love me not episode 40

(Ageless R0m-nce)

By: Nuri F. Chisom Pearl ✍️

???EPISODE 40???

“Have you heard of Myrrh Mugs?” ru-by asked Beckey as they both sipped their wine.

“Yeah… It’s very expensive and popular too” Beckey replied.

“Great” ru-by chuckled.

“Why did you ask?” Beckey was curious.

“It’s Ryan favourite mug, I broke it when we first saw each other” ru-by smiled.

“Awwn–So, Why do you nee-d it? Do you want to get another for him?”

“Oh no… I want to get it for myself, At least… I will think of him whenever I use it”

“You are something else you know, Does he call you?”


“What?…Why doesn’t he? But he texts rights?”

“He doesn’t”

“Huh? What’s this? Did he just forget you… It hasn’t even been a year yet, Do it then, Call him or just message him”

“I do call him but he isn’t reachable, He never replies my messages either”

“What? I’m sorry to say this! But are you sure, He hasn’t forgotten you?”

“I pray not, He must have got reasons?”

“What kinda foolish reasons? He had better call you or I might go to the states and kill him, Urrgh! I hope no girl fli-rts with him!–Oh my, Look who’s here, It’s Mira!” Beckey said with a smile.

Phili-p held Mira as both of them walked closer to the friends.
“Aunt ru-by! Aunt Beckey!” Mira happily shouted as she rushed to them.
They quickly threw their arms around her and hu-gged Mira ti-ghtly. Phili-p looked at them and smiled.
“I miss you both!” Mira said

“We miss you more” They replied simultaneously.


“Oh Goodness! I’m so tired” Mr Tyson said as he la-id on the be-d.
Beckey came in and laughed. “You are home already?”

“Yeah… Oh, Goodness! You know…Uh, Beckey… I’ve been thinking–

“Thinking? Thinking about?” Beckey interrupted.

“You know about our wedding tomorrow, Seriously… Those nau-ghty children will see me ki-ssing you! Uurgh! I can’t imagine what they will do? What if they start yelling and hailing?”
Beckey began to laugh, She laughed so ha-rd that her stomach began to hurt. She went closer to him and sat on the be-d.

“You just have to show them all you got, You know… Your skills? Let them do whatever, I’m gonna still take those li-ps in tomorrow” Beckey whispered.

“Then show me how it’s done” Tyson whispered back.

“You are so nau-ghty!” Beckey chuckled as she stood up. However, Tyson pulled her arm and made her lie on top of him.

“Won’t you show me? You know that I’ve to show them all I’ve got” Tyson whispered slowly as they both looked at each other.

“Why can’t I resist you?” Beckey asked as she pulled his ne-ck tie off. Tyson chuckled as he went straight to her li-ps. He began to ki-ss her dee-ply and fast. He began to Un-zi-p her dress as Beckey clapped her hands which made the light go off showing just cold darkness.


“I’m quite nervous!” Beckey confessed as she held her flowers ti-ght.

“Look at you, Just calm down okay… Take a de-ep breath” ru-by advised.

“Uuurrrh!– Beckey breathed heavily
–So, What’s next?” She added nervously

“I don’t know… I’ve never been married before!”

“Hey! Don’t make me laugh, ru-by… I’m curious …Why don’t you want to get married?”

“I just want to be in a good lasting relationship, that’s a “No” for marriage for me”

“Whatever” Beckey said as she laughed.

“But do I look good?” Beckey asked.

“Oh Girl, Come on.. You’ve asked that numerous times already, But anyways, You look muah ?! I can’t even explain the beauty you posses right now, The make up looks so great on you, Even the wedding gown is so damn beautiful! Everything on you right now is so rare!” ru-by said as Beckey blus-hed.

“You aren’t looking so bad too” Beckey smiled.



“Michaell! Mitchell! Come over here now!” Beckey shouted at her 4 years old twins.
The kids ran around the room pla-ying like puppies. Beckey was already tired of chasing them. She sighed dee-ply and threw herself on the large soft couch. She cleaned the sweat that ran down her face with the back of her palm while she watched her kids with a satisfying smile.
Suddenly, The door opened wi-dely and Tyson came in.

“Dad!” Michael and Mitchell shouted simultaenously. They ran to the father and hu-gged his long legs. Tyson chuckled and carried them in the air.

“How are you my babies?” He asked.

“Fine!” They replied with their babyish–like voice.

“Dad, What did you get for us?” Mitchell asked smiling.

“I knew you would have so I got you something” Tyson replied as he smiled back. He gently placed them down and opened his briefcase. He brou-ght out four large chocolate bars and 2 large cookies.

“Here” He said with a thick smile.

“Yippee! Thank you Dad, You are the best!” Michael smiled.

“Yes Dad… You are, We love you!” Mitchell shouted happily.
They both ran to their mum and danced around her. “Dad got us this!” They said.

“Awwn! That’s nice, Do you want to take them now?” Beckey asked.

“Yes!” They replied.

“Okay….Go eat them in your room and remember no–

“FIGHTING!” Michael and Mitchell shouted,cutting in the mother’s statement as they danced and ran to their room happily

“These children!….. So funny” Beckey said with a laugh.

