key to my heart episode 63 & 64

(Only you can unlock it)🔐

By, Authoress Rhema🧁


‼️ Don’t copy or repost plea-se ‼️


Bella eyes wi-de-ned as Andre moved hisl-ips on hers, she couldn’t move, though she has k!$$£d him before but it’s not as serious as this

The k!sswent on for a while, the reporters got bored of watching so they left, Rebecca fist is ti-ghtly clenched, she couldn’t watch anymore so she left

Bella opened her eyes and noticed no one is around anymore, she immediately pushed Andre off

“They are all gone now, you can st©p the act” she muttered sadly

Andre stepped away from her and she ran off

“Sh*t” he cursed and ran after her, he met her crying in the restroom

“I’m sorry” he muttered

Bella rinsed her face and looked at him with red puffy eyes

“Apology accepted, but don’t use me like that next time, after I get my status back and we divorce you can go make up with your ex girlfriend but don’t ever pl@ywith my feelings again you got that!!” She yelled

Andre nodded slowly

“Good, I wanna be alone now” she said, Andre closed the door and left then she began crying again

“She’s right, I shouldn’t have used her like that, Rebecca cheated on me why do I still love her damnit” Andre thought, clenching his fist ti-ght as he went back to his office



After clas-s, Luna is standing by her locker room and packing her books, when she’s done she turned to leave but bu-mped to Logan who has been staring at her from behind all this while

The Luna he knows before isn’t as S-xy as this, she was looking straight back then and he vowed with his boys that’ll he’llfu-ck her tiny pvzzywhich he did

Now she has grown with curves, a*s, b00bs, more pretty and fresh, what he wants now is to have one more taste of her

Luna decided to ignore him and move forward but he blocked her path

“What the hell is your problem, I thought I told you to stay away from me!” She said angrily

“You’re looking so fine you know I just suddenly miss you” he replied

“Stay away from me Logan, don’t make things get ugly” she warned and tried pas-sing again but he blocked her

“We could just do it at the restroom it won’t take up to 1minute” he said, l!çk!ng hisl-ips

What he said made Luna more angry, she raised her hands up to his cheeks and sl@pped him ha-rd

“No shame!, You have nofu-cking shame, such a fool” she hissed and made to walk pas-s him but he held her forearm ti-ght

“This is the second time you’re actually hitting me and I won’t tolerate it” he said angrily

“Let me go Logan, I’ll hit you over and over if you don’t respect yourself, let me go!” She yelled but he paid deaf ears and began dragging her to the restroom

“Logan!!!” Nelson yelled from behind, the look on his face shows he’s not plea-sed with what he’s seeing

“Let her go” he said calmly

He just c@m£ out of the clas-sroom to keep his books and saw this

Logan let Luna go and looked at Nelson then at his arm

“How’s your arm?” he asked mockingly

Nelson looked at his arm and sm-irked

“Perfectly fine” he replied

“Really, I heard you almost loose the both of them I also heard you can’t pl@ygames again” Logan mocked

“I guess you didn’t hear the coolest p@rt” Nelson sm-irked moving closer to him

“Oh I know, that you’ll remain an handicap for life, you won’t be able to pl@ygames ever again” Logan replied

“For real?” Nelson asked, checking his arm out

“Yes and I’ll make sure of that, watch this” Logan raised his legs to Nelson’s hand and kicked it but he winced loudly

He was supposed to hurt Nelson’s arm but he’s the one who got hurt, while he is still wincing in pain, Nelson threw a punch at his face, a punch that broke his teeth

“Nelson” Luna yelled

Logan fell on the floor and began wincing, he’sl-ips is bleeding really bad alre-ady while Nelson took Luna’s hand

“Are you okay, did he hurt you?” He asked

“Not at all” Luna shook her head

“Good, let’s go home” he said and left with her

Logan held his swollen cheeks, as much as he wants to report the principal he just can’t, his status will get ruined if he does

“You just wait and see, I’ll get back at you” he winced and t©uçhed his bleedingl-ips




