My girlfriend is a ghost episode 7 & 8

👻👫[ LOVE IS REAL] ❤😘
~ Freddie.~
“What are you saying Mr Yang?” I asked and he sighed.
“I’ve alre-ady told you, I cannot hand miss Carmen’s properties to you. You will nee-d to follow a procedure” he said and I nodded.
“What procedure do I nee-d to follow? I’m her b©yfri£ndfor crying out loud” I said and he chuckles.
“Being her b©yfri£nddoesn’t mean anything to the court or the law. You will have to provide legal do¢v-ments that shows that “miss Carmen” approved you taking her properties” he said and I nodded.
“So that’s it, if I can get do¢v-ments that shows she entrust me with her properties,I can get them? “I asked and he nodded.
“That’s your call. I’ll be waiting to see if you have the do¢v-ments” he said and I smiled.
“What if I can’t get prove that she entrusted me with her properties in her abs£nt. What becomes of the properties?” I asked and he chuckles.
“If you can’t get the prove then I’m sorry to tell you, the properties are going to go un-der the government were you won’t have access nor rights to it” he said and I nodded.
“Okay, thanks for telling me” I said and stood up from my sit.
“Hope the next time we meet,you will be showing me your prove” he said and I nodded.
“Don’t worry Mr yang, I won’t disappoint you” I said faking a smile and walked out of his office.
{ At his house }
“What happened? You look so ferrous and angry” Gloria asked after letting me settle down.
“It’s that bastard called Mr yang ” I said hitting the couch.
“What did Mr yang do that got you so angry?” she asked and I chuckled.
“How is that possible, Who is Mr yang to get a whole me angry” I said maintaining my pride.
“So if Mr yang didn’t get you angry then what did?” she asked and I signed.
‘I just can’t believe Mr yang asked me to provide prove before I can get Carmen’s properties, he even threatens me that if I don’t have prove the properties will go to the government. I wander why Carmen hired such a person to be her layer” I stated looking angry.
“What type of prove is he asking for?” she asked and I flin-ch.
“He asked me to bring some legal do¢v-ment or will with her signature on it, something like that” I said and she chuckled.
“That shouldn’t be a problem” she said and I faced her.
“Do you have any idea on what I should do?” I asked and she nodded holding the bo-ttomof my face with a single f!nger.
“All you just nee-d to do is to print out a do¢v-ment of her properties being a thing between you two and I’ll handle the signature” she whispered into my ears and I smiled k!ss!ngher on thel-ips softly.
“That more I like you” I said and k!$$£d her again on thel-ips and this time a de-ep k!sswhich took my hands down to her w@!st.
~~Charles Brown~~
“Are you sure he mostly pas-s by this road Roberto?.We have been wait for almost an hour now” I asked and he sighed.
“He will soon be here, there is no other road he uses except this one” he said and I nodded.
I heard Foot steps walking and coming towards ours and I saw a figure which appeared so big moving forward.
I straighten my hands and prepared to fight the guy moving forward.
Immediately he got close to where I was hiding. I c@m£ out blocking him and he was scare due to the way I walk out.
He was a fat looking dude with pop out eyes.
“What are you doing man? You scared me” I said smiling while I just stared at him.
“I’m here to beat you” I said and he chuckled.
He didn’t even take my words serious but he instead laughs at me.
Two other fat guys just like him walked from his back and stood close to him.
I looked at Roberto and he sm-irked turning his face towards a different direction.
“I forgot to tell you he always walk with two of his friends” he said and faced the guys.
“I heard someone say he was here to beat another person, who is that?” the one on his right asked and he pointed at me.
“I must have made a mistake sir,plea-se forgive me. Don’t take what I said just now seroius” I said as they all walked towards me.
The next thing I knew was them punching me as I found myself on the ground.
“Ahh. Ahh. Ahh” I kept gro-an ing in pains and Roberto kept shouting “run, run, run”.
“Its okay guys lets leave this place” the one who I c@m£ to beat said and they all st©p beating me.
“You got to be lucky kid”, the other said and I just stayed down m0@n ing as I felt pains all over my b©dy especially my back.
“Charles are you okay?” Roberto asked trying to t©uçh me and I looked at him very angry.
“Don’t t©uçh me. I almost died from their hands, why didn’t you tell me there were three of them?” I yelled.
“I didn’t know the two others will follow him here and beside I mostly see him alone” he said and I nodded.
< at my ap@rtment >
“What happened to him? Charles are you okay?” Nikki and Carmen both asked worried.
“I’m fine just feeling a little pain around my back” I said and they both nodded.
“Roberto where did you two go? Why is he having brises around his arm?” Nikki asked but he kept quite.
“I’m really sorry Charles if I had known this wound have happen I won’t have brou-ght you there” he said apologizing and I smiled at him.
“It wasn’t your fault Roberto, I pushed you into taking me there. Even after you warned me” I said and he smiled.
“Take off your shi-t let Carmen apply medicine on it” he said and Carmen looked shocked.
“Me?” Carmen asked looking a little bit shy.
“I’ll do it if she can’t” Nikki said but Roberto held her.
“I’ve got something to discuss with you just let Carmen do it” he said and dragged Nikki out of our range.
“So should I take it off?” I asked and she nodded.
She looked else where as I took off my shi-t and I sm-irk at her action.
She s£nt her hand closer not looking at me applying the medicine and I chuckled at her.
I gr-ab her hand and pu-ll-ed her to the be-d turning and lying on her.
“What are you doing?” She asked and I just stared into her eyes
~ Carmen.~
“Don’t you think its inappropriate for a man and a women to be this close?” I said and he chuckled.
“Aren’t you the one who took advantage of me when we first meet?” he asked I smiled at him.
