Left behind episode7 & 8

đŸ‘ŁđŸš¶Left behind đŸ‘ŁđŸš¶

Meenah writes ✍

Episode 7 and 8



Harriet’s POV


Jean and I walked into the room where Ewan was kept. When we got to the door, Juliantes was just coming out. He st©pped me with a hand on my shoulder.

“Harriet, do you know what happened?” he asked.

I shook my head. “But I don’t un-derstand. Why was he that way?”

Juliantes said, “It’s something Ewan wouldn’t want anyone to know. He’ll tell you if he wants to.”

What was so serious that Juliantes couldn’t tell me?

“OK,” I replied with a small smile. “Jean and I wanna see him.”

He motioned us inside with a wave of his hand towards the room.

Zoe was sitting beside his be-d, holding his hand in hers. Her chin was resting on her knuckles as she looked at Ewan’s slee-ping face with so much
. devotion. I’m sure there’s something going on between those two.

Jean’s movement forward alerted zoe of our pres£nce, and she wore a scowl when she saw me.

“What are you doing here? Come to complicate things?” she accused me. Me, not Jean.

Does she have something against me?

“I c@m£ to see how he’s doing,” I said and went closer to the be-d.

Zoe got up and stood in front of me, blocking my movement forward.

“You’ve done enough. Just get out of here!”

I frowned. “Look, I’m here to see how Ewan is. I didn’t do anything to him, but I’m concerned. St©p acting like some overprotective bitc—” I caught myself before I could utter a vile word. “Zoe, move aside. plea-se.”

She folded her hands and maintained her stance.

Jean hurried over.

“Zoe she’s sorry, okay? She just wants to see him.”

“What for?” Zoe replied, not taking her eyes off me.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I really didn’t know why she was acting like this.

A small gr0@nnot from us made us all turn our attention to Ewan on the be-d, just in time to see him opening his eyes. He blinked thrice as if trying to get used to the environment, and then his eyes focused on me.

I stared back.

Zoe, unaware of this, hurried to his side and gr!ppÂŁdhis hand.

“Ewan, are you OK?” she asked.

He didn’t answer, just kept on looking at me.

I shifted my weight to the other foot, starting to get uncomfortable with the stares, and lowered my eyes to the ground.

.” he began. I lifted my head up again to see and hear what he wanted to say. His eyes were still on me.

“Could you and Jean excuse us? I nee-d to talk to Harriet,” he completed.

Jean had that I-told-you look that meant ‘OMG Harriet!’ in this case, and a dopey grin on herl-ips.

Zoe on the other hand looked like she thought Ewan was going bonkers, and at the same time she would love very much to strangle me.

But she just nodded and walked out quietly, with an excited Jean trailing behind her.

Jean took extra care to close the door.


Awkward. Ewan still had his eyes on me. Maybe I should start apologizing.

Ewan. I’m really sorry about that—-”

“About what?” he cut in coldly.

I swallowed and moved closer to him. But he st©pped me with a raised palm.

“I don’t know who you are,” he began as he made an effort to stand up. He almost slumped back as his feet were still wobbly, but he pushed my offer to help to the side.

What mess is this now?

“And I don’t know where you come from or why you c@m£.”

As he said this he walked closer to me, until we were few inches ap@rt. I could see the stubble marks on his chin, the hazel of his eyes. And it took maximum amount of effort for my eyes not to go lower.

My heartbeat increa-sed greatly, it was threatening to jump out of my che-st. And I’m pretty much sure he could hear it.

What kind of effect was he having on me?

I cleared my throat to diminish the awkwardness of our stance, and opened my mouth to say something, only for his eyes to go to myl-ips.

I quic-kly folded myl-ips and took a step back.

He took a step forward and lifted my chin to meet his gaze.

And he said two words: “Get out.”

He left my chin, walked around me, opened the door, and walked out.

I’ll admit it, that hurt.

I blew air throu-gh my mouth.

