My arranged marriage episode 41 & 42

(He is arrogant and mean)

( EPISODE 41 & 42)


Elizabeth had tears in her eyes as she typed

She looked up as her memory flashed back to when she was still married to her Ex husband

**Flash back to 27 years ago**

Fiona(Elizabeth) who was still in her youths newly married

She was in the room arranging her clothes in the wardrobe when she heard a knock on the door

A smiled pla-yed on her face as she rushed off to open it because she definitely knew who was knocking

As she c@m£ out of the room, the knock c@m£ on more louder

“Am coming Honey” she said with a smile on her face opening the door, Cullen’s gave her a ha-rd glare as he walked pas-sed her

“Welcome honey” she said as she locked the door but the man Never replied her

“Cullen’s” she called his name slightly annoyed at why the man isn’t replying her

Cullen’s who was about to open the door and enter inside the room halted immediately

Fiona took the chance, walking over him, she gently t©uçhed his hand

“Are you okay Cullen’s?, What’s wrong?” She asked

“You is wrong Fiona” Cullen’s replied, he turned and faced his wife who wore a confuse face

“What do you mean?” Fiona asked

“You’re still seeing him right?” Cullens asked with a ha-rd gaze

“Seeing who?” Fiona asked

“Watson of course, your lover boy, the love of your life fiona”

Fiona swallowed ha-rd as she looked down

“I don’t know what you are talking about Cullens” fiona said

“Look at that face, if you aren’t seeing him, then look me into the eyes and tell me Cullen’s am not seeing him…” Cullen’s trailed off, he shut his eyes close then opening it again he continues

“I love you Fiona, i have always loved you, why can’t you forget him and move on with me, i have showered you with love, you said you love me but your heart belongs to that rich guy, i know am not rich now but one day i will make it and shower you with lots of gifts, i know we are struggling to survive in this ha-rd sh!p,,,but tomorrow will be better,,,when things are more soft for us i promise you that i will sponsor your modelling career, i know that’s what you have always wanted to become” Cullen’s said with a diluted voice


Fiona who was listening all the while with so much patient almost exploded

“Whats wrong with you Cullen’s!!, I have told you countless times that am not seeing Watson!, About our financial status am not complaining about it!!, I love you Cullen’s thats why i choosed you, even though you weren’t rich i still choosed you…” She couldn’t finish her words because Cullen’s cut in immediately

“Spare me that Fiona, am just a replacement”


“Yes, you replaced me with him,,, because he travelled and didn’t come back, you replaced him with me because i was so much inlove with you, here am i now regretting ever been another man’s replacement, now that he is back you ran into his arms again not minding you are married,,, you even had an affair with him” Cullen’s blurted out

Fiona immediately shuddered

“It was a mistake Cullen’s, why are you bringing it up again, why cant you forgive and forget,,, why can’t you just forgive me alre-ady!!” Fiona yelled

“Enough Fiona!!, I have forgiven you and that because I love you so much,,,if is the other way round I could have divorced you…the only thing i cant sit and watch is allowing the same Mistake to take place again,,,i cant sit and watch another man ravage on my wife,,, never Fiona,,, so that so called contract you are going to have with Watson won’t work, tell him you aren’t interested” Cullen’s said as he turned back to leave

“What’s wrong with you young man!!, You never cared about me!!, All you care about is your own self and your feelings,,, you just don’t care about my career,,, someone is about to help me and achieve my dreams but here you are objecting to it,,, you are a devil in disguise!!” Fiona yelled in anger, she was about to expload in so much rage

“Dont push me woman,,,you will do as i say as far as you are un-der my roof!!” Cullen’s commanded with a cold voice, his back against her

“Then let me go!, give me a divorce!!” Fiona yelled

Cullen’s gritted his teeth, this is ma-king it the fourth time she is telling him to give her a divorce

The anger in him increa-sed so much that his eyes turned red, he cleanched his fist so damn ti-ght

“Give me a damn divorce!!,,, since you are obstructive to my future!!” Fiona yelled

Cullens who has reached his self restraint limit turned and gave her a thun-derous sl@p on the face

Fiona held her cheeks

“You sl@pped me again?” She asked as h0t tears flowed down her cheeks

“Yes,,, and i will continue sl@pping you untill the very day, it will come to your s-en-ses that you are mine forever, you go no where woman” he said as he walked away

He stood at the door as he inhaled de-eply, he looked down his hand as he shooked his head