Nelson brou-ght his friends home including Nina, Luna, Fred and Benedict, Ming didn’t come with them

“Woah your father’s house is quite big, is he around?” Fred asked

“Absolutely not, feel free to make yourself at home” he smiled

“I’ll check your fridge” Benedict win-ked and ran to the fridge

“I’ll go with her” Fred followed behind

“We’ll stroll around” Nina hvgged Alex arm and began pu-lling him away

“I guess it’s just the both of us then” Nelson smiled and Luna nodded then looked around

“I know what we can do together, sit” she pushed him to sit and rushed to his room

She c@m£ back after few minutes with his game pad

“We could practice, the doctor said the more you practice the more your hands get better” she said setting the game on the TV

Nelson is just staring at her, he couldn’t even hear what she’s saying what he knows is that her mouth is just moving, maybe because she’s looking more pretty than usual

“There it’s all set, have your psp” she threw it to him and it hits his face but he didn’t move

“Nelson, where are you” she chuckled

“Even her smile looks pretty” he thought with a smile

“You seems so lost, let’s start” she sat beside him and started the game

“Oh” Nelson shook his head and began pla-ying

“Woah, you’re improving alre-ady I’m impressed” she smiled

“Thanks” he replied

“Hmm, let’s pause for minute” she smiled and paused the game then faced him

“Thank you for helping me today” she said softly

“Hey it’s cool, Logan is a bastard” he replied and patted her hair

“Yeah. Resume!” She yelled and started the game again without waiting for him

“Hey not fair!!” Nelson pouted and continued pla-ying too



Ming is lying on her be-d and doing her homework when someone knocked at her door

“Who?” She asked

“It’s Clare young miss”

“What now?” Ming gro-an ed and stood up, she went to open her door revea-ling a woman in her early 30’s

“Madam said you should come down for dinner” Clare bowed

“Méishì Méishì(alright alright), I’ve heard you” Ming replied and wore her bunny fli-p-flops

She’s just in a white t-shi-t and blue shorts, she rushed down the stairs to the dinning only to meet her mom dad, a young guy of her age and another man and woman, guessing that must be the guy’s parents

“You called me mom?” she asked going to take a sit with them

“Ming come here come here, do you remember Ezra?” Mrs Xie asked

“Ezra??” Ming eyes wi-de-ned as she looked at the guy, he smiled and waved at her

“What is he doing here, get out of my house” she flared

“Come-on Ming you two are grown up alre-ady I don’t think you should be enemies anymore, instead you both should be friends” his mom said

“Pffft, he wish we are sworn enemies, this guy is only acting gentle because you guys are here, he’s a beast” Ming yelled

“Really?” Ezra said

“Ming sit down!” The president snapped and she sat with a pout

“You two better learn to start getting along because you’re both engaged” he added

Ming bur-st out into loud laughter, she looked at Ezra

“Why aren’t you laughing?” She asked as her smile slowly turned to a frown

“Because it’s kinda true” he replied with a shurgged

“M.. mom” Ming called and faced her mom

“It’s true baby, you two look cute together” Mrs Xie gushed

“Bùshì Bùshì(no way no way)” Ming shook her head and took a fruit drink

“Yes Ming it’s true, our parents are right we aren’t kids anymore” he shurgged and she glared at him

“I hope you two learn to get along” his mom gushed

“When did you guys c@m£ back from Canada?” Ming asked, facing Mrs Ray

“Yesterday” Ezra replied

“Damn I was talking to your mom!” She snapped and threw a salad at him

“Ming!!” Her parents yelled and she pouted



“It’s so unusual for the both of you to keep quiet like this, is there something wrong?” Miranda asked as her, Andre and Bella stepped down from the car

“Nothing is wrong mom” Andre replied

“Seriously, no fighting no arguing no nothing nothing, okay” Miranda shurgged and went in

“Good evening ma’am, sir, mistress” the maids greeted

“Evening, I’m so tired I’ll take a shower” Miranda stretched her b©dy and climbe-d the stairs