I hate the way Zoe and Ewan were behaving towards me. They were strangely ñíçĂȘ to Jean.

Why not me?

I used a piece of thre-ad to tie up my now dried hair, I hate leaving it down, and walked out of the room too.


Thank goodness I easily found the front door, and without event too.

I decided to take a walk around the environ, even though I had no idea where I was going. I didn’t inform anyone because what’s the point? They wouldn’t care.

Outside, I took the time to admire Juliantes’s house. It was less like a house and more like a mansion, painted in grey and small t©uçhes of white. The flowers surrounding the foot of the building contrasted with the grey dullness of the house, ma-king it a strange piece.

There was the stony walkway, flanked by bright green fields on either sides. It looked like a very modern house. So what was with all the stories about ghosts and monsters invading, and strange creatures residing in Amazon?

I shook my head and walked farther down.

This area seemed quiet, but due to the house-on-a-hill nature of Juliantes house, I could see other buildings below. I was walking on the walkway so that I’ll be able to trace my way back, but I wondered if I’ll meet anyone along.

Then my mind went back to Ewan and Zoe.

It’s un-derstandable that Zoe might be mean to me because she’s jealous— something she shouldn’t be— but I didn’t know for Ewan. As far as I knew I haven’t done anything to offend him.

And he was such a handsome guy.

I shook my head to clear such thoughts. But was I really childish to think—and I thought— that he was going to k!ssme back there?

“Ugh Harriet, you are one piece of work!” I muttered to myself and pressed my knuckles into my eyeba-lls.

“Is everything OK?”

I screamed and jumped up at the sudden sound that startled me, and looked for where it c@mÂŁ from.

The first thought that c@m£ to my mind was ‘Holy h0tness, Amazon must be the breeding ground for handsome males.’

The source of the sound happened to be a veeeeerrry handsome guy. Tall, well built, dark hair, dark eyes, a very white skin and thosel-ips (he’s not Snow white though)!

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scarce you,” he apologize.

.there was a guy with beauty AND manners.

I smiled. “It’s nothing,” I replied. “I can be crazy sometimes. I mean, who covers their eyes to walk on the road!?” I shook my head, and he laughed.

“You, obviously. I’m Rex by the way,” he said, holding out his hand.

“Harriet,” I replied and took it, expecting a handshake. But he took the back of my hand to hisl-ips and placed a small k!sson it.


“plea-sed to make your acquaintance, Harriet,” he said with a lovely smile.


same here?” I replied, more like asked, because I was unsure of what else to say.

“I can tell you’re not from around here,” Rex said, as we walked along.

“Good guess. I’m not. I missed my way, and ended up being stuck here yesterday.”

“The earthquake?” he asked.

I nodded, and I missed a glint in his dark eyes.

“Well that’s unfortunate. But fortunate as well.”

Huh? “Why?”

“Because I would not have met you then.”

I smiled. Typical charmer.

“If I was stuck up in the house, you wouldn’t have met me either,” I pointed out.

He c0cked his head to one side and said, “True. But I don’t doubt the power of fate.”

I had to laugh at this.

“So you’re living with Juliantes?”


“And you’ve met Ewan and Zoe?”

“Yeah. Annoying bunch, those two.”

We seemed to have walked further, and I didn’t see the walkway anymore.

“Well Rex, I have to go now. I’m with a friend, and I don’t want to leave her alone.”

“Alright. I’ll walk you back.”

Minutes later, we reached the mansion. I turned to him.


“It was a plea-sure. So, I’ll see you around?”

I nodded, waved, and walked in.

Only to bu-mp into Ewan.

Ewan’s POV


Harriet seemed so happy walking and talking with Rex. I don’t know why, but I had a weird feeling about them together.

Mind you, not jealous.

I’m behaving like a j£rk towards her. And the reason is quite simple: I don’t like her.

And her hanging out with Rex added another point to my list of ‘Why I Don’t Like Harriet.’

I scowled at her, and she gave me a similar look.

“Mind getting out of my way?” she asked politely. But even I could see she was forcing the politeness.