“And cute too” Tyson added as he dropped his briefcase on the table. He went closer to Beckey and pulled her for a hu-g.

“How was work? It was tiring right?” She asked grabbing his wa-ist for a hu-g.

“Kind of, School life isn’t easy you know” Tyson smiled.

“Sure is…By the way, Did you receive Peter and Barbara’s wedding invitation?” Beckey asked

“Yeah sure, I did… ru-by gave it to me” Tyson replied.

“I can’t believe that they are really getting married! It’s amazing!” Beckey chuckled

“Yeah… It was just like yesterday when they were still college students, Now… Barbara is now a renowned cosmetologist while Peter is a Famous and Expensive Film director!”

“Wow… Really, wow! They are making good names for themselves, Marco is also an architect and a famous one too! I feel so bad for him though, He probably misses Ashley who hasn’t even been seen yet, Who knows how she is coping over there in Germany?”

“Probably making a good name for herself like the others?” Tyson replied.

“I feel bad for ru-by too… Urrgh! When will Ryan come? ru-by is now in her thirties!”

“Oh! I heard though! Ryan now owns one of the biggest schools in the United States, He’s even building more in other countries!”

“Wow!” Beckey was shocked.
“When do you think he might be back then?”

“Well….I don’t really know, Anyways… Enough about people’s talks…Let’s talk about us” Tyson said with a smile.

“What’s there to talk about us? Me? Now being a housewife or you? Now Making it big in your school as the provost?”

“No” Tyson whispering as he pec-ked his li-ps.

“Was this what you wanted? You are just nau-ghty! Go take your bathe! Let’s eat” Beckey said with a laugh as she dise-ngaged from the hu-g.
Tyson chuckled and tou-ched his li-p with his tip of his fin-ger. “What’s that?” Beckey asked confused.

“ki-ss…… Fast before the kids come!” Tyson said. Beckey laughed and held his face and ki-ssed him dee-ply. “Now you got it…. Hurry up and bathe, The soup might get cold!” Beceky laughed as Tyson smiled and hurried to the kitchen.

“Michael! Mitchell!….Come over to the dinning table, Food is ready!” Beckey shouted at the top of her voice.


ru-by bought “Myrrh Mugs” each year, She didn’t use any mugs or cu-ps except that.
She loved the mug so much, Probably because it was Ryan’s favorite?.

The funny thing was that, Anytime, ru-by went to have a drink in the cafeteria,bar or restaurant, People would talk behind her back concerning the excessive usage of that pa-rticular mug. However, ru-by wasn’t bothered by the talks because she was really making it. She had about 50+ big poultry farms in Korea where she made hu-ge amount of money. She had lots of sincere and honest employers. She also had a real estate. She lived in a big mansion too!. Mira was visit her sometimes staying for months to keep her company. Beckey and her kids also visited.

ru-by was in the cafeteria that cold morning drinking hot Americano from her mug. She looked at the café’s entrance which she was opposite her.
Suddenly, As soon as she dropped the Mug. Something happened, The Mug fell and broke into uncountable pieces, The Remnants of Americano latte in there spilled immediately. ru-by stood up in fear. It had been 7 years since that had happened? In Ryan’s and Becky’s place? Why now? What was going to happen?

She breathed heavily. She didn’t believe in those stupid thoughts anymore. Things changed!.

Suddenly, The door slowly creaked open and She looked on. Immediately, It opened, Her eyes wi-dely opened which almost felt like her eyes was bulging out from the socket. She heard her heart beating fast and couldn’t find her voice. She stood like a statue watching the person come in.

The person’s face finally came into pure lightened view and Lo and Behold, It was none other than Ryan!. Ryan walked in as time slow motioned. As he walked closer to ru-by, He heard a nice girly scream. “Oppa!” The voice was so audible. Ryan slowly looked behind and smiled. A pretty girl, who looked 21 rushed to him and held his arm. “Oppa! Why didn’t you wake me when arrived?,You left me slee-ping in your car” She asked sweetly.

“Sorry– Ryan’s voice got dee-per and sweeter already, He had an amazing incredible height now! Even his bo-dy structure had been built up now, Who are you kidding now? He is now a 26 year old!.

ru-by looked on standing as she watched the drama, Like a statue.

—I couldn’t wake you up, I thought you nee-ded to rest, You looked tired” Ryan added with a smile.
Damn! Even his smile got se-xier as his white teeth got more Crystal–like. He placed his hu-ge manly hand around her wa-ist. “Let’s go” He finally said as he winked his se-xy clear eye.
They both p@$$ed ru-by slowly, ru-by surprisingly kept looking forward. She was shocked? What just happened!?
Time seemed to slow motioned, ru-by’s left eye brou-ght out a drop of bitter tear. She looked behind and finally called softly and slowly;


Both of them stopped suddenly and looked behind to face ru-by. They looked and stared at her dee-ply. Ryan and ru-by eyes couldn’t even blink as they had their long eye contact.

“Oppa? Do you know her?” The girl finally broke the silence and staring contest between them.

Ryan’s eyes blinked and he responded;

“–No……….. I don’t, Let’s go”

They turned to go as they slowly walked to the table to order.