“I was just too emotional and excited at that time. plea-se cloud you get off me” I said and he sm-irk.
“I don’t think so” he said and brou-ght down his face to mine.
“What are you doing?” I asked afraid and he chuckled.
“So you do can be afraid? ” he asked and i tried looking for ways out of his hook.
I tried removing my hand from his hook and I Sucessed in doing so.
I quic-kly pas-s my hand on his back and he gr0@nin pain since his back was injured and he quic-kly let go of my other hand.
“That hurts” he gr0@nand quic-kly got off my b©dy trying to fan his back.
“So you do feel pains. come let me apply the medicine ” I said and he rushed away from me not letting me get close to him.
“Don’t get closer, I’ll hit you” he said lining by the wall and I chuckled.
< morning >
“Why did you bring me here?” he asked as we entered the amusement park.
“I brou-ght you here so you can relax and have a little bit of fun” I said and he chuckled.
“I never come to such graded places, I’m going me back home” he said and made an attempt to leave.
This is the reason why your life seems to be boring I said and he chuckled.
Yeah, it’s better this way he said leaving and I sm-irked.
“There’s no way I’m letting you go back after bring you here” I said and st©pped him.
“Do you usually do things like this when you were alive?” he asked and I sm-irked.
“It doesn’t matter if I did things like this, just try it. you’re definitely going to like it” I said with full confidence and he nodded.
“Okay I’m going to try it but if it’s not as fun as you talk about then I’ll leave and go home” he said and I nodded.
He walk into the park with both arms in his pocket looking around like a lot chick.
“Why don’t you try the horse swing first?” I suggested and he chuckled looking at it.
“That’s for kids” he said and walk to the shooter sto-re.
“Give me three arrows” he commanded giving in money to the sto-re owner.
He pla-yed his first sh0t and missed it and I chuckled.
He turned and look at me and I closed my mouth with my hand.
He turned back and arrange the next arrow, re-ady to give in the sh0t.
He sh0t it and still miss it. when he looked at me this time around, I looked else where not letting him notice I was laughing at him.
“What a loser, I thought you said swings were for kids. Why can’t you win an ordinary sh0t” I questioned and he chuckled moving behind.
He moved back from the normal range where people were to stand and sh0t.
He looked into the shop with
one eye open and the other closed. He re-lease the arrow and this time it got on target.
“Wow sir, that was a great sh0t, here is your price” the shop owner said and handed him a tinder bear.
“You give me a tinder bear as a price?” he asked and I chuckled.
“Sir that’s what a winner gets when only one arrow is hit on target” he said and I stare at him watching the tinder bear on his hand.
“it’s all your fault” he said and I sm-irked.
“Sir. what did you say?” the shop owner asked and he nodded.
“Nothing” he said and walk away from the shop.
“What am I ganna be doing with a tinder bear ?” he asked looking at it awkwardly.
He made and attempt to walk away and I saw someone I was expecting to see.
“Wait Charles, look over there” I said and he st©pped and look towards the direction.
“What’s it?” he asked.
“Look it’s Freddie. I wander what he will be doing here” I said and he nodded.
“You mean your b©yfri£nd?” he asked and I stare at him with a very weird look.
“Sorry your ex b©yfri£nd?” he said and I nodded.
“What will he be doing here?” he asked and I wandered if he didn’t get me say that first.
“I don’t know, but there is only one way to find out” I said and he stare at me.
“And what way is that?” he asked and I sm-irked.
“Let’s follow him” I said and he chuckled. I stare at him quietly.
“Are you for real? follow your b©yfri£nd?” he asked laughing.
“He is not my b©yfri£ndanymore and do you usually look at yourself, your laughing alone. Remember no one can see me” I said and he nodded.
~~ Roberto ~~
“Nikki why are we even following them?” I asked as we both stare at Carmen and Charles from a far end.
“Just keep quiet Carmen might hear you, she has a good sight at hearing” she said and I nodded.
I wander why she’s following them and what she even ganna benefit from walking around behind their back like a puppy.
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“They are moving let’s go” she said and I nodded.
“Can’t we just disappear and reappear. why do we nee-d to stay low like detectives” I asked and she fliched.
“Follow up fast” she said and I walked behind her slowly.
If not that she got me tired up with this unknown power, I won’t have being following her around like a goat.
“Look Carmen just disappeared” she said and I nodded.
“I can see that for myself” I said and she nodded.
“Let’s follow her and find out what’s going on” she said and I nodded.
We both disappear and reappear inside a house and we both saw Carmen walking with a guy.
The guy was in fornt with her behind and the guy seems to be looking for something.
“What’s going on? why are you staring at him like that?” Nikki asked approaching her.
“What are you doing here?” she asked seeing Nikki and I walk out from my hiding sp©t.
“you too?” she asked seeing me and I sm-irked.
“Don’t look at me look at Nikki she f0rç£ me to come here” I said and she nodded.
“You still haven’t answered me Carmen. why are you staring at this guy with so much anger?” she asked.
“This is my ungrateful ex b©yfri£nd, I’m sure he is here to look for a do¢v-ment we both signed a month ago when we c@m£ to this park” she said and Nikki nodded.
“So what’s in the do¢v-ment?” she asked and Carmen sm-irked.
“It’s just a pla-yful do¢v-ment we signed on ours being together still death and that he owns everything I have and that I own everything he has” she stated.
“I never thought he will think it wise to come and look for such do¢v-ments” she said and I nodded.
He pick up some papers and smiled moving out.
“Now that he got what he wanted what are you going to do?” I asked as the guy moved out.
“I guess I’ll just nee-d to ask Charles to help me speak with my lawyer not to accept anything nor words from him” she said and we both nodded.
#To be continued