“You had a wonderful walk with Rex, I presume.”

“Yeah, and it’s non of your dammed business. Do you mind getting out of my way? I’m hungry, and I haven’t had breakfast because I lost my way to the dinning!” she snapped.

I stood there speechless.

If she lost her way to the dinning, that means she was the one who put that voice in my head.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

“You spoke into my head.”

She looked taken aback and a bit guilty.

“No, I spoke in mine. How did you get to hear it?”

I wasn’t re-ady to answer that because I didn’t know either.

I brushed pas-s her and went out.

I didn’t see her again for the rest of the day.

To be continued

đŸ‘ŁđŸš¶left behindđŸ‘ŁđŸš¶

Meenah writes ✍

Episode 8

Ewan’s POV


Sitting alone outside, un-der the cool night sky wasn’t a very good idea for me, considering the things I had to un-dergo in the hands of The Master.

Painful things that I hated thinking about.

But I nee-ded to think, and the clear night sky was ay okay for that.


She was indeed a package.

She was beautiful, I had admitted that.

But she was also dangerous.

I had forgotten about the past. I had put it where it belongs: in the past.

But why
.how come that just her mere pres£nce made me remember all of it, and more, made me feel things I’ve never felt before?

Whenever I’m near her, my heart does this funny kli-pperty_fl!pdance in my che-st (great, so now I’m poetic and ro-mantic
 argh!). And there are those times when I just feel like gr-abbing her and k!ss!ngthat smart mouth of hers s-en-seless. I always ended up doing the opposite. Being cruel to her was the only way I could keep her away, until I find out who she is, why I’m drawn to her, why I see her in my dreams before I met her

And why I can’t st©p thinking about her.

I felt movement behind me.

I was immediately alert.

My relaxed pose bec@mÂŁ rigid, and I rolled my eyes to the side to catch a glimpse of the intruder.

It was Zoe.

I relaxed again.

“What are you doing here?” I asked her softly as she sat on the garden wall beside me.

Zoe and I had been together for as long as I can remember, and I mean a platonic relationsh!p. She knew me almost as much as I knew her, and she also knew about my experience with the Master, though we rarely talked about that since I c@mÂŁ out.

And I’ve noticed; she rarely hangs out with guys and shuns most of them. I’ll have to ask her.

“It’s beautiful,” she said with a smile, staring at the roses in the garden.

I nodded. “It sure is.” There was a moment’s pause in which I felt she was going to tell me something, but all was quiet.

I decided to ask, “Zoe, can I ask something?”

“Sure, anything.”

“Okay, not that I’m trying to snoop in your pri-vate life, but I noticed you don’t have anyb©dy, I mean a guy around you.”

“Oh, that.”

“Yes, that. Why?”

She shrugged and stared into space. “Ewan I have someb©dy in my mind. Someone that I
.” she shook her head. “It’s not that I don’t want to have a b©yfriÂŁndor something. There’s someone else,” she ended and looked at me.

“I can’t wait to know who he is,” I replied with a smile too.

Zoe in love
 then I’ll make sure that whoever the guy is, she gets him.


We sat there for a while, each in our thoughts, when I sp©tted Harriet pas-sing by. And there went all my attention.

She st©pped, leaned on a tree and gazed at the stars. But she seemed to look beyond them.

Seeing her reminded me that she spent the whole afternoon with Rex.

My blood boiled at that, and I f0rç£d my face away.

When I turned back, she sat with Jean.

Harriet’s POV


I laughed at a crazy thing Jean said. Who knew the girl could be so funny? Back in school we always saw her like the scared girl, the baby.

But by just being left with her, I found out that there’s more to her.

“So you mean Jack s£nt you away from the campfire that evening?” I asked.

“Yeah. Sometimes I wonder why. he has to be so ha-rd on me. I rarely do anything to offend him.”

I smiled.

I knew Jack was trying so ha-rd to hide his feelings for Jean, but I didn’t know that she felt the same way.