Andre looked at Bella but Bella looked elsewhere

“Listen I know what I…

“Jenny are you there?” Bella cut him off and began walking to the kitchen

“Like seriously I’m being shunned?” Andre asked himself

“Ma’am, Jenny took Shelly out on a night walk, they’ll be back in thirty minutes time” a maid bowed

“Okay, what are you ma-king for dinner?” Bella asked, picking inside the pot

“Biangbiang noddles” she replied

“Nice, I’ll meet you when you’re done” Bella smiled and rushed upstairs

Andre rolled is eyes and went to his own room

Finally dinner has started, Miranda kept trying to start a conversation but Bella and Andre are not willing to talk

The door just opened, Jenny stepped in with Shelly

“Baby, you’re back” Bella stood up and rushed to hvg her puddle who began l!çk!ng her face

“Look who misses momma, I know you do, I know you do… Oh I love you” she ru-bbe-d her face on the puppy

“Bella come eat before your food gets cold” Miranda called

“No mom,let me pl@ywith my darling Shelly” she nuzzled her nose on the puppy’s nose

Andre ate silently when he’s done, he stood up and began going to sit on the couch

“Who’s a bastard, your dadda is..” That word made Andre turned to her

“Baby baby, did you hear that, I said your dadda is a big time bastard, who only know how to use people feelings” she repeated

“I am not” Andre frowned

“Yes he is” Bella said to Shelly

“That’s it give me my dog” Andre snatched Shelly from Bella

“Hey give her back to me” Bella yelled

“Don’t listen do what your momma is saying, she’s a hypocrite” he said to Shelly

“I’m not!!, St©p corrupting my dog” Bella tried snatching her from Andre but he pointed it up

“Who’s a hypocrite, your momma is” he continued

“Andre!!” Bella yelled and moved to him but he ran upstairs

“Your momma is not just a hypocrite she’s crazy,yeah a crazy hypocrite” he said and Shelly barked

“What’s that” he g@sped out long and loud

“You agree with me?” He asked and the dog barked again

“Oh, you wanna add yours, go ahead” he said and the dog barked

“She’s also a stupid hypocrite” he said and g@sped again

“Andre!!!” Bella yelled and began chasing him up stairs while he ran

Miranda is left at the dinning staring into space

“I might as well just leave this house” she muttered.



Nina and Benedict are chatting together in their locker room, Ming just c@m£ to them with her frowny face

“Hi Ming” Nina waved

“Hi, I’m engaged” Ming replied and opened her locker room

“I’m sorry did you just say you’re engaged?” Benedict asked

“Yes yes I said it” she looked at Benedict and replied before facing her locker again

“Do you wanna tell us?” Nina asked, giving Benedict confused looks

“Last night I just found out my annoying childhood enemy is back from Canada, yes childhood enemy a guy, our parents are friends so they tried ma-king us friends from small but it didn’t work, now he’s back and they’ve engaged us, they want us to get married!” Ming rushed her words

“That’s… I don’t know what to say” Benedict replied

“I know I’m not in a good mood no one should talk to me” Ming huffed and began going to her clas-s

“OMG is that a new shoe?” Nina asked

“What did I tell you!!” Ming yelled and Nina raised her both hands in defeat

They all entered the clas-s and settled down, their teacher c@m£ in almost immediately

“I was teaching about physical strength, where did we..”

“I’m sorry for interrupting this clas-s”principal Josh said, entering with a guy

“We have new student” he announced

“Oh shoot me” Ming ban-ged her head on her desk

“What, is he the guy?” Benedict whispered

“Yes, yes he is…the guy” Ming smiled annoyingly

“What’s your name young man?” The teacher asked

“Ezra” he replied

“Okay students his name is Ezra, Ezra you’ll sit next to Eliot”

When the teacher said that, Nina looked at Eliot, she couldn’t help but notice he’s always keeping distance from her these days

“Okay” Ezra shurgged and began going to sit next to Eliot, he win-ked as Ming as he pas-sed

“Can you see that devil” Ming gritted her teeth and squee-zed her book

Benedict and Nina chuckled

“What’s funny damnit!” Ming snapped and they kept quiet.


