She is so damn lucky,,next time I would end up burning her hair. I rolled my eyes and walked into the room only to find damien going throu-gh my diary.
What the

I ran towards him but he was fast enough to raise it above his head,,I tried jumping to get it but it seems like I am too short.
“Damien,,, plea-se,, hand it over”I yelled and climbe-d the be-d,,
“I was like ‘wow’,,what a h0t guy,,” he re-ad out the content on the diary adding to my embarras-sment.

“And his dream was to be a musician,,I am going to do everything in my power to help him” he re-ad out and closed the diary.

“I would re-ad the remaining some other time”he said and tucked it into his trou-ser pocket,,,well that is a pocket diary actually. And my best friend😁.

He yawned and la-id down on the be-d,,,I la-id next to him too. He used the comforter to cover our heads to our legs but I don’t care. Then I felt his softl-ips on mine and I immediately reciprocated the k!ss,,,I wra-pped my arms around his n£±k as we de-epened the k!sswhich ended up to a wild se-x.


I woke up to see damien out of be-d,,,I stood up and rushed downstairs to see mum and dad discussing.

“Grachi,,now your here,,,come” dad said and I walked towards him,,he gave me a letter that I collected.

“The Venus kingdom threatened to attack our kingdom because they want your powers,,” Dad said and I rolled my eyes.

“They really want a dead wish ” Zara said and I chuckled.
“If that’s what they wish,,we would give it to them” dad said then damien c@m£ in then the sting.

My parents hate snap to damien,
“Your not pure,,I think I nee-d to puke”Zara said and ran upstairs.
I stared at damien as his nÂŁÂąk turned red in embarras-sment,,is not my fault,,he went wild all night,, different styles,, a lot of rounds.

“Damien,,,imaginate using a block to create a large wall ” I mind-linked him and he did. Immediately he did,,we couldn’t smell anything again.

Celestine couldn’t do it because she has lost her powers. Damien win-ked at me thanking me silently. I rolled my eyes thinking of the war.
I feel weird,,mum and dad supposed to feel it too.

💖👠my masked lover 🎭👑

(In love with an unknown

Episode 38đŸ”„đŸ”„
Semi-final 👠👠 and finalđŸ˜đŸ˜»

(The battle is overđŸ”„đŸ”„)
(A happy ending


Kendra đŸ‘©â€đŸłđŸł

“We nee-d to celebr@te this” he said as he carried me in a bridal style and began to spin me while I squealed holding unto him for there life.

“Your such a scardy cat”He said with a pla-yful k!ssas he crashed hisl-ips on mine,,

“Mmmh”i m0@n ed into the k!ss£njoying the feeling of hisl-ips on mine.
“I love you Kendra or should I say chef Kendra”he said as he broke the k!ss

“I love you captain Derrick”I laughed

🎀Writers POV 🎀


It’ve been weeks and they haven’t heard of the upcoming war but king mordum was very prepared because he doesn’t want what happened in the past to repeat it self. Everyone was very prepared but grachi was still having a feeling that something bad is going to happen,, something sounds odd.

Suddenly she heard something like a bur-st downstairs,, damien and grachi ran downstairs to see the kingdom unharmed.

“Okay,,what Happened here,,I heard a noise” Priya said

“Your dad stayed weeks in creating a technology that anytime someone throws a bomb it s£nds it back to the person that s£nt it,,I think the person that throw it is near the kingdom”Queen Jenna said placing her hands un-der her chin in de-ep thoughts.

“Let’s find out then”grachi said but a guy ran inside p@n-ting,,blood was rolling down his che-st area.

“Your highness,,we’ve been attacked by people from the Venus kingdom,,they just entered and started killing all of us with iron rods” The guy said and grachi’s eyes wi-de-ned.

” Okay,let us split up and fight this war,,if mordum joins in the war,,he might end up destroying everything and everyone”Queen Jasmin said remembering what happened the time mordum alone destroyed their kingdom.

Grachi gr@bb£d a sword and recited an ancient spell ma-king fire to burn the sword,, though it wasn’t turning black or something,,(you guys that use to watch action movies,,you know what am talking about)

“Every immortal has a weakness,,what is the Venuses weakness” Grachi said and ti-ght£ñed her grip on the sword like she was born for this.

