Libia episode 13

🌻LIBIA (Find my confidence)🌻
Chapter Thirteen.



when Libia entered the room, her eyes landed on her pale mother. She sat with her eyes on the wall, following something only she could see. When her eyes met Libia’s, she smiled.

“Hey,” Her mother crooked.

Libia walked father into the room, ma-king her way to the be-dside. “Hi mom. How are you feeling?”

“Like I’m on a bad acid trip. Don’t ever do acid, by the way,” She chuckled in reply.

Libia smiled. “you’re loopy. Did Gwen give you that fever medication?”

“Two of ’em,” she confirmed with a nod, and then her eyes followed movement on the ceiling, “it’s taking a while, though. I feel like Dumbo when he drank all that booze.”

“Are they scary?” Libia asked, with a bit of hesitation.

“Were Dumbo’s delusions scary? Of course they were! They really nee-d to get an exterminator in here. This hospital is crawling with bugs.” Her mother said thoughtfully.

Libia grimaced. Her mother was loopy, and delusional. Wonderful.

“Hey, am I imagining this, or do you look like you got white washed?”

Libia sighed. “you’re not imagining it, mom.”

“Honey, you look terrible,” her mother admonished, shifting in the be-d so she could press her hand to her cheek. “You look like death,” She said, her voice blunt.

Libia winced at her mother’s honesty. “Thanks mom, that makes me feel a lot better about going out there to talk to Damon.”

Interest sparked in the woman’s eyes. “Damon’s out there?”

She nodded in response. “He brou-ght me here.”

Her mother nodded, unsurprised, and picked up the remote for her be-d, lying herself down. “He’s a keeper,” She sighed as she closed her eyes.

“Mom? You alright?” Libia asked, worried at the sudden lethargy in her mother.

“Honey, I’m a mother, I’ve been trained to hide my fatigue and worry since your brother was old enough to speak. The truth is, I’m exhausted, been so since this freaking fever showed it’s face. I was about to give up and close my eyes when you walked in.” She met eyes with her daughter. “I didn’t want you to see me all tired and worn out. A mother’s job is to keep her children happy and worry free. But these drugs are having there way with me. You let me sleep, and go see that boy of yours. I’ll be fine.”

“But-,” Libia started.

“No buts,” The woman rolled her eyes at her daughter, “I’ll be fine. Go.”

Sighing, Libia stood, and leaned down to press a k!ssto her mother’s forehead. “Get plenty of rest, okay?”

Her mother waved her off, smiling slightly. “Go!”


Damon felt like pacing. How was he going to explain to her why he left?

The waiting room was empty, the overhead TV chattering on about some unimportant event. The depressing overhead lights served to add to the gloom of the place.

Damon was stumped, leaned over on the small cushioned chair, His forehead in his hands as he tried to think clearly about what he wanted to say. He anticipated seeing her face again, but he also dre-aded it, knowing that he would have to tell her how he felt about himself, and more importantly…his plan when they first met.

She was going to hate him. He knew that Johnson would hurt her, anticipated it, even. He stood by and watched it happen.

He was s¢v-m.

“Why do you look so worried?” Damon looked up at her arrival, swallowing thickly.

“I am.”

Sighing, Libia walked over, and sat down beside him.

She looked into his eyes. “I just want to know the truth, Damon.”

He grimaced. “That’s why I’m worried.”

Libia leaned back, and sat with her arms crossed, waiting. He stared down at the floor, hesitant.

“Libia, before I start any of this, I want to make this crystal clear…I have never thought that I deserved you in any way. You are so far beyond my reach that I…can’t even imagine why you give me the time of day,” he paused, swallowing.

Libia could only blink, staring at his back with shock, her heart fluttering with flattery, but also wanting to question his words. what did he mean by that? did he mean as a friend…or something more?

Before she could think of anything to say, he continued, “I didn’t think you nee-ded a guy like me in your life…but I’m selfish. I’m as selfish as they come, and I wanted you in my life. I only realized how much of a mistake I made the night I went to your house drun!k. You don’t deserve me, and I’ll tell you why – when I first met you, and found out that Johnson had interest in you… I formed a plan. I knew Johnson would do the things he did. I knew, and I decided to wait for it.

“I waited for you to go on a d@t£ with the guy, waited for you to get humiliated by the creep, so I could swoop in and save you – change you. Have you for myself. I thought that…that it was the only way you’d give me a chance.”

Libia sat, wordless, as the room fell into silence again. She opened her mouth, and then closed it again. Damon waited for her to speak, tense, as he dre-aded her next words.

“You…thought that the only way I would accept your pres£nce was…if I was vulnerable?”

He flin-ched, turning to her. “No! I thought…I thought I could…ugh, I don’t know what I thought, I just nee-ded you!”

Again, she was taken aback by his words. “nee-ded…me?”

