Living with Mr grumpy episode 33 & 34

👰Living With
Mr Grumpy🌸
Written by me: Authoress Succy💕📚
🍀Season 2🍀
💧Episode 33💧
A week later
i sl!pmy foot into a fli-pflop, got hold of my phone and walked out of our be-droom, climbing the long stairs down to the dinning table for lunch
it’s been over a week since i got married to Davis and he made the school authority gave me two weeks leave for our honeymooning but we couldn’t spend it elsewhere cause my husband is damn busy and he couldn’t reschedule his schedules, so we have no choice other than spending it here in Texas
i never knew Davis could be so ro-mantic and for the few times have been around him, i had learnt a lot of things about him and he had learnt a lot about me too
ranging from Charles, down to that j£rk brother of his Jeremy and also about my br@wl with pumpkin and all he did was laugh like it was some sort of joke or something
he really didn’t take them to heart but heaven knows i took them into heart and I couldn’t really tell why i did
Davis had gone for a commercial and he promised to be home as soon as possible, mere looking at him one would know he’s madly in love with me
Mrs hvggins won’t st©p reminding me of that, urging me to draw him even more closer to my self so he won’t sl!poff my grip
i batted my lashes on seeing Davis step sister climbing down the stairs
“good afternoon” i found myself saying to her
she really haven’t said a word to me ever since we met and the looks in her eyes obviously showed she isn’t re-ady to forgo the clash we had back then in the mall, she promised to make me pay claiming i broke her relationsh!p
didn’t she?
whereas Cas-sy,had been the one who had bu-mped into her
now the big deal is, how’s she gonna make me pay back?
that’s my biggest worry
Cas-sy was super shocked and stupefied when she learnt pumpkin was related to my husband
she ignored me and made to walk past me when she suddenly st©pped and halt in front of me
“you!” she called and i stared at her in wonderment
“i still don’t get how you met my brother, of all the ladies in the world you were the only one that was chos£n for him huh?” she rasp and i felt hurt and insulted
“and how’s that my fault?
the fact that your brother got married to me doesn’t……”i was still saying when she interpolated with a f!nger placed across her mouth
what the hell!!
is she telling me to keep shut or something?
“just so you know, he didn’t got married to you,he was f0rç£d into getting married to you”she said and i placed a hand over my che-st
oh! my God!
is she saying all this to me cause of the incident back then at the mall?
for goodness sake i wasn’t the cause of her breakup!
her stupidity actually did!
“i promised to make you pay and i planned on doing just that, but considering the fact that you got married to my caring brother, i will let it sl!pby.
but get this into your head, The next time you will cross path with me ever again, i will make sure i toss you like a football!
just so you know, ifu-cking hate with undying pas-sion
gold digger!!”she spat and ran up the stairs slowly, steadily and stylishly
oh! my world!
did she just………..i mean, that little crazy…..gawwd!
she said all that to me?
i felt like crying as i moved towards the dinning table,trying to maintain a smiling face
Mr hvggins was out of the country on a medical trip while his first and second wife sat at the other end of the large dinning table with their children, or so it was!
but that j£rk wasn’t pres£nt alongside his sister who just gave me the biggest insult of the year
“good afternoon ma”i greeted Mrs hvggins immediately i aproached the table wearing a smiling face
here comes my beautiful daughter!
how are you?” she asked ont©p of her voice, ma-king the other wives look on with jealousy and envy
she looks troublesome though
i couldn’t dare to greet the other wives for fear of being ignored
“am very fine ma” i said and she frowned
“oh plea-se Robyn!
come off those ‘ma’ stuffs just call me mum!” she said and my eyes shone in excitement
“okay ma….i mean mum!”i replied and she laughed so loud enough for the other wives to feel uncomfortable and the second wife got up and left angrily, stamping her foot noisily on the ground while Davis mum won’t st©p her mocking laughter
“it’s okay darling…..with time you will get use to it” she said and i nodded taking a seat while the maids dished out my lunch
“Davis actually called saying you should come catch up with him in one of his penthouses, he said the driver beside the blue porch will take you there” Mrs hvggins said and i felt excitement overwhelmed me
but he didn’t call to tell….” i tried saying
“oh! come on sweetheart…..go get dressed
it’s gonna be fun i bet”she wi-nks at me and i stared down at my unt©uçhed lunch
“okay mum! lemme go get going”i said standing on my feet
seems someone is missing him alre-ady” she tea-sed and i hid my blu-shing cheeks
“you haven’t had lunch dear” she interjected
“i will do that later mum!
gat to go”i ran up the stairs without waiting for her reply.
i changed into something suitable and raced out of the Mansion,
i still haven’t seen the whole p@rt of the beautiful mansion,it’s damn big but with time i will surely get to know the ins and outs
i got to the blue porch in p@rticular, on seeing the suppose driver standing beside it
he upended the car door for me and i got in while he bowed slightly, got into the driver seat and began driving out throu-gh the gates
i heard a tap on the car window immediately the car slowly c@m£ out of the compound
i ordered the driver to st©p the car and i wind the glas-ses down
“good day ma” the pretty young lady greeted
what do you want from me plea-se?”i asked surprisingly and she pu-ll-ed out a beautiful gold coloured box, giving it to me
it’s beauty couldn’t let me resist it
okay what’s it for?