Fiona walked towards the small couch as she slowly sat down

She t©uçhed her cheeks as tears ran down her eyes again

He has always sl@pped her

He has always hurt her

He is abusive

She is in the state of dilemma, yes her heart belongs to someone else

She is with Cullens just because of one thing

“Divorce him, why is he always treating you this way, why are you still with him , leave him and i will treat you like a queen that you are” Watson her ex b©yfri£ndhad said to her on their last meeting

But she never agreed, she is still with him because she felt pity for him, he truly loves her and he was the one who healed her broken heart when Watson travelled

Cullen’s picked her up and showered her with a lot of love

She loved him, untill one day Watson showed up again and she realizes that she still loves him

She can’t pretend she loves someone all the time,her heart belongs to someone else but Cullens won’t accept it and let her go

Rather he will always yell at her sl@ps her all the time

“I have reached my limits, I can’t take this anymore” she said with a broken heart

**In the night

Fiona and Cullens never talk to each other

Cullens who led down couldn’t sleep,,,he felt bad and sad

He usually cursed himself for raising his hand on his dear wife

He was never the type to hit woman, so he is always surprise at himself whenever he hit Fiona

And that always happens when ever she mentioned divorcing him

He loves her so much and can’t live without her

He knew she loves someone else, but he had always prayed she accept him one day

Even though she has cheated on him but still he forgived her

He looked at her direction

Fiona had her back against him and her b©dy was slightly moving showing she was sobbing slowly

Cullens heart hitched and sadness flashed on his face

He slowly moved towards her as he wra-pped his hand around her w@!st

“Baby” he gently called but Fiona Never answered him

“Baby sorry” he said as he k!$$£d her ba-re back

“Leave me alone, you are…are always apologizing” Fiona said in-between her sobs

“Look at me baby” Cullens said ma-king her to turn towards her

“Am sorry babe, i didn’t mean to yell and sl@p you,,,i was just angry” he said as he k!$$£d her teary eyes

Fiona didn’t say anything, she just looked at his face, her eyes was alre-ady red because of her constant sobbing

“Fiona plea-se forgive me, i love you so much” Cullens said as he k!$$£d herl-ips

He couldn’t pu-ll away as he de-epened the k!ss, the k!ssheld of so much emotions, sadness and heartbreak

Fiona in the other hand k!$$£d him back, he loves him but not the way she loves Watson her ex b©yfri£nd

One thing lead to another,,, they made love that night

That very night was the night JASPER was conceived

From that day on wards,,, during Fiona’s pregnancy,,, the couple lived like cat and dog, like two sworn enemies

Fiona constantly demanding divorce but Cullen’s refused


“Honey” Watson gently called as he slowly walked over to his wife who was apparently lost in a de-ep thought

“Honey” he called again but got no reply

“Elizabeth” he called again this time he t©uçhed her

Elizabeth immediately jo-lted back to reality

“You are crying?” Watson asked

“No am not” Elizabeth looked away as she cleaned her tears

“Obviously you are” Watson said with a worried look as he t©uçhed her cheeks

“If you haven’t saved me that very day,,, me and my unborn child could have died in the labour room,,,you are my life saver Watson and that of my son” Elizabeth said as tears dropped down her eyes

She looked down at her phone as she posted what she has typed

“Look” she said as she showed her husband what she has posted

“What!” Mr Watson’s eyes wi-de-ned


There was so much sorrow in his eyes, i haven’t seen him like that before

“Really?” He asked

“Yes Jasper talk to me”I said with a soothing voice

“Come here” Jasper said with a smile

He climbe-d the be-d as he sat down, his head against the headboard

He made me sit in between his legs

My head was placed on his che-st

While he wra-pped his hands loosely around my stomach

“Baby” he called sweetly ru-bbing my hair

“Hm”i hummed with a smile

“You Know i will never hurt you right?” He k!$$£d my hair

“Yes i know” i replied with a little confusion, like how is this related to what he wanted to tell md

“I love you Emmeth, i love you so much” he said k!ss!ngmy hair again

“I love you too baby, you are ma-king me so emotional now” i said ru-bbing his hand

“My mother may be alive” he said with a sad tone

My eyes wi-de-ned up, i made to look at his face but i couldn’t get to do so…

“Am sad, scared and heart broken, what if she is still alive, what if she is out there living her life to the fullest, while am here missing and longing for her, since when i was brou-ght into this world throu-gh her”

Sadness was filled in his voice

“I don’t un-derstand Jasper, why sounding like this?, Like while do you think she is still alive?, make me to un-derstand”

“I think she is alive, she is alive Emmeth” he said

“Baby,,, am still in the dark, did you see her, maybe…” I couldn’t finish my words because, i felt chill all over my b©dy at what i wanted to say

Maybe Jasper saw his mother’s ghost!!