Damon reached over and grasped Libia’s face in his hands. “Libia, I nee-ded you. You were so innocent, so pure-hearted. I nee-ded someone like that in my life. I nee-ded you in my life. I still do!” He said.

She stared into his earnest blue eyes, her own wi-de with surprise. She hadn’t expected what she had just heard at all.


He re-leased her face, and stood, beginning to pace. “Libia, the only thing you’ve ever been to me, was amazing. I couldn’t imagine why you ever looked at me as if I were your hero…when I was nothing but a man desperate to get the attention of a woman who was leagues above him.” He paused in his pacing, turning his eyes to a dumbfounded Libia.

Her mind raced, her heart pounded, and she couldn’t form a single word. She was confused, and her eyes were filling with tears for reasons that were unknown to her.

She blinked, and warmth streamed down her cheek, quic-kly becoming cold. Damon immediately leaned down on his knees in front of her, reaching up to press his palm to her cheek, wiping away the tear.

“I’m sorry, Libia…I know I hurt you. And if you want me to leave–,”

“What…are you talking about?”

Damon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Libia brou-ght her hands up to his face, cradling it. “Leave? Damon, do you hear yourself? Do you realize how much of an idiot you are?” She laughed at his surprised face. “You really know how to knock a girl on her bu-tt, don’t you? Leagues above you? Me? Damon-,”

“Don’t deny it, Libia. Don’t,” Damon paused, and then a sigh escaped hisl-ips. “The truth is, I like you a lot Libia…a lot. I care for you more than I’ve ever cared about anyone. Did I tell you that my sister kicked me in the shin when I told you what I said to you?”

A startled laugh escaped Libia, and she leaned down, pressing herl-ips to his. He was so surprised, that it took a moment for him to respond. And then, his mind racing, he wra-pped his arms around her, and de-epened the k!ss.

Libia was almost trembling with nerves, her heart pounding. She didn’t realize how much courage it would take to initiate the k!ss. And when he didn’t respond for the first few seconds, she was sure she had done something wrong, or that he didn’t want her that way – that she had misinterpreted his words.

But she found a goldmine of comfort in the arms that began to ti-ght£ñ around her w@!st, and the warml-ips that moved with hers.

“excuse us,” Libia felt Damon tense immediately when the woman’s voice interrupted the silence, he pu-ll-ed away, and both of them turned to find a man and a woman.

“Mom. Dad. How did you know I was here?” Libia almost panicked.

Damon had expressed his hatred of his parents many-a-time, when they were together, and now, it seemed, they were putting Libia on their People-We-Hate list as well. aside from her panic, it felt nice to see what features he got from whom. Damon’s mother was the one who pas-sed on the blonde locks of his, as they flowed down her back like water. However, her eyes were stark brown. While his hair was silky brown, Damon’s father pas-sed on those de-ep blue eyes. He had his father’s strong features, and his mother’sl-ips.

Clutching her w@!st with one arm, he f0rç£d Libia to stand up with him. His muscles were tense, straining. She ran her f!ngerti-ps between his shoulder blades, trying to calm him some.

“We c@m£ to see why we got a call that you had gone “Home” for emergency reasons. We were told by a nice young lady that you had taken a friend to the hospital.” His father murmured, fli-ckering a cold glance in Libia’s direction.

“Yes. Libia this is my mother, Lisbon, and my father, Rich,” He informed her, his voice soft, but she could see the un-derlying hostility in his eyes.

She ru-bbe-d his back meeting his eyes briefly in support, before turning her gaze to his parents. “It’s nice to meet you two.”

“Wonderful to meet you as well, dear,” His mother said, sl@pping a big fake smile on her face, “Are you currently d@t!ngmy son?” It was a simple question, but the un-derlying threat in her tone made her turn her eyes to Damon, and her shy side began to show itself.

In a protective manner, he ti-ght£ñed his arm around her w@!st, seeing her vulnerable eyes.

“Yes. We are.”

Damon turned his gaze back to his parents, and Libia blinked a few times at the joy that swelled in her heart as she processed what he said.

He stared at his parents, daring them to say one negative thing about the girl he loved. But his mother kept that $h!t-eating smile on her face, and his father only stared in a cold disposition at him – as usual.

The s-en-sation of Libia’s warm hand ru-bbing up and down on his back was like ice cold water on a flame. His anger, and hostility toward his parents was shoved away, and his b©dy relaxed un-der her t©uçh. He found the slightly smug smile that she let sl!pquite adorable.

“How…nice.” Lisbon cleared her throat. “We would love to get to know you…Libia. plea-se come to our house one night this weekend for dinner, shall we say…Saturday?”

It looked as if she’d su-cked a lemon and sounded as if she’d choked on the jui-ce. Again, Libia looked up at Damon for his opinion on all of this. Damon, meeting his favorite pair of chocolate brown eyes, sighed, but nodded.

“Of course, Mrs. Slain,” She said in a quiet voice, turning her eyes back to his mother. “I would love to.”

