My black knight Episode 18

🎴Happen 18
As Produced By Sheriff Squinty
Theme: The Test (2)
Sub Theme : Test Turn Bad
I scrambled upwards, dusting my clothes off. I could practically feel Gabriel’s eyes boring holes into the side of my head but I ignored him, still unable to handle seeing him half-n-ked. I glanced at Eli instead. He had a small grin on his face and he gave me a nod.
“It seems you’ve hand some hand to hand combat experience,” Vincent said begrudgingly, actually addressing me for once. “Come on you two, back to the others.”
I nodded. Bree, ignoring me, strode ahead back to the group. I couldn’t help but hold my head a little more proudly as I followed her.
“It seems so,” Gabriel said. I dared glance at him to find him staring at me intently. His expression was mostly unre-adable, but if I wasn’t mistaken there was a hint of….admiration? Was that actually pride in his expression, however slight? I felt warmth blo-ssom inside of me at the thought of my Mate being proud of me; however, he quic-kly masked the expression before resuming his usual look of indifference.
“Satisfied?” He asked coolly without looking at Vincent.
Vincent nodded, but he still had a scowl on his features. “Yes, Alpha. Are we moving to agility training now?” Gabriel kept his dark eyes on me the whole time Vincent spoke to him. I felt my gaze locked with my Mate’s as if I was frozen in place. For a few seconds it was as if only the two of us were out there on that training field. I felt the electricity sparking between us, my b©dy and Wolf on full alert, aware of the half-n-ked man in front of us. After a few more drawn-out seconds in which I felt that all the wolves could see the tension between us, I finally broke the eye contact and Gabriel turned back to the others.
“We’ll leave the obstacle course for tomorrow. Today I want you to show her the west quadrant of our land.”
“Alpha?” It seemed that the last thing Vincent wanted to do was give me a tour but he was too intimid@t£d by Gabriel to say so.
“If she’s going to be joining us, she nee-ds to know the layout of the land she’ll be living on. You were due on patrol anyways. Take another with you.”
As Produced By Sheriff Squinty
I felt a prickle of irritation that they weren’t using my name, but it would be nice to learn some new territory.
“Alpha, are you sure you want us to go now?” Vincent was clearly trying to avoid spending time with me. Apparently I’d always be on his bad side. “Patrol will only take a couple of hours and I wanted to train-”
“No, you will be going in human form so it will take longer.” I felt my heart sink at Gabriel’s words; my Wolf wanted to run. Vincent was staring incredulously.
“You wanted to test her endurance, correct? This will be better. You can’t communicate with Skylar if you’re in Wolf form.” I felt my stomach flutter at Gabriel’s use of my name.
Realizing it would be foolish to argue with Gabriel, Vincent lowered his head, sighing. “Very well, Alpha. We’ll leave now.”
Gabriel nodded, glancing at me once more. I felt my skin heat un-der his gaze. “Vincent, be back before sundown. That’s an order.”
At first I wondered why it mattered, and then I remembered the vampire Gabriel had scented in the woods. It wouldn’t be safe to wander in a small group at night if the creatures were still lur-k-ing about. The thought de-eply disturbe-d me.
With one last look at me, Gabriel beckoned to Eli and the two strode off. I felt a prickle of disappointment that he wasn’t joining, but what did I expect? He had pack duties much more important than giving me a tour.
But we got to show him our fighting, My Wolf said smugly. I smiled a bit at that.
Sorry you don’t get to run, was my reply.
She just sighed. Maybe once they trust us.
If that would ever happen. I wasn’t even sure I liked them yet, except for Eli. That hadn’t given me much reason to like them in the past or pres£nt. One didn’t become best friends with old enemies overnight.
Several hours later, I was about re-ady to kill the man in front of me. I was back to calling him Blondie in my head again, as I’d been staring at the back of his stupid blonde head all day. Not only was I beginning to tire from running in human form in the ridiculously fast pace he set, his constant reprimands were setting me on edge.
“Hurry up!”
“A pup could run fas-ter than that!”
“You aren’t fit to join our pack if you can’t even handle border patrol!”
“You don’t nee-d a break if I’m not taking a break!”
The jibes were definitely getting to me. Everything was wors£ned by the fact that he had chos£n to bring Bree along, which definitely made things awkward. If we had been in wolf form I wouldn’t have worried about the terrain or tiring, as my Wolf could easily handle it, but as it was I knew my human form would be exhausted before sundown hit. I had a decent amount of endurance even as a human, but this terrain was extremely difficult to traverse.