“Do you wanna see her picture?” Jasper asked

I swallowed ha-rd , i hesitated before i answered him

“Yes” i replied, because I have always been curious to know the woman that gave birth to him, but i couldn’t get myself to ask because i Don’t wanna open a wound that has alre-ady healed up

“Here” he gave me a picture frame

“W… what?” I said with shock and surprise

I couldn’t believe my eyes

“This.. this picture i have seen it somewhere” i said covering my mouth

“Yes, you are right” i heard his sullen voice

“Elizabeth Watson’s old picture before surgery” i said with shock

Does this means she is Jasper’s mom

No this is stupid

How come?, This can’t be true

I quic-kly remembered all the news about her earlier today

The ones on TV and the ones on the internet

Realizing all this,,, i shook my head

I looked down the picture again, there i saw the similarities, Jasper looked exactly like his mother

Elizabeth is actually Jasper’s mom!!!


So Jerry is…!!!

“Jasper” i gently called,,, i turned around this time facing him

I was straddling him, while my hands wra-pped his n£¢k

He buried his face on my che-st, wra-pping his hvge hand around my w@!st, he pu-ll-ed me more closer

He is weak, i can feel it

He isn’t crying but i know he is crying inside

“She abandoned me, this is funny, was i a nuisance that she has to abandon me?, after bringing me to this world?” He asked with a so-re voice

“No baby don’t say that,,,you aren’t a nuisance, there must be a reason for everything, don’t come into conclusion that she abandoned you, because a mother can never abandon her child,,,” i said as i inhaled de-eply

“No matter what, she shouldn’t have left me Emmeth, i longed for her but i couldn’t see her, even though their was someone who looked after me,,, but still i wanted her… I wanted her…” He said again with a sad tone

I couldn’t reply him this time because am short of words

Seeing that I was quiet, Jasper moved and raised up his face, looking de-ep into my eyes

I didn’t know when i moved and k!$$£d his eyes, there i felt it

There was we-tness in his eyes

I k!$$£d his eyes again, this time i trail down his face down to hisl-ips, there I gave him a soft we-t k!ss

I don’t why but i couldn’t pu-ll away, as i continues k!ss!nghisl-ips even though he was not responding to my k!ss

Just when i was about to pu-ll away from hisl-ips, i felt hisl-ips moving rhythemically on mine

Slowly slowly our k!ssde-epened, he was taking my breath away

He didn’t give me a chance to breath, and i Loved it

Gently he made me lie on the be-d while he hovered over me

He did it so gently as if i was an egg, which will crack if not handled with care

He looked de-ep into my eyes, before capturing myl-ips again

His hands instantly surveyed my b©dy, giving me enough attention on each of s-en-sitive p@rts

Breaking the k!ssagain, he looked de-ep into my eyes as he said

“I want you baby”



“Are you sure about this?” A man in Black p@n-ts and black hoodie asked the man before him

“Yes go on” Cullen’s replied the man who was with a shovel and other materials

He was standing in front of a grave

Actually it his late wife’s grave

“Okay sir” the man replied as he started his work

He was actually a professional, so it won’t take long for him to dig up the grave

Cullens stood afar in de-ep thought, he wanted to confirm it, if what he actually saw that very day wasn’t Fiona’s corpse

He knew what he is doing isn’t right but he has to do it


“Come check it sir, is done” the man said to Cullens, who inhaled de-eply before he moved and open the coffin

The man who has dug up the grave, was confused on why Cullens wants to see a rottened corpse, not just rottened but a broken bones

But when the coffin opened his eyes wi-de-ned up in shock at what he saw

Cullens eyes was wi-de open in shock at what he saw too

He immediately stepped back

What he is seeing inside there was not actually a broken bones but Fiona’s well carved mannequin

It was actually what he saw the day they buried her, but he in shock now because what he is seeing is not fiona’s b©dy but her fake b©dy(mannequin)

The thing they used to preserve her fake b©dy have now shrinked off, all that is now showing is a full mannequin of herself

It showed in full that what was buried was a fake human b©dy!!
**T. B. C