“That’s it,,their weakness is silver,, Venuses are just like werewolves but they aren’t,,is silver” Zara said.

“Good,,,if they can use some of us weakness against us then we can use theirs”Damien said.

“We nee-d to start now,, before they wipe out the whole kingdom”Priya said and each of them took a silver sword.

Immediately they reached,,they g@sped seeing the chaos that the Venuses had caused that alone made their blood boil. Immediately the Venuses saw the 4 siblings,,,they charged towards them. They started fighting,,, kicking,, punching and using their powers like superspeed,,,shield powers,,fire,,water. They continued to fight until the next morning.

“Hah”Grachi sighed as she de-eped her sword into the last Venuses che-st,,she wiped the bead of sweats forming on her forehead.
Grachi turned and g@sped when she saw a sword,,not just an ordinary sword,,an iron sword flying towards her direction. She quic-kly supersped to the side and the sword ended up cutting a girl’s head. The head dropped and the weak b©dy fell down.

“Celestine???”everyone g@sped in horror staring at the head which rolled to priya’s direction. I used my sword and struck the idiot king of the Venuses angrily.

Grachi đŸ”„đŸ”„


I stared at the kingdom,,some people lost their life in the battle but surprisingly,,,our kingdom didn’t look like somewhere they attacked.
My dad used his powers to re-move the things that were destroyed and replaced it,,I stared at my hands feeling guilty,,if I had known I could have used my shield powers not my superspeed. I didn’t know she was at my back .

“Grachi??”I heard a soft voice and turned to see Celestine,,she was smiling at me.

“You know,, everything has a reason,,why did you have a good heart,,if I were you,,I would be happy that your dead but your feeling guilty,,I died so that I can st©p chasing after damien,,if I didn’t die this death,,I would never give up on damien” she said as she sat down next to me.

She t©uçhed my tummy and ru-bbe-d it a little.
“Fierce just like their father,,take care of those little things huh,,tell them that they have an aunt watching them from heaven” Celestine said with a chuckle as she stood up turning her back.

“Tell mum and dad that I love them,,even Priya,Zara and zac too,,I love you too”Celestine said but before I could reply she disappeared.

“I love you too”I said too a complete space.
Suddenly my stomach grumbled and I bit my lowerl-ips,,,I felt an arms wra-p around my w@!st protectively .

“My baby is hungry,,am hungry too”damien said and carried me in a bridal style into the kitchen.

(In love with the queen of my heart ♄)
(Enternal love💖)
(King damienđŸ€Ž and queen grachi👾)

🎀 Writers POV 🎀

“I pres£nt to you king damien and queen grachi mordum of enchanted kingdom”The priest announced,, immediately he said that king damien drew queen grachi closer and crashed hisl-ips on hers k!ss!ngher de-eply. As they were so engrossed in the k!ss,,a dark smoke filled the room then Janet appeared.

“Calm down,,Am not here for fights,,I have accepted faith” Jenna said sincerely and sat down then she joined in cl@pping for the new king and queen.

Immediately,,,they entered the room,,, damien crashed hisl-ips on hers as he wra-pped his arms around her w@!st,,he pinned her to the wall still k!ss!ngher. Soon their clothes were on the floor as they are each other raw all throu-ghout the night.

4 years laterđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„

“So baby what are you drawing?”king damien asked raising an eyebrow as he stared at his 4 years old son.

“Am trying to draw mummy,,I mean,,how her tummy is now”Samuel said as he continued to draw.

“Okay,,what are you doing??”damien asked and nuella his ,, 4 years old daughter smiled and brou-ght out the paper to show damien.

“Am drawing Barbie and her dream bus”nuella said and smiled wi-dely,, ofcourse,,grachi gave birth to lovely twins and they are really trouble makers.

Immediately grachi c@mÂŁ in,,,her round tummy in displa-y,,she is actually 6 months pregnant

“Mummy!!!”The twins continued to yell until they reached grachi’s front and they enveloped her in a hvg. Actually,, hvgging her w@!st.

Damien smiled and pe-cked herl-ips before hvgging them all. He has a happy family,,a great kingdom to rule. What can he ask for?.


The end