My days at crown school episode 18

At Crown school✅


✒✒Victor’s POV ✔✔

“What do you see in her?”

“What’s so special about her?”

“Why are you losing yourself over some rude girl. She’s so proud of herself.”

“Did you see she was forcing herself to smile at me. She’s a great pretender.”

“And you?” I breathed. She was being nice at Suzy, and that got me surprised, because she was always saying bad things about her all the time.
Daniella squee-zed her face. “I’m just trying to be her friend, but she hates me. I could s-en-se it. And that’s because I’m close to you. But seriously, I still don’t know what’s special about that girl.”

Daniella wouldn’t let me be, she kept on attacking me with questions upon questions. I just didn’t know why Daniella had chose to ruin my day. Suzy was contemplating whether to talk to me or not, and just when she decided to, she c@m£ in from nowhere, and ruin everything.
“I know you are not listening to any of what I’m saying,” Daniella re-moved my earphones. “Victor I miss you. You’ve been fun throu-gh out these holidays. Why now moody because of some poor, fat girl.”

“She’s not fat, and don’t ever repeat that statement.” I warned her, and kept quiet instantly, ignoring her. I was angry at her. She never learn to keep her mouth shut.

“Okay, I’m sorry. You’re too protective of her.”

“That’s my business.” I put back my earphones, but wasn’t listening to music. She stared at me for some moments, “whatever it is she has done, plea-se don’t shift it on me. You’re taking this too personal.”
I made no response
“You promised to call your driver to take us out,” she reminded me.

“Not anymore.” I wasn’t in the mood. Can’t she get it and just go away.

“Victor plea-se, don’t tell me it’s because of her. This is not you Vic.” She whined like a little girl moving closer to me. She placed a hand on my che-st and k!$$£d me on myl-ips. “Victor plea-se.”
God! I actually don’t know why Dad told me to watch over her like some little girl. She annoys me most of the time, and sometimes its fun being around her.

“Victor!” I heard my name.

“Okay. I’ve heard.” I quic-kly answered. She would never let me be, always hanging around every corner just to steal a k!ss, and follow me about. If not for Dad, she was in no measure to the type of girls I move with.

“See you during supper,” she said leaving.

So happy!

She was a trouble!

A big one!

She was asking what makes Suzy so special? And I felt like telling it to her face, that girl has it all. And I was sure I wasn’t the only one crazy for that pretty face, and the most gorgeous smile ever. I would kindly tell Festus to warn Sola, I know he’s no serious guy, and when he wants something he gets it. But not Suzy. I felt so bad the way she talked to me, but expected she would call and apologize, which she never did. Ever since I’ve known myself, no girl would dare speak to me in such way. Sometimes, I wish had never promised myself to know who ‘Suzy James’ really is. I wish had never gotten myself in trouble talking to her.

“Hey Victor, you’re here?” Victoria ran towards me. “re-ady to share it with me?”

I just smiled. My little sister was acting the role of a big sister. Always want to know what goes wrong with me. “It’s personal,” I told her.
She looked up at me,”there is nothing personal about this.”

“My feelings.”

“Feelings,” she repeated even after hearing what I said. “I know you like her Victor. It’s obvious.”

“Well you’re wrong.” I love her baby sister.
She stared at me. “Is there something you aren’t telling me Victor.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Do you expect me to k!ssher and tell you.”
Her eyes wi-de-ned. “Oh no, don’t tell you’ve k!$$£d her.”

I laughed so ha-rd this time around. Was she expecting me to k!ssand tell, or tell her about my personal life. Well, that won’t happen.


“I quit! I quit!” She immediately waved her hands. “I was only trying to help you stubborn goats, but I think I should have mind my own business.” She said walking away.
“Do you know you just call me a goat?” I shouted for her to hear.

“She calls you the worst name ever, and you never shout at her.” She shouted back, not bothering to look back.
How can I get angry when those names sounded really sweet from that candy mouth of hers. Couldn’t wait to have her call me those names again. Missed her so much.

