My driver’s son 2 episode 37 & 38

Episode thirty seven
By Authoress Anita

“Courtney! what nons-en-se is this?”dad yelled at me as soon as I entered the house.

“What have I done again dad?”I asked faining innocence.

“How could you get a fail in every subject? Courtney,for Christ sake you used to be the first in your clas-s,what’s this now?”he yelled throwing my report card on the table.

“Am sorry”I said.

“Your sorry? I will get a tutor for you,I cannot let you shame me like this”he fired

“Dad, I do not want any tutor. I will work ha-rd on my own. I can manage to get straight A’s on my own”I said.

“I cannever let you do as you wish anymore. Want it or not,I am going to get a tutor for you”he in a firm voice

I relactantly retreated to my room with a lot of thoughts in my head

“Gosh,that tutor must not be ugly,I hate ugly things. I really nee-d a tutor right now,but I cannot tell Micheal to be one coz I don’t know we-ther my dad will let him stay here again”I mumbled to myself as I throw my bag on my make up table.


I have a big drenfor my daughter, I want her to be someone in life and with this her performance, I don’t feel like she will make it. I must get a tutor for her as soon as possible.

Finally, I picked my phone and dialed a number.

“hello can you th
recommend me a tutor you know?I want a tutor that I can trust with my daughter”I said on the phone.

“Sir, there is this guy, he just come from America and he is on high demand.”said my secretary.

“America? who is that guy? if he is on high demand that means he is good and trust worthy”I said.

“You know that kid sir, it’s Micheal”he said and my heart skipped.

“Micheal? Do you mean the Micheal that used to live with me?”I asked.

“Yes sir. That’s the only totur I can recommend for your daughter. Even her safety will be 200% guaranteed”said my secretary.

“Okey, thanks for the information”I said before cutting the call.

Yes, it’s not that I didn’t think of Micheal being my daughter’s totur,but where will I start from?


“I do not want to see you anymore, pack your things and get out of my house!!”I yelled at Micheal.

“Sir, plea-se you know I cannot do that,Courtney is just trying to frame me?”Micheal pleaded in tears.

“Am really disappointed in you Micheal,there is nothing I want to hear from you,just get out now!” I yelled.


That incident is still fresh in my mind. I never gave Micheal a chance to explain, but If I just fold my arms and do nothing’s, my daughter’s future will be ruined.

Micheal is the only one that I can now trust with Courtney. But the main point is, will he forgive me for s£nding him and his father out of this house in such a harsh way?

I gathered my courage and finally picked my phone.

I searched for Mr ROCHE’S number,and took a de-ep breath before dialing it.


I was so shocked when I received a call from Mr Andrea,it’s been a while since i last saw him. He said that he has a favor to ask me so,here we are in a restaurant but yet he is not saying a thing.

“Mmh, Morris,I don’t even know where to start from “he said ,breaking the silence.

“plea-se be free “I said.

“Well, am even ashamed to face you for what I did in the past. It’s not that I can offer you the driver’s job back, coz now I can see that your independent and you do have a very strong business”he said.

“If it’s the driver’s job you want to offer me,I will gladly take it”I said and he looked shock.

“Are you serious?”he asked.

“My business is stable,I have workers working un-der me and there is nothing to worry coz I trust my workers, they will take good care of my business while I resume my work.”I paused.

” But the way I see it, you didn’t call me for the driver’s job right?”I said and he cleared his throu-gh.

“Moris,I have heard that your son is back and a lot of parents are trying their best to win him over as a tutor to their children. After what Courtney did to him, I don’t know if I stand a chance to be among those competing parents . “He said in a low sad voice.

“Why are you asking for Micheal to be your daughter’s tutor?”I asked.

“Because I have realised that Micheal,is the only one I can trust,he’ve been with Tiny for years and he treat Courtney as a sister. If he were like some other boy,he would have fallen for my daughter, but Micheal is not that kind of kid,he is a gentleman”he said and I almost chocked.

“If you had known that your daughter is my son’s first love, you would not have offered me such a position coz I might use it to make my son and your daughter reunite and strength their love”I said to myself.

“Moris?”he called.

“Yes sir”I said.

“Just call me Tranny,calling me sir makes me uncomfortable”he said.

“Okey,well,I will speak to my son on your behalf,you know Courtney is like a daughter to me. If I were a little bit more rich than you,I believe we could have been in laws”I said.

“Of course,plea-se I am counting on you. Help me, do this for the sake of Courtney”he said and I smiled.

Don’t worry sir, am sure my son will give up all the offers and chose to stay beside your daughter only because he loves him. This time,I won’t st©p him, he has arleady suffered a lot and it’s time to at least see him smile. I believe it will be fun seeing Micheal and Courtney reuniting as student her tutor.

episode thirty eight
By Authoress Anita

My joy knew no bound when my dad broke the news that Mr Andrea wanted me to be his daughter’s tutor for he trusted me. Gosh, Mr Andrea trust me with his daughter? So courtney will be in my hands?