“Jean, sometimes guys act all grumpy to a girl they like but don’t want to.”

Instead of her getting the message I subtly tried to sÂŁnd her, she giggled.

“Like you and Ewan, right?”

“What? No!” I quic-kly defended. “Ewan and I, we despise each other.”

“Too clichĂ©, eh?” she waggled her eyebrows.

I laughed and patted her shoulder.

“Jean, no way.”

She sighed. “I forgot. You have a b©yfriÂŁndat home.”

At the mention of that, my carefreeness ceased, and I got up.

“Jean, I’m cold. I’ll go in now.”

She stood up too. “Harriet what’s wrong? Something I said?”

“No, just tired. You don’t nee-d to follow me in. I’ll be in my room.”

I left before she could ask me anymore question.

Why did I have to be reminded of that good for nothing traitor? I was doing just fine before Jean had to bring it up!

It’s not her, Harriet. She doesn’t know.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I recalled the pains, the betrayal

I paused in opening the door to my room when I heard Ewan’s voice behind me.

“Had a lovely afternoon?” he asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, no thanks to you.”

He leaned on the wall. “So in just a day, you’ve may a b©yfriÂŁnd.”

“Rex is not my b©yfriÂŁnd– I don’t even know him and— just mind your business.”

I turned to open the door again, but he caught my wrist and pu-ll-ed me towards him, turning around such that I was between the wall and him, without any escape.

I began to tremble at the close proximal



Harriet’s POV


I wasn’t trembling because of the way he held me, although that was a plus. I shook because I still wasn’t over my fear of men trying to get inti-mate with me.

You can recall what I told you about the man who tried to r@pÂŁ me one night as I returned from a late night p@rty alone. He didn’t exactly r@pÂŁ me, but he t©uçhed me allover.

Funny thing was that, with Ewan holding me now, I didn’t feel the fears.

All I thought about was him k!ss!ngme.

Ewan’s face was inches away from mine when he st©pped.

I wondered why he did.

Maybe the prospect of k!ss!ngme wasn’t too enticing?

“What are you doing to me?” he whispered, his breath fanning my face.

That’s when the spell got broken; the moment I heard what he said.

I placed my hands on his che-st and pushed him.

As expected, he didn’t move an inch.

“Whoa there, I’m not doing anything to you, OK?”

He raised his eyebrows in confusion for a second, and then it was replaced with a frown.

“Excuse me?”

“This,” I said pointing between him and me, “is not my kind of thing, hmm? I don’t go about k!ss!ngguys, especially guys whom I don’t like, and who doesn’t like me either.”

I bit my ton-gue immediately the words tumbled out. Great, I’ve done it again. First, I said the same thing about not liking him during our first conversation, and now?

You really nee-d to get your lines in order, I thought to myself.

Well, it was worth it, because I saw Ewan’sl-ips curve into a

A sm-irk! And I thought his only facial expressions were boredom, frowns, and not-happy-to-see-you.

“Really? Did you think I was going to k!ssyou?” he asked.

yeah? That’s what it seemed like to me.”

He shook his head, sm-irk still in place.

“I wasn’t going to, but I could reconsider if you want.” He li-cked hisl-ips, and eyed mine.

Seriously, he was taunting me?

“Ha ha ha, very funny,” I replied.

“Not to me, it isn’t,” he said.

“Prove it,” I dared.

In my opinion, he wasn’t going to do so. The guy has hatred for me oozing out of his pores. Literally.

I was proven wrong when hisl-ips swooped down, almost to mine, when Zoe’s voice sounded behind us:

“Ewan? What are you doing?”

Ewan lifted his head up and took a step away from me.

“Nothing. Was talking to Harriet.”

Zoe folded her arms and lowered her head. When she raised up her head, I could see shimmer of liquid in her eyes.

Tears she was holding back.

Instantly I felt guilty. I knew first hand how Zoe felt, because it’s exactly how I felt when I discovered Luke cheating on me.