Laying on my be-d with my eyes not fully opened. I ru-bbe-d my two eyes with my hands, refused to get down. Knowing there was no school on Saturday, gives us the joy to take our time to sleep for long without anyone disturbing our sleep.
Still on my be-d, I averted my eyes to a corner to see what was going on. Some were still slee-ping though. I saw Benedicta as usual with her earphones on. She was sitting comfortably on her be-d writing the lyrics of the song she must have just downloaded. That was Benedicta for you.

Darting my eyes around, Kunmi’s corner was left alone. We still haven’t heard anything since we talked to her Mom. We wanted to call again, but we didn’t want her Mom feel pressured by us.
“Oh God!” I breathed. I instantly regretted looking at that direction. She was staring back at me. I immediately looked away. No smile, no emotions, no expression. Nothing to say. She was just blank, staring dangerously. I s-en-sed trouble. She was not to move with, and I wasn’t even planning to.
No. Never.

Close to me, my phone vibr@ted. I picked it up, and realized I had a message from an unknown number. Let’s have a look. I immediately opened to re-ad.

“Good morning the ever beautiful Queen.”

I squee-zed my face at first, trying to recollect where I heard that statement before. Oh! That should be Sola. A smile appeared on my face. Where did he get my number?

“Sola Daniels if I’m right. How did you get my no?”✅✅
I s£nt back, and immediately there c@m£ the reply I quic-kly re-ad.

✔✔”So it’s Sola now. Forgotten about that handsome
guy that makes you blus-h and happy.”

Hmm.. It was becoming more interesting. I guess the guy was a secret admirer, because I really do not know who that person could be if not Sola.

✔✔”So, who is the dream boy that actually makes me
feel all that?”

I stared at my phone, impatiently waiting for a reply. Some seconds later, I felt my phone vibr@ted in my hand, and I quic-kly opened to re-ad.

✅”Fill in the gap and know your dream boy. V_ _ _ _ r ”
Do you know that feeling? I was short of words. I instantly sat up with so much excitement. blus-h upon blus-h was followed with an unceasing smile. My face was all smiling. Victor. It was Victor.

Are you kidding!

It was Victor texting me all long. I wasn’t expecting that at all. I laughed quietly not to be heard. I knew if Temi was around, she would surely know who I was chatting with. But I could feel some eyes on me.

Have missed him.

Have missed that silly boy in just a week without us

Suzy st©p blu-shing, people are staring.
I tried to tell myself to st©p, but I just couldn’t. I was excited to have him talk to me. Another message c@m£ in, interrupting my thoughts.

✔”Thinking about him?”

He s£nt back and I just smile to myself. I decided to tease him a bit. I pressed very fast to reply him on time.

✅”Vector right?” (A NIGERIAN SINGER)
I s£nt back one of the ra-p singers I know, and immediately his reply c@m£ in.

“Well done Suzy. So you don’t know anyone bearing

I chuckled slowly, sitting straight. I blu-shed as I typed.

“You mean that Victor that is tall, black, handsome
to be precise, and a bit arrogant though.”

His message c@m£ in, and I was smiling to myself as I re-ad it…

“Lol… Smiling.. You describe-d him well. You just
didn’t put ‘Very’ to your handsome. I guess you
know so much about this guy. But do you even
know how he feels right now?”

I couldn’t suppress my smile. I knew he would exaggerate it himself. I can’t hold my smile when chatting with him. He makes me feel happy and alive. I quic-kly s£nt him a reply.

✔”Tell her. She promise to make you feel better.” I s£nt, and his reply c@m£ in immediately.

✅”He really missed you. I’m dying, but I’m sure I
would get better when I see you. Remember you
just promised.”

And who cares if I promised. See how he composed it like he was suffering from something. Guys would always be guys, and Victor was no exception. Sincerely, I was acting as if I was not allowed to think twice about my decision. I quic-kly changed from my night go-wn into something decent and covering. I haven’t taken my bath though, but I made sure to brush my teeth. I could feel so many eyes on me, wondering where I was heading to. I did everything I wanted to do like no one was watching, and immediately took my leave to the school. Without him telling me where to meet, I alre-ady knew it would be at the back of the school hall.
