My days at crown school finale


✒{Yewande Joseph}√



The driver drove in the moment the gate was opened. I was tired. Really tired. We were gisting, and busy talking on the way to his house, before I sle-pt off. I was glad Victor allowed me to rest. But immediately I was tapped and opened my two eyes, the heavy dance, and the jumping around began to tell on me.
I climbe-d down from the car, and found myself glancing around, and appreciating the beauty of the house. I’ve been to banana Island, and I know how beautiful every where looks. He was busy talking to the man who drove us while I continue feeding my two eyes. I ran my hand throu-gh the flowers near the entrance.

“Hey Suzy, let’s go in,” he brou-ght out his keys, and I followed beside him. As he opened the door, I made my way to step in, only to find myself in his arms. I couldn’t contain my laughter.
s£nior Victor has start again..

“Seriously,” I laughed. “Are you this in a hurry, or you’re testing your muscles?”

He gigled, and shook his head at me. “The two,” he gave me a quic-k k!ss.

I chuckled slowly. “I thought you’re alre-ady tired for the night.”
He took his time to laugh, giving me that look like,
what’s this one saying. I laughed seeing the look he gave me, so I decided to form. “I’m just starting my duty to care about you sir. Don’t you think you nee-d rest tonight.”

He smiled at me. “If you don’t know, there is no rest for me until forever, and today, my work starts.”

I shouted, and laughed as he climbe-d upstairs still carrying my b©dy in his arms. I wra-pped my arms around his n£¢k, teasing him with my k!sses.

“We are almost there,” I k!$$£d his forehead. I knew I was teasing him, and he was shaking his head at me.
Immediately we got upstairs, he turned to the left, and kicked the first door opened. Wow! I couldn’t help but say to myself. Even my parents be-d was not as big, and hvge as the one I was staring at in the room Victor took us. The room was big, painted in white colour. It was beautiful but I felt like another colour should have been used. He dropped me on the be-d, and threw a wi-nk at me. “Anything to step down?” I knew that was a pretend act.

I smiled. “I was actually thinking of bathing first.”
His grin was triumphant. “So you want us to start from there,” he was leaning closer to me, and I felt hisl-ips on mine. I couldn’t st©p myself from the laughter that erupted out of my mouth as I broke the k!ss. “Can you plea-se st©p this teasing and let me have a bath.”

“Okay,” he said, and moved closer. I turned my back to him, and he helped me with the Zi-p. I turned around to help myself down with the go-wn, only to stood face to face with him in my white br@. His eyes did a marathon twisting, and I couldn’t help but smile, seeing his face. I was out of my go-wn, and about asking if I could get a towel when a hand gr@bb£d me.

His gaze fell on myl-ips, and immediately, he began to explore it. I couldn’t keep my hands to myself. This feeling was new to me, but to be sincere, I was in a complete daze. He helped himself with the tie, and I helped him with his white shi-t. I g@sped as his hand find its way in between my th!gh. I broke the k!ss, breathing heavily. When I decided to look into my man’s eyes, his eyes were full of de-sire, and re-ady to satisfy his lvst.

“Hmm,” I cleared my throat. “Where are we going to go spend our honeymoon?”

“God,” he said like a whisper. “Woman, can’t you see I’m in no mood to talk about honeymoon.”

I laughed. He was talking like a drinkard. “Just tell me if you’re scared,” he said, and I giggled softly. I squee-zed my face at him, placing my two hands on his che-st. “I know you will be gentle.”
His laugh was sweeting, and controlled. Of course, I was eager, but at the same time I didn’t want us to rush. I felt his hand moved to back and un-hook my br@ slowly.

I allowed him, and my ba-re che-st was facing him. Suddenly, he went dumb, his two eyes almost bulge out of his sockets. And immediately, he resumed back to work. His mouth covered one of my tities, and his hand exploring the other. I quic-kly helped him out of his trou-ser, as I was totally captured by this feeling. His mouth kept exploring, and his two hands doing wonder. I was lost and wanted more. I was so eager for more. My b©dy embr@ced the feeling, and crave for more. “Victor,” a m0@n escaped out of my mouth, as I felt his hand un-derneath me.

“On the light or off the light,” I couldn’t get what he was saying until he repeated it twice.

“Oh Victor, off it.. Just off it.”

I could hear him giggle, knowing he was in full control. I heard the cli-ck, and the light was off.


ABEG let’s live the couples to have fun

Since they have decided to off the Light


✒✒✒✒✒✒✒THE END✒✒✒✒

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