It was obvious that Zoe loved Ewan, and it was even more obvious that Ewan didn’t know.

So why don’t she just tell him?

I shook my head.

“Juliante wants to see you,” she said to me. She gave a long look at Ewan, who didn’t notice, before walking away for me to follow.

“Um, Zoe?” I called as I walked behind her.


“Zoe it’s obvious you’re in love with Ewan. Why don’t you tell him?”

She paused and turned to me, “If it’s that obvious, he would have known, right?”

“Sometimes things happen differently.”

She sighed. “I can’t. Because we’re like siblings. He takes me as his sister, and I can’t ruin that by telling him I think of him as something more than a brother.”

Wow, that’s
. tough.

I moved closer and held her shoulder.

“Sometimes we have to take risks,” I said.

“Look who’s talking. Weren’t you the one k!ss!nghim in the corridor?”

I crunched my eyes shut for a brief moment.

“We weren’t k!ssing. We were talking.”

“Yeah right, the ‘modern’ method of talking,” she scoffed. “You know what?”

“What?” I asked, surprised by her sudden friendliness.

“I saw you and Rex together earlier. I think the both of you look good together.”

She walked away.

I rolled my eyes.

Thanks Zoe for the not-so-subtle-way of telling me to stay away from Ewan.

Girls like her are indeed allover the world.


I knocked gently on the sturdy wooden door that was the entrance to Juliante’s office or study or whatever it was called.

I opened the door and peeked in.

“May I come in?”

“Sure,” he said looking up from a hvge book he was re-ading.

As I walked in, I first of all took in the size of the room.

I’m guessing that all rooms in this house is hvge!

There were floor-to-ceiling shelves stuffed with gigantic books which seemed to have been collected from olden times and preserved.

Well, the room did smell like an old libr@ry, but it gleamed.

“You s£nt for me?” I asked when I got closer to his desk.

He nodded and pierced me with a look I wasn’t so comfortable with.

“What is it?”

“Tourists have visited this place for years now,” he began, “but not one had their visit accompanied by a dangerous earthquake.”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at what I’d call the Blatant Beginning of Bullsh*t (make that BBB or B³ for short).

“plea-se Sir, spare me. I wasn’t planning on coming here when the earthquake happened. Purely coincidental.”

He shook his head. “I’ll accept your theory if you can answer these questions:

You heard a voice in the forest, right?”


“You saw the creatures when your friend Jean couldn’t see it?”

“Zoe saw it,” I pointed out.

“That’s because she’s an Amazonian. But you are not.”


“You healed from a wound that would’ve taken three days to heal in just one night.”

“The wound wasn’t that bad!”

“And you spoke into Ewan’s head.”

“He was

” I trailed off at that one because I didn’t have a reply to that.

“Look, I don’t know what is going on here, but all I know is that—”

“You have to be careful Harriet. The Master knows you, and he wants you.”

That night, as I la-id on my be-d with Jean who was slee-ping soundly beside me, I couldn’t help but think of what Juliante said.

The Master?

Voice in the Forest?

What kind of sh*t was this?

I tossed in be-d unable to sleep.

Finally I got up from the be-d, moved to the window, opened it and put my face out, letting the air b!ow on my face.

The air smelt sweet, courtesy of the garden.

I’m missing home, where I wouldn’t have to face all these B³s.

I want to get the hell out of here.

I sp©tted Ewan walking around. He seemed to be de-ep in thought.

I decided to try speaking into his head again:

â€čYou should get inside, the weather’s cold.â€ș

Immediately he looked up to my window, and I looked down at him, waiting to see his reaction.

Minutes later, I saw him make a small smile.

â€čI will soon. You have your sleep now, and don’t forget to shut the window.â€ș

He waved a little and walked away.

My heart fluttered.

Sweet dreams all throu-gh
. Ewan is being ñíçĂȘ to me!

I la-id on my be-d with a smile.

But a voice invaded my dreams:

â€čI’m coming for you.â€ș

To be continued