The one thing that made me feel slightly better was the fact that Bree seemed slightly out of breath, too. Vincent was much stronger than the average wolf. He seemed to be one of Gabriel’s lead warriors, after all, if he was training the others. He probably did this regularly. I, on the other hand, did not often travel so many miles as a human, and it seemed that Bree was in the same boat.
We’d kept at it the entire afternoon at the same breakn£¢k pace. My silent prayers were answered when Vincent finally called a halt. We slowed our jog next to a large stream.
“This is the edge of our territory on this side, and it is one of the key points of border patrol. We will follow the river for a few miles. The other side gets closer to human territory as you go along so don’t cross it.”
I nodded, too irked with him to speak. Fortunately, he let us rest for a few moments and drink from the stream before we resumed our trek.
Slightly replenished, we continued along the stream, Vincent pointing out key landmarks in their territory. Despite my reservations I had to admit the Black Mountains Pack had some beautiful landscapes. At one point we pas-sed a large, crystal blue lake that I wanted to visit sometime. It even had a small sandy area on one side that I could imagine being somewhat like a beach, although I had never seen one. I imagined stretching out in the warm sand. My Wolf imagined Gabriel with us, and I pushed the distracting images out of my mind.
I was definitely feeling the exhaustion as the hours pas-sed and the sun began slowly descending in the sky. I was sure my cheeks would be lightly tinged from sunburn. Due to the relentless pace we had covered everything Vincent wanted covered and we were now starting to head back towards the pack as sunset was fast approaching. I glanced at Bree out of the corner of my eye as we jogged. Like me, she was covered in sweat, the liquid matting her hair and trick-ling down the sides of her face.
My side began to dully ache, my breathing more labored. Every stretch of trees was beginning to look the same. Our last break had been a couple of hours ago and I felt like I nee-ded another one before I coll@psed.
I glanced up at the sky with trepidation. The sun was beginning to sink below the horizon as the time continued to pas-s, but thankfully I thought we were pretty close to the training area so we had plenty of time to make it.
Hall Of Supernatural Stories
I slowed my pace slightly, taking de-ep breaths. My lungs burned, and my t-shi-t was sticking to my back with the sweat. Vincent noticed my lagging jog and glared at me out of the corner of his eye.
“We’re almost back,” I breathed out heavily. “Can’t we rest for just a bit?”
Vincent’s scowl de-epened. “Alpha said be back by sunset.”
“And it’s almost sunset, and we’re almost there. If I coll@pse now we’ll never make it back before sunset.” I couldn’t help the irritation from seeping into my voice; my exhaustion made me br@ve. It was true, though. At this pace I was worried I wouldn’t make it at all.
“I’m alre-ady moving slowly enough. I have a Mate and a daughter urging me to come home,” He snapped.
Lucky them, I thought irritably.
“Just go, Vincent,” Bree chimed in, tiredly. I could tell her breathing was labored as well. “I can show her the way from here. Just get back to your Mate. I nee-d to slow down too.”
Vincent eyed her for a moment, uncertainty crossing his broad features. “The Alpha-”
“It’ll be fine, we’ll be just behind you.” Bree slowed to match my pace and I sh0t her a grateful look.
Vincent hesitated before nodding once. “Don’t linger,” he said shortly, then sped up, taking off. His broad form quic-kly vanished into the thick trees.
Silence descended on the two of us as we slowed our pace to a brisk walk. I wanted to thank Bree but she kept her face averted from mine so I let it slide. I focused on my breathing, trying to get rid of the stitch in my side and the burning in my lungs. I hadn’t run that much in human form for a long while, and I hoped it wouldn’t be a daily activity. Vincent may be able to handle it but normal wolves like me weren’t accustomed to it.
A few more minutes pas-sed by, the only noises being our footfalls and the rustle of the un-dergrowth around us. I glanced up at the sky. The sun was quite low now, the last beams of light stretching across the sky. I really hoped we weren’t far away. I was unfamiliar with the l@yof the land and didn’t want to be out here in the dark, despite the fact that Bree was with me.
Bree suddenly froze, c0cking her head to the side and sniffing the air. I followed her actions, worried about what exactly she was smelling, but I relaxed when I caught the faint scent of another werewolf. It wasn’t Vincent though, which surprised me. If Gabriel didn’t want us out after sunset I doubted he’d like other wolves wandering around.
“What the hell is he doing?” Bree hissed, almost to herself. I blinked at her in confusion. She tossed me a wary glance over her shoulder before turning slightly, facing the woods to my left.