After clas-s**

“The costumes are out” a girl shouted

Students began gathering the hall way and murmuring

“Alright here’s what will happen, those acting should come to this side for their costumes, we wanna make sure it’s your size” a female teacher said

The students acting moved to stand one side, Ming is going but Ezra held her forearm

“Are you acting too,nice” he said

“Get of me!” Ming yanked her hands off then eyed him and left

He chuckled and went to talk to some group of guys he just made friends with


Some students alre-ady c@m£ out in their costumes, Alex is still trying to adjust his when a hand covered his eyes from behind

“My cry baby, I smell you” he said, Nina re-leased him and jumped at his front

She’s dressed in a long historical Chinese traditional go-wn

“How do I look like in this?” She asked with a light chuckle

“You look like my historical leading lady” he replied and wra-pped his arms around her w@!st

“Mrs Carly said she’ll help me fix some hair extensions to make my hair more longer, then after that I’ll look like a real Chinese historical actress” she said

“Hmm hmm” he replied

“You look cute in your rope too, I bet after you do some extension you’ll look..

Alex pe-cked herl-ips before she could finish talking

“Hey…” She yelled pla-yfully

“I’m sorry princess you just looked so pretty while talking I couldn’t resist” he said and she chuckled

“Hi” Camilla said behind him

Alex re-leased Nina and turned to face Camilla with a ‘what do you want look’

“I just wanna say Nina looks so good in the historical go-wn, I c@m£ to wish you good luck for tommorow” she said

“T.. Thank you” Nina replied and stared at Alex confusedly

“Also I wanna apologize for all the mean things I’ve done to you” she added

“This is weird” Alex muttered and checked his wristwatch

“I know you guys won’t believe me but I really do wanna change, I don’t wanna be like my mom I wanna be like my sis” Camilla said

“Yeah, have fun with that” Alex replied and took Nina’s hand, leading her away from Camilla’s sight

Camilla sighed and left, she really do wanna change but no one is willing to believe her

She climbe-d the stairs and walked throu-gh the s£niors corridor going to her clas-s but crossed path with Sydney

“Hey Camilla” Sydney called with crossed arm

“I really don’t have your time Sydney I thought we were friends but I’m wrong” Camilla rolled her eyes

“I’m not friends with you, I was never I was just putting up an act because I wanted to be popular but now you’re tarnished I got the new lead and I’ll like to warn you to stay away from me” she said

“Okay” Camilla replied and began leaving but Sydney pu-ll-ed her back

“ALSO, you’ll have to start respecting me” she added

“I’ll take this as a punishment for me being evil all this while” Camilla muttered

“And NELSON he’s mine stay away from him” Sydney added

“You can’t keep what you never had” Camilla shurgged

“Oh, I have him and I’ll keep him just wait and watch” Sydney sm-irked

“Are you done?” Camilla asked

“Hmm, lastly I want you to know that I hate you so much” Sydney said, looking left and right checking if there’s anyone when are didn’t see anyone she sm-irked

“I don’t really care” Camilla shurgged and made to leave again but Sydney blocked her path

“All this things you’re doing are just w@!sting of time, if you don’t st©p now then you’ll regret it” Camilla sighed

“Awwwn look the almighty Camilla is preaching gospel.. “all this things you’re doing will take you no where, st©p now or you’ll regret it” Sydney mimicked

Camilla rolled her eyes and made to leave again but Sydney sm-irked and pushed her, it was unexpected Camilla is standing at the front of a short balcony that’s over six floors down

She gaped and looses balance, Sydney’s aim was to pretend to push her and catch her back in other to give her a warning but when she wanted to catch her it was too late

Camilla alre-ady lost balance and fell off

“Sydney what have you done!!” Morgan who just c@m£ out of a clas-sroom shouted with her both hands on herl-ips

Sydney is too scared to look down, she looked at Morgan with scared and teary eyes

“It was an accident” she muttered.