Oooh I feel sorry for Mr Andrea, he would have given me this trust back then, when I nee-ded it. Only if he had known that this time am all in for a revenge, he would never had trust me with his daughter. I will use this opportunity to my advantage.

I contacted my school in USand was permitted to learn online for about three months. As for the practicals of my course, biomedical engineering, i will find a university that I will be attending in this country for those three months before I return to America.

I packed my small suitcase and went downstairs. I’ve got no time to waste for it seems the gods are helping

“Are you re-ady?”dad asked me.

“Of course,”I said with a broad smile.

“I can see that your happy about it, am glad to see you smile again”dad said.

“But dad, do you have to take the driver’s position again?”I asked.

“I cannot s£nd you there alone, I nee-d to look after you very closely”he said.

“Okey,it’s almost time for Courtney to knock off, let’s st©p by her school and pick her up”I suggested.

“That’s a good idea”dad said as we walk out of the house. Mr Roche is the best father in the world.


I have been studying ha-rd but I don’t seem to un-derstand anything.
Gosh, I guess I’ve missed a lot.
“Courtney,our driver is here,see you”Isabel said.

“Yap,see you tommorow”I said while scratching my head as the twins car zoomed off.

I wonder what is taking my driver so long.
I brou-ght out my phone and was to dial my driver’s number when a dark blue car st©pped before me.

I stood there idle waiting to see who it was but my heart skipped when I see Micheal stepping out of the car.

“Hello miss, It’s my honor to take you home today”he said while taking my school bag.

I laughed.
“What madness is that?”I asked.

“Get in plea-se,”he said while opening the back door for me. I looked at him for a while before entering into the car.

The drive was long and silent, we kept looking at each other throu-gh the front mirror till the car entered my compound.

“Thanks for the drive, you can go now”I said but instead of going,he followed me inside the house.

“Why are you following me?”I asked.

“I forgot something important in this house,so I won’t leave again till I get itt”he said.

We both entered the house and dad was back from work, upon seeing Micheal he smiled. I wonder what’s going in here.

“Welcome son”dad said to Micheal.

“Thanks Dad”said Miche,wow,it’s been long since I witnessed such a scenario.

“What’s going on here?”I asked while folding my arms.

“Hi,I am Micheal Roche,for the next two months ,I will be your stay in tutor”Micheal said and I froze for a moment.

“What did you just say?”I asked in disbelief.

“Nice to meet you again”he said with a smile and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Really?is that true?”I asked .

“Am,but Micheal,we didn’t talk about your salary”dad said.

“Don’t worry, Courtney is like a sister to me. I have a Dept that I must pay to her”Micheal said.

“Okey,do as you wish. Once again,welcome back. Feel free this is your home”dad said.

“Miss Courtt, if your not busy,can we go and start our lessons?”he said with a mischievous smile.

“I am hungry,let me eat first”I said.

“If your really hungry,I will give you an equation,if you get it right,you will eat but if you get if wrong,you will starve”he said.

“Dad,what kind of tutor have you brou-ght for me? He will kill me”I complained .

“Your life and future is in his hands, so he has the right to do anything he wants”dad said before walking away leaving me and Micheal all alone now.

I and Micheal were just smiling at eat other. Finally he opened his arms wi-de.

“Want to hvg me?”he said and I wasted no time but jump into his arms.

“Am I forgot something”dad said and while turning back ,we quic-kly dis£ngage and our smiles quic-kly faded away

“What were the two of you doing?”dad asked.

“Am,am you see,a mosquito ,yes a mosquito was on Micheal’s shi-t so I was killing it”I lied while running my hand in my hair nervously.

“That’s nice, take good care of Micheal”he said before going away,we bust into laughter as we walk to our rooms


I just finished writing a time table for Courtney when I heard a knock on my door.

“Come in”I said
tiny walked in wearing a blue skin Jean trou-ser and a black blouse.

“That’s better off than your bu-mshorts,I guess you’ve grown up now”I said as she sat beside me.

“Yap,I want to try to be good to you since I own you my future”she said

“Well,let’s cut the chase, here is your your time table. Make sure to master it up”I said handing her the paper.

“Maths, Agriculture,physical science and…what’s this gap?Wich subject is MT?”she asked while looking at me.

“You have to guess it yourself”I said

“We don’t have MT in our clas-s”she said looking confused.

“That’s a new subject,it means Micheal’s Time”I said and she chuckled.

“Your funny,so,what will we be doing during MT?”she asked.

“This!”I pu-ll-ed her in my arms and k!$$£d her. Just then the door flung open.


who just opened the door?