Married to a prince episode 11 & 12

(he’s feared, she’s fearful)
An Egyptian r0m@nç£Novel.
Written by me :Authoress succy
I open the room door and walked into the room, this really isn’t my room though.
let’s just say it’s my bit-ch room,where I make out or perhaps calling it my se-x room won’t be a bad idea though.
“my prince ” she called grinning from ear to ear.
she really look good though, with her big b00bs and bu-tty bu-tts.
” I don’t nee-d to tell you to str!p before you do that?” I asked glaring at her coldly
“c-mon Kyle a little smile won’t hurt” she said and I frowned.
“no one calls me by my name, I won’t forgive you for the second time” I said in anger and walked towards the bar in the room,I pick up a bottle of wine and decanted the liquid into a glas-s cu-p before taking a glance at her.
she still l@yon the be-d with her clothes on, is she dumb or something.
“are you gonna str!p off or make me do it myself” I yelled smashing the glas-s cu-p with my hands.
“woah! that’s sounds ro-mantic it will be an honour having the prince hands slid down my p@n-ties” she said giggling and I clench my teeth.
Ifu-cking hate stubborn girls and it seems this who-re wanna see the monster in me.
“str!p off before the count of four….. 1” I counted and she stood up sm-irking.
I took my glance back to the bar and got hold of another wine glas-s, I decanted the drink into the it,sli-pping it slowly.
I heard the blaring sound of music and turned back only to see the silly bit-ch dancing.
“what! the hell?
does this place looks like a club house?
don’t you know what i wanna pay you for?
do i nee-d to teach you your job”I yelled going berserk.
“your smile alone will pu-ll off my clothes, and I wanna watch you do that”she said putting off the song with her hands on her h!ps.
what the hell?
did she escape from the rehab or something.
“where are you from?” I asked between gritted teeth
“from new York, am a professional str!pper and am good at what i do” she said boastfully and I smiled.
“it seems you don’t know me then,cause if you do, you would have been crawling towards my di-ck “I said and she huffed
what the hell!
I think I really nee-d to show her what am really made up.
“this is the height of it”I yelled getting a hold of her long hair,I ti-ght£ñ my grip on it shoving her to the be-d.
“bring it on baby”she said smiling wi-dely, i lean her against the wall with my eyes, and her clothes kept pu-lling off her b©dy on it’s own.
“what are you doing?”she asked obviously in fear trying to move but couldn’t.
I smiled walking towards the drawer in the room.
“you will never forget this adventure by the time am done”I said opening the drawer
“let go of me”she yelled
“I aren’t holding you”I sm-irked
“what are you doing, tell them to get their hands off me”she cried
“who? I asked giggling
“am sorry”she pleaded
“shove her into the be-d” i commanded and she found herself landing on the be-d with an heavy thud.
“you told me to bring it on, so here am I” I sm-irked bringing out a vibr@tor and a dil-do from the drawer, and she g@sp on seeing them.
“be my girlfriend” he said and my heart skipped
have never thought of that before
I mean,we are just friends right?
we met few weeks back and I know nothing about him,though he kinda know a lot about me
“so what do you have to say about it?” he asked and I gulped in nervously
“hmm nothing!” I replied and his eyes wi-den in shock
“seriously Karen!” he called and I turttered backwards in surprise
how the hell did he come about my name?
cause I never told him my name
he’s beginning to act creepy,like some crazy weirdo
first he said he’s a magician
secondly he knew my name without me telling him
isn’t that weird?
“am just speechless magician, I just don’t…”I was saying when he interpolated
“don’t call me that he said”
what do I call you then?” I asked and he smile out dimple
“never mind!
I just wanna know the reason why you don’t wanna accept my proposal?
I love you Karen,I really do” he said and I felt confused
what do I do now?
I just don’t know how to reply him
I just don’t know what to say
“give me some time to thing about it
am gonna reply you when next you visit” I said and he looked away worried
“maybe am never gonna visit again” he said and I g@sp
your the only friend I have here” I said and he smiled
“my time is limited.
and don’t forget I once loved you” he said jumping off the window pane
how did he got up here all of a sudden?
everything about him is just weird
“can you at least tell me your name?”I yelled as he dash into the woods
“call me S…….” he said dashing into the woods and I couldn’t hear him….
Episode 12
I descended the stairs and walked out,towards the nearest lift down ton the sitting room, when I heard hushed voices, coming out from my mums room
can’t believe mum is talking to her self or probably she’s on call
I made to walk past when I heard my name
what the hell !
why are they mentioning my name?
