mohini episode 5 – 7


[Prince cure ⚡…. She is in between ?]

[India R0m-nce Story ??]

©By, Mha Rhy

‼️ Do Not Copy Or Repost ‼️


Mohini walked slowly to her room, she doesn’t know why she felt weak suddenly

Her head was hurting like hell”

Mohini!! She heard Priyanka call

Am coming aunt! She replied and walked back

Just as she was about to climbed the stairs, something dripped from her head and she tou-ched her head,

Her eyes wide-ned as she saw that it was blood, suddenly her eyes felt blurry, mistakenly she missed her steps and she fell off the stairs blacking out immediately.

Mohini!!! Everyone called as they saw her..

The King barged into Arjun’s room and find the doctor already treating him

He was just coming back from an outing when he was informed about the incidence

His eyes wide-ned in shock as he saw how de-ep the injury was”

“Arjun!? What happened to him? The King asked sternly

“It was Queen Mira” Rahul replied almost in tears

“Mira? Mira did this?

Rahul nodded

“That woman” he muttered balling his fist

How is he now? He asked the doctor

He will be fine but he might take some time before he could wake up” the doctor replied

Take care of my son,I will be back” the king ordered and left without waiting for any reply

The King walked angrily to Mira’s chamber

The guards open the door immediately they saw him

Mira who was busy polishing her nails looked up to see the king

You can all leave” she ordered her maid with her and they all scurried away bowing their heads

The King Walk to her

” You are here Rajesh! What a pleasant surprise? I could not remember the last time you came_

Slap!! The King cut off her words with a slap

Mira hold her cheek with suprise


“Don’t call my name woman” how dare you Mira?

“What the hell are you saying?

” You are asking me that” Why did you hit Arjun with a Gl@$$_

” So it’s because of that worthless son? I don’t care

” You know I have always forgiven you of all the mistakes you’ve been doing but this time I won’t,

Guards!! The King called and almost ten guards rushed in

“Your highness” they bowed

“Lock the Queen up in the dungeon and you must not rele-ase her until Arjun wakes up”

” Rajesh what the hell!

The guards walked to her and bowed

Forgive us your Highness” they said and hold her

” Hey let go of my hand!” She shouted

“Are you deaf? Do you want me to behead you all” ‘ she shouted as she was being dragged out

” Rajesh you can’t do this to me” Rajesh!! She kept shouting till she was finally out of sight…

The King sighed out..


Queen Mahil smile as she watched Mira been dragged to the dungeon

“This is what I want and I will make sure I ruined you Mira” she thought smiling wickedly…



In a dark room, Mahil is seen sitting beside an old lady

“Things are improving as predicted” Mahil said

” I know but you should not let your guards down, you can’t make another mistake like you did 20 years ago

” Don’t worry ,I won’t repeat the same mistake”

” Just know that another mistake could destroy you and your plans”

” I un-derstand sorceress” where is that woman?

” She is in the lock up room” The old woman replied reading her spell book

Mahil stands up and walked to a wooden door which was facing t

She opened the door and enter the room which was also dark but

See who we have here” Mahil mocked the tied up lady

The woman looked up and it turns out to be Queen Mira but she look tattered and unkept

“Why are you doing this to me? She asked slowly in pains

“Simple! You shouldn’t have taken away what belongs to me”

“I never took anything away from you Mahil,it was your choice to let go of him”

“Yes I know it’s was my choice at first but when I decided that I want him , you should have left him for me but you proved to be a stubborn head and now it’s your son suffering for it”

” leave my son out of it Mahil”

“To late Mira, Your poor son is already suffering for your sin

“Haven’t you done enough damage Mahil? You’ve successfully made my son hate me using another woman as me, you have destroy my reputation in the palace” , you’ve made the king believe that Khan is also his son which he is not, You are wicked human being, you don’t deserve to live among human, Mira said in tears

“Such a pitiful scene, how could a queen of Singh kingdom will be weak as this”

” Mark my words Mahil, your Doom is near and I promise you I will be there to watch your downfall” Mira said with anger and Mahil laugh out wickedly

Stop dreaming Mira” not even you nor your son guardian will be able to stop my Khan from becoming the future King”… Mahil smile mischievously and walked out of the room…


Mohini kept running as she was being chased by a demon”

She ran fastly trying to escape from him but mistakenly she sli-pped

She fell flatly on the ground but stands immediately

She look behind and saw that it was too late cos the demon was already at her back holding a dagger”

” You can’t escape from me woman” the demon said kicking Mohini ha-rdly on her stomach and she fell on her back

“Who are you? Why are you chasing me around?” Mohini asked in pains

” Because with you being alive, Arjun will be crowned but I won’t let that happen, she replied and raised the dagger

Just as the demon was about to stab her, her eyes snapped open..

*No!!!!! She screamed standing up with sweat coming out of her forehead

“Mohini!! Raj called

” Mohini are you okay? Raj asked seeing how she kept breathing heavily

The Kumar’s family walked in at once hearing her scream

“Mohini are you okay?

” Why did you scream?

They all asked at once while Mohini kept looking at them with fear in her eyes

“Mohini” Raj hold her hand which she remove immediately.

“Who is Arjun? She asked


Rahul sighed repeatedly as he watched Arjun laying lifelessly showing no signs of waking up soon”

” Just wake up already, the palace is boring without you” Rahul said

” The winds blow and thun-der strikes as a presence arrived in the room”..

It was an old woman with a long white hair which looks unkept, her dress were tattered and she look rou-gh

It was Arjun seer

Rahul hissed seeing the seer,

“You know I can just replace your mouth with peaco-ck peak , the seer said taking her seat

“What are you doing here old woman? Thought you’ve forgotten about us” Rahul replied ignoring her words

” Stupid boy, I didn’t forgot you nor Arjun, I have just been busy dealing with somethings”

” Since you are here now, when is he going to wake up? ” Rahul asked

” He will only wake up when his cure has been found”

” What! But how is that possible?

“It is possible curse the curse place on him has been revive again and for the curse to be removed you have to find his cure and not only that they will have to mate each other..

“Mate? You mean they will have to copulate?

” Yes”

” But how?”

“Seriously why are you so br-ainless like this? I can’t believe that someone as foolish like you was asked to guide the prince.. You know I don’t nee-d to answer you but how about I show you how mating is been done” The seer said smiling mischievously

” I rebuke every bad fruit from the devil” Rahul said eyeing the seer

” Moron!! Rather than acting like a fool,it is best you look for his cure.. and for you to be able to recognize her , take this” seer said stretching a ne-cklace to Rahul who collected it

“How am I going to recognize her with this ne-cklace?

“Good question from a dumb mouth” I can’t tell you that but you will surely know it’s her cos the prince name will be inscribed on her forehead whenever the ne-cklace is close to her”

” Good day, br-ainless Rahul. The seer said and disappeared..

T. B. C