“Good!” She said with more enthusiasm than necessary. “Then Damon, if you would come along, we’d like to…discuss some things with you.”

Namely, someone. Libia thought to herself.

“I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to take Libia home.” Damon said, wanting to scoff at their inconsiderate attitudes.

Damon could see his father grit his teeth. “Fine,” He spoke up. “Then we’ll speak when you get home. Goodbye, Libia.”

And without another word, he dragged his fuming wife away.

As soon as they were out of site, Libia turned her gaze to Damon, who was rigid again. Carefully, she brou-ght her hand up to his face, turning him to look at her. “Damon…?” She asked, her voice small, hesitant.

He met her troubled brown eyes, and his heart sank to the bo-ttomof his stomach. He didn’t want her to meet those people. He wanted her to meet his brother, and his sister, who’d alre-ady come to adore the girl without having to meet her. He wanted her to see the good p@rt, before she saw the bad.

He helplessly stared into his favorite pair of eyes, and muttered, “That was also p@rt of the reason I left.”

Libia’s eyes softened, and her other hand found its way to his cheek. “it’ll be alright,” She promised.

He gave her a dubious look. “You don’t know them as well as I do.”

“Maybe not,” Libia allowed, “But I know you. And if I can deal with you, I can deal with anyone,” She tea-sed.

“Yeah…hey!” He narrowed his eyes at her, indignant.

She laughed, pushing away from him. “Alright, take me home, before I get you in more trouble than I’m worth.”

He watched her leave the room, sighing. “Come on!” She called behind her back.


“Do I have to?” Damon whined, following behind her as she dug for her keys.

“Yes!” Libia laughed. “Your parents will hate me even more if I keep them waiting!”

He caught her around the w@!st as they reached the porch step. “Libia,” He whined in her ear, “I care more about you than my parent’s anger.”

Libia rolled her eyes, hiding the fact that her heart was racing and flattery warmed her cheeks.

“Well I care more about your well being than I do myself,” She told him, turning around in his arms, and pla-yfully pushing his che-st. “Now go.”

He put on an exaggerated frown, causing Libia to laugh, before he leaned down to press hisl-ips to hers. “Goodnight, Libia.”

“Mmm,” She murmured against hisl-ips, “It’s only two in the afternoon.”

Rolling his eyes, he stepped back, sh0t her an award winning grin, and bowed from the w@!st with a flourish, “Then good afternoon…Babe.”

Libia laughed. “Whatever. Go home, you can’t stall anymore!”

He sighed, but nodded. “I suppose you’re right. Bye, Babe.” He said to her, letting another grin flash across his face.

“Bye Damon.” She murmured.

She backed up until her ankle hit the step, a goofy smile on her face as she watched Damon get into his car. He drove off, and Libia took a de-ep breath, spinning around and skipping up to her door. She put her key into the lock, but was surprised to find the door unlocked. She looked around, but found no car in the driveway. Suddenly, the door was pu-ll-ed from her hands, and swung open, her keys jingling in the knob. She swung her eyes from the door, to the familiar face of her father, and her cheeks burned as she recognized the protective-father look on his face.

“Who was that?” Were the first words out of his mouth.

“What are you doing here?” She asked in return.

“I c@m£ to…see about something,” He muttered, ru-bbing the back of his n£¢k.

“Okay…how did you get here? I didn’t see a car.”

“I was dropped off. Where is your mother?”

Libia felt a pang of annoyance as she glared at her father. “Well if you’d answer your phone you’d know that she’s in the hospital with my brother, sick with a virus.”

Worry flashed in his eyes, and he furrowed his eyebrows. “When did you call me?”

She sighed, pushing past him. “for two nights about ten times each.”

“Well you should have called my home phone!” He said, and Libia turned around to find anger on his face.

“You’re really going to blame me for this? excuse me, I’ve been caring for my sick mother and brother in the hospital every night. And as I recall, you didn’t want to give me your home phone number because you thought it would be awkward if your wife picked up instead of you,” Libia snapped.

“Don’t you talk to me like that, young lady, I am not at fault here either-!”

“Than what are you, huh? Are you the innocent victim here? I’m sure you’ve been so busy with your new wife and your baby that you’ve forgotten all about us!”

“I’m trying to include you in my life!” He shouted, “But you keep turning me away!”

Libia gr@bb£d her head with both hands in frustration, and then dropped them, looking at her father straight in the eyes. “I un-derstand that you’re trying dad, but you have to un-derstand…you lost all of our trust when you betrayed mom’s.”

He ran a hand down his face, and sighed heavily. “I know I did…I know I did. I’m just…trying to make it right.”

Libia sighed. “What are you here for, anyway?

Again, he ru-bbe-d the back of his n£¢k, “The one that uh…dropped me off…” He sighed, wincing as he muttered the next words,

“Was your step mother.”