I ti-p toed towards mums room door, which was slightly open and peeped in to see mum mas-saging dads leg
I wonder how their love keep blooming even at old age
I stood for a while and decided to leave since they both kept mute
I was about retreating when I heard mum speak up
“what if kyle didn’t get his bride on time?
are we gonna leave the throne vacant?
according to our culture, your tenure Is almost over” mum said and dad brou-ght his legs down from mums th!gh, where she had been mas-saging them
“if he isn’t re-ady to look for her, then sky will succeed me in his place” dad said and I punched the air happily
that can’t happen my lord!
it’s against our culture” mum said and I frowned
I had always known she never liked me
“then I won’t mind breaking it for the first time”dad said and I smiled.
dad is a man of his words
I really nee-d to do something and it has to be fast
mum scoffed and stood up,moving to sit far away from dad
“do you want me to walk out of your room?” dad asker and mum frowned
“I never shove you in,in the first place.
so the door is wi-dely open,use it when you feel like” mum said walking into another room in her suit
I quic-kly moved away before someone comes in and find me here
I walked towards the swimming pool and sat on the edge,with my legs de-ep inside the water
I picked up my phone and pu-ll-ed a call across to one of my side Chick
#hello sugar plum# her loud voice c@m£ from the receiver and I rolled my eyes
#we’ve talked about this kira,am a prince
a king in waiting so you should learn to address me as such#i said and could feel her smile
#am sorry my prince.
should i come over after work?#she asked and I rolled my eyes again
#Nope! i will s£nd for you when i nee-d you,
for now, i nee-d something from you I spoke into the receiver
#okay my Prince!
anything for my baby#she said and I frowned
#can you get me the phone number of Rana, kyle ex girlfriend # I said and heard her g@sp
#no…no i don’t have it#she said and I frowned
#you are kyles secretary kira, so st©p acting like you don’t have her number! #i said and she kept shut
#her phone number isn’t in my cell phone, it’s in Prince Kyles pri-vate do¢v-ment and I can’t intrude into it
am sorry# she said and I scoffed
why’s everyb©dy scared of him but aren’t scared of me huh?
#meet me In the club tonight and watch out for an alert am crediting your account immediately you s£nd the number# I said
#hmm my prince#she was trying to say when i Interpolated
#do as i say #i yelled and hung up
the water was warm on my feet
I should have come with my swimming suit
my phone beeped and I checked it
all they want is money and se-x, nothing more
I pu-ll-ed a call across to the number she had s£nt.
if only I can get her agreeing to this, then my plan would work out fine
who’s on the line plea-se#her angelic voice flower out from the receiver.
my brother is a woman magnet and that’s one of the reason he must step down for me, by hook or by croak
#this is Prince sky on the line,I wanna know what transpired between you and my brother?#i asked and she g@sp on hearing my name
#hmm…my Prince, we d@t£d for a month and he suddenly started snubbing me, next he broke up with me# she said snivelling
#do you love my brother?# I asked
#yes I do# she rushed
#do you think he loves you back?# I asked
# I really don’t know, but he can’t resist my b©dy and he kept saying am good in be-d # she said and I smiled
#have got a job for you#
the door to my office flung open,and Rana walked in, looking h0t as ever
what’s she doing here?
amfu-cking done with her and she knows it, so why’s she here?
“hey!” she called placing her bag on one of the couch in my office.
she walked to the bar in my office,decanted a wine into a glas-s cu-p and drank it all in one gulp
the rana I know isn’t bold
so what has come over her?
“hey! you don’t just barge into my office and gulp down my drinks like you brou-ght one here!” I yelled as she walked towards me, her b00bs transparent in the clothe she had wore, her Sk-irt are as low as her h!ps
she’s h0t as ever
I couldn’t take my eyes off her
I felt so h0t
she’s pretty good in be-d though, but I don’t want any Lady around me
I just wanna se-x them and leave.
I don’t wanna stick to a crazy as-s lady, all my life
“what are you doing here Rana?” I asked immediately she sat on my desk, with her legs p@rted slightly, revea-ling her pink goodies
“st©p pretending like you don’t want me” she said and I sm-irked
“I told you to stay away from me
didn’t i?” I asked in what looks like a whisper
“yeah you did!
lets pretend this never happened.
I just c@m£ for another h0t round
after that we will p@rt ways, like we haven’t met before” she said b!tt!g her bottoml-ips, pu-lling off her crop t©p
the sight of her b©dy alone turns me on,
and I flung her over the desk, getting on her
I think am fed up
mum isn’t home
Nita isn’t home
and my first friend just left me with some stupid proposal
I think I nee-d to go out into the world, and make real friends
real female friends
I can’t cheat on my prince kyle
though I haven’t seen him but I won’t st©p loving him in my heart.
I walked towards the exit door and turned the door knob
holy molly!!!
it opened!!
it opened!
I suddenly bec@m£ scared
what if danger awaits me?
am beginning to get scared
i looked left and right
no maid in sight
this is an opportunity, I will never miss, I opened the door and ran out.
dashing into the woods….