“ma, am a big fan of sir Davis,. mind giving him this little gift of mine to him?”she asked and i smiled admiring the beautiful box
“oh yeah!
thanks i will” i replied
“and can you tell him it’s from you?
like it’s your wedding giftto him?”she asked and i g@sp
“oh yeah!
that’s a good idea!
i sure will” i said and she smiled
“what’s your name angel?” i asked and she sharply pop her head at me
“you can call me Nelly ma” she said and i nodded
“alright Nelly, see you some other time and thanks for the gift” i said and she nodded moving away while i wind up the car glas-ses
🍀Season 2🍀
💧Episode 34💧
“come up with an idea babe plea-se”I ruffle my hair again and again
shoving my ringing phones far from my reach
“for heavens sake Jemima you should pick your calls” Amanda rant and I furrowed my brows at her
“to hell with thosefu-cking managers, they are the least of my problems”I yelled feeling frustrated alre-ady
damn it!
I can’t just let Davis sl!poff me, nofu-cking way!
still can’t believed he used me, though we never d@t£d but Ifu-cking gave him my b©dy and all he could do was to go behind my back and get married to an ugly cheap who-re
I won’t take this, never!
“why don’t you just open up to him and tell him what you feel about him?”Amanda said and I stared at her in shock like she had suddenly grown a horn on her head
“are you for real Amanda?
you want me to go confess to a man!
a married man at that!
have you gone nuts or something?” I asked in disappointment and she let out a brief laughter
“like seriously?
I thought your damn obsessed with the almighty charming Davis hvggins?
you promised your re-ady to kill for him?
so what’s wrong in telling the guy you love that you have feelings for him?
who knows he might……” Amanda kept on saying and I could see the writing clear on the wall
“I think your right Amanda!
your beginning to drive home some point” I said walking towards the bar beside my sitting room
“I deserve a thumb up you know!
guys like Davis really don’t………”she kept on blabbing when I interpolated
“Save those sermons Amanda, i won’t be nee-ding them!
the big question now is this
how are we gonna go about it?”I asked popping the bottle wine open and began drinking directly from the bottle
“did you just say we?
I only c@m£ up with a solution!
the last time I checked, you were the one running after him and not me” she said and I kept mute, taking another swing from the bottle
“well,I really would love to be in his arms like every lady dreams of
that guy is wax!
h0t,super cute, S-xy and gosh!
a closer view of him alone can make me we-t”Amanda kept on daydreaming,hvgging her b©dy to herself dramatically
mind your words!
so i won’t make you take them back”I said feeling super jealous alre-ady
“come on babe,he’s yours alre-ady!
I never said I was gonna snatch him in the first place”she argued and I rolled my eyes at her,gulping down the bottle wine
just crack your br@in and come up with something” I said slumping heavily on a couch
“why don’t you try s£dûç!ng him instead?”she asked and I let out a triumphant smile
“that’s the remedy”
I took one glance at the beautiful box I had gotten from that Nelly
she looked quite older than i
and am kinda happy cause Davis would definitely love it
she seems to be a God s£nt
I gave the parcel to one of the guards outside the gate to give it to any maid he could find in sight,so she would keep it safe in my closet inside our room
I don’t wanna take it to Davis now
i want it to be a surprise
the driver drove off in a fast pace while I rest my head on the car headrest, listening to the melodious tune, pla-ying from the car
few minutes later, the driver horn the car in front of a big gate and I wiped my eyes with back of my palms
when did we get here?
I was beginning to feel sleepy alre-ady
the driver drove throu-gh the first gate and I alighted from it
going into another car,un-der the supervision of the numerous armed guards and drivers around the parking lot, beside the first gate
“have a nice day ma’am” the driver waved
“you too” I managed to reply trying ha-rd not to fidget
the guards were so many and the beauty of the house was to die for
I hopped into another waiting ride and after about 3 minutes,we drove throu-gh another gate and my eyes dazzled at the sight before me
precious lord!
is……is this one of his houses?
oh! my gawwd!
how much wealth does this husband of mine has?
cause I honestly have no idea
the beauty in front of me is a twin duplex with a water fall beside it
a gym house and two gigantic swimming pools
the parking lot was ranging from the latest cars to the newest models
numbering more than twenty cars
I stood transfixed for some seconds till a guard ushered me into a magnificent sitting room
a g@sp exscaped myl-ips and I placed a hand over it to prevent me from screaming out from excitement
I heard footsteps and looked up towards the stairs and my eyes caught sight of my prince charming
my own husband, climbing down the stairs majestically
he had a sleeveless t©p on and a black designers trou-sers
the white fli-pflop he wore,sparked alongside the white hairband he had on, his wrist were covered with expensive ban-gles and chains of different kinds
while his f!ngerswere all covered with sparkling rings
he kept on scre-wing his phones
“Davis!!” I called, running towards him and that was when his eyes left the phone he was scre-wing
his eyes shone on seeing me
he shoved the phone into his pocket immediately and he caught me in his hands
pe-cking my cheek
“Awwn….baby I missed you” he voiced out and my cheeks flu-shed, turning red instantly
“same here baby
I was bored without you” I replied using a baby tune and he pu-ll-ed my cheeks tenderly
“and that was one reason I told mum to pas-s my message to you, I was super bored without you” he said and I couldn’t hide my blu-shing cheeks any longer
he walked towards a sofa, with me still in his arms
my legs wra-pped around his w@!st, while he placed his hands un-der my th!ghs
he placed me on the sofa and squat in front of me
he’s so cute
“guess what wify!” he said and I looked around in wonderment
“oh! plea-se tell me Davis, curiosity is eating me up” I said eagerly
“well, have gat a surprise for you” he said and my eyes shone
“really?”I asked to be sure
“yeah baby! come with me” he said getting a hold of my wrist leading me outside
oh! my gawwd!
I love surprises!!!
hmm….how about the gift na!😒