She frowned in concentration for a second, and I guessed she was mentally contacting someone.
“I can’t believe he’s out here, it’s getting dark…” She muttered furiously un-der her breath. I shifted from foot to foot, well aware that darkness was creeping across the sky. We had scarce minutes left before Gabriel would be angry.
Seconds pas-sed, then minutes, before I heard crashing throu-gh the un-dergrowth and a human form emerged. He looked young, likely in his early teens, and had obviously just Shifted back into human form judging by the fact that his shi-t was inside out and there were twigs matted in his dark hair.
“What the hell are you doing, Riley?” Bree snapped. The young boy winced.
“I was hungry and nob©dy has let me hunt recently so I just wanted to go out and catch a rabbit…” He trailed off, seeing Bree’s angry face. His eyes fli-ckered to me as he noticed my pres£nce. “Is that the Alpha’s Mate?” I shifted position, slightly uncomfortable with those wi-de brown eyes focused on me. I nodded in response, and his eyes got even wi-der with surprise.
As Produced By Sheriff Squinty
Bree ignored his question. “You know we can’t be out after sunset! Not since…” She trailed off, obviously not wanting to talk about it in front of me.
“I know but-”
“No buts. Your brother would kill you if he knew you were out here right now. You’re coming back with us.”
A petulant expression appeared on the young boy’s face.
“Yeah but-”
“NO BUTS!” She practically yelled. Riley sighed, looking downtrodden, before he nodded.
“Fine, I’ll go back with you,” he mumbled res£ntfully.
“Come on,” she said impatiently, gr-abbing his arm and practically shoving him in the right direction.
The three of us set off again towards the pack village.
The two of them walked slightly in front of me in quiet conversation, which might have irked me another time, but I was too exhausted to care. More of my attention was focused on the fact that it was dark outside and Gabriel would probably be pissed. Knowing my luck I’d get blamed for not having enough endurance. Maybe I could get Bree to explain how ha-rd Vincent pushed us and how she’d been tired, too. Plus there was this kid Riley that had delayed us a few minutes. Gabriel probably wouldn’t like my excuses but I didn’t want him to be disappointed in me, not after seeing the proud glimmer in his expression for a brief moment earlier.
“I just don’t see why-” Riley was complaining, the petulant tone back in his voice.
“Are you seriously arguing right now? Do you want to talk to the Alpha about this? Because I sure as hell don’t,” Bree was responding.
“Good. Then don’t push it.” Her tone was firm.
“I’m almost full grown, I can take care of myself.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
I sighed and tuned them out, glancing aimlessly down at my appearance. My clothes were damp with sweat and I had numerous scratches and cuts from our trek in the woods. I was certainly not pres£ntable right now. Being around Gabriel so much made me more self-conscious than ever. I couldn’t help but focus on every imperfection and wonder if he would notice. I cursed myself for thinking in such a manner.
I refocused on the woods around me again, knowing we would be there in mere minutes. I was absolutely exhausted, but tried to stay alert, at least until we were out of the fringe of the forest.
Despite my best efforts to focus, I didn’t see it coming.
Hall Of Supernatural Stories
One second, Bree and Riley were chatting in front of me, the next I felt a powerful woosh of air, s-en-sed a pres£nce whizzing by me, and heard a sick squelching noise. There was a strangled cry from in front of me. Something warm and we-t splattered across my face and torso and I froze as the scent of blood permeated the air.
I watched as, almost as if in slow motion, Riley’s small b©dy twisted in mid-air. My Wolf s-en-ses immediately honed in on him despite the impending darkness and I felt the hairs on the back of my n£¢k stand up.
There was a gaping hole in his che-st and his throat was torn open, blood spurting from the wound and standing out against his pale skin. Riley’s glas-sy, lifeless eyes stared up at the sky, expression frozen in a half-frown, mouth half open with the cry of pain. His tiny form coll@psed into the ground in a jumbled heap, red staining the earth beneath him. The leaves in the tree next to us rustled as if something had just rushed throu-gh them. I scented the air and detected nothing, but the lack of traceable scent told me enough. ‘Vampires!’
And then Bree began to scream.
Yea, am aware there were some really hypertensive moments in this Happen (lol)
But then you should have seen it coming.
There has been multi-ple demands for Gabriel’s pov,
But we may not be getting that soon, don’t be mad.
It’s just not the right time as far as the story is concerned.
The perfect moment will come. And we’ll get details for Gabriel’s point of view……😉
So anticipate the next Happen
“As all hell MIGHT just be about to be broken lose.”