Married to Mr popular Episode 3 & 4

Married To
Mr Popular
(Rude and grumpy)
Episode 3
By: Faith Lucky.
Bethel’s Pov:
I gave my driver the location of the house and as I sat art the back seat headed there, he suddenly called me as if he knew I was thinking about him.
“Hey” he called and I breathed out softly.
“H…Hey. um…good day” I replied, unexplainably feeling twitchy.
“How’re you bae? You’re done from school alre-ady?” He asked and I nodded like he could see me.
“I’m on my way now” I told him and could tell it litted him up.
“okay dear. I’m waiting. Stay safe okay?”
“Sure. Bye”
and I dropped the call.
I brushed my f!ngersinto my hair and staredstared throu-gh the window as a drove pas-s by big buildings, people and trees.
Nicole’s words suddenly flashed into my head.
I don’t really know much about Jackson. I mean, I just met him a month ago and he seemed really nice.
He asked me out and I accepted, but Nicole thinks I did the wrong thing.
Well, you won’t really blame me. I don’t know a single thing about love or being in a relationsh!p. Mum is too busy to even give such attention to me. I’m always very lonely and just nee-d someone to show me love and care.
But Jackson looks like a really great guy.
I exhaled de-eply and shrugged off the thoughts. I’m sure with time, I’ll get to know more about him.
We finally got to our location and the driver pu-ll-ed over in front of the white dazzling two sto-rey building. I opened the van and c@m£ out with my bag.
“You can go on, Josh. I’ll be fine” I said to my driver and he nodded and took off.
I adjusted my Sk-irt and went ahead to knock on the gate. I knocked twice before the ‘gate boy’ opened up for me.
“Hi. I’m here to see Jackson” I told him as he stood staring at me.
“Oh! You’re Bethel right?” He asked and I nodded.
“plea-se come in. He’s been waiting for you” he added and let me in.
I stepped in and ran my eyes around the dazzling house. Nothing’s changed.
Well, I’ve been here before -just once. But the first time I did, the gate boy wasn’t there.
Wondering why I’m calling him gate boy? Well, he’s too young to be called a man.
I walked closer to the house and knocked on the door and he opened up immediately, putting on a blue Jean, white sleeve and flying jacket.
“Hey” he called with a smile as his pretty eyes beamed.
I smiled back at him.
“You’re here alre-ady. plea-se come in” he said and ushered me into the house.
“So, how was school today?” He asked.
“Same as always.” I replied as I entered the exquisite living room and sat on a couch, dropping my school bag beside me.
“Oh! That sounds boring” he said with a chuckle and sat beside me,, throwing his hand around my shoulder.
“Anyway, thanks for coming”.
“Yeah. Are your parents at home?” I asked.
“Nope. They’ve gone to work alre-ady” he replied.
“Really? Where do they work?” I asked again and he sighed
“That’s not important. Don’t pester yourself with it. I’ll be right back” he said quic-kly and stood up, not giving me a chance to say something.
I exhaled lightly and tucked my hair behind my ear. Maybe I should just let it go.
I reached for the TV remote and turned on the flat screen TV in the room.
Perfect! One of Ryan’s musical video was being pla-yed.
I folded my hands and rolled my eyes before settling to watch.
Well, I must admit; he’s a pretty good dancer and of course, he looks really handsome.
Jackson c@m£ in not long after with a bottle of red wine and two glas-s cu-ps and sat beside me again.
“Did you miss me?” He asked as he kept the wine on the smallsmall table in front of us and tried opening it.
“You wish” I replied with an eye roll and he laughed.
He opened the wine and after decanting it into the two glas-s cu-ps, he handed one to me.
“Thanks” I told him as I collected the drink from him and took a sip.
Hm. Refreshing.
I took my eyes back to the TV which was still about Ryan and kinda enjoyed the song being pla-yed.
“You’re also a fan?” Jackson asked, pointing to Ryan and I shrugged.
“kind of; maybe” I replied and he laughed.
“That’s a funny reply, you know? I mean, you aren’t sure if you like him or not?” He asked and laughed again.
Well, that’s one thing about Jackson. He laugh and smiles alot.
“Well, I do like him but…I don’t like drool on him like the crazy ladies do” I stated and he scoffed.
“Wow! Really? I guess that’s my baby gilr” he said and wra-pped his hand around my shoulder and I smiled.
“Will you be going for his concert tonight?” I went ahead to ask.
“Huh? No; I’m not a girl” he replied.
“And what are you talking about? Girls aren’t the only ones who…”
“I know; I just don’t wanna go. It’s pointless” he cut me off.
“Don’t you like him?” I asked.
Why should I?” He said un-der his breath and I flin-ched.
“You don’t like him?” I repeated more keenly and he sighed.
“Just forget about it Bethel. I have no business with him. By the way, how’re you coping with your mum?” He asked, trying to change the t©pic and I shook my head.
I wonder why he’s acting that way towards Ryan.
“She’s fine” I replied in a low tune and drank from my glas-s again.
He didn’t say anything for a while and I turned and looked at him to be sure he was still with me.
“Bethel” he called and held my right hand.
“There’s something I nee-d to tell you”.
I dropped my drink on the table and adjusted properly to face him.
“Okay. What is it?” I asked curiously, waiting for an answer.
He also dropped his glas-s on the table and held my both hands.
“Bethel” he called, staring into my eyes.
“Don’t you think it’s time?” He asked and I furrowed my brows in confusion.
What’s he talking about?
“Time for what?” I asked, not having a fli-ck about it.
He bent his head and sighed and the next time he lifted his head he k!$$£d me.
My eyes dilated in surprise as I fred my hands from his and pushed him away.
“Jackson” I called as I unlocked from the k!ss, my heart beating ra-pidly.
Why did he do such a thing? I mean, I know he’s my b©yfri£nd, but I wasn’t re-ady for a k!ss.
I tried standing up, but he held me back and pushed me backwards, ma-king me lie on the chair.
Next, he c@m£ on t©p of me and tried k!ss!ngme again
“Jackson st©p it. Let go of me” I said as I struggled with him, but he weighed me down and went for myl-ips.
Oh, God!
What’s he doing?
Married To
Mr Popular
(Rude and grumpy)
Episode 4
By: Faith Lucky.
Bethel’s Pov:
I tried pushing him away but couldn’t as he kept weighing me down and k!ss!ngme.
Next; he s£nt his hands un-der my Sk-irt and my fears increa-sed. Jackson can’t do this to me. I’m not re-ady for this.
Without looking, I moved my hand and reached for the glas-s of wine on the table and luckily, I was able to get it.
I took it up and poured it into his face and it inconvenienced him. That way, I was able to push him away and stood on my feet immediately.
“What the hell’s wrong with you, Jackson?” I yelled angrily and brooked him from holding my hand.
I nabbe-d my bag from the chair and ran out of the house immediately
“Bethel wait!” I heard him call after me but didn’t st©p to look at him as I took to my heels and got to the gate.
I opened the gate myself and rushed out and thank goodness! I saw a cab immediately I got to the road and I boarded it.
I got home feeling really angry and perturbe-d. I was so paranoid. Why the hell did Jackson act the way he did? Would he had seriously f0rç£d himself on me? How could he do such a thing?
I was so restless and couldn’t even think of eating. I thought he was a nice person? I mean, I trusted him. How could he think of forcing himself on me?
If I had been unable to st©p him, would he have really R@p£d me?
I didn’t even take off my uniforms but just la-id quietly on the be-d.
What Jackson did was really shocking. I swear, I never expected it from him.
I heard my phone ringing and discovered it was him calling.
I ended the call and put the phone on silent, keeping it far from me. I can’t even think of talking to him right now. What else does he have to say?
I shook my head and stared at the ceiling. This is so dissapointing. Could I be ma-king a mistake falling for someone like him?
I kept brooding about the whole thing and didn’t realise when I sle-pt off.
I woke up hours later with my family still feeling heavy and muzzy. Well, how wouldn’t I? When I had been thinking even in my dreams?
I took up my phone and discovered 11 missed calls and 2 messages. What the heck?
I checked out the missed calls and discovered 7 was from Jackson while four from Nicole.
I opened then messages and both was from Jackson.
The first one re-ad:
plea-se Bethel, I’m sorry
And the second:
just pick up the call. Give me a chance to explain plea-se
I rolled my eyes and dropped the phone back on the be-d. The whole thing was still a shocker to me. So what could he possibly want to explain?
I was about picking up the phone again when I heard a knock on the door and sluggishly went to check it out.
I opened the door and surprisingly, well – not really surprisingly – it was Nicole.
“Geez! What the hell’s wrong with you, Bethel? Why weren’t you picking your calls? I called for like a hundred times” she said immediately she sp©tted my face, not even giving me a chance to breathe.
I looked at her from head to toe and confirmed she was looking good.
A black short, pink t©p and black boots.
“It was just four missed calls, Nicole. St©p being dramatic” I rolled my eyes and said as I made way for her to come in.
“Hold on;” she scoffed.
“Why are you still on uniform?” She asked and the thought flashed into my mind.
Gosh! I didn’t even realise.
“What have you been doing Bethel?” She asked, almost yelling.
“I was so exhausted and sle-pt off Okay?” I replied and sat on the be-d and she scoffed.
“Really? Do you realise what the time is? Bethel! You’re gonna make me late for Ryan’s concert!”
Ryan’s concert!
I almost forgot.
Oh! No wonder she’s looking so good.
“Come on, B; you’re such a kill joy. You know, I told you countless times to get re-ady in time so we can go early. How could you forget?” She said bittery and I sighed and stood up.
“I’m sorry okay? I’ll be done in a second” I said tiredly and walked into the bathroom.
I showered and c@m£ out with a towel and surprisingly, Nicole had alre-ady selected a clothe and shoe for me to make use of.
“Hurry up, Bethel. Go on and dress up” she said hastily as she took the cloth from the be-d and handed it to me.
It was a short red go-wn and she wanted me to put it on with a blue sneakers which was alre-ady on the floor.
I shook my head and walked to the wardrobe to get my undies and after changing into them, I put on the go-wn and took a look in front of the mirror.
Geez! It was so ti-ght and brou-ght out my curves.
“Wow! You’re definitely going to draw attention out there B” Nicole said from behind, smiling.
“I don’t like it, Nic. It’s too…”
“it’s perfect” she cut me off and took a brush from the make up take, brushing my hair with it.
I sighed and folded my hands and watched from the mirror as she brushed and made my hair fall freely on my shoulders.
I took a red l!pgloss and applied and that was the only make up I did. I didn’t like much make up anyway.
“Come on, come on, come on, Bethel. Let’s get going” she said as she took the sneakers from the floor and handed them to me.
“Chill okay? The concert isn’t running away” I grumbled.
“Yeah, but time is”.
I took the sneakers and went to my shoe shelf, keeping it back there
“And what are you…”
“I just don’t feel like putting on sneakers, Nic. I’ll just go for something simple” I interrupted her and took a blue netted sandals instead.
I wore them on and went for a blue emoji bag and when I turned to look at Nicole, I noticed she was staring and smiling at me.
“What’s wrong?” I asked with a scoff and she smiled even wi-der.
“You’re just beautiful Bethel” she said and I blu-shed but tried to conceal it with an eye roll.
“So…can we get going?” I asked and she laughed and took her bag and phone and we left the room together.